
Just three days left to go, but with no news of any western distributors picking it up still I'm starting to wonder if they're concerned about the themes of the show and don't want controversy.

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I love this

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Crunchyroll has some yet-unannounced shows. Also, they don't care about that shit.

I didn't think CR keeps shows secret this close to airing, but I hope you're right.

They don't even have a schedule up for this week yet.

Attached: crunchyroll mysteries.jpg (873x433, 50K)

>western anime distributor hesitating over a show because it might be gay
user, do you really think this is realistic

Not because of the gay, but because of the schoolboys stealing anus balls. Also I've already seen someone worried about consent.

They can drop it. I’ll keep watching.

The manga is finally translated. Thank god. It's pretty cute.

That's unlikely but even if they don't, Asenshi will be subbing this.


I wonder if someone will attempt to translate the novel they announced.

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Isn't it a Noita show? How controversial can it get?

>Asenshi will be subbing this.
Thank god, There will be shit the usual CR subbers won't understand.

>I'm starting to wonder if they're concerned about the themes of the show and don't want controversy.
Or maybe they find the summary dumb as fuck. I'm a huge Ikuharafag, but I'm wary.

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From the people that watched the previews, apparently episode 3 is the one to look out for.

I get the impression it goes a bit beyond what noita usually does.
>suwabe: is noitamina really okay airing this? several countries will surely ban it, don't you think?

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No matter the actual quality of the anime, I am excited for more casual anime fans to discover Ikuni. Seems like a lot of people have no idea what they're in for.

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>creators of ZLS and BF

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I didn't know Yoshida didn't just write a famed 80s shoujo manga but also worked at Cygames and conceptualise zombie idols. What a multi-talented fujoshit.

The fact that it's airing on noitamina did make me think at first that it might be a bit more mainstream, but with all the previews since the ones with the real backgrounds I've been convinced that's not the case.
Besides, with Banana Fish last year and Given this summer it seems like they're trying different things.


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Back when this was published months ago, those words didn't mean much, huh?

It was on their twitter too.

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Doesn't Amazon have the license for all Noitamina shows?

That expired at the end of 2018.

This is so gorgeous. Its concept art, right?

It's just a promotional illustration by the character designer, Ishikawa Kayoko.

Yep from Ishikawa Kayoko the chief animation director and anime character designer.

>Miyano and Hosoya finally playing an actual couple (of sorts)
what strings were pulled to make this happen

Easy, bait Hosoya with villain role and Ikuhara than bait Miyano with Hosoya.

From this video I think Crunchyroll probably will have it:
I find the upside down "in charge" interesting.

It might be some engrish "CHARGE IN."

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Wow thats really clever. Watching Ikuhara anime does make your brain bigger.

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Good grief, I didn't notice the body harness pattern on this monster.

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Nice. Looks like mostly scenes that were already in the trailers, though.

Ikuhara why

I hope the transformation sequences are as gay and ridiculous as I hope they'll be.

Box Zombie
Cat Zombie
Kiss Zombie

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>Kiss Zombie
Megane gonna kiss MC?

The themes?

Stealing anusballs.

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If there's one zombie per episode, and the kiss zombie is third, that might explain why people are talking about the third episode.
There’s no point if Kazuki isn’t here
Why did you hand in the club resignation form without telling me?
At this rate Kazuki won’t play soccer ever again
Haven’t we been the Golden Combo ever since we were kids?

Text: Aren’t we the Golden Combo?

>the final episode of PreZanmai is 30 minutes long
Jesus christ

That actually makes a lot of sense.

Thats smooth jazz is giving me a different vibe than pretty much every other PV.

There's actually a series of little PVs using that music.

Good morning!
I’m Keppi, the crown prince of the Kappa Kingdom ribbit
Let’s smoothly sarazanmai connect ribbit
Text: Let’s smoothly connect ribbit

Mabu: Without beginning, without ending
Mabu: For those who cannot connect
Reo: Let’s open up another door
Reo: Is it desire
Mabu: Or is it love?
Reo: Desire…
Mabu: Exploitation!
Text: Desire exploitation

If someone steals from you, you steal it back. That’s all there is to it.
You took it didn’t you?
You and I aren’t so different. We’re people who’ll do anything in order to get what we want.
Let’s wreck this*
Text: To get what I want, I’ll do anything.

Today as well, in order to connect with that person
Shut up, shut up, shut up
Don’t say whatever you please
This time I have to protect this connection
For that I’ll do whatever it takes
Text: This time, I want to protect this connection

staff for ep 1
Script: Kunihiko Ikuhara /Teruko Uchiumi
Storyboard: Kunihiko Ikuhara, Nobuyuki Takeuchi, Katsunori Shibata
Episode Director: Masato Jinbo

Who is Teruko Uchiumi?

Looks like it's supposed to be Teruko Utsumi.

From what the previews said, I think ep 3 might be the first Ikuhara directed one.