>anime that have been permanently ruined by Yea Forums
Anime that have been permanently ruined by Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
All of them.
Initial D was never good to begin with
maybe if you're a faggot.
Ruined is a stretch.
The spanish dragon ball memes are amazing.
Why? All the Running in the 90s videos in /gif/?
>Oh look at me mom. I called someone a faggot on the internet
The "thing" that happened in New Zealand
Hardly an issue.
No, the guy from /pol/ who live streamed himself killing 50 people in Australia and played "Gas Gas Gas" while being chased by the police.
>siding with literal subhumans
>killing 50 people
Imagine you're such a faggot you go into a mongol throat singing amphitheater and start bitching about "muh subhumans"
Kill yourself.
Fuck off with your bitching.
Who are you quoting?
What fucking faggot cares about anything more than his personal enjoyment of a show? I suggest buying a nice sturdy rope you colossal faggot.
>Gas Gas Gas
All the videos on youtube have comments disabled.
Jewtube at it again.
Was this really /pol/? I tend to stay away from that shit. Anyway I hate him for helping all the sandniggers get accepted. Now it will be a superb argument against anyone who dislikes those shitskins
>but whites also commit acts of terror
(Yeah I know it also happens in Ireland and other places but nobody gives a shit about that for some reason.)
>permanently ruined
You mean immortalized, you niggerlover
8/pol/. Yea Forums had nothing to do with it.
Good, that faggot betrayed his cause.
Kamina wouldn't be racist
This. Who the fuck cares if someone killed people while listening to a song from this show? It literally has zero effect on my enjoyment and shouldn't have any on yours.
Even worse are the people who say the shooting has "ruined" the British Grenadiers or the Serbia Strong song. Like seriously? Thousands if not millions of PoC were killed to the sound of British Grenadiers in the past. And the people playing in the Serbia Strong are literal war criminals glorifying Karadzic, who is currently imprisoned for genocide among other things.
No, he did browse this sites /pol/.
>he still thinks being a nigger has anything to do with biology
This. If you really want your ideology to gain traction in the western countries, massacring people is probably one of the stupidest thing you can do
Can you niggers discuss anime or fuck off to /pol please? If the guy in new zealand didn't shoot Catgirls or waifubots it doesn't belong here.
The only real Yea Forums related issue from it was Rapeman nearly giving up scanlating because mangadex were being fags about his credits pages.
terrorists need to employ nukes and other wmds. this gun and truckofpeace shit is ineffective.
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I'm a communist and there is NO way some sicko motherfucker with a small penis complex can take away GAS GAS GAS from me.
Way to out yourself, newfag
>Oh no, I have no retort! Better just deflect, that'll show him!
not even him
Who are you quoting?
they weren't people. call them what they are. vermin, parasites, scum that must be washed away
You realise "who are you quoting" is a meme as old as /jp/ for anyone who greentexts? You're the one looking like a newfag
I liked the gas gas gas song before /pol/ or that shooter used it.
Now I can't even comment on the original video because of it.
Modern internet was a mistake.
If you actually care enough about the NZ shooter playing GAS GAS GAS to not like Initial D anymore you don't deserve it.
Grow a spine
If you care more about some aussie shitposter enough to ruin something you like they you are a weak cuck in need of a rope
>Y I K E S
18 or older
otherwise return to your container
memes only made it better
also first stage is the best stage
>Accepting censorship of stuff you like is growing a spine
Okay cuck
No he means he literally can't comment, they're disabled.
Delete this thread.
How many songs did he play?
Remove Kebab, the grun ist unser fallschirm remix and gas gas gas?
When I said that, fucking cunt?
Which one? I didn't know that, is it region locked or some shit?
here's how we fix the world and this shitty thread, ban aussies from EVERYTHING.
lurk moar faggot
Go to the youtube video you brainlet retard
Whom quote?
>the first and third one are
>the second one (10 hours loop) isn't
Kek, thank god they're retarded at this
Big talk from someone who browses Yea Forums Yea Forums. Fucking kek.
This really fucked with me, on one hand I don't understand how is it possible that everybody is so fucking quiet and there's no writhing, on another I don't want to be a loony. Then again some conspiracy theories are real. But if it were a scam they wouldn't be this incompetent, so I'm overthinking it, right?
>I don't want to be a loony.
I think it's too late for that user.
Not even trolling, get away from the internet for a while, it's fucking with your brain.
Very improbable that among a few dozens of people nobody was at least shouting in fear or nobody writhed as they died. Just a freak of statistics?
Also, I bet you didn't even see it.
and "Fire"
>James Woods
Not a good example, he's irrelevant retard boomer who post shit like this all the time.
imagine actually letting the negative parts of a culture around a show define the show rather than the show itself
you know, if you're gonna let yourself get influenced by stupid shit, you don't have an opinion worth discussing anyway
>permanently enhanced by Yea Forums*
Anime will be banned if Islam is not eradicated.
For me knowing that 50 subhuman sandnigger invaders bit the dust makes it better.
t. someone who browses Yea Forums
You aren't any better, dork.
Anybody with enough goer experience to explain this?
are you gonna cry soi boi?
funny, muslims do it and white liberals fall over themselves trying to placate, defend them
seem reality is the opposite of what you're saying
Maybe you shouldnt be such a naziphobe, your hatred is why they do it.
>everyone on Yea Forums is a living piece of shit
that's not the case for like 10 years now