Will anime become as popular as kpop?

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K-pop is more normie friendly, so no.

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Anime is much more popular than k-pop, stop pretending like anime is "muh secret club"

it's not. Kpop is huge all over asia while anime is very niche

An anime like Dragon Ball or Naruto is infinitely more popular, k-pop is a niche in the west

most of the world population live in asia and k pop/kdrama are mainstream there. Anime is not mainstream anywhere not even in japan

please don't even mention the word k-pop

>t. gook

Is it still 2015?

Look at google trends worldwide, k-pop barely makes a quarter of the searches anime does

I swear, K-Pop fans are more consumed by their obsession than furries are with theirs. What a fucking gaping void these peoples' lives must be.

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because most people dont refer to kpop as kpop they just pop most of the time. try looking at kpop band/korean drama searches there and im sure anime will be dwarfed

People still listen to that shit. It's pretty damn popular in where I live. It's definetly more popular than anime not counting naruto dbz or big shows that was on tv

The most popular one I can find is BTS, but just "anime" alone still beats it

>k poop
Keep dreaming, gook.

Anime is fairly mainstream in Asia, at least the shonen stuff like Naruto and Dragon Ball, as well as normal people-friendly shows like SAO.

most people search it on youtube probably that's why

>most popular
Are you retarded? Girl bands are significantly more popular than boy bands

I said it was the most popular one I could find, I'm not particularly knowledgeable in k-pop because I'm not a faggot

kpop is not gay. I sometimes fap to kpop fancams they are great

But anime is popular

>Anime is not mainstream anywhere not even in japan