Milky Holmes

Seasons that don't include all the original cast are just spin offs.

Also, I think I grew up with some autism symptoms, but not because I am autistic, but because my parents and the people that took care of me when I was young rarely talks to me.

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I have actual autism. It's not the same as damedame if that's what you're implying.

Young kids who don't socialize properly end up with an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex and are usually social outcasts until death. Welcome, user.

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>I have actual autism
what kind?

Aspergers. I'm high functioning.

When is the OVA getting subbed?

Which is Milky Holmes timeline?

this one

I'm guessing you're asking about the non-spin off shows.

I haven't seen all of seasons, but the first and second season are part of the main series.

"Alternative" and "Futari wa Milky Holmes" are spin offs and best be avoided.

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Attached: [WHW]_Tantei_Opera_Milky_Holmes_06_[BD.H264.AAC][12CE0272][v2].mkv_snapshot_03.09_[2015.10.16_12.20. (1280x720, 1.95M)

high functioning aspergers is not really a thing.

Most people just brand themselves as "high functioning aspergers" to make them feel special, and not just a person with an obsessive hobby and low social skills.

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I've known two people who claim aspergers. If they hadn't said shit I literally would not have been able to tell.

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How can any of you post when you all suicided?

I don't know how I went into Milky Holmes unspoiled about those finales but they were pretty amazing.
Wish I could have seen the reaction at the time.

Attached: [KiteSeekers-Wasurenai] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes II - 11v2 [1280x720 H264 OGG] [6EA40F5C].mkv_snaps (1280x720, 109K)

We are holding out hope that the last OVA will get subbed until was can be put to rest forever.


Attached: [WHW] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku 01 [BD.h264.AAC][E0ABB584] (00_08_05.484).jpg (1280x720, 945K)

I wish I could watch milky holmes for the first time again.

Attached: [WHW] Tantei Opera Milky Holmes Dai 2 Maku 01 [BD.h264.AAC][E0ABB584] (00_09_10.591).jpg (1280x720, 956K)