What manga series had the largest decline in quality?
What manga series had the largest decline in quality?
Berserk started incredibly strong and then started falling to shit at this exact moment
>named moves in berserk
>never going to see berserk end
this arc left a bad taste in my mouth
I thought it was great up until this point, the payoff was just so shit
If the past couple of hundred chapters are anything to go off it's not going to be a good ending. I don't really give a shit anymore.
>He doesn't yell "START OF THE JOURNEY GRIP ATTACK!" when opening the door every morning
why did miura move away from medieval gothic horror to folktale shit
kek. the fuck is this
It's probably not THE worst, but Attack on Titan deserves mention for so efficiently eradicating the entirety of its potential in a single chapter and morphing into a below-average love triangle shoujo manga.
Came here to post this
The main character got a power-up and was claimed to become the "king" and the fanbase thought he was now the strongest character. He then got off-screened by a bunch of nobodies.
He's too old for grimdark edge.
This and Vinland Saga are such a disappointment.
No one has said Shokugeki no Souma yet? The final arc of The World God Only Knows wasn't spectacular either.
What chapter? Can you fill me in? Stopped at monkey trouble
i loved it tho. literally power of love kept him alive
I haven't read Berserk and I'm honestly surprised by that page, it's such a simple thing, but it's so fucking stupid that really makes me think badly about it, what the hell is Miura thinking, the impression I get is that through the years he became more influenced to make Berserk more "generic" for lack of a better word maybe? Like his art become more moe and whatnot.
I won't spoil it for the one or few troglodytes that still enjoy it, but they reveal what was in it, and after that introduce a timeskip that very literally ruins EVERY character and sabotages EVERY prior plot point. Absolutely nothing gets spared. And then as if that wasn't enough, they add a bunch of forced love triangles, "who's the daddy" subplots, hot bishi twins angsting about hating each other, I wasn't fucking kidding when I said the series turns into a shoujo manga.
>but they reveal what was in it
What was in the basement*
Sorry I'm a drunk faggot
Shokugeki no Souma. It used to be funny, entertaining and all the characters were likeable. Now it's just El Hermano memes, Nakiri family soap opera drama and skips over the cooking.
You can spoil it in spoilers user
That’s what they’re for
See I don't remember the exact chapter anymore.
>going outside
AOT lost all its potential when the main character turned into a titan
It definitely lost its edge. What made Berserk so cool is that it was relatively grounded (with some slight suspension of disbelief when it came to Guts' strength) with the supernatural elements being a nice contrast, but after the first 100 chapters or so it started feeling less grounded and focussed.
Holy fuck, you're right.
They reveal that they're on modern-day Earth. Humanity isn't extinct outside the walls, there are no titans outside the walls period. The people on Madagascar are just the people exiled to that place for having the potential to become titans because they're the Fantasy equivalent of Jews. Then the timeskip happens and absolutely every character loses all of their defining characteristics, the art gets tangibly worse and can no longer distinguish individual characters from one another, and all the other nonce I mention gets thrown in.
Actually I take this image back. It started slipping once this faggot was first introduced.
One Punch Man. Murata is the cancer that's killing the series, he needs to accept that the series is great because of ONE and not because of his pretentious dragging.
You posted it
“Wahhhh i want my golden age ewhrer peopel died and casca got raped and it was edgyyyy wahhhhhh”
SnK is like a fine wine. It got better with age you pleb.
Or maybe you're so fucking hammered on wine an ugly bitch looks hot to you now
>i want berserk to be like berserk
Sorry to hear you're retarded, user.
I liked Golden Age because it was actually compelling. Remember when Farnese started as a weird sexual deviant only for those personality traits to be washed away? What about Puck being transformed into comedic relief? Hope you like loli's as well, because one of them wants to fuck our hero who was referred to as being monstrous as the start of the series.
You're projecting faglord.
Only a brainlet would be bothered by the timeskip. The manga got far better.
>The SnKIDF has arrived
Later homo
you posted it
Are you 12 years old?
>And he says I'm the one projecting
Actually the further back you go the more you realize BERSERK WAS NEVER GOOD
You can see when people started developing taste and it is always the first berserk arc they don't like
If you would have never read berserk and read it all now you would think all arcs are shit
because they are
Berserk hasn't changed
You developed taste.
Tokyo Ghoul?
you do realize ONE is the writer who's dragging things out? Have you seen how talky his later chapter was?
>no romance
>love triangle
>forced love triangles
that only exists in the 4channel threads
>hey add a bunch of forced love triangles, "who's the daddy" subplots, hot bishi twins angsting about hating each other
Is all of that true?
you didn't provide any points about why it isn't good
you don't have to?
Berserk is actually really good
I've made just as many points as you
You're 12 then.
This is an 18+ site. Come back in 6 years.
>Implying there's not one between Eren, Mikasa and Jean
Partially. The first two have almost no time dedicated to them, but the last one is true.
There's no love triangle, there is an unknown father pregnancy but only as a device to keep the main character's motivations mysterious re:anti-natalism, and I have literally no idea what fanfiction his addled mind conjured up for that last one.
I will defend the first couple dozen episodes or so but yikes. Even at the final arc, I don't think anyone should defend the "NO U" battles it had.
OPM. Literally became the exact thing it was satirizing.
Berserk hasn't changed in quality
People pretend Golden Age had better writing but it really didn't
take wyald for example
A almost comedic character who gets introduced EXACTLY the same as the bakiraka
>king wants griffisu
>uses special forces everyone else kinda hates for being gross
>they come after the band
>Judeau somehow knows about them and drops all the info so they can be quickly discarded
horrible horrible writing in the supposedly best arc
Not any worse or different from current arcs
The overall writing literally hasn't changed. It is just the pace that has changed.
No, he's just a retard.
There is next to no romance in the manga.
chicken nugget
This. Golden Age arc and Lost Children arc were unironically the only 2 arcs that were well-written enough to stand to the test of time. The arcs after was just Miura trying to satisfy his edge boner.
not One's version tho.
>It went from seinen to shonen...
How can this be happen? Is miura play idolm@ster too much?
>Largest decline
>Tokyo Ghoul
Implying it had an incline in the first place.
Rice wine doesn't age well, retard
Tokyo shippuden
>Berserk hasn't changed
it has changed. it was pure grimdark and slowly shifted away from that to a lighter fantasy.
Pretty much. Anyone who says otherwise needs to take off the thick nostalgia goggles strapped to their face.
Grimdark to no/low fantasy was the change to golden arc
every arc is a different level of fantasy
Ironically berserk would have changed if it didn't keep changing the level of fantasy.
Interchanging is the default state of berserk from the beginning
It's not literal romance so much as characters being obsessed with each other, but as far as the narrative purpose and the kind of reader it's meant to appeal to he's pretty much spot-on.
I stopped reading it when they started to justify the bad guys and trying to make them likeable/good guys all along. I fucking hate that trope
I hated that shit in Bleach too
I read Berserk and loved it, most of the way through. I still remember coming to Yea Forums afterwards and complaining that I didn't like his JRPG party and hadn't enjoyed it as much since. Everyone sperged out at me then, that Berserk was amazing, I just didn't get it, it was for the arc, etc etc.
Nice to see there's a few more people willing to take it down a peg now.
Nobody has mentioned Knights of Sidonia? I'm disappointed in you.
Strange, I'm loving AoT, mostly because of: There's no good guys or bad guys, every country and every faction is doing bad stuff and selfish stuff. It's perfectly legitimate to be rooting against the MC. The last chapter even referred to the people coming to kill him as having justice on their side.
He's been writing it forever, he's not a broke angsty teen pouring his anger out onto the page anymore. He's a wealthy, middle aged guy, that wants to watch Idol shows and play Dragon Quest.
The art quality has gone up, the story quality has gone up, but the edge has been long lost.
Le ebin troll response. I'm surprised you go with Boku no Piccolo
>The art quality has gone up
Ha ha ha, good one
I think this one is funnier.
>the story quality has gone up
Anybody remember the third act of Eden: It's an endless world?
>the quality up
You don't think that's the sort of ridiculous thing Mozgus would do?
one wasnt filler-y before he met murata though. Its very obvious that murata played a huge part in it. so fucking tired of people absolving him just cause his art is godlevel
That's a cool headcanon user
mere fucking observation, muratanigger.
death note
Correlation == Causation.
look how slow and wordy Mob was. He changed his style since early OPM and it shows in Murata's remake where ONE writes everything but some of the fight choreography and in the latest webcomic chapters.
merely your opinion
didnt have more than necessary to what it was trying to convey.
nu-OPM is a complete different case
i liked how in the beginning murata adapted the same story but with good art and movement (like pic related), now he is adding too much but i haven't seen a memorable shot in years
All these bright happy people around Guts are going to die, probably by Griffith's hand. We just have to live to that point.
I wanted to read this shit but Im feeling and hearing that its going to get pretty shitty.
Murata is the artist. All the new additions were done by the creator, ONE
It is common knowledge that idols rot your brain
Just look at Love Live fags, those poor souls
you're literally retarded because the only people who care about the father are shipperfags, like yourself. the manga cares less about the father than you do
Implying, its not gonna be happy end with friendship and guts forgiving griffith.
This is your brain on too much Yea Forums. There's no love triangle outside of shipfags, maybe you should read the manga.
The series literally has zero romance. The best chance of a romance it had got btfo the moment Mikasa got btfo.
Uh huh I'm sure Falconia totally isn't a trap for a mass sacrifice or anything yes please human come inside the walls and suck Hawkcock let me just draw this symbol in your forehead
>100 post in
>no DB, Bleach, HnK, Naruto from Pre to Post timeskip
well, it is huge decline, but its still decline
That wasn't the worst thing, that arc in general was excellent.The introduction of Schierke was the beginning of the end.
This is actually the worst opinion I've seen all week. Congratulations, user.