>completely optimistic line is emotionally devastating in context
Stuff you live for
>best girl wins
>protagonist dies with no regrets
>mature love story with protagonists older than 20
>Protagonist who was depressive before the series learned about his past and became more willing to live his life in the beginning of the story
>all girls win
>protagonist dies,but instead of a sad ending,it dies being happy that he died by being himself
>well justified powerup with no gimmick
>overprotective character gets confronted by the protected character
>they end up talking about love and stuff
>their bonds get stronger
My waifu
>Shit actually happens since they're in a relationship and want to do stuff together
>Both characters are also direct with their feelings and hate skirting around issues
>character sacrifices themselves only for it to be completely meaningless
>the ending parallels the beginning, but know the protagonist is stronger/wiser and does things differently
Sword autists
>nothing in the main story mattered at all
>main character is constantly betrayed
>fan service is done well
>no obnoxious japanese mannerisms
Meta jokes and fourth wall breaking characters.
>the protagonist and his love interest actually kiss without being interrupted at the last second
Has this happened?
I unironically like when the romantic interest falls in love with the mc because he's nice
>waiting for LLSIFAS
>series finishes in the peak of it's popularity instead of getting milked all the way to irrelevancy and then axed.
>Stoic character has been a bro this entire time, and will always be there for you, no matter what.
Has this ever actually happened?
Only for Mizukami manga.
I don't live for anything. I am just a hollow husk which merely exists.
>seasonal waifus
Only 2 reasons I haven't an hero'ed desu, desu
>kite is alive, i just know it!
It's really gotten old in the past few decades.
>joke character is fucking pissed
>fucker goes god mode
>other characters fear for their fucking life and go full flight mode
>Rival battle crescendos to an exhausted fist fight in a devastated landscape
>Team jobber burns itself out to find antagonist's weakness
>Both sides fighting get their second wind and grins at each other
>Hero rebounds after having his spirit broken and beats the shit out of the villain in a physical and ideological sense
>Normal non-special side character steps up and show that they're on-par with all the crazy bullshit everyone else has with just hardwork and fundamentals
>Protagonist has something horrible happen and drops all pretenses, beelines on just beating the shit out of the villain without caring about any of their lame speeches.
>Its not a goddam school setting.
>read Yea Forums's live watch thread after a completely train wreck episodes.
Of all the characters who didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve it the most.
He didn't even get to see his daughter.
>good anime
Watch out read something that isn't shonen for once
Too soon Miku fag
I like it when nice means genuine care and attention to detail rather than polite gestures
>big cast full of likable characters in a fun world
>story is not specifically focused around one single MC
>A satisfying ending that resolves everything
>tfw half this shit was all in early naruto
>the weak joke character shows its worth
>thread with no meaningful discussion dies
>a fun heartwarming adventure where a bunch of misfits become friends and heroes
>Protagonist and love interest defeat the villain with the power of love
I'm very cheesy
>mc is a bumbling idiot who has no idea what they're doing
>they still dominate every aspect of the story
>season waifus
Go back.
>mc is a bumbling idiot who has no idea what they're doing
>gets killed off an replaced in the first episode
>seasonal waifus
Bonnouji I guess.
some anons are unfaithful and keep waifuing new characters every season
In a few obscure manga, yes.
>MC beats the villain fairly and doesn't resort to "the power of friendship" or a "heroic second wind"
Literally worse than Hitler.
Also wotakoi and servant per service come to mind, despite that they have their share of pre-relationship drama.
>series actually gets finished without having to wait 12 years between seasons.
Can someone give an example of this, please?
i wish americans still looked like this
>a secondary character defeats the final boss.
The first thing that comes to mind is Homura getting friendzoned by God in Madoka Magica.
"You're my best friend" kinda hurts when you've made spacetime your bitch for someone.