What's the age range for cakes? I thought 23 was too young, but a lot of people are calling Kojima-sensei one

What's the age range for cakes? I thought 23 was too young, but a lot of people are calling Kojima-sensei one.

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Late 30's and up



This is what I thought. So people are just (surprise surprise) using the term incorrectly then?

Christmas cakes are by definition 25+.

Your girl is cute but she's pre-cake at best.

Oh damn thanks for reminding me they animated this

Well the term is Christmas Cake, and thus is inherently tied to 25 due to its namesake.

But no point being too pedantic. Adult aged working woman who can't get into a relationship? Good enough. It's more the character archetype than the specifics.

Too young to be a cake, but not too old for me to call her mommy during sex

It's above 25 and anyone who tells you something else is wrong. It comes from comparing them to christmas cakes, which nobody wants after christmas (the 25th of december).

As soon as they hit 25.

The important thing is to pick up your cake before the expiration date. You want one soft and moist, not stale and dry.

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You have my attention.

>still using this old ass term

its MOMMY now, ret/a/rds!

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What said. The term, 'Christmas cake' literally refers to the number 25, as in the 25th day of December on which Christmas falls. The idea is that after the 25th no one wants a Christmas cake anymore because it's outlived its usefulness and no one is interested anymore.

It's mostly about how Japan is a dystopian nightmare where they work you to death in your adult life due to their corporate culture, which leads to them glorifying their youths when they had free time and lives, looking back on it through rose-tinted goggles. It's why there's so many anime that center around high school and so few that take place in modern adult life.

Japan's fucked and full of soulless wage slave pedophiles with no taste that would fall over dead from awkwardness on the spot if a girl so much as tried to talk to them. More Christmas cake for me I guess.

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How can she be a MOMMY, but she doesn't have kids?

yeah okay sure frogposter
back to and your milkies threads

Tfw I'm older than all of the so called cakes


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Same. Also unemployed. Suicide soon.

christmas cake sounds infinitely less gay so i think i'll stick with that

christmas is on the 25th

any girl under 25 is still fresh

>watching anime
>the "mature" character is way younger than you

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mommy can only apply to real milfs

people are retards just like how they call every anyme girl waifu, or any adult ladies milf when they don't have kids

Christmas cakes are disgusting

As someone about to turn 30. I feel you.

There are tons of newfags who essentially equate "cake" to mean mature. Don't believe me? Start a "Cake" thread and count how many MILFs get posted.

december is the first month of the year and people are geniuses

Cake thread?

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I'm getting to that state. I'm 24 now and a lot of teachers in anime are like a year younger than me to two years older or so. It's very disorienting. It feels like it was just yesterday that I was 11 and I was thinking of most of the girls in Naruto as "probably too old for me I guess even if I like some of them."

Time hurts.

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they're retards ignore them
cake's are 25+
"no one wants a christmas cake after the 25"

Shit series
Great doujins

Cake is a state of mind. You can be a 18yo cake and a 30yo cute girl. It's all on her attitude and how she behaves

I officially declare it caek time.

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Only 24 and already having such feeling?
Dude,you will end up offing yourself close to 30yo

> I'm 24
Ah things get much faster and much worse once you reach 25+
It's not a meme

This so much. She's supposed to be 23? I'm 23 and I look like I'm in high school still. I can't even grow facial hair on my cheeks. I used to look up to people in their 20's and I still feel like I'm the same kid looking up to people my own age. Sorry for blogging.

I always thought it was more of a lifestyle, kinda like 'OL', or how Loli is more of a body-type instead of an age.
But people will also argue about that.

I thought it was kind of fun how I was Ichigo's age when I started watching the anime, and then he became my age at the end of the manga.

>Loli is more of a body-type instead of an age

I still believe this. My favorite lolis are all beyond the childish age that some people associate loli with.

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I'm on the same boat and I actually don't want to think about growing more.

Wrong. There are a lot of highschool anime because highschoolers are the largest demographic for anime in Japan. They are just going where the money is. Same reason the 80s had lots of mecha shows, because young boys were the largest anime demographic back then. Adults watching highschool anime are a minority. And the reason the whole christmas cake thing exist is because after 25 is when a women's eggs start to dry up. It was only a generation ago that women would marry right out of high school and already have a family going by 25. It has nothing to do with worshiping youth, it's just the biological reality of women. Same reason we have terms like spinster.

What do you call a 25+ kissless virgin male besides loser?

Yea Forums poster


Objectively age 26+ and single is what constitutes a cake. The term comes from refering to women as Christmas Cakes, nobody wants a Christmas Cake after December 25th.

25, you underaged idiot. It's a play on words for Christmas cake

Average 4channel user

I jerk off to little girls getting gang raped in tears, and even I think your fetish is creepy

This one is the correct horse.

it's called "christmas cake" because it's past it's due date on the 26th. so any woman 26 or older is past her due date, or "too old" for consumption/marriage.

That's called deflection and scapegoating. Liking MILFs and older women in general is supposed to be creepier than violent gang-rape of children? Fucking lol.

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To be clear here, it's not being single. It's failing to get married before turning 26. Widows and divorcees are not cakes. Also, the woman in question can be dating someone, but if never married, she still is a cake.

Yes. We call them "Christmas Cake" because they're specifically 25+.

The gist of it is that women can't marry over 25 years just like bakers can't sell Christmas cakes beyond the 25th of December.

it's not an age it's an energy

If she had kids she'd be a milf, not a mommy.

31 reporting in


You were doing ok until you started talking about women's eggs

Anything past middle school is granny tier

Nothing, 30+ however are wizards

I feel the same, but being a teacher at 21-22 like in anime is unrealistic irl

we'll both probably feel the burn when we're in our late 20s

24 is still young dw

In terms of nips cake range for them is 25+
Which is probably one of the reasons why their birth rates are so damn low since they seem to think any chick who's single and over 25 isn't worth going for

Wait till you get 31. In anime standards, you're an old man.

> Turning 30 on Friday
> Still unmarried
> Still no kids
> Still hopping from job to job unable to get into the career I want to
> Still renting out a room I've lived in for a little over a year that I share with four other people
I should probably just kill myself at this point to be honest.

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>Feel like I am 19
>I am probably 10 years behind everyone else on many regards due to heavy autism in earlier years
Literal manchild I guess.

But they're not worth it. Western women like this are usually single moms, batshit crazy, career women that only marry up or are fiercely independent etc, married and divorced at least once or all of the above 2D is nicer.
>Turned 31 last Friday
>kissless Virgin, no kids, unmarried
>Live alone and in a construction career making well enough to be comfortable
>Spend all my off time and weekends anime, vidya or fishing/camping/overlanding
It's very nice. You do get past a caring point in regards to the whole virgin kissless mess.

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It's dangerous to go alone take this

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>Being 31
>Working as an architect
>Made enough to sustain myself, saving and sending money back home.
>Kissless virgin
>Being insecure any girl/woman loving me if after the money and not real love
>Never try to go out and finding girls to flirt.
I guess the only way I could get married is to knock some random girl down while drunk and made her pregnant. Also making sure the baby is mine.

>But they're not worth it. Western women like this are usually single moms, batshit crazy, career women that only marry up or are fiercely independent etc, married and divorced at least once or all of the above
Not from my experience but maybe I've just been lucky. I dated one chick who was 23 for a couple of months and got sick of her special snowflake bullshit and obsession with Facebook drama. Never had that problem with older women so I've just stuck with women in their 30s or older ever since.

thanks for your downvote redditard

Are you stupid? Isn't the term itself self-explanatory enough?

>I feel the same, but being a teacher at 21-22 like in anime is unrealistic irl
Not really. Go straight from high school and get a degree + teaching license. Doing that in three years is not unfeasible in the US, and in Japan technically one can go to a junior college and become a teacher.
t. user with teaching license

>he thinks there are downvotes on 4channel
umm, get your mind out of the gutter, sweattie

she's a premature cake because she already established a certain status quo waaaaay before she hits the proper age

this woman makes me feel things i shouldn't expect in a show like that

Women being considered to be past their prime after their mid 20s has always been a thing even in Europe.

yeah, it's also how their body looks, often times they use Milf incorrectly too.

based = upvote
cringe = downvote
That terminology is how you spot redditfags.

Sure when the average life expectancy was 45.

I don’t like facing my biological reality but this is a myth, the low life expectancy meme is just because of a higher infant mortality rate fucking with the average.

The actual average life expectancy has never been this low, infant mortality was just fairly high. You could live more than 60 years easily regardless of your social status.

You sure seem to know a lot about this.

Ah yes, the "thou doth protest too much" argument. If someone claims to dislike something they must obviously indulge in it left and right. What a foolproof argument, Shakespeare. Seriously, this is one of the intellectually laziest comments a person can throw.

damn I haven't seen that image in like 8 years

I'm 23 and a teacher, graduated uni at 22. Can confirm. I will say though that I feel super young compared to all my cohorts so it shouldn't make you feel too old.

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post 'em

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If I could stop stressing out about my somewhat bleak future and job, I'd probably regress back into a carefree 16 year old.


So is the minimum age actually 25 or "older than 25" i.e. 26? I keep getting conflicting replies.

And aren't Christmas cakes still OK to eat on Christmas Day itself?

Cherish the time you have left, once you hit 25, you’ll be almost 30 before you know it. Speaking from experience here.

25. christmas day isn't a thing in japan, it's all about the eve

Why be so technical about it? The difference between 25 and 26 is borderline meaningless. It's just an approximate definition.

These days, Christmas cake has become so ingrained in Japanese culture that you can even find some in your smartphone: There are two versions of the cake on the emoji keyboard. (Emoji, as the name suggests, originated in Japan.) The cakes go on discount once Dec. 25 rolls around — a fact that gave birth to an unfortunate bit of old Japanese slang: "Christmas cake" was used to refer to an unmarried woman who was over 25 and thus, considered past her prime. (Sigh. We know.)

And it was widely used during the Japanese economic bubble era, when Japanese men can get whatever women they want, usually going for younger than 25 year old women because of all the money.

should i wait for the BD instead?

He's got a naked 25 year old bent over in front of him, but is frantically hammering away on his keyboard and going "stay where you are for a moment, love - I just need to check something"

Yes it is.

This is an important question. Will there be a SUPERIOR version of this, eventually?

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Kaede is one of the most popular idols in im@s, and she's 25. Whether or not she's a cake hinges on this.

>tfw you are older than Kaeda thus she cant ara-ara~ you

Cake is a spectrum made up of age, environment, and personality
A cake can be young if the people around her are even younger and she acts like a cake
A cake can be the youngest person in their environment as long as they are still decently old and act like a cake
A cake can act young but still be a cake if they’re the oldest person in their environment and are of cake age
Do you understand?
When you combine all three of these things, you reach the holy trifecta of cakage, but that is too much cake for some people to handle

Mayumi Nishikino is 31.

>tfw I'll be older than her in this year

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Sex is overrated anyway. I tried it once, and my reaction was "That's all? Where is that shit that people on the internet says?"

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>And aren't Christmas cakes still OK to eat on Christmas Day itself?

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i know i am a virgin but i want to voice out too. Sex is not ejaculation, it is interaction so it can be good or bad. Pussy is nice and warm but her tightness is challenged by death grip and masturbatory toy., the same applies to dick. So what makes sex good other than interaction and affection (mutual?)?

Well, I can't feel affection so maybe this.

36 here

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>became a cake last year
>anons saying from here on out life speeds away and gets worse
Just let me watch k-on and remember that life again before you fuck my shit and dying eggs up.
When I get older than Misato Katsuragi I’m killing myself, gotta make these next 4 years good

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I know that feel, I hate my life so much

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I was seriously considering hiring an escort a week ago, but ultimately decided not to because I knew it wouldn't deliver what I want most, which is as you said, affection.

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Hopefully we can all be reincarnated into an anime world, where life will be much better than this shitty one

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At least I think Kaede looks like a 25 yr old so maybe I will be that cute when I look into the noose like a mirror

I know a cake IRL (she's 36). She isn;t any of what you mentionned, just incredibly low self-confidence.

western women have issues but let's be honest here, so do guys, a lot of issues.

She looks like a milf cake
I call her cake

In 20 the person turns adult in japan and at that point they are considered a cake.

Then you have Christmas cake where the women is considered past her prime and bad package. That would be 25. The Japanese are all a bunch of fucking lolicons.

Men lost the reins on women and the thottery and stronk single mom crazies are the effects of that. Men turned into low test anime-loving gamers and failed to show women what to look forward to when they reach child-bearing age, thus turning them into feminist harpies who hate children

Been there too few times already. But i suppose it's really not worth it.

>tfw no mommie gf
>27 not kissless but still virgin without any contact to girls
>tfw social retard and anxiety
Why is life so shit compared to animes
There has to be at least one unused girl that is not a total degenerate for me...

I've always heard that the Christmas Cake age is 30. But I'm all for lowering the standard to 25, females need to settle down and have kids quick.

t. abe

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post more of your favourite Kaede, human is always a better filter

>any girl under 25 is still fresh
Let's not be hasty here. Let's argue that they're well past their prime but still edible.

What's that like? I've had a couple of really young teachers in elementary/ high school and the kids ate them alive

>What's that like? I've had a couple of really young teachers in elementary/ high school and the kids ate them alive
That's more an aspect of being a new teacher. Doesn't matter how old you are, just if you can handle it. And most people can't, especially at first. Most teachers don't last more than five years before dropping out of the profession. (That's what's driving the "teacher shortage" in America - not that there aren't enough new teachers, but that they don't last long enough to git gud.) I only got through student teaching; being a janitor was preferable.

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Christmas Cake is Economic bubble era Japan term for single women

New Years Noodle is the new term.

how to be a good teacher for elementary school teacher (age 7-12)?

Dunno. That's why I did high school.

then tell me your experience

>About to marry a cake in less than 2 months

Feels good man

The insecure ones are either batshit crazy or incredibly lovable pretty much her case

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>And the reason the whole christmas cake thing exist is because after 25 is when a women's eggs start to dry up.
Women lose ovarian follicles within the first weeks of life. Fertility really goes down after 30 and the rates of birth defects skyrockets after 40.

Stuff like this depresses me, I really fucked up my life by not dating

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I was a science teacher: here's what you have to deal with:
>entitled nigs (and in a white area, they're probably also on a sportsball team, which gives more entitlement)
>spics and rednecks don't give the slightest crap as long as they don't flunk completely
>all kids except the most goody-goody will try to cheat at every opportunity
>only (some of) the non-black christians will feel bad if caught; everyone else gets mad you had the audacity to prevent them from doing whatever they wanted (see: Yea Forums pirates and any DRM)
>when they actually do try, half the kids are completely allergic to math
>most of the rest still don't get it unless you hold their hand through every step
>have to accommodate inappropriately-mainstreamed tards
>male students will try to be your bro (and manipulate you)
>female students will do everything to manipulate you (crying is the worst)
>most kids act tough and hard but will back down if you show spine
>no real means of discipline because most parents are just as entitled if not moreso than the kids
>can't touch anyone at all
>can't get to know personal lives
>but also supposed to identify with students on a deeper level so they're more willing to learn
And that's just the students. There's a whole lot more with dealing with parents, other teachers, and admin.

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21 here, with people saying that once you're 25, things will just fly by, does that mean if I don't get my life scraped together by then, I'll be doomed?
More on topic, I really dislike the trend of women doing stuff like a long time at University, and then having children after, My mother did this and as a result I was born when she was thirty fucking seven and it's probably a big contributor to why I'm a 21yo NEET on Yea Forums at 4am (yeah some of it's my fault too, but it ain't like I was ever predisposed for greatness or something).
I apologise for dumb blog posting, but at lot of that is happening atm so, fuck it.

I just thought it was like 21-35, that's what I like anyway

fuck, The Wire didnt tell me this

>tfw 29

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Having kids isn't everything. And if you want to be a parent so badly (not sure why) there's plenty of kids to adopt.

>how to be a good teacher for elementary school teacher (age 7-12)?

What generally happens is that you get a routine. You go to work, come home and eat dinner, go on the internet and consume some media. Repeat. The days start blending together and the calendar just speeds along. The fact that each day is a smaller % of your life counts towards it too.
You can avoid this by having significant variety in your life and trying to mix things up. It's just far easier to have a routine, so most people do and thus the sentiment.

This is a good point, the week I spent on vacation felt a lot longer than my normal weeks.

If I were you, I would definitely work to make sure that I have my shit sorted by then, I wish I had been warned about that before I hit that age.

I wouldn't say that I necessarily want to be a parent that badly, it's more that I'm becoming more and more cognizant of the fact that certain life opportunities will be closed off to me the older I get, and that fills me with all sorts of negative emotions. In general, I wish I had known the value of time back when I was younger, and made a real effort to spend it more wisely. To a certain extent I'm sure even people who are successful in life have these types of feelings, but it feels even worse for me since anything that I be could proud of in life happened in my teens and I just totally wasted my 20s.

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>blog thread

>remotely close to christmas

fucking shits

Seconding what the other user said. I hired an escort a few years ago since I came from a pretty nasty breakup (she told me to just get a whore) and I was like, huh sure this feels good sure but its nowhere as fulfilling as I thought it would be. Putting a peepee in a veevee without mutual feelings is not sex, its just enhanced masturbation.

Objectively it's 25, but frankly any girl >=20 years old is cake.

Its called a Christmas Cake since you don't really eat one past the 25th of December
So anything over that is a cake, December = 12th month.

When I was 15 I thought my "childhood" was pretty much done, Since I was turning 16 that was that
I had to really buckle down and start thinking about my future
At 17, Now I thought I was really in the deep end, I'm going to be 18 soon, That's a legal adult
At 19 the impending doom that soon I wasn't a teenager anymore was setting in
I could keep going but the point I'm trying to make here is that you're never as old as you think.
I still look at myself in my early twenties and wonder why I panicked so much I was still so young all things considered.

>he's 24? damn that's old-
>mfw suddenly realized I just turned the same age a month ago

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I'm at 28 I completely feel like I am done. No amount of wishing that I am still in my prime doesnt change the fact that practically all doors are closed to me.

Nowadays, they call it "New Year's Noodles" to celebrate longevity, but some people still see cake as a fetish.

Unironically this.

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And the world wonders why there's a shortage of teachers.
really joggins my noggin

>More Christmas cake for me I guess.
You're not entirely wrong but you're gonna have to learn to speak elf if you're gonna get to them

A lot of people also huff paint. What's your point?

Lol underage b&’d

christmas cakes are okay year round, user.

Comfy doomer thread

I'll settle it once and for all!
>26 - 31
Hard Cake Limit: This based on age alone. You automatically become a cake in this age range unless something stops you. (listed on the bottom). At this age, you will want to have kids because it's gonna be dry soon and you're running out of time to pass on your genes!
>23 - 35
Soft Cake Limit: based on how a woman ages and level of work at her job. While you may be a bit young or a bit old, you can still qualify based on looks and attitude. Be careful though, too much desperation will automatically turn you into a cat lady regardless of what pets you own. As you age, this propensity to turn into a cat lady increases.
Christmas Cake: You've made it to your prime! Guys around this age will start declining too, so you better get a man while they're in good shape and before the dad bod kicks in!
>Any of the above but married.
>Women fresh out college with a degree (ages 22 - 30) are not eligible if they are single not lonely enough. Besides, by now in academia, you should have picked up an adorkable nerd husband. If you didn't what the hell is wrong with you!
Exception Tier: You're still a cake, just not on the market. You have accomplished your goal and now can get fat. (Don't actually do this. It's bad for your health. Get into running something to stay in good shape.)
>Women who have slept around the block
>Hoes with gaping pussies wanting to "settle down"
>Women who want to have kids and husband but are not willing to give up their clubing lifestyles.
>Any woman who has ever worked for a sugar daddy.
>Crazy Cat Lady (CCL)
Trash Teir: You don't qualify to be a cake even if you fit all the criteria above.
You can pretend do be a cake, but as soon as you're done fucking, they're gonna bail. This is your younger self's fault. Be upset and blame everyone but yourself.
You better be ready to make some sacrifices or it's straight into the trash.

A lot of people are retarded, so.

Even if there was, why would she want you?

But Crazy Cat Ladies are the purest of them all!

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How the fuck does no-one understand the term (Christmas) Cake? You're all fucking retarded.

Can you give a good definition to explain?

Its about bakers trying to SELL the cakes. Bakers obviously aren't open on Christmas day.

What a waste of leftovers, then. People age differently, so it's not like you can't get anyone ever again, give or take lying about your age. Then again, it's a passing fad in Japan these days as more people are getting married in their 30s.

Below 18 is loli, above 18 is hag

Because it's a Japanese term for a Japanese concept.
No one eats strawberry cakes and KFC on Christmas except for them and /jp/.
No one also associates Christmas with dating except for Japanese because Christmas is effectively another Valentine.
And to top it off, not everyone celebrates Christmas on 25th. It's a 50/50 split between countries which have Christmas on 24th and those which have it on the 25th.

Cakes are best

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>male students will try to be your bro (and manipulate you)
>female students will do everything to manipulate you (crying is the worst)

You can be friendly with your students, but if they try to get too friendly, tell them to fuck off (in a nice way). You're in charge, after all, whether they like it or not. Other than that, ignore all attempts of them trying to manipulate you. You should be smarter than them anyway.

What annoys me the most are sandniggers. Those are the worst. On the one hand, they try to smarm over you, on the other hand, they lie all the time, especially when caught red-handed. Seriously, fuck them.

>Objectively it's 25, but frankly any girl >=20 years old is cake.
That's not how it works you retard

>business woman
>not only that but the boss
she needs more porn

Very BASED explanation. And you are right, more cakes for us!
But I want to correct/add to something you said.
> glorifying their youths...It's why there's so many anime that center around high school
While this may be the case sometimes, it's not the sole reason. As already stated, high schoolers are the target demographic, so we might as well sell to them.
Also, it's the easiest place to write out people interacting on a regular basis and forcing drama. In the work force, if you hate your coworkers, you bail. No adult is gonna put up with that BS and you never have to see any of the fucks ever again.
But school forces interaction differently from any other social environment. It forces characters to play off of each other in a controlled environment.
>This is our new exchange student...
>Wow what a weird time of the year to transfer in!
>Go sit next to MC-Kun
It's a sign of lazy writing if you ask me, especially if a school has no place in the story and the school is shoehorned in as a plot device to force said interaction.
My proof: every magic high school battle harem ever released.
Funny enough, the only other time of most people's lives when they are forced into a similar environment again is when they live at retirement homes. Now that I would pay to watch!
Check this out:aarp.org/home-family/your-home/info-2018/bullying-senior-housing.html

>In the work force, if you hate your coworkers, you bail
Not if you're japanese. This is shameful.

Or just retards in general, which this place is full of by the way. There are no consequences to stupidity when posting anonymously after all, so this place breeds them.

Oh shit, you're right.
It's unironically better to commit suicide at that point.


Unironically based.

Based and redpilled.

What the hell is going on?

You have that backwards.

No he has it right.

Is this show the new Golden Boy?

Women lost the reins on men and the thottery and stronk single father crazies are the effects of that. Women turned into low est anime-loving gamers and failed to show men what to look forward to when they reach child-producing age, thus turning them into meninist harpies who hate children

Women found the reins on monogamy and dependent sane married fathers are the cause of that. Women turned against high estrogen western-cartoon-hating jocks who succeeded to conceal from men what to avoid prior to reaching childhood, thus reverting them from meninist polite persons who love adults.

Welcome to hell lads.

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What happened in 2008?

Twitter, Facebook and smart phones go mainstream.

sad that this is the only way for a series like this to get any attention on here

Are there even any decent manga where the main girl is 30+? I'm tired of seeing 25 year olds being old hags, it makes no sense.

I...I like cakes user...

>I'm tired of seeing old hags being old hags
25 is old user, get over it.

Maybe you should stop reading shounen manga then.

in shounen, women over the age of 30 either don't exist or are moms

Economy went to shit. Now we're just waiting for Boomers to die.

>Now we're just waiting for Boomers to die.
Isn't the average boomer 55-60 years old? Good luck with that.

30 and more for average people.
20 more for Japan. For real, it's not only anime, as soon as you hit 20 in Japan you are suppose to be a grown up adult.

How do you call a 300 year old cake?

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This whole cake business was hot until I realized I'm 35, not 15. Every year I develop more and more efficient routines that make the days go by faster and faster. Honestly week nowadays feels like day or two 20 years ago. Year feels like 2 or 3 months. And its accelerating. I'm going to senile before I even know it and then i won't even be able to tell time or if have shat my pants. People shouldn't live past 30.

The whole thing is also a totally obsolete and dead concept in Japan. I was talking to one of my Japanese otaku friends a while back and he didn't even know the term "Christmas Cake," and when I explained it he laughed and basically said that must be some '90s shit because nobody in Japan thinks like that anymore.

Bullshit. Even newer anime sometimes mentions that.

>that pic
ara ara intensifies

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Stop living a boring life then, get some hobbies, go out more, faggot. The "time goes faster when you grow up" is because you start repeating the same thing over and over everyday.

Christmas cake is 25 by definition.

The "Christmas Cake" term comes from a japanese saying that goes "women are like christmas cakes, once they are past the 25 (refering to december 25 in the cake´s case, and 25 years old in the women´s case) they are useless"

I legit never thought about this. You learn something new everyday.