ITT: Characters you thought were cool when you were 15 but are actually cringe as fuck

ITT: Characters you thought were cool when you were 15 but are actually cringe as fuck

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Yea Forums


Ciel Phantomhive.

I still like him but that's mostly because Black Butler was one of my first anime so I'm still nostalgic about it

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This dude is every high schooler's weeb ass metal head sketchbook brought to life

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I cringed the first time I heard his name.

look I was 12 okay?

you're describing literally all of anime, buddy

Mibu Kyo
Dark Schneider
half of the Baccano! cast

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I thought One Piece as a whole was a good series when I was 12 but now see it's cringey shit for babies.

Obligatory mention.

Imagine the blowjobs.

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This motherfucker.

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Still cool.

Still cool.

This was unironically cool when Naruto still had the kind of sketchy punk rock feel to the vibe and art style, so i dont blame you

Stop samefagging your shit thread, Narutard

Don't you talk shit about Dark Schneider

>Mibu Kyo
It was the OST's doing

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>cringe as fuck


Orochimaru except I still think he is cool and a better antagonist than Buttpain, the Obeta orbiter and Mr. Unlimited Asspulls.

>never really liked Sauce
>goofy Rock Lee shows up and just annihilates him with pure skill
I will always treasure the memory of seeing that happen. I did however like Gaara, but looking back, he was a total bitch

All Naruto characters but Jiraiya and probably Gai

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Deidara was pretty based

I haven't watched Naruto since part 1 ended but looking back Sasuke is still pretty cool. He has legitimate reason to be seething and bitter so he gets a pass from me. From what I've read about Part 2 Sasuke he sounds like a faggot, but so do all the others too

Is he proto-megumin?

What did you do with that Aloha shirt I got you

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cringe, Guts will remain a gigachad until the end of time

Nice one


Stop samefagging your shit thread, Narutard

>Got anally raped

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He was just a young boy, he grew up into a gigachad. There are very few chad 7 year olds in the world. He has the body, heart and mind of a CHAD.

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No ones samefagging here dumb faggot.

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He gets revenge and kills the guy who raped him and the guy who sold him

What's wrong with Ciel? After what he went through it's hard not to become either completely mad or an edgelord.


I unironically wanted to be like him, even expected my parent to arrange marriage to me

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>self inserting as the shota
Watch out, you may be raped by busty nee-san someday

Lucy is cool fuck you.

Ciel was raped by dozens of crazy old men. I doubt anyone wants to be on his place.

Guts grew up spergy and insecure af and that's why you are self inserting into him.

>got revenge
looks like a chad to me

>Sasuke seeks revenge
>Guts seeks revenge
Make up your goddamn mind.

wonder what a handjob from him would feel like

yea but sasuke went all
>darkness, hatred, kill my friends in order to achieve my goals
personality wise guts is just superior

imagine the sex

It would be mind blowing

>hating on based Gai

That half of the Baccano! characters are just the right amount of edgy to still be good

You say that like it's a bad thing.
Anderson is way cooler though, yeah.

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Literally everyone in that list except for Hitsugaya and Lucy are legit great characters.

can it just kill me instead?
i'm not one for metaphors

>Got anally raped by a nigger
>His girlfriend is a used up ugly mutt
What a joke.

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>m-mom I said the word!

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>Literally Griffith's bitch

Stop samefagging your shit thread, Narutard