Gotoubun no Hanayome

Lads take my hand and slither with Ichifriends

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ichicute a best and did nothing wrong.

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ichika best

I'm glad Nino has Miku's back in the fight against the chad

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Ichika is love
Ichika is life
I love Ichika from the bottom of my heart and the core of my soul
Ichika a miracle of the universe
Ichika have done nothing wrong and she's still a very beautiful person inside and out

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Miku didn't nothing wrong
Ichika didn't nothing wrong
Yotsuba didn't nothing wrong
Nino didn't nothing wrong

Snakes don’t have hands you lizard

I'm going to marry Miku!

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You have to admit Yotsuba is partly guilty of Ichika's bad decisions.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Ichi a bitchy

all of this

>says encouraging words to sister
>sister wraps and twists meaning into “I must fuck my sister(s) over to get what I want

>I must fuck my sister(s)

If only she took it that direction and not the way she did

People blaming Yotsuba for snek’s actions are retard. She expected the best from her sisters.

Excellent taste Ichibros


When one goes down, two (OP) more take its place.

>She expected the best from her sisters.
She just aggravate problems doing that.
Telling Miku she is supporting her.
Then not saying anything when Ichika ask her help.
Then again supporting Miku and making Nino and Ichika go together the other route.

this cute snake is terrorising everyone

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What is this? A fucking lovecraftian entity?

Fuck Yotsuba.

Sauce that Negi's a 2hufag?

Hail Hydra.

Inside she is still a good person but outside is a liar.

bIchika is a bitch!

Stop making threads you faggots

Ichika winning is inevitable
Anything else between now and the ending is just for her development.

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This but unironically. Tbh the more I reread the manga, the more I'm convinced it's she's the bell kisser ergo the winner.


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I wish that was the case, but it isn't
She isn't going to win

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Is is me or was Nino incredibly OOC this chapter?

It's not just you, the author was really wanking over her character this chapter. I wouldn't be surprised if the next chapter shows Ichika trying to drown a puppy and Nino jumping into a river and saving it.

Not just you. Nino was incredibly OUTSTANDINGLY OVERLY CUTE this chapter

If ichika wins Negi's name will be written in the history of harem manga with golden ink but I doubt he has the balls to pull it at this point.

a new chapter dropped?

Not just you, i too think she is O(Astoundingly) O(Sexy) C(cute)

Nino may as well be the main girl in this manga with how much exposure she's given

I'm not falling for it, Nino is still worst girl

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> If ichika wins Negi's name will be written in the history of harem manga with golden ink but I doubt he has the balls to pull it at this point.
If anyone but itsuki wins.

This desu.

I will bait, how is she OOC? If anything she's been the least OOC of all sisters except Itsuki the last few chapters.

I honestly lose interest in this manga at point.
Negi is obviously only interested in shitting on the rest of the girls (especially Ichika) to make Nino look good by comparison.

>Wow Nino cares about her sisters unlike Ichika isn't she great???
>Wow Nino can confess directly unlike coward Miku isn't she just the best???
Ichika suffer the most from this shit

Calm down user

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Edgy Ichisnek and Yotsudespair

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Ichika's a massive snake, what a disappointment to the sisters.

Is Miku done for?

You rang?

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snek tounge on dragon edit please

Pretty much. Negi makes it more and more obvious in each chapter.

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This desu

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This desu. Negi a hack.

Now that you've pointed it out, that does seem to be the case. What a hack.

> Ichika switches Nino hated position
> Miku got nerfed becomes a coward and Nino becomes more aggressive and most honest girl out of quints

Ichika and Ichikafags a shit.

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Say something nice to cheer Miku up!

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Why people are mad with ichika ? She is only doing this to make Miku stronger

Yeah pretty much, Nino is probably Negi's waifu and he got mad when he realized nobody liked her, so he resorted to shit on the other quints as retaliation.
Reminds me of the IS author with Houki.

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Nothing in this universe can make Miku stronger

Holy mother of samefags. Funny how you didn't get a chance to do this in the previous 4 threads full of Ichika hate.

Now watch the next chapter be about Nino encouraging Miku because of how SELFLESS she is.
Despite her being the one who said she will do whatever it takes to get Fuutarou and attempted to steal a kiss from him without letting Miku knows.

Exactly. If it's anyone's fault, it's yotsuba for pampering her too much. Let her grow up.

>Ichika was only ""helping"" Miku and Nino!
That bait haven't worked all day. Why you think it'll work now?

S-Shut up, that never happened!

Miku is becoming Shoutarou 2.0 and Fuutarou will be her Lolikano but actually competent.


Source: my headcanon

Seethe some more

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The dust has settled and people have come to terms with Ichika. She is only making the manga interesting and spicing up the story

The depths of Snakefags' damage control is hilariously sad.

I posted the same thing in the other threads, maybe you were speed reading on Nino shit as usual.

Keep telling yourself that, delusional samefag.

It's because every chapter is a Nino chapter. Her development has been great and I hope Negi doesn't stop her train.

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It's the truth reasonable people know, though

Nino is arguably the most consistent character now that Yotsuba went a little OOC by knowingly assisted Ichika in getting in Miku's way. To that end, she literally spelled out the difference between Ichika and herself in this chapter. Nino is equally loyal and has integrity towards family, whereas Ichika put pursuing after the D first above family instead. I'm sure you'd feel a mix of angry and depression too if a close family member, or a best bro schemed your downfall without giving you a chance to go after a girl you love. But if you were given a rightful chance and knew that you gave it your all in fair competition, then you can feel proud and there shouldn't be hard feelings.

Ichika will be dead last in the next poll. Enjoy your cunt.

Nino's always been straightforward, but she's never been a snake. She didn't try to hide her attraction to Fuutarou when she started competing, she formalized it. Nothing significant changed about the way she behaves in this chapter.

>muh samefag
Cope harder Ninotard.

Wasn’t she calling to tell her about the stalker?

"Curses! Foiled again! No matter, my NEXT eeeeeeeevil plan will come into fruition for sure, and I'll finally be rid of that accursed Nino! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!"

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Yotsuba's so hard to read

Nino is the Houki of 5toubun after all

>replied twice
>makes it more obvious
Embarrassing Snakefag.

Not even an ichikafag, but you can't even deny ichika brings the thrill out of this ride.
It's like she's jumping without a parachute and you don't know how low she'll sink or how she'll survive.

>Ichika is the Houki of 5toubun after all

> Negi right now
By the way, manga is still interesting. I still think Nino is still a flaw af. And we already know that she loves her sister the most from the very beginning. So there aren't many surprises about her reaction in this chapter.

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It's funny how Ninofags act like this is an achievement when it is hardly surprising when the author constantly wank on Nino and makes Ichika the hate-bait who only purpose is to create drama.

Itsuki is going to win. Negi is carefully keeping her away from the sister's quarrel as they end up eliminating one another. Negi has tropefags and othergirlfags on the palm of his hand. He is waiting for the perfect moment to reveal itsuki being the kisser to trigger the biggest shitstorm possible.

But Japan loves Ichika

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More like blatant pandering and pure inconsistency. Only brainlets enjoy Nino.
KEK, stay buttblasted.

It's missing the eye censor bars.

Gosh, Negi sure is in-tune with his fellow Ninofags. All they want is to shit on the other quints and make everything into a Nino hugbox

>Snake shits on other girls
>fault Nino because of Snake's actions and choices
Are Ichikafags retarded?

This is Fuu-kuns future bride. Say something nice about her.

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No, genius. We're pointing out that Ichika is obvious hate-bait and that Nino's being wanked like crazy

>I posted the same thing
Yes, and it's obvious when you pretend to be half a doxen people in the first several replies.

After deflecting the blame to Yotsuba last week, is this how snakefags will damage control this week?

Clothes don't do that naturally.

Not being an ichikachad. I feel pity.

No, Miku called Nino after she heard them screamed


Why is she so clutzy in this image?

Waiting for user or Yea Forums trans will do it. I'm not original creator of this image

I am not faulting on Nino you retard.
Learn to read.

It's entirely up to the author to give the character their role and for the last 2x chapters Negi has done nothing but painting Ichika in bad light just to make Nino look better by comparison.

Ichika was always two-faced, dumb speedreader. She's worst girl, so who cares if she becomes a hateful villainess.
? None of the other girls get shit on, so in reality you're just complaining because you can't defend Ichika. Then again, you have Ichikafags who praise the shit out of Ichika for being a snake because they think she's better that way.

Nino BTFOs Everyone: The Manga

Uh-huh, sure. Keep blaming Nino for Ichicunt's shit

>Nino wank
>When she's saying what everyone's thinking
>Yotsuba would have probably got on her shit too if Nino didn't cut in line

For Ichikafags, its a lose-lose situation for whoever points out her flaws.


Ninofags mad their train can be stopped by a snake.

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Now, count up your sins, snake.

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>baaaaw I don't like the way mai waifu's character development is going
>how dare the character I hate get better development
>REEEEEE hack author!
What a baby.

This. Maybe Yotsuba will do the same thing if Nino wasn't there.

Nino is a superhero
Ichika is a supervillain
Their archrival background is that they are quints

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I love Miku?


Wanking =/= development

>two girls fighting for the same man

When will this smile be restored, Mikubros?

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I hope 1 day she'd be clenching a knife.

>expecting Nino brainlets to get it
I wouldn't bother user.

Bitches and whores.

Next week when Fuuts confesses to her

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Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki all look better than Ichika by comparison for the last 8 chapters. Singling out Nino despite of the fact she really didn't do something ground-breathtakingly new when it comes to caring about family is retarded and makes you look like you haven't been paying attention to the manga.

Ichika wins with no redemption arc

Fuuts confesses to Miku that he loves Yotsuba

Yes. But by Nino not Fuutarou. Tks Negi

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>development I don't like = WANKING
Stay buttmad.

What the hell is Negi planning with this girl?
It's almost unreal how she's been so detached from everything that's going on now.

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Nino will help cheer Miku up, then the two of them will work together to destroy Ichika.

Itsuki is just biting her time.

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Rena will return at the worst possible moment.

Snakefags are notorious speedreaders.

Depending on how he handle the next chapter,
I may drop this manga for good.

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Not gonna lie, this is peak Miku.

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She makes yummy cream puffs

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is there a gif of her eating melon bread from ep 8?

>when everyday is a party

Nino is obviously the one who get wanked the most.
Even a Ninofag can see this,
don't pretend otherwise.

Her despair face is so fucking cute but I'm trying hard not to fall for the bait.

Sidelined so that Nino can play moral leader instead.

>Even a Ninofag can see this
You're giving the chinks too much credit

That bitch would stab someone as fair as Nino in the back

Ichika = Injustice
Nino = Justice
Miku = Cowardice
Yotsuba = Selflessness
Itsuki = Rage

I'm going to laugh so FUCKING HARD once Miku wins. She's the only one who has any chances of winning this bowl.

I'm going to laugh so FUCKING HARD once Ichika wins. She's the only one who has any chances of winning this bowl.

I'm going to laugh so FUCKING HARD once Nino wins. She's the only one who has any chances of winning this bowl.

Can anyone remind me of suicidal girls that won in any manga.

>Snek Ichika is not a shit, she makes the manga good and interesting now!
>Ichika did nothing wrong. She was just trying to help Miku, that's all!
>Why are people ignoring Yotsuba? She's the true mastermind!
>It's Nino's fault Ichika betrayed and hurt family! Negi hates Ichika and wants to wank Nino, that's all!
Lel. Ichikafags are a riot.


Since the Ichika and Miku drama already happened either Yotsuba snapping or the Rena thing will be the climax of the arc. So I would say she is fine.

You faggots, stay salty.

Didn't she want to act like her mother?
She should be the one who's pacifying the whole situation right now. Instead, she's the most clueless one.


Did nino learn to mix drinks from cardi b?

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I'm going to laugh so FUCKING HARD once Itsuki wins. She's the only one who has any chances of winning this bowl.

The thing is, I didn't pay much attention to the amount of screentime Negi had given to Nino until this chapter. It could have continued with Yotsuba continuing on calling out Ichika for being an asshole, but instead it's Nino that suddenly appeared despite being in a different route on her own. Itsuki wasn't even there with her anymore when she stumbled upon them. Then she just calls out on Ichika instead of Yotsuba while Miku just runs off when she could have done something. I don't blame Nino herself but she just seems to take everyone's chances at development to make herself look better in comparison whenever she gets involved.

Itsuki has the bowl in her bag. Along with two forks.

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>Blaming Nino for all the other quints' issues
Snekfags, amirite?


This desu.

It was Nino and Yotsuba's fault that Ichika disguised herself as Miku. If those two weren't so stupid and annoying it wouldn't have happened.

Is she just a mascot at this point?
I hope she will get over it. Shy cowardly girls pulling their own shit together and getting shit done is my fetish

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I just said that I'm not blaming Nino herseld for everything that's happened. I'm blaming the author himself for it. I'm not gonna deny that Nino is a good character but I'm also not gonna deny that she's the only developed character in the manga and we're 80 chapters in.

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Don't expect Ninofags to read more than one sentence.
They are incapable of this.

>Baaaaaaaaaaw this girl I don't like gets development, fuck you NEGIIIIIIIIII

That's the bride's privilege.

I can see that.

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So now it's they all get wanked but Nino is wanked the most because she has some based moments in this chapter? You're insane and projecting hard. Negi is usually fair when it comes to screentime and focus. Just because Ichika is currently getting the short of the stick because she's going through an arc where she is the bad guy doesn't mean that's the opposite of being wanked. It's naturally Ichika will rub most people the wrong way since she's sabotaging Miku and is butting heads with Nino, but you have Ichikafags who praise Ichika's current development and call her based. So if we go by your logic, Ichika is getting wanked of her own too.
>Even a Ninofag can see this
No sane and legit Ninofag would agree with you who so happened is forcing this like a new bait you just came up with ITT.

5toubun no hanayome

All the girls have developed in one way or the other the only thing that really changed about Nino is her feelings for Fuutarou. Nino was written however to be the 'pure and unfiltered' character, the one character who doesn't stand for bullshit and fluff while everyone's playing in the slow, long, painful race, which has been true since before she liked Fuutarou her honesty and incapability to hold in her feelings good and bad in is part of the reason Fuutarou feels awkward about her liking him. Even in the beginning she would thank, help, and listen to Fuutarou despite hating because deep inside, she didn't actually hate him.

I can't believe this has been topped.

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I'm laughing so FUCKING HARD at the snekfags' seething about Nino doing what Nino always does: call out bullshit with no fucks given

Ichika completely, eternally, irrevocably BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

Reminder that Yotsuba is a good girl, keeps encouraging everyone and didnt do anything wrong.
I hope she wins, a comeback from behind.

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Even the nip noticed that and they complains how much Nino wanking there were both on Twitter and the 5ch threads.

But sure keep pretending otherwise.

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Feels good being a Nino fan, though.

But seriously, he's telegraphing that Nino's the victor so hard it's not even funny.

And Fuutarou knew about Miku's feelings, despite little evidence till now and felt basically nothing the whole time till just now.

The sister war thing is centered on Ichika, Nino, and Miku. The point of the confrontation between Ichika and Nino wasn't to start as a point to develop Nino some more since she is still sorta shitty about being domineering.

As a Yotsubafag I would much rather have the scene with Fuutarou than another scene with Ichika.

Bitch, that's (You)

Miku runs away, Fuuts doesn't catch her and ends up meeting up with Ichika later that night instead.

Miku fags honestly blown the fuck out. She'll never get a confession, she's honestly way too weak to win this. Fuuts doesn't even give a shit - despite knowing she's hurt, he just chills with his bros. It's clear that the next step in this is a Ichika redemption arc.

So what does that mean?

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Haters can't be this retarded, right? This small arc already set things up for Miku, Nino, and Ichika. The latter two are at odds ,and the Ichika disguised herself as Miku is one of the established plot that leads to inevitable drama and conflict. Yet here you are complaining and wondering why Nino is in this chapter? It makes perfect sens for her to confront Ichika and call her out.
>calls out on Ichika instead of Yotsuba
Nino knows that Yotsuba isn't the sort of person. Ichika is obviously the one who pushed her into it. Yotsuba is Yotsuba and she getting neglected at times is almost like a gag now.
She was in shock and at a loss for words. Not to mention hurt and in despair. Compound with a very meek and timid nature, running off to be depressed and suffering makes perfect sense. It's obvious as hell that sooner or later Miku will confesses and come out of her shell, so she won't be depressed for long. All of these experiences she went through are stepping stones so she can have a spectacular development arc.
>everyone's chances at development to make herself look better in comparison whenever she gets involved.
Literally only a hater see it that way. They all get development that have merits. Ichika is the only one right now that has controversial development for most, but it's development nonetheless. On that note, Nino putting family first is not new. Why is it a problem now? Because you can't actually nitpick and downplay it this time?

>google translate
Nice tweet, faggot.

It means Negi fucked up with making Fuu lie to Itsuki for no reason and then realized it and had to correct it with drama by revealing he already knew he was just pretending not to know.

>despite knowing she's hurt, he just chills with his bros
this really hit me. And Nino had to tell him to go after her. Fuck Fuuts, he doesn't deserve Miku

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>I hope she will get over it.
I just want her to do ANYTHING at this point. So far for the past 3 arcs it's been nothing short of a Miku pity parade, she literally had Yostuba carry her to where she likely planned to confess because she couldn't even pull that off on her own.

Forcing Futarou to date her is not justice you know.

>Baaaaaaaaaaaah mai waifu isn't developing the way I want!

Yeah sure I am the one who made all those posts on 5ch and Twitter and Yea Forums.

Sasuga EOP

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Reminder that
1. Fuuts knows that Ichika, Miku and Nino are in love with him
2. Fuuts literally told Rena to fuck off
3. Fuuts is only taking Nino's feelings seriously

Attached: he's thinking about nino seriously.png (1115x1600, 1.25M)

>despite little evidence till now
This literally Rena and Faketsuki again where what Negi intended is really clear upon 2nd reading and nobody picked it up.
Fuck just look at his reaction when Michika told him about Ichika.

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Yup. I can see an Ichika end (redemption arc), Nino end (all the other girls are increasingly torpedoed by Negi's writing in a way that makes Nino look better and better) or MAYBE an Itsuki end (first girl, Rena backstory and the fact the girl from Negi's prior one shot looks exactly like her). Miku end looks pretty much dead at this point, and Yotsuba never began.

Honestly fuck this gay earth, I'll probably be dropping this in a few chapters if things continue.

>souce: my ass that pretends to know moonrune while I pass a random anti-Nino tweet I made

Bitch, those are your comments you google translating illiterate

Nino won't win why would she go from Fuu-kun back to Fuutarou?

You're proving him right. What a tryhard.

>if Nino got painted in a bad light then she's a shit
>if she got painted in a good light then it's wanking

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ITT a Ninofag falseflagging as an Ichikafag to bait idiots and other Ninofags.

>google translate

Snakefags' logic is funny.

Need me to find more?
You can easily find all those complaints in the latest netabare threads if you are not a EOP.

I expect more reactions when the chapter officially released in moonland.

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Fuck you I really just want Miku to develop as well, she's been way to relaxed for way too long and unlike Nino and (recently) Ichika has had no actual reason to be. At this point all of her useless effort to be his ideal girl will make her look like a useless moron.

>Wedding scene
>Gobun no Ichi is the title of the song

Feels good Ichibros, now be quiet and dont tell the supporters of the other sisters that we already won

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ITT: Snakefags and ninofags proclaiming victory for their waifu. 2 weeks ago, everybody and their mother was claiming itsuki win and they knew it from the beginning. Never change Yea Forums

>they complains
Fuck off chink.
Japanese in that twitter is fucking awful too.

Listen, you should be grateful Negi paints your waifu in a positive light at all. Ichikafags don't have that luxury.

>Meanwhile at Ichika Central.

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Miku is techincally the most wanked girl in manga if we go by their logic. Her popularity even reflects it.

Ichikafags don't exist she barely has any chances
of winning and is the least popular sister but
Nino on the other hand is not only the most
popular quint since the confession that single-handedly
brought hype to this manga she also has a
legit shot at winning the whole thing.

Ichikafags are actually Mikufags being scared shitless.

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What we have last week: Ichika vs Miku/ Yotsuba
What we expect this week: Ichika vs Miku/ Yotsuba
What we got: Ichika shit post vs Nino shitpost and Miku depressing meme.
Good job Negi

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Anyone who thinks Nino was out of character in this chapter is braindead.

First off, Nino has been aware of and criticizing Ichika's actions for a while now. Secondly, Nino has consistently been trying to get everything out in the open. She openly declared her love for Fuutarou. She has previously tried to force Miku to openly admit her affection as well. It's beyond obvious that Nino just wants to play fair and square in love with her sisters and despises Ichika's attempts at subterfuge. Why would anyone be surprised at Nino's actions and comments in this chapter? This has been building up for a long while now. And for those of you claiming that Yotsuba would have been more fitting for Nino's actions in this chapter: get real. Yotsuba wants to deescalate the conflict, she would never criticize Ichika so directly. This was 100% in character for Nino. Fucking speedreaders.

You guys are so quick to call anyone who doesn't like how a favorite character gets treated a hater. I have said a few times already that I don't hate Nino. She's even my second favorite. As i said, I'm not blaming Nino herself, I'm blaming Negi as the author. You're right, Yotsuba probably wouldn't call out Ichika herself which was why Nino did instead, but Negi made Yotsuba stand up to Ichika first. Negi should have made her and Miku stand up to Ichika on their own instead of Nino suddenly being there and saving the day.

Imagine being an author who's so desperately attached to one character that, despite her already being crazy popular, you feel the need to make everyone else look worse to make her look even better

Alright, let's be honest. Yotsuba did jump to the race on this last 3 chapters isn't?

Meant to quote

Itsuki's ship was sunk the moment Fuutarou told Rena to fuck off forever.

>netabare thread
That's mostly composed by shitposters, and you would know reactions of netabare thread and official release thread were always different. Most of based patricians in official release thread would be disagree with such shitposters.

>1. Fuuts knows that Ichika, Miku and Nino are in love with him
>2. Fuuts literally told Rena to fuck off
You are right.

>3. Fuuts is only taking Nino's feelings seriously

You have dedicated anti-threads for each heroine at 5ch where you can circlejerk with other like-minded haters who share your headcanon and blind contempt. Since you're already doing that there with Gtranslate, why even come to Yea Forums?

She is a clear cut 3rd most likely to win now behind Miku and Nino.

Fuck right off, Miku's wanked twice as much as Nino anyway


>that pic
Just shut up Fluttershy

Everyone should realize that none of this drama has anything to do with Fuutarou and more to do with the relationship between the sisters. Gotoubun is a family drama first and foremost.

Well. Most people hate when seeing their waifu becomes a coward or becomes a god damn snake but someone gets more spotlight so... yeah. They're complaining.

The truth has been spoken

Now take notice of how one girl's fanbase doesn't have to say any of this because their waifu is never shown in a bad light

Depressed Miku makes me happy for some reason. Her reactions are almost comical in a way. Like you can actively see the doom in her face.

>Nino did to Ichika what everyone knew she was going to do
>Ichika is a cunt and needed a reality check
>Miku got hurt and is confiding all alone until Nino gives her a pick me up
>Yotsuba feels guilty when she tried to not have drama for this trip
>Itsuki already felt that this was going on
>Fuu just wanted a fun trip to remember
I don't see what was wrong here.

>the relationship between the sisters
Have you just noticed? You fucking genius deserve a price!

Miku's gloves

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People are really expecting way too much from Miku this chapter.
Any person would have feel depressed when they got stabbed in the back by the person they trust the most.

Ichikafags are actually Mikufags false flagging.
Nino has been the most popular character since the confession and single-handedly brought massive hype to the manga. She also had the most development and push outside of Miko so they are scared shitless.

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but yotsuba always was a cinnamoroll

Whatever you say,
I lurk both threads and they are not much different during chapter release day.

Guess I will just drop their reaction here when the chapter released.

>Not even knowing the difference between anti threads and netabare threads
Don't talk shit about stuff you don't understand retard.

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>>Fuu just wanted a fun trip to remember
Oh wow man, just calm down. Those girls can give you a fucking trip to remember if you know what I want to mean and you let them do it...

But waifu fags will see it's wrong because their waifus get shit or something

what reality are you from, go crawl back into it

*cinnamon roll

*gives Ichika a blackeye*
Yeah, what now? Gonna cry? Huh? Huh?


Report my Yotsubros. Our time has come!

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Why do you think Nino gets more heat than Ichika despite Ichika being cartoonishly evil and Nino looking like a good guy? Because Ichika is not a threat she is just a side quest villain that has no chance to winning the bowl.

I hope Fuutarou spits on Ichika

his semen

I wonder what people were thinking would happen with multiple sisters fall for the same guy. It's emotionally damaging in various ways. Not everyone will end up happy. Not to mention how family ties affect their decisions and lead to strained relationships. The arc is called Sisters War. There's going to be casualties. The 'winners' and 'losers' are just people hurting in different ways.

What exactly is Itsuki's plan?

Yotsuba we love you!!!
Futarou doesn't deserve you.

The gloating when Nino finally wins is gonna be LIT. It'll be glorious.

You were downplaying and undermining (still are) Nino by criticizing Negi for giving her positive development and claiming that she stole development from others. Seeing hater is a natural consequence when you make ridiculous statements to slander her.
>Negi made Yotsuba stand up to Ichika first
And? It's development in its own way and Yotsuba made the right choice to be honest.
>Negi should have made her and Miku stand up to Ichika on their own instead of Nino
Yotsuba already did, but she isn't the type who can knock some sense into Ichika. That's why we have Nino whose personality is best suited for that. Who seriously expects Miku to reprimand and stand up to Ichika? That would be out of character. She hasn't reached development necessary to be a stronger person yet. But these events obviously will lead to it.

I'd tell you, but she ate it.

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>Guess I will just drop their reaction here when the chapter released.
Feel free to drop non-public opinions generated by few dedicated shitposters, which are mostly ignored or refuted.

Takeda is gonna make Miku his Lady Sanjo, right?

TFW when Nino has more fanarts than everyone since the new hairstyle and is the only quint to trend worldwide.

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I didn't mention netabarethreads, retard. My point remains.

23 next week?

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Ichika: Realizes her selfishness, willingly withdraws.
Nino: Possible winner.
Miku: Takeda end.
Yotsuba: Never joined the party.
Itsuki: Possible winner.

we hate her because Ninofags are the most annoying of the quintfags

>Fuu just wanted a fun trip to remember
Feels like he himself actually searching for trouble.He eavesdropping the quint at the food hall and pretend to go to the toilet to follow them.

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It's time to assemble, let's give Yotsuba all our strength bros!

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Fuutarou's planning on doing something for their birthday gift.

If none of the sisters were related, Ichika's actions would be way more defend-able.

Reminder that for the past few chapters Yotsuba has been painted as an angel who's only interest is to make everyone happy and has actual conversations with Fuutarou twice during the mall chapter and then this one, when the other sisters barely got any.
Is that wanking too?

Which is precisely why the only thing we can do is keep ourselves busy and ignore the haters.
As for me, I'm gonna thighpost.

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Ichika: She's a rotten bitch. Fuck her. Her fanbase is similarly insufferable and you get the feeling that they only support her just to be contrarian.
Nino: Golden. She's honest and lovely. Best character development and relationship with Fuutarou.
Miku: I honestly feel bad for her. She's sweet and working hard behind the scenes, I only hope she can overcome her shyness.
Yotsuba: An angel. I deeply feel her pain and I want her to find love.
Itsuki: It's like she's Ichika and Miku combined. She's trying to be underhanded and she's also shy, but I felt good watching Fuutarou tell her (Rena) to go away. A puzzling character. Why does she exist?

I don't see how some criticism makes me a hater when I have even stated that she's a good character. All I want Negi to do is to use his other sisters more in these types of conflicts instead of having them sit in the back like NPCs while Nino does almost everything. We all know she's straight-forward and competent. I'm not even going to say much about Miku other than that Negi needs to do SOMETHING with her at this point cause nothing has changed.

>Literally 80% of the last three thread is people complaining how much Negi is wanking on Nino by making Ichika the cartoon villian
>I-it is just dedicated shit posters!
Be honest here
if you really do know moon then you know I am not lying.


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I want to molest her ribbon

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Ni-No. 1

>Nino gets more heat than Ichika
In what reality? Nino's flaws and actions get brushed off like nothing and she's popular as hell while every new chapter is Negi trying to remind us "Hey, Ichika's the villain! Keep on hating her!!"

It's not wanking until she enters the bowl. Then she's a demon out to murder Yea Forumsnon's waifu.


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Is that thing faking its dead as a defence mechanism or just being kawaii as fuck?

Ninofags overestimating literally every action of Nino,its nothing new.



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this thread says otherwise

Will Yotsuba choose to not be happy?

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it think it's hand raised snake, being cute, most wild snakes either bite or gtfo there when they see humans

Yotsuba's happiness will come from everyone's happiness, she will make everyone happy.

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If this had been Yotsuba, imagine thinking how much pent-up lust she's built up for so long.

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Maybe he thought that Miku was in love with him, but when Fake Miku told him that she would support Ichika, that confused him, although I do not understand very well if the face he shows in that scene is disappointing because Miku was not in love with him or simply because he was wrong

........what did you just say?

all that sexual frustration

> because their waifu is never shown in a bad light
Because she's never shown to have relevance in the story

I can't wait for Ichika to bring up her "I'm actually lolikano" card. If the theory about Yotsuba being the girl of the photo is right, when she finds out that not only Ichika but ALSO Itsuki fucked her over she's gonna despair so much that just thinking about it it's making me hard.

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If? The kisser can run without fucking killing herself, that basically leaves Yotsuba as the only candidate.

You're going to blow another load? We just had Miku despair.

>Finds out by accident Miku loves him
>Miku runs off crying for whatever reason
>Nino shows up and starts crying too
>Tries to ask what's happening because he was enjoying a chill trip with his bros and left the DRAMA behind
>Get told to fuck off because he's the problem

Don't forget user Fuutarou loves all the quints as friends before anything to the point where he admited to Nino he'd be lonely without them. He's not going to just let his friends fight, especially if he's been told he's the reason for said fight. He'll meddle just like in Nino's arc where even after his efforts were ridiculed by her he was still willing to be nice, listen to, and help her because he believed they were their best together.

>80% of the last three thread
>2400 posts
Not that user, but I see you're just lying.

Miku literally ran this chapter user.

I want to kiss Ichika

Who was it?

user, it's not fair to force other people to do what you want. Miku still could not confess in that scene because she was preparing something by her side, of course, Nino did not give a shit to talk to her and just wanted to press her following her own ideas

All the sisters implied that Miku likes him at one point of the story or so. There is definitely doubt and he try to get confirmation from miku but snek stopped it.

80 anti Nino posts by the same guy got deleted in a thread yesterday talk about autism.

It looks like Negi slipped up a bit. Another instance of how he could have developed thing better.

But I think it's also possible he had kind of ruled her feelings out by the time he and Itsuki talked, and that he wasn't really receptive to the to begin with.

But either way, it's somewhat confusing to drop that information now out of nowhere. Definitely makes Nino look better in light of that scene from 72.

It's not enough, I want more despair!



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This is going to be so sad, Ninobros

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And look how she wound up. You think she's pale 'cause she's sad? She's still recovering from the partial stair climb and then the sprint into the distance.


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link to recent chapter?

Miku literally ran and disguised as yotsuba without any issues in ch4

He clearly curious about it that he asked Miku AGAIN the next day despite already questioning Michika off yesterday.

I can see the logic if she was the kisser. Someone too selfless just wanting to be selfish for so long. But there's no way that'd happen.

Can we agree on this?

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If you want Eng translation, you should find archived thread.

get lost, secondary

I don't think so? Hasn't she always been like this?actively thirsting for Futarou while not hiding it at all.


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Instead of fat creature, it could end up being a stale bread

5Toubun no Hanayome is the official romanization.

I don't think she's wrong to not coddle Miku, but I will admit that Nino was overly aggressive about it. But at the end of the day, she's trying to create a level playing field. She's not perfect, but she's admirable.

Who gives a fuck if Miku had a plan to execute, no one told her to make a plan, no one besides Miku even bothered making plans. She had her chances which she didn't take and now her dreamed confession is ruined. It's not Nino's job to bend over backwards so Miku could have whatever she wants.

she may be able to easily overpower fuutarou, but she's to pure to be lewd

When is this dinosaur going to jump?

Thanks to Yotsuba
I'll be wearing bowties now during wageslaving
I just dont know how to tie them



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now make one for every chapter of the manga, please.

If that's Niku, then can 2+5 be called Meat and Potatoes?

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Yotsuba was the only quint to not assault Fuutarou in that trip. There’s no way it can be her.

I enjoy seeing anime-onlys opinion on Nino. Because they're absolutely justified in thinking she's the worst. She's come a long way from the start.

not mention right now she's the second most sane quint after itsuki. how long that will last, I can't tell.

>great cook
>lovey dovey
>wicked fashion sense
Just imagine

Raiha isn't for lewd, you sicko.

Itsuki’s mind is frying from Rena guilt.

A level playing field to what she wants? Well, you're only giving me the reason to assume that she is selfish and tax

>Miku helped Nino get out of her stuper after she left their home
>Now Nino is gonna do the same for her
They're so cute.

>Wicked fashion sense
Come on! That thing she has hanging around in her head is totally lame

yeah, I guess I can only pick one of the two, in this situation.

But he's talking about teen Raiha.

Oh I see, and Nino was supposed to be the one who cared about the sister bond, but nevertheless she did not care what her sister thought eh, I see I see

>implying Miku doesn't want to confess

Oneshot Raiha was better.

Fuck i missclicked

>Itsuki's ship was sunk

this, she should just have confessed there, all those "plans" of her always fail, is becoming boring to this point

I doubt that Nino wants to help her, in fact we do not know exactly why Miku was depressed, in my opinion, I think Nino will tell Miku to let her confess again to put an end to this problem

I know this may be difficult for you to understand, but being family doesn't mean you have to be a doormat to your siblings. But it also doesn't mean that you can start shit and expect no repercussion.

>we do not know exactly why Miku was depressed
I'm sure it has nothing to do with her sister betraying her.

Mikufag there. I'm sad because last chapters confirmed Niku isn't the kisser. She is too shy to kiss even if she were disguised

Obviously Miku planned to do more than just give her bread, she is not an impulsive girl like Nino who suffocates Fuutaro until he accepts or rejects her, Miku wants to get closer to Fuutaro before confessing.

The method that is more effective only Negi will tell

I wasn't implying she would help with her confession I meant by help her not be depressed, she already told off Ichika.

How did we go from nerdy, level-headed kuudere Miku to useless-ass, depressed-baker-Onodera-wannabe dandere Miku? Negi a shit

Also wtf is wrong with Itsuki. She doesn't know what is going. Despite knowing Miku secret, being with her in the bus, and hearing all her sisters openly talk about what has happened

Who was it?

This arc will end with a rena moment where itsuki will be revealed to be lolikano and the kisser as well. Negi is just waiting for the perfect moment to start the shitstorm. Itsuki has been kept away from the sister's quarrel for a reason. It almost feels like Negi is reading these 24×7 threads and is laughing hard at anons theories.


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it was because her plan (delusion) got wrecked

She doesn't care

not-miku. she's become coward trash-tier waifu

You missed the chapter where she pulled the Rena shit? Can't wait for the further feud between them after Snek put on her Rena disguised.
Miku vs Nino vs Snek conflict is too small to be considered "sisters war"

>but nevertheless she did not care what her sister thought

You must not know what they mean when they talk about sibling bond if you think this. To make it simple Nino does not care about Miku's feelings towards Fuutarou but she cares about Miku. She will not bend over backwards so her sister will win but she'll congratulate her and be happy for her if she does. Nino wants her sisters to try their best because she will too. It's about not forgetting her sisters are family even if they bump heads.

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she can't hear miku's suffering over the sound of herself winning

So much for wanting to replace their mother.

Oh sure, you have to force them to do what you want because you think that's the best, I really feel sorry for that kind of thinking so retrograde

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This feels like a millennial take.

What will Ichika say to Fuutarou next chapter? Not mayonegg.

More like she is too shy to kiss without disguise.

I'm not really sure what the fuck Ichika was even thinking. Fuutarou's been tricked before but he always finds out that he's been tricked.

More lies

5D chess to not get involved with this needless drama and waiting for the right moment to use the Rena card

Nino is giving Miku tough love. She's basically saying, "Stop being a coward. Push forward."
Yotsuba is being too nice Miku. She's trying to tell Fuutarou that Miku loves him, she's helping Miku with confession schemes. But the problem is that Yotsuba's method won't make Miku grow as a person. Ultimately, she's hurting Miku's growth. I think Nino could have been nicer about it, though. Ichika is actively hindering Miku and stomping all over her feelings. Ichika knows Miku is a coward and so she's manipulating Miku's actions.

We have 2 days of the Kyoto trip left so it'll definitely take up the remaining volume (9 chapters). What are some things you expect or hope to see happen? Negi got through Mikus confession bit this early meaning the stuff with Nino or Itsuki will be saved for the finale of this arc.

Negi is really laying the Nino love on thick.

I mean, I love it, but holy crap.

Itsuki is the most considerate and caring quint, second to maybe Yotsuba. It's only natural that she'll win

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This. I still believe Miku is the kisser

Ichika has gone full retard, so she will probably try to confess or something

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Hope? For Miku to grow a fucking spine. Expect? Miku gets btfo'd

Remember the outrage aimed at Itsuki when this chapter came out

CHADika > copies

And who says that Miku was not doing everything possible?

She worked her way and ironically that way her feelings came to Fuutaro.

That Nino thinks that she was not giving everything, just shows how selfish she was by not talking directly to her

Not happening. This arc will be pure drama, no happy times till maybe the end of the arc.

Is that what you're writing in your fanfiction, user?

Ichikafags sssseething


I hate Nino

Nice ad hominem

Haha. I don't even know what that means!

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I agree the manga has become shit, but not for any of the reasons you stated.

Just wait, she'll reappear as Rena and give sound advice to Fuutarou, consolidating her as the best girl.

>Surprised that Ichika got figuratively smacked by Nino of all girls
She was already calling her out before the trip and knew she was up to no good, and as for her pushing Miku, this too was shown in the past and her trying to help her out of her depression harkens back to when Miku did the same for her. Negi is jsut reminding everyone how close those two are.

Ichika was acting like a moron, did she really think no one would catch her or no one would question it? She's a mess and learned nothing from Yotsuba helping her, just like how she learned nothing from when she talked to Miku back in that trip in winter.

When did you realize Negi was a hack? This manga became otter tier for me when he introduced Rena. The mysteries were a mistake.

>Miku being despondent
>Nino saying she is going to confess again and demand an answer this time to force Fuutarou into action
>he will reject Ichika afterwards once he grows a spine
>Miku hears about Nino being rejected and feels she has to confess as well
>Yotsuba beats her to it with a Lolinakano reveal and ruins her confession again
>Itsuki reveals herself as Rena and also enters the bowl
>flash forward to Nino and Ichika speaking to the bride

If Miku really were a coward, then she would not have even tried to make a fucking bread or chocolate, because that implied she had certain feelings

She has her methods, they will be slower or more sensible, that is the thought of each one, the point is that she was always determined to make Fuutaro fall in love

> Nino 161 results
> Ichika 125 results
> Miku 111 results
> Yotsuba 58 results
> Isuki 21 results

Can we make any kind of conclusion from that?

you don't learn, do you? nobody likes your shitty fanfic

I can't believe Yotsuba is dead.

Yes. You are a faggot.

> Fuu 49 results
Can we make any kind of conclusion from that?

If Negi isn't a hack, he'll give Yotsuba a character arc where she learns that she can't truly be happy like that.

I'm going to laugh so FUCKING HARD once Nino wins. She's the only one who has any chances of winning this bowl.

Although by the way, Miku had planned to give her bread without the help of Yotsuba

Yeah, it was Seven Goodbyes for me. Went from wholesome and fun to boring melodrama with stupid plot twists. Now it's basically just who can suck Fuutarou's dick first.

Ninochads how do we keep winning? Look at these ichikiafags how pathetic

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Just you chink because its a likely possibility.

If Negi isn't a hack, Miku and Yotsuba will double suicide and Nino will go to prison for stabbing Ichika for killing their sisters. The wedding is actually Fuutarou's wedding for what might've been. Itsuki keeps eating.

Gotoubun is a family drama. None of this is actually is heavily related to Fuutarou but focuses more on the sister's relationships, as it always has.

I like this Miku is a coward meme.
She is the only girl that had hugged him. Meanwhile snek needed to disguised herself as Miku to confess and Nino doesn't want to hear fuu answer.

>without the help of Yotsuba
sure, she eat poison food for fun (actually...)

Its not fair she's cheating!

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Nino doesn't want to hear Fuutarou's answer because she knows she was worst girl and needs to have more time to build herself up to best girl. There is no reason for him to like her, which she knows puts her at a disadvantage.

Chapter 47 to 60 are god tier, the arc after was weak but now we are back to the good shit.

scrambled eggs was fucking great though

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Let me make it less complicated then. Nino cares about Fuutarou and cares about Miku but she will not sacrifice her love for Fuutarou or her love for Miku. She leaves Miku to do what she wants about her love endeavors because she has her own approach. Nino doesn't know about Miku's efforts to obtain Fuutarou's love but just like she told Ichika she'd congratulate her if she did win. Nino asked Miku to protest if she had a problem many times and if Miku didn't take it because of her complex it's in no one else but her, just like how Miku is unable to fix her shy nature, Nino is unable to fix her straightforward nature.


She'll be a hero until the end.

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What's this otter meme I keep seeing mentioned?

>needs to have more time
She's just being a coward. Miku will point it out next chapter causing Nino to confess again and get a final answer.

At this point, I’m liking Yotsuba’s chances. Fuutarou is just still too dumb to realize he has a much easier time talking with and doing things with her. He’s really starting to notice her selflessness, and I can see him being the one going after her after all this Bowl drama is resolved

I want Itsuki to sit on my face.

Miku clearly regressed due to her plans always getting BTFO'd by one of her sisters. I really pity her but at the same time it's her fault since she always sets some kind of "when the stars align" conditions just to confess.

user I

Bokupenis meme, dont bother

What do you think of my theory

I'd take any of the quints except Ichika (dyke hair doesn't do it for me). I'd be worried about yotsubae crushing my head between her thighs, but it wouldn't be the worst way to go out.

something that made Kaguya threads unreadable for me

Same. I will be gloating to the high heavens when she does.

miku on suicide watch is most beautiful miku though

>She's just being a coward.
Nino's been doing frontal attact after frontal attack, a redo is definately in the works for later. Nino's problem is that she's too anxious because she knows Fuutarou only knows her bad points and she wants him to at least know the good before she's rejected.

It doesn't take a genius to realize Nino has a 0% success rate if she confesses. There's absolutely no reason for him to like her with all the shit she pulled on him.

To my knowledge, it started from Nisekoi and then was passed down to Bokuben. Though those otters are way less angry.

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She's a bit naive and fragile, and girls like Ichika always prey on girls like Miku. She need to get stronger and act bolder if she wants to have any chance and I think Nino could help her with that. Miku already did alot but thats not enough if she is so insecure about herself. As user here said Yotsuba only makes it worse in a long run

The first real sign of her regression was probably when Nino tried to provoke her and she cried instead. That was right after Seven Goodbyes and before her score got BTFO'd by Ichika.
Maybe the fear of being separated from Fuutarou by him quitting made her lose the confidence she gained in the field trip, and she hasn't been able to resolve herself again because every time she tries, it fails.

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Even I laughed after this chapter after she kept setting idiotic standards and conditions to inspire herself to confess.

Wow, you pointing out this scene makes it really obvious. What the fuck did Negi do to Miku?

>her plans always getting BTFO'd by one of her sisters
And little did she know that all her plan actually worked.That literally the only problem.

Miku is cute and the bride

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But not the cutest

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>Nino's problem is that she's too anxious
what the fuck do you think being a coward means retard

Par the course. Miku is actually only different to fuu, she has zero social and communication skills when forced to deal with strangers.
Remember when a bunch of yotsuba groupie mistook her for yotsuba, she became the usual beta Miku.

>Didn't get the highest score but Fuu thanked her for taking the time to help the others and for coming up with that idea
>Ichika notices this and gets nothing even with the highest score
>Nino thinks Miku will just puff her cheeks and take it
>Gets actually hurt and Nino feels bad to help her cooking
I don't know, its more like things go her way even when she "fails".

>Miku starts as cool, collected, nerdy kuudere character
>Oh shit, she's more popular than expected
>Negi changes entire plot to cash in, says Itsuki was never meant to be first girl
>We wind up with some grotesque Onodera wannabe
>mfw picture related

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Except when it comes to helping strangers, like helping that old lady across the street like near the beginning.

don't forget that fuutarou noticed all her feelings in spite of her dicking around in a bakery for all of last volume

Both Miku and Fuutarou problem would be solved if they talked to each other.
What a pair of autists.

>The chocolates didn't work the way she thought.
>She lost to Ichika for the exams.
>Fuutarou guessed her correctly in Scrambled Eggs, but she didn't realize it worked.
>She lost to Nino for the bakery job.
>Her field trip group plans didn't work because of Ichika and Nino.
>She found out she has to compete with Nino.
>She found out Ichika has been sabotaging her.
>Yotsuba revealed her feelings to Fuutarou by accident.
She's been trying to get things to go exactly as she intends, but they don't and it just chips away at her confidence instead of building it back up.
But that's her own problem.

Reminder that if it weren't for Yotsuba's big mouth, Miku wouldn't have cried.

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>lost to Nino for the bakery spot
>Nino doesn't feel like she won
you may be onto something here user

>Randomly starts being a fucking nuisance to the Bowl with her Rena shit, setting these threads aflame
>Now is just being a fatass for a whole chapter
What did Negi mean by this

>What a pair of autists.
A couple you mean

That page is what separates Nino's and Ichika's version of "knocking down" their rivals.

the inner mechanisms of a fatty's mind are an enigma

It means being too scared of the repercussions to take a chance on something dumbass. This is something Nino was not and is not afraid of. Nino merely wants a fighting chance before being judged. She plans to recieve an answer once she feels she's shown all she has to offer. Your dumbass probably didn't know the definition of the word anxious though.

Fatty is precious and a girl worth marrying. Fuutarou is a lucky man

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F says some pretty mean shit to/about Yotsuba without even realizing it lol.

This, but unironically.

this entire manga is driven by the autism of its characters.

>Ichika backstabs the everloving shit out of her closest sister instead of just telling the boy she likes her feelings
>180 tsuntsun for the guy that she fucking drugged in the first volume. also ninofags.
>Miku declares open season on the guy she falls for first. Can't stop sperging and decides to fucking bake bread instead of telling fuutarou her feelings and cries in a corner when her sisters are beating her in the race
>Yotsuba scores legit zeros on tests
actual autism
>Itsuki tells fuutarou to forget about rena but now wants him to remember rena

Fuutarou at least is getting less autistic as time goes on. I hope he tells the quints to fuck off in the end and hooks up with pigtail-chan or something

Bokuben's otters are pretty chill

>Itsuki tells fuutarou to forget about rena but now wants him to remember rena
I think it's because, unknown to us, she thought the memories of her were holding him back, but later realized he had met everyone.
Either that or, she decided she likes him.

Snek stopped them twice.
It is not like they didn't try, for a beta doormat like Miku she actually did quite well. They have plenty of conversation together, grocery shopping, scrambled eggs, personality test etcetc


But if Nino is the kisser and Fuuts already likes her then whats the problem? Nino's already gone full throttle and has nothing else to show him. Futts has already seen her best so she will just burn out quicker than the others.

If anything Itsuki was really in character.

>Ichika's screwjob made it so she couldn't confess
>But all of this drama led to the conclusion that Fuu now knows she is interested in him
>Even when she loses she wins
Huh, I'm just seeing this now too.

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And why would I stop replying to the best OPs?

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She isn't called Ni-NO CHANCE for nothing. I came up with that just now.

Actually the one who has been in the spotlight recently is Yotsuba.
Nino's just shined at the last chapter.

I want to have 5 children with Ichika. She would be a great mother.

Ichikafags are near extinction.

no she wouldn't. Itsuki would probably eat her own children, but being eaten is preferable to being raised by Ichika.

I'm scared to ask, but what happened in those threads? I don't read them.

1 and 2 have pretty much swapped places from the beginning of manga. 1 has become the antagonist and 2 has become the supportive onee-san.

I mean the whole did she like me/did he notice only rose recently during the mock exam

Nothing is wrong with them. Some anons are just unable to face the reality that hack authors are only dragging their series to milk money. Glory to otterfags.

Itsuki avoids all sister drama and come into the picture at the last minute to get the important development scene with fuutarou.

> anime
Too far for current status manga. user

Nah Miku's confession was ruined because Yotsuba called out Ichika. Based on Yotsuba's character, she would feel guilty and blamed on herself instead of Ichika.

Oh, so while Bokubenfags have embraced the otters that they are, Kaguyafags are more in denial and get super assblasted if you bring it up? Sounds like those threads are pure "no fun allowed."

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>Itsuki wasn't even there with her anymore when she stumbled upon them

But that's wrong.

The only part that is weird is that they arrived pretty much at the same time as the others despite going back to take the longest route while Ichika was running through the short one. The timing of their arrival is complete convenient bullshit.

5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization.

>short hair

When are you going to come out, OP? At least tell your parents that you are a prancing lala homo man.

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This chapter clearly put Itsuki in a different light than her sisters.

On one hand you can see the first four scheming and disagreeing about fuutarou's case, then you have Itsuki casually supporting him and them having a proper exhange.

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>she would feel guilty
She did blame herself. Yotsuba did nothing wrong though, blame is solely on snek hand.

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>Yotsuba writes her name as よつば and not as 四葉

His pixiv

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>due to her plans always getting BTFO'd by one of her sisters

Her name is Bichika.

Also this is the chapter after which Miku's character started to get slower and slower at the fuutaroubowl.

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Oh yeah I forgot he draw 2Hu art, thanks.

>Yotsuba still write her name in Hiragana
If only mama Rena knew she gave the slowest quint the hardest name to write.

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fuu... kun...?

Now wait until Fuutarou and Itsuki do a 180 and go from rejecting each other to falling in love.

The author prolonged the conclusion of the main leads becoming a couple for real after they pretty much did a french kiss.
While I think some of the developments are necessary and I'm not one of those otterposters, they kinda had it coming for hyping up the kiss chapter as the best thing ever and the pinnacle of romcom.


It is nice that she is getting more screen time now, but to Fuutarou she is just a really good friend. Still I do wonder how he will react once he discover that she is a true lolikano

This might turn out to be the best story arc, second only to this one

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> once he discover that she is a true lolikano
There's no way that'd happen. You're just setting yourself for disappointment.

good point. Nega realized he had to put the brakes on the Miku train or else the manga would be over before anyone got a chance to make a fool of themselves, so he gave her autism.

That is what I dislike about harems. You cannot have some interesting but negative development for a character that had no chances of winning since the beginning without people whining about that

^(me). he also gave everyone else autism for good measure

Big if it happened. He will have lost total trust with them.
Ichika disguised as Miku to fool him
Rena disguised as lolikano to fool him

If anything the otter meme fits for Souma more at this point, but I guess even the otter's already dead for that series

>Nino is giving Miku tough love
>Yotsuba is being too nice Miku
I like these 2 way to much. They both are best girls despite being polar opposites.

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It was incredibly disappointing to see Yotsuba vanish as a character after this chapter.

For me, my worst case of otter syndrome was with Fairy Tail. And thank God I was able to finally free myself after the main story, cause there's no way I'm reading the 100 year quest or Mashima new manga.

>Yotsuba scores legit zeros on tests
>actual autism

That's being retarded not autistic.

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This moment solidified the moment where I think Yotsuba would be best for Fuu since she was the only one that could make him laugh that much. Way better than Nigno for sure.

The best part of itsuki is fooling the retards that think she doesnt have anything special then they get btfo.

I did it. I read it all. thank you nerds for spamming this threads, I wouldn't have found about 5Toubun otherwise. Also, *ahem*

Didn't you get banned yesterday?

>she doesnt have anything special
The only special thing that she can have is a special bowl of ramen

It's gonna be glorious when Itsuki casually wins the bowl after all the drama with 123.

You're welcome fag

>that beautiful expression
Hope or despair, I don't know which I like more.

Thanks for proving the point idiot

You're not me
You're welcome fag


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A man of culture is born, welcome to the fold brother

Sauce on the thumbnail?

Being a fatass doesn't make you special
No place for fat acceptance.

Reminder that Fuu and Miku ahve the most wholesome scenes

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Thanks a lot.

No matter what happens.
I want to tightly hold Miku's hand and comfort her witht he best of my abilities(Platonically)


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>Ichika character was foreshadowed at the early stages of the manga

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You're welcome.

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Fuut laughed due to the spur of an moment, not because it was Yotsuba in general. Fuutarou isn't gonna activity laugh even if he ends with Yotsuba. Also Nino will always be Fuutarou most ideal waifu out of the quints.

this is a blue board user

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The fact that you had to pull from such an early arc explains it all

Please break up with me

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FT had tits and asses at least.

>Fuutarou dodges Yotsuba's question about him liking Miku
>Fuutarou lies to Itsuki about Miku liking him
>Fuutarou knows Miku likes him

What does he mean by this?

>Way better than Nigno
Because Nino doesn't care about what Fuutarou wants, it's all about what she wants.

>Fuutarou lies to Itsuki about Miku liking him
He was not sure

Willful blindness. He's just as autistic as Miku

Itsuki and Yotsuba are the only acceptable ends.

Seems like he had a pretty good idea here, though may be confirmation bias

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>He's just as autistic as Miku
No he's not.

why didn't fuutarou just text her about it after getting interrupted

He is a tsun

He didn't want to get ahead of himself. Because of reasons.

Why is Itsuki so autistic about the Rena shit?

Don't know. Itsuki was just turtling in the background for awhile, being nice and supportive of fuuts while the other quints sperged out over romance, then she tried playing 4d chess out of nowhere and accidentally shit herself. Unclear why.

He simply was confused by Ichika's disguise. Yotsuba's words about Miku liking Fuutarou made everything clear for him.

He was doubtful of fake Miku because he was sure Miku liked him which threw him off when she said she'll support Ichika. But because he had no proof she was fake he believed fake Miku but was was still skeptical. After Yotsuba confirmed to him that Miku did have feelings for him he became falttered and quickly confirmed that the Miku who said she'll support Ichika is fake.

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God I wish that were me

Wasted opportunity of making Ichika x Fuutarou ending where she tries to strangle him and he says "I am sick of your bullshit "

Will he make it to space?

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I hope he gets a nice alien waifu

>alien waifu
Yotsuba is an alien form of life that looks like a ribbon.

You'll have to keep partying on Negi's wild ride to find out.

Itsuki is so detached from her sisters and their drama. She doesn't even feel like a quint sometimes.

She suffered from muh mommy syndrome

It's like she only matters when it's about fuutarou's character.

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>Because Nigno doesn't care about what Fuutarou wants, it's all about what she wants.
This desu.


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I'm rooting for all the quints minus the snake. I sincerely hope Yotsuba isn't in love with Fuu kun so i don't see her sad.

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the snake ? who ?

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Yeah, in the Miku's

>No Ichishit

I really hope this makes it to the credits

It will, people also really liked pic related

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>tfw France never fully recovered

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top kek

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