ITT: The absolute worst endings in anime (or manga) history

ITT: The absolute worst endings in anime (or manga) history

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It was a sad ending but not necessarily bad, fucking One more chance, one more time

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Any other ending would've absolutely ruined the film. The film as it is is a cautionary tale about fixating on people. The MC's fixation on his childhood friend became something that's harmful to him. It made him withdrawn, unable to see opportunities (like with the okinawan cutie) and unable to form relationships (like in the last part where he's an adult). Rewarding his autism by giving him a happy ending would absolutely break the film because it would be absurd. How come the girl (whom we don't see much after the first part) is just as autistic as the MC? What are they supposed to bond over now that they're adults? They don't know each other at all.

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>it wasn't what I wanted so it's bad

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Your Name.

The problem isn't that it's not happy or what I wanted. The problem is that it's not even an ending. It's like Shinkai was 99% done with the film then thought "oh shit I still gotta give this an ending".

Like it would've been interesting if they met and she rejected the MC. Or if they both tried and found out together that they didn't have the chemistry anymore.

Oh wait I just remembered that she got married

Well that could still work. Maybe work even better for a bitter ending if they met

>Like it would've been interesting if they met and she rejected the MC. Or if they both tried and found out together that they didn't have the chemistry anymore
See guys this is why anime treats you like a blithering retard. This is why 95% of anime doesnt even bother trying to have a hint of subtley in it's writing or characters.

Bruh the point it was trying to get at was nowhere near interesting or powerful enough to deserve subtlety

Like maybe if it was a longer film with more interesting

*more interesting characters

I liked the ending. MC understands that he can’t apend his life hung up on what could have been. He walks content with knowing she’s probably happy in her life after moving on from him and provides the opportunity for him to move forward as well. It’s touching.

Well I'd disagree hard with that, considering the point and issue at hand is a realistic one, one that can personally and directly affect a person their entire life.
Maybe you'd have a point if the plot of the movie was picking toilet paper at the store.

>deserve subtlety
You got a chart for this message of the story to quality of writing ratio?

The manga had been a meme show ever since Fake Karakura, but it was so much fun. I wish the final arc hadn't been axed so abruptly

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>mc moved on
Excuse me?

It was a great ending, the best thing about the film.

Well like it was a good point overall but if they're just gonna let a film end on a brick wall without being too direct then I'd expect a more complex concept out of it. It could've still worked while being subtle but the good direction wasn't there so it just ended up being fuck-all.

>Muh happy ending
You really didn't get it, did you

the ending was good but its more clear in the manga. Life goes on user stop being a faggot wanting some happy ending where they embrace each other. Life happens

The best thing about this film is when it's over

Go watch your murican drama/teen dramas


I don't know where people get the idea that he "moved on". If you told me he spent the rest of his life masturbating to cuck porn before jumping off a bridge that's just as likely. The ending was left open in the worst way possible. This is why open endings are never good.


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>I don't know where people get the idea that he "moved on". If you told me he spent the rest of his life masturbating to cuck porn before jumping off a bridge that's just as likely. The ending was left open in the worst way possible.
This is why open endings are never good.

this is why murican cenima is the way it is.
Enjoy watching the latest romcom this weekend

>its a Makoto Shinkai movie that ends with the main couple not getting together
I'm glad he at least changed it for Your Name, seems like he already got past his high school crush rejecting him

So basically what you expect was a coming of age melodrama?
Not all relationships end and begin with a love confession or an exciting meeting. Hell, most relationships have the dullest break ups.

The whole point of this movie was to show how people can get attached to the past and how a childhood romance without closure haunted MC for years.
The ending is quite fitting for this setting, as it never was a love story to begin with.

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>I don't know where people get the idea that he "moved on"


Though tbf the point was probably that he should move on, not that he did

>mc moved on
it took him like 5 years and he rejected the tomboy QT on the way, fuck him

>I don't know where people get the idea that he "moved on"

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It was a good ending. Reminds me of the time my childhood best friend who fucked everyone but me.

>title is 5cm per second
>implying he is moving forward, just very very slowly

It's a great ending, sad but nevertheless great. This is the kinda of shit that happens in real life, not everything goes the way you want it to be.

>the next miyazaki
Is he really the next miyazaki?

>no brynhildr
Sometimes I wonder, do people even watch anime here?

to the trash it goes

AZ can't have the "absolute worst ending" when it was around 85% the absolute worst to begin with. Can all of S2 count as "the ending"?
But you know, you're right, even if the entire thing was shit, it somehow managed to have the absolute worst ending.

Both of those were trash from the get go well from the escond episode onwards for Alnoah

Second girl was better, and wins

>but the good direction wasn't there
Cockblocking train is unironically the best storyboard scene of the whole movie.
It's extremely simple and brief but just long enough to make you feel the mc's angst and mixed feelings.
Do you genuinely believe that if it ended with a stupid confession or someone bursting into tears it would've been better?

>pic related

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This is part of it but what really stood out to me was the blatant missed opportunities. The theme of regrets "I wish I did this or I should've done that or why didn't I do that?" was really prominent. Things were tough but MC and his crush could have made things work had they put in the time and effort. The biggest turning point was the letters. Both of them had so much to tell the other, all of their feelings that they wanted to express but just didn't, whether it be out of fear or embarrassment or whatever. I guarantee you had either one worked up the courage to hand over their letter let alone fucking say anything, they very likely would've been together. Their relationship, considering that neither was willing to step forward really speaks about the depth that they had. I would argue their relationship was just that, a crush that neither were willing to go forward with, whether it be because they were too young, unsure or afraid. The result of their actions are reflected throughout the movie. MC regrets it every day of his life, ruins his other relationships, loses opportunities and ends up a sour depressed smoking alcoholic. The girl manages to move on, values her other relationships and even gets married.

There's a lot of themes to the movie but I'd say the main one is regret. It's a recurring theme in a lot of japanese bitter-sweet literature and is very obviously done here. I've watched this shit numerous times but most recently I've found myself more annoyed/angry with how shit turned out rather than upset/sad. The MC just does everything he could possibly do wrong and then wallows in his own self-inflicted despair. This is essentially the outcome to putting a classic dense beta MC into a serious romance/SoL show. Prove me wrong.

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I know he sees surfer chick in the light novel. That's bullshit and has nothing to do with the fucking movie which I'm pretty sure came first.

From what I remember, they don't specify exactly why they stopped talking, but I reached a similar conclusion as you. Nothing prevented them from continuing their relationship, but I also understood it to be a natural consequence of them drifting apart rather than a conscious choice on their part to stop talking. This part was kept vague because it doesn't matter why they stopped talking.
> prove me wrong
Why? There's nothing wrong with your analysis. Yes, if the MC were wiser none of this would've happened. The only thing I have an issue with is your interpretation of your analysis. The MC made a mistake, because that's what teenagers do. And he did make attempts to move on - he's clearly dating someone as an adult - but he couldn't get closure until the last part of the film. I don't see the fact that his situation is self-inflicted as diminishing the sadness of the whole thing. People do stupid things all the time and suffer for it, and that's sad. In fact, his particular flaw is very relevant to Yea Forumsnons. You could argue that what he was doing was a less sophisticated form of having a waifu, since he created an idealised construct out of an actual person rather than giving up on reality from the start. Aren't we doing something along the lines of what he did?

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While I agree with you on many points, I disagree that the main theme is about regrets.
For me it's much more about closure and distance than anything else.
Closure because, as you said, MC's whole life gets stuck in slow mo. since he can't give up on the illusion of a relationship he might have had. During the movie, he only continues to feed this illusion because he never got to openly express his feelings neither find out how Akari really felt. In my interpretation, what consumes him isn't the regret of not opening up to her but rather the uncertainty of how she felt and how she's doing now - note that in many moments during his monologues he ponders if SHE moved on.
As for distance (besides the obvious emotional one) it's implicit in many moments during the first segment that it became increasingly harder for them (Akari - Takaki) to reach each other. First she moved away, then further away. Then he moved away and eventually they lost each other's addresses. Cellphones and social networks didn't exist so shikata ga nai.
Later the same happens for the surfer when Takaki moves back to the mainland and finally during the 3rd arc, what triggers in him that he fucked up his life was precisely retaking the train trip back to his old town with Risa.
What is interesting about this is that Shinkai doesn't use any of this as excuses for the mc's behavior (i.e. long distance relationship romances) but simply displays as one possible factor for failed romances.

>I guarantee you had either one worked up the courage to hand over their letter let alone fucking say anything, they very likely would've been together.
Hate to break to you, but, Akari's letter was way more realistic than his. She knew that what they had was special but wasn't strong enough to survive through letters and phone calls.
The novel contains a full transcript of her letter, which we only see flashes of during the movie.

Oh, I'm not the user you are replying to, by the way.

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For the fucking brainlets that cannot fucking figure this out... The whole point was that he thought she would be there when the train passed. And she wasn't. He was finally given the information that she had moved on. That was all he needed.

"Of course she wouldn't be there."

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The movie must have been unironically too deep for you

>some autist took the time to write that fanfic
this is what the actual letter said, she was ready to drop his ass before they kissed

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Not sure if you can call a novel written by the same guy who wrote the movie, fanfic.

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Her family kept moving further and then when MC family moved, that is probably where they lost contact. They can't send letters to a place they don't know. That's why hand phones are such a fucking miracle for communication. But it was already too late when MC finally got a handphone.

Imagine you have a device can do instant long distance communication but unable to use it to contact who you wanted to contact. That hope eventually fueled his despair.

If anything, if only it showed how the girl moved on after losing contact with MC, it might not be that of a downer but more enlightening.

Absolutely everything except the animation was shit in Your Name. Rest it and you have a half-assed written love story.

Just because he can manage to have movies with nice animation doesn't mean he's the new Miyazaki. He can still polish his writing skills and be someone better, but atm he's overrated.

Bleachfags and its shipperfags will fight you and tell you that it's good and if you find it shitty it's exclusively because of Kubo's health declined. Don't mind them. Kubo a hack. Bleach was a failure after Aizen's arcs.

Not really. That face could be a tfw fapping to NTR tonight face.

That's a good catch. I didn't think of it that way. I just assumed that he knows her number but hasn't the courage to resume communication after they stopped talking.
>if only it showed how the girl moved on after losing contact with MC,
I don't think so. It's important for us to be as much in the dark as the MC about the girl. Us knowing nothing about her reinforces her existence as basically nothing more than a phantasm of sorts in the MC's mind since he doesn't know her at all by the time the second arc rolls around. The revelation that she moved on also doesn't pack much of a punch if we know it in advance. And if it were to come after we find it out with the MC it would break the pace of the film.

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Okay, how about a mid credit scene so that western audience like OP can have a proper closure.

>western audience like OP
drop location mfer u don't want smoke

Reading through her letter says the opposite of what you're claiming though. The highlighted area is her honest feelings. The paragraph after it is her pretty much saying that she believes in him and will always love him. If anything his letter is the one saying goodbye.

How stupid does one have to be to not understand an anime movie of all things?

The whole point was that they finally saw the cherry blossoms together again just like they had promised to when they were kids, and with the loss of that final connection to Akari he is finally free to commit sudoku because he has nothing left to live for.