Why was this shitfest so popular? Honest question. I know there's trash that gets popular every season...

Why was this shitfest so popular? Honest question. I know there's trash that gets popular every season, but the ratio of garbage-to-popularity of this show is incredible. I've never seen a show as bad as this desperate trope-grasping abomination get as popular as it did. Even FLCL was more coherent.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Why was this shitfest so popular?
Because it's good.

Zero Two
Sex metaphors

Didn't they make a website for fans of this show? I think it was called reddit.

>implying FLCL was bad
fuck off retard

and googly eyes!

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Teenager soap-opera aimed at people who never lived their teenage years. An MC all the faggots can self-insert into, and a hot love interest who's fucking obsessed with him. Great OST

>implying it wasn't
>inb4 TOO DEEP 4 U
I like how you destroy any credibility you have and call me retarded at the same time. Impressive, really.

Don't know what that is but why don't you go back there?

>>inb4 TOO DEEP 4 U
Wonder why knuckle-dragging shitposters are the only ones who use "deep" to describe why FLCL is considered good

>multiple autosage threads every week
>I-it was a reddit show!
Nice revisionism fag.

Sorry, I don't fit in with the Violet Evergarden fans. :((( Original insult tho

It was last year's AOTY.

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>snorecamp is top 3
what kind of fag poll is this

That's precisely my point.

-An anime-original
-By Trigger (and PA works but Trigger's name gets more attention)
-With a hot oni chick
-That pilots doggy style mecha
-With a lot of characters
-And shipping
-Lots and lots of shipping

Put all these together and you've got attention

Will PROMARE destroy Trigger's credibility finally, or will more autistic flashy-artwork jacking occur?

They will save anime all over again, just like they always do. Deal with it, faggot.

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>Why was this shitfest so popular
There it is faggot, it was a shitfest everyone wanted to a part of and fling shit in as well.

AOTY was Tonegawa

It had sex and the potential to be good. It was hyped up as fuck but crashed and burned on delivery, which created more fuel for discord.

If you really think that kamina clone's going to save anything you're mistaken. Imaishi can only do one thing and he's not even creative about it.

It's one of those shows where "you had to have been there" to enjoy.
I had way more fun chatting during the streams, shipping, and discussing theories on Yea Forums than I did actually watching it.

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Yea Forums desperately forcing a trainwreck instead of just waiting for one to happen naturally.

this might be the most concise while still remaining accurate description of events i've heard.

I avoided Darling in the Franxx and Violet Evergarden for opposite reasons
DITF looked trashy and juvenile (and not in a good way)
VE looked pretentious and tryhard (and not in a good way)

How the hell do you force a pre-written story?
So what? Are we not allowed to hype things up, be excited, or God forbid, have fun?

Trigger meme plus waifubait

>It's one of those shows where "you had to have been there" to enjoy.
>I had way more fun chatting during the streams, shipping, and discussing theories on Yea Forums than I did actually watching it.
THIS i miss alpha posters and charlemagne posting and defending 02 from people calling her a slut, it was glorious.

But the show itself is very average and not in a good way.

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OP here. I had the same impressions and went against my better judgement to check them out. You are not missing anything. I must truly be a freak to dislike these genius works of art.

I was already bored by episode 5 and I dropped it. I didn't think it would go anywhere interesting after 5 episodes of nothing.

Flair > whatever the fuck you think matters in anime.

No it wasn’t

It wasn't. It was just a couple of autists shitposting about it.

Like this:
>Anime scene: character X drops a pencil, the pencil rolls through the floor
>Yea Forums posts:
And so on. You pretended to be excited, but you weren't.

It was fun to watch with Yea Forums, you really had to be there to get it

For me, it was Punished Ichigo.

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>But the show itself is very average and not in a good way.
Had the show not shit itself, I would call it average. As a whole, I would honestly have to call it pretty bad, especially considering how many of the themes it felt like it was building up in the first half are basically nothing by the end.

It's honestly annoying how much episodes 13 and 15 stand out for their quality amongst the rest of the show

>or God forbid, have fun

>still pushing the openly proxy poll
holy shit kill yourself

Oh but I will add it was a blast to watch with Yea Forums. At the time it was like a nightmare but looking back it was fun

You mean a lot of newfags and faggots from other sites came to shitpost about it

and by a lot, you mean a LOT

backing up my claim

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Gurren Lagann was so good that it pretty much gave Trigger a "we'll praise everything you do" fanbase to the point where forgettable shows like Kill la Kill and Darling in the Franxx are considered classics of Japanese animation.

I wonder how much that goodwill will last? you can argue that it will last forever, as it has been twelve years since Gurren Lagann, but post-Evangelion Gainax eventually became a joke


I watched for the Yea Forums threads, was absolutely worth it

Kill la Kill would have been nearly as good as TTGL if it didn't lose steam in the last half. Franxx is pretty forgettable though.

DESU I don't even hate on KLK, although it was no where near Gurren Lagann. But the downward trend is obvious. I just wonder how much of a joke Promare's going to be.



this user is more dishonest than the press

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Thats fair

Trigger better get their asses into gear and start working on LWA OVA 3 or season 2.

I am SICK of waiting, Tattun!
You better tell that committee that we're fucking ready.

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Franxx tried to be Eureka Seven, failing spectacularly. Eureka Seven's original creators failed spectacularly too, being unable to "recapture the magic".
Both haven't realized that Eureka Seven worked because it was a product of its time, like the Tamagochi or 56k phone line internet.

>Gurren Lagann was so good that it pretty much gave Trigger a "we'll praise everything you do" fanbase
I'm not gonna lie, this is very true and it bugs me to no end. No other studio has this kind of cult mentality behind it, not even KyoAni

>as it has been twelve years since Gurren Lagann, but post-Evangelion Gainax eventually became a joke
Well that one is obviously because after Evangelion they didn't have any big hits until TTGL. And then immediately after TTGL they started going downhill (though I do like Hanamaru Kindergarten and PSG).

I think something that separates Trigger from Gainax is that Trigger haven't started doing a lot of manga adaptations yet like Gainax were doing

Up until episode 15, it basically was the E7 but with Dominic and Anemone everybody wanted. Boy did that come crashing down

I was so upset when the "blue oni" didn't appear here.
I remember a few of us desperately wanted to see it appear and start choking Zero Two out.

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>Up until episode 15, it basically was the E7
You might want to rewatch E7, buddy. FranXX had none of the wonder, memorable characters, authentic drama, excitement of Eureka 7. It was just shitty teenage drama. Even comparing Dominic to Hiro is insulting.

In my opinion, 80% of Yea Forums started watching anime around 2006 so shows like Haruhi and Gurren Lagann left a impression on them so strong that they see both studios that can't do wrong.
A similar phenomenon is latin americans and Saint Seiya: it doesn't matter how mediocre new Saint Seiya material / anime is, they'll eat it without complaining because it was one of their first anime, maybe even the first.

...are you one of those guys claiming that Gundam Wing has one of the best representation of politics in any fictional media?

That's true but with that logic, people should worship Sunrise due to Code Geass and Gundam 00's popularity yet that clearly isn't the case.

same with Dragon Ball Super. as long as south america is around, anything Dragon Ball related will have a fanbase.

Rewatch E7, seriously. Dai Sato might tend to mess up complicated plots, but he can write some of the best character interactions in the medium. The garbage melodrama and characters of FranXX can't compare.

>Gurren Lagann was so good that it pretty much gave Trigger a "we'll praise everything you do" fanbase
Their other shows are fine but I can't even see Triggerfags defending Inou Battle or Kiznaiver.

>PA works

why not? it has hot waifus. thats all it takes

for me? it was APE comfyposting

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Kill la Kill was one of the best shows of the decade and along the way they've made top shows like LWA, Gridman Luluco or Inferno cop. Those of us that like what they do are quite happy.

Baby's first flavor of the month anime

This board doesn't even have that many people

Those are "serious", militaristic mecha shows that didn't pander directly to teenagers so they weren't as appealing, and Sunrise isn't a studio that markets its own image like KyoAni or Trigger do.
Meanwhile Full Metal Panic, another serious and militaristic mecha show has the same cult-like fanbase thanks to romance and high school hijinks.

Great premise, great setting, great themes and ideas to explore, great character design, great soundtrack.

Absolute trainwreck made of dogshit of a plot and writing.

>forgettable shows like Kill la Kill
>kill la kill
If there's one thing kill la kill isn't is forgettable and that of course doesn't say anything about the quality of the show itself.
>Kill la Kill and Darling in the Franxx are considered classics of Japanese animation
Absolutely no one considers franxx a classic and even most klk fans wouldn't call it a classic (at least from what i see here and among people i know who watched and liked it, but i could be wrong).

Not to mention that what really stablished trigger fanbase beyond the few people hoping they would be next gainax was kill la kill not ttgl.

>A similar phenomenon is latin americans and Saint Seiya: it doesn't matter how mediocre new Saint Seiya material / anime is, they'll eat it without complaining because it was one of their first anime
Except that most of latin america hates any saint seiya anime that isn't the original one and are especially assblasted with the new remake, for some reason they still watched lost canvas, a more valid comparison would be dragonball.

Exactly this. It's too bad Yea Forums somehow infested with the kind of people this anime was aimed towards.

It was doing everything right for the first half of its run to keep the hype machine snowball rolling. The show had something every episode if not every other episode that got people talking, speculating and generating memes. And some of the episodes were really good, episode 13 is probably the best episode in the show and the directing (pacing, visual direction, musical direction, voice work, everything) is perfect.

It was literally a perfect storm until the team fumbled the entire project in the last 5-6 episodes and it lost all momentum and staying power.

>inb4 hurrr durrrr it was shit from episode one
Episode 1 hooked a lot of people. Say what you want but the show did a lot of things right.

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Trigger and KyoAni use the same marketing approach as western companies like Bioware or Apple: they don't sell a product, they sell a brand. That's why no fan of both studios asks "which shows are airing next season?" or "when are we getting a new romance / mecha / action / drama / sports anime?" but "when is the next Trigger / KyoAni show?"

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People like to pretend to like mecha while refusing to watch anything pre-2010 outside of Eva.

Wrong. Kyoani can take their Fujoshit and shove it up their collective ass. I want more haruhi/lucky star/nichijou/K-On/phantom world/dragon maid fun. Not gay shit and sappy drama.

triggertards will praise anything.
at least they finally managed to put together their first watchable series in SSSS Gridman.

Aren't the mecha basically shoved into the background for most of the show, though? I heard that there's no point picking it up for the mecha.

People say that about anything that isn't a stereotypical 70s super robot series. I haven't watched Franxx but that's a non-complaint.

eh, and yes

Don't oversell it. Most people don't like mecha here at all.

>Aren't the mecha basically shoved into the background for most of the show
You mean like 70% of mecha shows?

Sounds like someone hasn't watched many mecha shows.

it's popular with triggertards which is an extreme minority in the grand scheme of things. In the end, FranXX is forgettable, seasonal garbage like 90% of what Trigger pumps out. Just look at Promare threads it's filled with the same 30 people trying to shill it over and over and dies after nobody participates in the shillfest.

a lot of mecha shows are like godzilla movies they aren't about godzilla at all and just like the mechs he's treated more like a plot device.

I Lived My Teenage Years™ and very much liked this show

It's an unaired original movie. What is there to talk about?

The only thing good to ever come out of this series was the porn and Instagram cosplay thots who look like borderline pornstars and practically are

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>Sorry, I don't fit in with the Violet Evergarden fans. :(((
I'm sure you must, because you definitely don't fit in here.

The only reason why Franxx looked like shit was because it aired beside a classic that winter season. If it aired anytime else other than beside VEG, franXX would've easily been a decent show.

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I wanted to watch this but shows with robot MCs never have happy endings and I can't handle that.

>not wanting to be sad
it's a natural part of life.

It gave Yea Forumsedditors something to hype up so they can spam their retarded shitpost and feel like they're apart of a community

It featured the cutest couple in years

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There's already enough of it in reality, and robot MCs always give the creators a free excuse to be unnecessarily cruel to the character and have it be okay because "it's not a human." It's lazy, and I don't like it.

Watching sad shows give you that cathartic release that makes everything feel nicer in the end.

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she's not a robot my man, just autistic and armless

>Absolutely no one considers franxx a classic and even most klk fans wouldn't call it a classic (at least from what i see here and among people i know who watched and liked it, but i could be wrong).
Ehhh, I feel like this is only true for KlK because of how hard it is to recommend with it's weird kinks. Though all the circles I do chat with do consider it a classic.

Because everybody thought it was going somewhere. It was rock solid until everything after episode 15

>episode 13
cheap, contrived bullshit backstory, weeps in 3, 2, ..give me a fucking break
>episode 15
mega cringe. yes. un-fucking-ironically cringe. you know exactly what the shit I'm referring to.

Thinking Yea Forums isn't subreddit

despite how much we trash it, I think we all miss NGE. DitFXX, was just an attempt to fill that void.

Zero two is the only reason to watch Franxx. She is still best girl tho

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I'd just go back and rewatch Eva. And I do occasionally. I've actively avoided all Eva clones because it's obvious they're just trying to cash in on its popularity. I'd prefer more mecha series that aren't blatantly aping Eva. Though actually not since nobody knows how to draw mechs anymore and they're all ugly CGI. Surprisingly, Franxx apparently did have hand drawn mechs though.

Basically this

I started reading the manga. Lot of titties in it.

>reading titty magazines
>it is the current year

>being a fag
>in any year

This, I couldn't care less about the other shitters or boring MC and his magical pixie girl. Fuck the Franxx! Maybe they will finally axe the manga now

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>goes on hiatus just as things are starting to escalate

dab on them haters

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wow all the choices are shit

>user making a thread for people to explain why he's got shit taste
It's genetics my friend. I guess you're too stupid to enjoy art.
sucks to suck

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an ova based on manga when ?

After the hiatus

Any chances on this getting on the next Super Robot Wars?

>more mecha series that aren't blatantly aping Eva

I fucking Evafags so goddamn much. Expand your taste a little, Watch the orignal Aquarion. It’s not too old and I’ll bet you’ll love it

Fuck Jians and fuck O MY POWER OF LOVE, give me a show about a cute couple going Adam and Eve in a dystopia of sexless transhumanist eternal boomers

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>Kill la Kill was one of the best shows of the decade and along the way they've made top shows like LWA, Gridman Luluco or Inferno cop.
Way to prove his point, jerkoff.

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That's correct though, other than LWA TV not being that good.

It had a manic pixie dream girl as the main heroine and the lowest common denominator really tends to dig that

Trigger drones

I only started watching because the board got spammed. Though I may as well join in the fun.
Wasn’t the worse I’ve seen. Far from the best though.

Progressive has more of an inherent story than the original