Why is it that everyone in this world except that weapons salesman are written off as complete retards with room temperature IQ?
Why is it that everyone in this world except that weapons salesman are written off as complete retards with room...
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its how the author perceives his fellow men with his 200IQ but underachieving brain
Because it’s a shit series
It's quite an achievement that the only character in your show with any depth of character of a background character.
Because the author based the characters on the average american.
But they aren't desu, the only retards are the nobility + half the army.
[X] Fuck the Tanuki.
It was hard to take this show seriously to begin with, but once I saw an user refer to Myne and Speartard as Team Rocket I just started laughing every time they come on screen. It's impossible to see them any other way now.
Naofumi finally looks like his manga counterpart.
It was about time the adaptation improved a little
Link? SS?
It was in an old thread a few weeks ago
Because of their RELIGION.
>room temperature IQ
Celcius or Fahrenheit?
Makes sense. Religion makes you a dumdum.
The question I have is why their religion only venerates 3 of the heroes in the first place?
If memory serves right, there used to be the original 4 hero religion, then butthurt assholes said that the shield is a devil and the other 3 are gods and thus the church of the three heroes was born, i am not sure anymore if the demi human hatred came before or after.
>Taking any anime seriously
What a loser.
>all media is strictly controlled by the (((royals)))
>they alter footage of and blatantly lie about shield chad
>there is no based water filter salesman hero to let the people know the truth about how the waves were an inside job and that the kingdom is putting chemicals in the water that are turning the filos gay
>the princess is an interdenominational psychic vampire sent by the forces of evil from a higher plane of existence to subvert the human spirit
Huge war between Melromarc and other demihuman country. Last Shield Hero supported the demihuman country and was treated as a deity.
I've read the web novel long time ago (speedreader) but Melromarc adopted initially the 4 heroes religion, but because of the old Shield Hero aiding Demihumans and Melromarc being a shitty country (being at disadvantage because their tech is medieval tier while other countries were a bit more advanced) they decided to adopt a new religion based only on the other 3 heroes.
Came before, back then melromarc and other surrounding countries were at war with demi-human countries like stiltvelt. After the war, the church of the 4 heroes in those countries were divided into two sects, which is the church of the three heroes and the church of the shield.
They have magical Adobe Premiere. How is that not advanced?
So the other countries, dipshit
Pretty sure most countries can do it too. And about technology, the only one that you can call sufficiently advanced is fabuley. The rest have varying degrees of advancement belowthat and zeltbur which is the other most powerful country, if only because of it's economic and military strength.
i like how every thing you said is mostly right.
The other countries even are in the industrial era, too bad guns and explosives are gimped out by the stats of the user.
Only fabuley. and shildfreeden but that's mostly owned by takt in the shadows.
basically that as worlds merged, heroes increased.
so the three hero church is older, and before that, there was a two hero church (excluding the bow, who was a more recent addition)
being the latest hero, the shield is least liked by all but the beastkin/therianthropes, the world that hero was originally from.
The human-demihuman problem is mostly a thing around that region. In other places they don't really care if you have a tail or not.
sHieLd BaD tAnK uSeLeSs
>Magical Adobe Premiere
I like both
I'd soul your less.
Holo is a whore.
>medieval times
europe education everybody
my only issue with the anime is Raph looks kind of flat (except in that hot spring episode)
>missing the point this hard.
Thanks for proving i'm right
It could be worse. Still milk trucks compared to the loli brigade.
He actually based them in on the average Japanese.
So why is the king such an asshole? Summons all 4 heroes and basically treats shield as shit from day one, or is the hero summoning random.
I read somewhere that he went through all this shit before and that in a previous life the shield hero refused to aid the King's wife while she got demi'd.
Kind of like a game that gets reset except some people retain memories of their previous life.
korbo's an extremely picky whore (aka a volcel), until she got raped to save lawrcence ree
fuck, what did I miss?
threadly reminder
wave threatens faggot country
queen is gone to do shit
the guy she left in charge dies in the wave
trash gets into power
thinks fuck my wife lets summon the heroes because the waves are here and i don't want those filth furries to summon their (((god))) who trash believes to be the devil cause he believes in a gay religion and the previous shield hero was kinda mean to his country because he didn't hate furries and shit.
Trash is only an ass to shield at first, then his daughteru who in reality is a part of some evil goddess thingemajig says shield surprisesnuggledher and trash is triggered because his sister was also strugglesnuggled by some filthy animal like in your syrian bestiality videos those jungens watch.
So he wants to fuck with him even more but his wife told him to stop being such an ass and stop trying to destroy the whole world, but he ignores the shit out of her because he is an idiot and so queen sends her other daughter to get killed by other daughter because reasons and she was too busy sucking dick to fix the retardation of her husband.
>oy mate how could such a thing happen i could never have expected such a thing to happen.
fuck off rapist scum
Fuck off Motoyasu
Go bang those shotas/lolis craving for your dick
Past "trash gets to power" the info is a bit wrong.
it is?
If i remember right the queen explicitly set up someone else to rule in her stead.
And the only reason trash had the authority to do all that stuff is because that guy died?
tho if i am wrong then feel free to correct me.
By past that i mean the items in the list below thatm
Yes, fuck the raccoon.
Oh sorry i missread.
I would so fucking watch that spinoff
watch the IRL spin off instead
I don't recognize any of the people in this edit.
Don't bother.
Good, we don't need more shitposters
>the rape accusation is a synthetic, completely fake, with actors - in my view, manufactured.
> Previous shield hero was against us and that was bad for us.
>Let's treat the next shield hero as shit so we can be sure he'll hate our guts.
> Because clearly it's the weapon that determines a hero's behavior, not his personality.
You know. all but the third one are actually correct.
Fuck user, are you american by any chance?
They can never fill the void left by Filo-tan's absence
You found that on twitter?
The queen and her secret ops are pretty cool, right?
The author is a woman
Author or mangaka?
This picture is more disturbing if you count on the tact that most of these raphs used to be other monsters before genetic modification(WN)/classing up(LN)
huh, wasn't expecting that guy to make a CG. He already made one of yue from arifureta already. also
>no asanagi yet
>asanagi doujinshi based on Raphtalia's first master
Try forming a complete sentence next time.
It's just like real life.
most likely, unfortunately.
king trash is based; not king trash is cringe.
>The author is a woman
Wtf? How could one woman be so based?
The slaver seems intelligent, he just doesn't really give a fuck about most stuff (probably wants to keep a low profile, I guess.)
Why didn't they just use the fake video magic to begin with?
It was funny when all the SJW's got bent out of shape over the false rape thing and spent a week screaming about the author being an incel, racist, blah, blah, blah man. They went into full denial that the author was actually female but ulitmately even the shills feeding them couldn't avoid that truth and stopped reporting.
>The author is a woman
>source? My ass
>use female name to avoid sjw because women in this year can't be wrong
The author can't write for shit, but I must admit using a female name is a great idea
I laughed way harder than I should
I only read the manga, is the LN worth picking up?
>Why are you still not hard, Naofumi-sama? What do I have to do?
magical video editing is expensive
And here i was thinking you read all of the spear hero WN.
Raphtalia spent her birthday alone ;_;
Nah, but that can be change. Been following the manga since day 1 however
>tfw Raphtalia's backstory is comming
I'm not ready bros
>check 'em
This is unironically way funnier than it should be, almost chocked on my coffee. If you made this oc, then good job op.
Seeing what little she has left after the wave is forcefully taken away from her, including her freedom and the life of her BFF? I wonder how everyone will react to it.
its going to be a wild ride
depends on the direction of that episode desu.
because he worked in a show that had a good character development 20 years ago before comming back fromretirement to work in Shield Hero
>Cowboy Bebop aired 20 years ago
man...now I am depressed
Only the main city because of course the church is evil and wants to get rid of shield bro due to former shield bro liberating the animal folk
Everyone else knows what's going on. Why no one ever TELLS HIM is another thing entirely.
Don't worry user, Netflix's got your back
Pretty sure the manga adapter is a woman, but the original novel writer is a man.
You haven't gone outside in a long time do ya?
Everybody is retarded, except for like 3 or 4 people. I mean look at the people who post here regulary.
They are pretty smart
Why would someone throw mayonnaise a little girl like that? This bullying is out of hand!
Why are there no pictures of the manga artist when she went to California? I wanted to know if she was cute
Nothing, it's fake news.
Female name, nobody knows who she really is I think.
to be honest, i am not mad with the main cast unlike some faggots from Yea Forums
I am mad because they won't use a Corgi to cast Ein. Those motherfuckers...
>they won't use a Corgi to cast Ein
The resolution to this drama is fucking retarded too, i hope the anime takes some liberties when it comes to that.
the heck this board has become
its a clown world
Here, have a Raph-chan
please be sure to blame it on every single group of disliked people in existence but hiro and the moderation team, thats always fun.
No no no, listen...
ARK is the water filter salesman.
>You'll never be hugged by a smelly and sick Tanuki loli.
>reminder the wolf is calling
It's literally just good old-timey racism. Tensions are already high from the previous war, and the King and Pope basically want war.
They get a husky later.
weird how Naofumi is looking at the side on this shot
Trash doesn't even learn about his sister surviving until Atla and Fohl join the shieldsquadron.
Surprisingly accurate. And Dank.
>tfw your OC gets used
He's turning his head and looking up.
Usually con tell you to not take pictures of the people there to respect their privacy. You should be more surprised westerners don't break the rule. It's how a lot of doujin artists have their pictures leaked. Because westerners sneak pictures of them.
"What the fuck do you want you fucking smelly raccoon?".
Because it's not 3rd person omniscient, so you don't actually know what people think or why they think it. You only see how they act - then draw your own conclusions like a conceited school shooter that thinks they "know" anything.
Now I'm wondering how Raph's clothes work.
You can see her tail below the skirt in that picture, but in this one the tail passes through the skirt.
>Not cucking the raccoon
Why, she's travelling with an absolute unit of a man that would cook your favorite meals and protecc you. Getting naofumi is the better deal, no homo.
War between Siltvelt and Melomarc left some incredible nasty feelings, the king was a general during the war and that is how he got the reconition to marry into the royal family. His sister was taken by the demihuman army's and the war never ended peacefully. The fighting stopped but both countries started treating humans and demihumans as second class citizens and even permitted their slavery. Malomarc took it a step further by banning the worship of the shield hero, the shield hero is the patron of the Demi Humans. Their religion changed from the church of 4 heroes to the church of 3 heroes. With everyone having bad feelings left over from the previous war, its why no one is willing to give the shield hero the benefit of the doubt.
The queen realizes that this is line of behavior is stupid and is out doing diplomacy runs to rebuild relations with demihumans and make good with the other kingdoms. The king who is warming the seat at home does a incredible illegal action by summoning all the heroes at once, normally who summons which hero is decided by council among the various leader. The countries that are most able to care for and support a individual hero getting the honor of summoning them.
Luckily for the King, the Queen is already out doing a diplomatic run and manages to avoid a massive multifront war. The kings plan is also successful as he manages to keep all 4 heroes in Malomarcs borders which makes the idea of going to war not that great of a idea for the other countries. He has created a monopoly on the heroes but the countries inherit dislike and bad treatment of the shield hero nearly causes war again, which is why the Queen and Meltly start rushing home to stop the King from fucking up even further.
that new show of the 3 Caballeros was a fun ride
What's with this angry raccoon?
be careful
you are going to piss someone, user
Bitch best girl!
Bitch deserves everything coming her way.
Motoyasu please stop
You can arguably say the same thing about the real world. Shield Hero is an accidental commentary on modern society, only because the bad writing coincidentally mimics the behavior of your average twat that soaks in television and social media.
It's like Twitter was brought to life as a fantasy realm.
>Don't like beastmen.
>Previous shield hero was known as a hero to all races equally.
>Beastmen specifically worship only the shield hero as their god.
>Fuck shield hero! He's a devil! We the church of 3 heroes now.
>Summon him when you summon the other 3 to deny other countries the ability to summon and use him.
Basically that. Keep in mind melromarc is the only country, even among human countries, that worships the church of the 3 heroes and is so openly racist towards beastmen.
And to think shield hero was written way before these times, and in japan where those issues did not apply
What skill did he gain by doing this?
Dad +4
Ralhtalia should have stayed a loli and he should have stayed her dad instead of being a waifu for otakus to fap to.
He didnt gain a skill but he gained something precious in volume 8 with it
You fap to naofumi? I mean he does give waifu vibes in the spear hero spinoff but...
I just wanted an anime of a statmaxxing volcel without any distractions such as romance hijinks.
I mean most of the army are just there to follow orders.
That's what being in the army is.
Her affection
well, not like i don't know where you're coming from...
I dislike the fact that Naofumi suddenly got OP "Shield-attack" skills.
What's the point of the girls now?
they have a heavy cost though. And it didn't work on glass that muich, as you saw in the anime
Room temperature is 72F, maybe not that bad
He later gets pick related thanks to that.
user. Prepare yourself, because raph-chan in the novels becomes utterly ridiculous in terms of everything. It pulls new trick out her tail every other volume.
Wow, I'm a anime-only but I'm glad I read all that. I was looking forward to the reveal when they explain just why the Shield Hero was so hated, but it was getting a bit tiresome just watching them shit on him with no reason behind it. I can't wait for those political subplots to open up.
The demi-human countries aren't any better. Most of the heads of the country look down upon naofumi for being human, even being the shield hero.
have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe
LN isekais are written by braindead morons targeting fellow losers seeking easy wish fulfillment with a surface-level glaze of hardships but not really?
So they look down on the guy currently in the Hero position they venerate? Can't they only summon humans, anyway? Wait, if they get summoned in different countries, like they're supposed to be, are they different races?
I do remember seeing a racoon shield in his shield list in one of the episodes.
It has something to do with that voice actor that's getting #metoo'd
Although in his case the supposed victims are popping up to defend him and the fact that he's not a jew makes the accusations suspect.
>dub shit
>twitter drama
Who gives a crap.
>Who gives a crap.
My guess is whoever saw the loose similarities between this chinese cartoon and some voice actor drama and decided to make the edit.
>He believes the meme
Not like being a woman would stop them. JK Rowling still gets shit from that same crowd despite having tits.
Don't piss JK Rowling off. She can turn you gay.
So far all holy heroes they summoned were humans. The reason the opinions of stiltvelt on humans got so low is because of the war. Most of the head honchos there eventually came to see the shield heroes as tools for their own convenience and disposed of them once they showed resistance or stopped playing their game. In fact, this is how the precious shield hero died, it was kind of an open secret.