How do YOU translate "itadakimasu"?
How do YOU translate "itadakimasu"?
"Buon appetito".
Eat a duck, I must.
No such term in English because Anglos are uncultured swine.
“I humbly partake”
>Rub a dub rub, thanks for the grub
Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever
But Itadaki literally means "To take" or "To receive" and that's not even some fuckery of translating from Japanese to English. That's how it's used in Japanese
Time to drink semen
Thanks google translator-san, but Japanese isn't a language that you can translate literally. The context makes the meaning more than the actual word.
By your logic we shouldn't translate anything because "No such word exists"
>thanks for the meal
>enjoy your meal
>let's eat
Or whatever fits in the context. But I swear on me mum, one of these days I'm gonna just put down "Itadakimasu", because every weeb knows what's up anyway, so why beat around the bush.
God is good
God is great
Thank you for the food today
Why is there so much shit around this one specific phrase?
"Eat your hamburgers, Apollo"
>what is context
There is no term in the English language that is said before a meal. Japanese have it, most Europeans have it, Arabs have it, but Anglos don't.
>By your logic
That is not by his logic. His logic is that languages cannot be translated literally because context is implied and implications are not captured in translated words.
Nobody says that aside from perhaps "Let's eat" and that is not the equivalent.
Because subs are in English and uncultured Anglos don't have a phrase for it. Try any other language and you won't have this issue.
His logic is that "Itadakimasu" can not be translated because no such word exists in the English language, because Japanese can not be translated literally
I could apply that logic to literally any Japanese word or phrase and come to the conclusion that Japanese is impossible to translate
I shall now eat this food.
Nothing beats a jelly filled donut!
That's a lot of text and even more whitespace, but you still didn't tell us how to translate it.
I'm full
Friendly reminder Bon Appétit doesn't exist in english because nobody enjoys english cuisine.
>There is no term in the English language that is said before a meal.
>let's eat
>dig in
>I'm going to eat this meal
>itadakimasu: thanks for the food
>gochisousama deshita: ????
"Buen apetito"
Time to eat.
Was that hard? Imbecile.
rubadub dub, thanks for the grub
>No such term in English
Yeah because English is a very literal language that would rather describe actions than have a term for them you mouthbreather
You don't need a term that is said before you eat when you can literally say "I am going to eat" or "Time to eat" or any of the other 1000 things you can say
>There is no term in the English language that is said before a meal
There are like a dozen different terms for this. This is literally the opposite of the "untranslatable term" problem. It's a case of a Japanese stock phrase being greatly expounded upon in another language and needing to pick one that fits the context. And this one's not even hard like sasuga or shou ga nai because you can pretty much always use a simple, neutral one and be more or less right.
Don't do that, user. Once you stop translating things because "they know what it means," there's no coming back.
TL Note: Schneizel just made an illegal move...
an guad'n leidls
No maybe you are confusing with some other user. I said that you cannot translate something literally.
If you translate "tadaima" literally you get "just now". What you should do instead is translate it "I'm back home".
If you here someone saying "warui" you shouldn't translate it "bad", depending on the context it probably means "I'm sorry".
Based frenchposter.
But Bon Appetit does exist in English. We say it all the time.
"Que aproveche"
Anglo mouthbreating retards spotted. It's a courteous thing, something Anglos wouldn't understand.
When Anglos eat they do not say anything. When people of any other culture eat they say something equivalent to itadakimasu. Is this so difficult to comprehend? Itadakimasu is untranslatable in English because unlike any other culture or language Anglos do not have a related context.
"Makan cuy"
>french: Bon Appétit
>japanese: Itadakimasu
>italian: Grazie, é Altrettanto
>portuguese: Bom Apetite
>american: Blow it up your ass
Those are some amazing generalisations you've got their user
"Allez cuisine"
ruba-dub-dub-thanks for the grub
Y que por el culo lo eches
>stupid Anglos, you don't even know about Anglos
Thank God we don't have meaningless phrases for everything, we built an actual language that works instead. Don't even get me started on how retarded moon runes are, jesus fucking wept what a terrible way to make a written language.
Why so triggered about Anglos? What did they do to you user?
>we built an actual language that works
Even people majored in english say it's a garbage language with no structure or any logic in its pronunciation (mostly thanks to the great vowel shift).
If you want a good well made anglo language look german, look english.
in america we say bone app the teeth you fucking dumpass
you need to get out more
that meal was bitchin'
>look german, not* english.
Austrian German: Mahlzeit
Russian: Preeyatnava apeeteeta
Polish: Smacznego
Arabic: Bismillah
>we built a language
English is a disgusting German-French bastard mongrel language.
Ask of me, and I shall give you the nations for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.
>no structure or any logic in its pronunciation
That's actually a plus, because you can shove a whole French dictionary into it and keep the original spelling.
Thank you again for the food.
English places great emphasis on politeness and appreciation.
Anglo languages are languages of war, fast intuitive and understandable communication. That's why they're so good commercially.
Latin languages are languages of art, complicated and full of fuckery that will take you year to make a single sentence. Fuck you french. You're pretty but you're confusing.
We built a good language. Then the French took over in 1066 and fucked everything for us
And yet it's the only important language in the world.
And the lack of logic and structure is because the Anglos kept shoving foreign dictionaries into their language. It's a never ending cycle from grabbing shit from other language as needed.
After a while you grow to love the language and it's quirks. Or maybe it's Stockholm syndrome.
Feel free to use your own language.
Right. People don't seem to understand that English is the 'conglomerate' language for a reason. If people really wanted to, they could even append the Cyrillic script and words which use it to the English alphabet without causing any significant problems.
>we built an actual language
natural languages fall into a local minimum, they aren't built
absolutely based
Samefag please leave
I didn't even know ENfags didn't have this I always assumed I was just too stupid to know it. Remember I looked it up in a dictionary once but can't remember what it said. I always assumed it was something like in German, like "nice appetite" or something.
Because it's that easy to learn due to being crippled and semi-isolated.
It's the reason why all other languages are destined to become obsolete. There's nothing unique about your language once all the unique aspects have been co opted into English.
There aren't many things in this world that make me want to kill people more than discussing cusine with Murricans.
>The mutts will inherit the mutt of languages
I'm somehow okay with this.
Perfidious albions status: btfoed
Es "buen provecho" maricón.
>Easy to learn
Said nobody who ever had to learn English as a second or third language ever.
>shit talking english
>the only reason you are on the internet right now bitching about this is because english is the world's common language
And he says anglos are retarded.
Much like how it's difficult for North Korean defectors to understand what freedom is
While I also think the other user is retared, english is the easiest language ever, and that's the great thing about it. Only retarded wetbacks and uncultured eurocucks have a hard time with it.
>people majored in english
We call those people "retards"
I've learned three languages and English was by far the easiest.
Sounds about right. All the Japanese look at me with awe when I say it as if I'm a natural born Japanese when I visit.
We thank you for our food, lord
Our moms and dads and you, lord
We thank you for our food, lord
>Clap, clap
>Clap, clap
Let's eat
Bringing the kitchen sink
>let's dig in!
why are americans so poorly educated?
We love our bread, we love our butter but most of all we love each other
rubba dub dub thanks for the grub
In America we have a round of applause for the food before eating.
>Saying Our Father before meals
Nobody wants to wait on that shit. Just say prayer before meals.
Bless us, oh Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord. Amen.
holy fucking based
>Austrian German
what's your knowledge of this? just wondering
hyvää ruokahalua :DD
>"TL Note: if you know Japanese you should know what this word means"
kek, literally the easiest language. well, the least difficult I guess.
Check Mate
TL note: schneizel just made an illegal move in chess, so it doesn't make sense that he could say checkmate, he might possible say check but the use of the term here is wrong. the only way this could be a legal move is if this were blitz chess, also known as "fast chess". however, in this scene, it is never declared they are playing "fast chess", and neither players are using clocks to time their turns in the game. (Source: Yea Forums)
TL Note 2: The reason why Schneizel did this is because the game was going to turn into a threefold rep. By pulling this illegal move, he is able to gain insight into Zero's personality, and "un-mask" part of him, thus fulfilling his victory condition in a subtle and schneizel-ish manner. To look at the picture more properly, think of the chess board not as a game but as a battlefield. Zero's other options were to take his King, which would have made hgim similar to his father, or to call Schneizel out on making an illegal move, whihc would have made zero look dumb since "lol rules of war". What Zero chose to do was keep his pride and run away from a free victory. Furthermore, by placing his King behind a pawn instead of any other open tile, Zero symbolically shows cowardice.
TL Note 3: Alternatively, read it like this:
[aers|laptop] Well personally I think the symbolism is Schneizel moving his king is that he wants to be buddy-buddy with Zero. And that Zero moving behind the pawn is because he is afraid of Schneizel's advanced. (Geass is about yaoi and shit, so the likelihood of aers being correct is somewhere over 9000.)
TL Note 4: This scene is interesting because it raises the question of whether or not schneizel "plays dirty" in bed with Canon. :3
user, english is the second language to a lot of beaners. it's easy as fuck.
In spanish is "Buen provecho" or "Gracias por la comida", don't americans even thank for the food?
I know Spanish, Italian, French and English. Italian, Spanish and French are literal siblings and English was still piss easy.
let's not pretend that "?how this is called when go to the beach?" is english
"Buen provecho, amigo. Que Dios te bendiga."
To be fair the problem with English is that it doesn't make fucking sense sometimes but in general is pretty easy, spanish > everything, chupenla.
i never realized this
German speakers actually say "Guten Appetit". "Mahlzeit" is more like something you'd say while eating alone like a dirty, ugly, fat pig.
>"Mahlzeit" is more like something you'd say while eating alone like a dirty, ugly, fat pig
It would be a very fitting phrase for Anglos to borrow.
Shut the fuck up frog, you stole everything you cook from the Italians and give it gay french names. When the ghost of Mussolini returns we're going to nuke you for your culinary sins.
>no 4kids version
English is easy to learn and hard to master. You can get by with less than 300 words and most people could make sense of what you're saying even if you fuck it up bad. Go try Mandarin where you can get all the words right but fuck up the tone and no one would have any fucking clue what you meant.
Thanking for the food is stupid in the first place. We work hard to buy it, so we shouldn't thank anyone for it.
"rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub!"
"Jó étvágyat!"
Not that guy but austrian german is basically normal german with some household words being different. Vienna has it's own strange words and dialect.
Swiss german is much more unusual.
Приятного аппетита.
>If you here someone saying "warui" you shouldn't translate it "bad", depending on the context it probably means "I'm sorry".
"My bad".
Something with "Fuck" and "shit" like with anything else in this language
When Americans stopped praying over food nothing ever filled that vacuum.
Though I went over to a few friends houses where their parents would literally say grace I can only think of one family that actually did a whole prayer and they were Mormon.
No need to translate it. Everyone knows what it means. You wouldn't translate "bon appétit".
>God is good, god is great, thank you for the food on my plate, amen.
TL Note: "Itadakimasu" is an essential phrase in the Japanese vocabulary. It's often translated as "I humbly receive," but in a mealtime setting, it's compared to "Let's eat," "Bon appétit," or "Thanks for the food." Some even liken it to the religious tradition of saying grace before eating.
In America, we say a prayer thanking God for the food.
Of course we actually don't say anything at all usually because we all became Godless heathens.
You wouldn't all say let's dig in in unison.
Vocabulary is stupid hard in English for reasons everyone knows.
I watch a video a few years back of a guy interviewing chinks on the streets in Shanghai that were ESL. The questions were what's the hardest part of learning Mandarin in your opinion and what's the hardest part of learning English. Every single one of them cited the hardest part of English being its vocabulary.
The romance languages are all stupid and filled with vestigial shit that makes no sense after classical Latin's cases got genocided. It's just dumb.
Rub dub gomen, arigato for the bento
Itadaki literally means to receive you chode.
Itadaki is not itadakimasu before a meal you fag
Nobody says "bon appétit" in unison, either.
>know 4 languages, could learn another 4 if I tried which includes Japanese
Just leave it as itadakimasu.
Add a tl note explaining that itadakimasu means itadakimasu.
Thank the Lord, thank the missus, last one that has to do the dishes
God bless America.
Last one done*
>The entire world: "Bon Appetit"
>Americans: Clap before eating
>Bone Apple Tea
You can't even tell us apart from the other posters you fucking waste of oxygen. But I can't expect much from a retarded EOP.
no I can't tell you apart from the other posters at all
no sir
It's funny because 4kids is one of the best ones there.
Half of those are americans. I know because you fucks are actually that retarded when it comes to speaking your own language.
Or, if we are being serious and not shitposting, nobody knows. Might as well be Filipinos or pajeets. You'd do well to stop being retarded and learn to speak another language though, even a dumb beaner can do it so why can't you?
In Spanish defence, you're also listing Spaniard and some South American dialects of "doing of Spanish. I agree that Spanish has added complexity but this image is misleading.
Isn't it interesting, though, that you would assume on reflex that I do not speak another language? Is that an affected pretense, or a natural consequence of your self-stated "dumb beaner" nature?