Kemono Friends

Will SEGA save the franchise?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Previous thread?

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Never forget 11/19.

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Looks like people will be able to print cards using the arcade machines and then import them into the android game.
So the phone game is a card mobage.

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It was a great doujin.

You're thinking about 9/25

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>KF2 was made to shill the arcade game.
>The arcade game was made to shill the mobage

Of course.

What's 11/19?

Ah, my apologies. I'll take that Moose picture while I'm here, thank you.

It was the day Dog-chan was tortured live on T.V. for everyone to see.

Attached: Suffering face.jpg (2576x1454, 569K)

They can't even manage their own franchises properly.

Maybe it will be okay. But to save the franchise, they'll probably have to come up with a better team to make anime with.

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When a horse breaks a leg there is no salvation.

>save the franchise
KF isn't going anywhere buddy

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except down the toilet hole

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Picked up

If the cards are linked to your account and you can't buy them from the black market it may die a slow painful death like FGO Arcade


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But then if you roll normally in the mobage, how do you get the cards for the arcade? How does this work?

We liked KF2

Domo, furenzu sureya de gozaru.

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Shoo shoo la Mata Perros.

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Futaba is now sending complaints to TV Tokyo and other related companies regarding the producer's behavior.

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jaguar you fat cat you are so big and fat why are you so fat

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Disregard that, I'm retarded. OR AM I?

>・アプリ版『#けもフレ3 』で入手したイラストをカード印刷できる!

It might be the other way around: cards you get in the phone game can be printed using the arcade booth?

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We live in a park....

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underrated friend

Is Caracal, dare I say, overweight?

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she ate too many japari buns, fattie cat

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I thought my life was a tragedy...

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pure illusion

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my sides

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Alway rember happy day

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I don't know jon. It's what I do?

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I love them.

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So kemono friends is still alive and well despite season 2?

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Depends on SEGA.

Nope it's dead. No one is talking about it, no fanart, no activity anywhere. It's like it never existed.

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Maybe it goes both ways. Not that it matters for us gaijin.

>no fanart
Nonsense! Haven't you seen all the sad PTSD Kabans? What about the sad and depressing dog pictures?

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>kaban's cracking voice when caracal tells her serval still has some memories of their adventures
wtf I love S2 now

...but now I realize... its a comedy.

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Didn't realise it but Kaban's VA voices one of the top tier characters in GBF so at least I still get to her hear voice

If they make Kaban a charismatic villain in KF4 I will forgive them everything.

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We can pretend that it's fine. But it's not.

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That's what Mine does everyday

All you have to do is take your schizo pills

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Will be replaced by gbf's Shinji soon.

Monki is eternal

I quit that game because I could not get her.

why does panda look so soulless

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They can't animated the face for shit, there's no small movements and such to make them feel alive

mine something something kimura something

*Can't animate, fuck

Because you didn't suck her cock, user

wdym, i've been sucking her cock since she appeared in the show

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Anybody else glad we were spared a 12.1?

What's 12.1?

12.1 was a passion project, something KF2 is not and Mine definitely would not allow

Panda's cock in inches

my name's not kimura though

Of course, but at this point I wouldn't had put it past them to make an official KFP-approved short and call it KF2 12.1.

Oh right it was the pedal car episode with fennec.
It's just 2 minutes long though what's the big deal?
Even the sellout horse episode was thrice as long.

Attached: imas_fennec.jpg (640x800, 145K)

It was the beginning of the end

They should have done something less random and more canon to help develop the setting.

Fennec/Arai mini episode was 2min long.
Horse advert was 3:30min long (!)
Udon advert was 1:10min long.

I haven't watched the Animelo one but it was probably something non-canon too to promote the event, right?

Also, in the fucking Udon episode they made foxes eat fox udon. Hello?

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>they made foxes eat fox udon
I don't see the problem

Would a KF2 12.1 just be shots of Kaban and Dog slowly drinking themselves to death?

I thought that little ep was meant to show that Arai-san and Fennec were the ones who boarded the bus-boat and were pedaling with Serval to meet Kaban.

>Saitama Super Arena
The Anemelo episode was an out-of-character episode too. Probably sponsored too.
That's 2 minutes of KF canon for 8 and a half minutes of sponsored content.
Talk about passion lmao.

Attached: [Anon] Kemono Friends Animelo Summer Live Introduction [027BFA8D].mkv.jpg (1280x720, 161K)

This would be pretty kino actually.

yeah could be it

Where can I watch Kimura's video shorts?

Audio drama is nearly 20 minutes long.

got them on nyaa:

I want ANIME

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I think he was rusing but thanks

Don't group me in with you

no worries, i simply misread that post
i thought the schizoposting was over

You liked KF2

I want a movie of just Fennec and Arai dicking around in the park.
Wait for 12.1

I can't like it if I didn't watch it

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Her species is almost extinct.

It doesn't hurt if you have no soul.

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What if both Tatsuki cult and the KF2 defense force are wrong because their arguments pointlessly escalate and get distorted as their positions get more polarized?

>Tatsuki cult
Only 5 words in and you already made yourself obvious, shitposter-kun

Only cultists think that there's some kind of war going on and that you need to defend... something.

Do you have to be autistic to like this show?

Kaban wasn't real to begin with. She was a Human-Friend.

it is a cult of personality

Watching Kaban suffer saddens me. She is too pure for this world and deserves happiness.

I heard the last episode of KF2 was a fuckfest but I don't know what happened at all in the season so eh. Here's a picture.

Attached: serval nap.jpg (858x1014, 69K)

It was pretty hype given that it took place at the peak of KF popularity though, when the Kemono Friends Museum was ongoing over at Ikebukuro and Dobutsu Biscuits×PPP were performing the opening on Day 1 of Animelo. No one knew that they would play the video right before Animelo kicked off either

It's a 3DCG show about animals getting turned into cute waifus with kemonomimi, so, yeah I guess.

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How does being a Friend make her not real?

not real human bean

I’ll have two Japari Buns, a large Japari Bun, Japari Bread with extra dip, a bag of Japari Chips, two Japari Sticks, one with Japari Cheese, and a large Japari Soda

Attached: Big Serval's Chonky Order.jpg (1000x1000, 86K)

If you wanna get technical, Kaban WAS in the picture Dog had... Just as Mirai.

Can I get a large?

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>Udon episode
The last Kemono Friends thing by Tatsuki and the last good Kemono Friends content. It was so good.

>park was abandoned for like 50+ years
>huge variety of food and snacks is still getting produced in abundance
defend this kemonotards

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the foxes

>w-what d-do you mean 'money'
>o-okay, i'll p-pay that way

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Her hair.

I see, you're a cerulean who likes calling things cults and starting fights! Please leave

>foxes are made out of tofu

uma delicia


Yo yo yo~

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I would eat Silver Fox.

Lucky Beasts.

Kitsune Udon is made with Kitsune meat of course

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You really have no idea why it's called fox udon do you

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So these are the people that defend S2

toloveru and clamp are best

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Wide Serval.



How could they do this to one of the best friend designs?


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Fluffy as fuck and they relegate her into some beserker plot device

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Tell me the truth anons, KF is going to live or die after S2?

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>running by the pool
This is not tanoshii


Hippo is big and strong, the perfect wife for MOOSE.

It will die when Mine or KDKW says it can die, or maybe Serval will permanently damage her voice first

Unfortunately live. There is still enough interest in this bitch for them to keep it alive for a few more years as a bottomfeeder franchise before pulling the plug.

The idea of it becoming the new Touhou is dead in the water though. RIP.

Short for what do you mean.

It probably still be around for a few years as interest continues die down. If KF3 manages to do well though things might take a different turn. But if another bad season comes out like the KF2 then the KF will likely die forever.

god I hate trying to play the guitar


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Oh my gosh look at this fluffball

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Kitsune udon is just fried tofu.

>download Shounen Yes scans
>they don't include the kf2 manga
The uploaders are dicks.

So molestable

based scanners

So punchable

dumb stupid furries

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I do not know, but I shall always cherish the great moments and friends met along the way!

It will be like fellow Kadokawa property KanColle from now on. It'll continue to exist, but slowly dwindle and leave the public consciousness.

She needs a ninja mask.


No you don't understand!

Found the manga. In Chinese.

Attached: 17.jpg?cid=422202&md5=3JqlTxQk0STC67u5jBbg-Q.jpg (1000x1435, 181K)

Moose is too big for Lion!

What a cute gay cross-dressing couple

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she needs to be with poo in the loo elephant

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Big friends!

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This is Moose's next concubine.

>Foxes are made from fried bean curd and noodles.

Wow, I learn something new every day.


Tiny friends.

God I wish I was shoebill

Yutaka Yamamoto posted an article on his blog regarding KF2 saying that: making with a vengeance is unethical

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-08 やってはいけない 山本寛 公式ブログ.png (1023x1530, 301K)

* making anime with a vengeance is unethical

Not defending the KF2 team, but does Yamakan know about the real situation enough to boldly claim it as "vengeance"?

Who's the friend you'd like to manhandle?

I'd rather a friend manhandle me

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>you'd like to manhandle?
I'd rather BE manhandled, preferably by Aurochs

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>actually show them putting the playground together
It's already better than the anime
Servals and Caracals can be raised together and even cross-breed.

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>last good Kemono Friends content.

The last proper good episode maybe. But there were a lot of other content like Pavilion and Song albums which were pretty good. was made after 9/25 but it celebrates the friendship of Kaban and Serval. I honestly don't know how they managed to fuck it all up, when they already had the perfect formula and could produce new content following it.

Attached: Kemono Friends Rondo.png (1280x720, 736K)

Penguin = Kemono Friends' Fan
Arctic = Kemono Friends Franchise
Researcher = Me

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>Servals and Caracals can cross-breed
How hasn't this been made into a fan OC?

Attached: Hybrid.png (497x373, 442K)


I know that he's just shitposting but still. When even Yamakan calls you unethical it means you did something really wrong.

Excellent posts

In the article he did mentioned there are conflicts between KF1 and 2 story because the staff didn't do their research/ ignore settings from KF1
Even the seiyuus felt how the story develop is unusual
How they treat domestic dog friend is way over the line
The staff is denying the existence of KF1 and deliberately doing that to anger and upset the fans

So I would say he has a pretty good understanding of the situation

the best one of course

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keep seething cheetah, you'll never have pronghorn sama

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Thanks, but what I wondered is the choice of "vengeance" word itself.
That implies that Tatsuki had done something wrong, which I assume shouldn't be a knowledge that Yamakan knows about.

My nigga. Those bare legs and the shy angry attitude would be perfect.

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>How they treat domestic dog friend is way over the line
this, behead those who mistreat dog


I've been lusting for the snek for 2 years now.

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Maruko chan style is perfect.

I just got into KF and adored season 1; mere moments ago, I finished episode 1 of season 2, and I can tell that the numerous issues in art direction/storytelling/plot consistency foretold in these threads are already appearing. It hurts to live, I came for the friendship but I’m leaving with heartbreak.

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...Who are you?

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Your best friend

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I want to manhandle kusobird into a burlap sack and drown her in a river.

Snegs legs

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Cheetah, do you have any idea what she's talking about? She's starting to creep me out to be honest.

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have this to cheer you up

Would hybrid Friends be stronger than regular Friends?

Keep going.

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On average, they'd probably be blind or infertile and subject to all manner of other weird, unpredictable health issues

Attached: Best Friends.png (1260x1260, 1.1M)

Sprinkle the Emperor's skeleton with sandstar.

Kusobird literally crying alone in the corner from this top tier post

dumb cat, you die now

Attached: akainu.jpg (1200x1200, 981K)

In other words, there's also a chance for them to develop super powers like titanium claws or levitation.

Both Cheetah and Pingponghorn will be taken by MOOSE anyway.

i just finished S1 today...
i think i'll just stop my motto always was ignorance is bliss

Moose is a dork and is chained down by her wife

Thank you, that was wonderfully catchy!
Well, that’s a face I can certainly trust! R-right?

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Maybe, sandstar is a hell of a drug after all.

Yeah, it’s very tempting to let the show go on a good note. But I also can’t stand not finishing a show I enjoy; I just have to know what happens next, so it’s frustrating that I’m going in with negative expectations. Even if season 2 makes me suffer, it may be worth it just to see how the plot progresses (and to see more of the characters).

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dont let (((them))) steal the fun and friends!

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>But I also can’t stand not finishing a show I enjoy; I just have to know what happens next

You finished a show that you enjoy. There's nothing more to see, aside from a fan continuation. Seriously, there are so many Kemono Friends fans who wish they could take back watching S2. Learn from our mistakes.

I know how you feel user. Sometimes you just have to see it for your own eyes, even if you know its not going to be good. Godspeed.

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Hmm, that’s a good point, thank you for the advice. I think you’re right that it would be best to consider the first season a finished piece and learn from the fans’ misfortune. I can only hope that an eventual season three will rekindle some of the glory.

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I hate to break it to you, but season 3 is an arcade game

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Everytime I see content from the first season, I'll get sad. It was a wonderful time.

Damn, really? I’m assuming a Japan exclusive game, not even something that would be released on a console or PC? Why did they create this series other than to make the fans suffer?

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What is happening in this gif? t. kept my promise not to watch S2

Animal girls being STUPID

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april...we are forgotten

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I figured. Serval's DUMB hair flapping around was a nice touch though.

Did i hear Kaban suffering?

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The true victims of S2

The cats are proving humans are scary.

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Do the nips like them? It would be very sad to watch them die because of the boycotting.

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You are so dumb that you are adorable.

>Blatant marketing birds
I don't miss them at all.

*blocks your path*
You're joinin my team, right user?

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What if Siberian Tiger and Lion fucked and had a kid. It'd be like, the strongest thing ever.

user.. you promised..


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only if you can persuade jaguar to join too

Attached: akag.jpg (370x370, 61K)

But why did you do that to yourself?, it's not worth even for memes.

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Moose's children with Tiger will be very powerful.

honey badger is gonna curbstomp her anyways

Attached: hon.png (585x915, 352K)

>There's nothing more to see, aside from a fan continuation
Can you really call it a fan continuation (or fanfiction or any kind for that matter) when the people who made it were anything but fans?

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It is also a mobile game but we know next to nothing about it, so it might be that we'll get an incomplete version of S3.

A honey badger never saw a liger, duh. Idiot.

i love my wife jaguar!

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Lion keeps preventing me. She must be scared of her powerful gohan

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which friends have the best bellies?

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Does Baboon-chan have a red butt?

Imagine licking those abs clean after a workout

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this manga, Kemono Friends - Comic À La Carte - Japari Park Hen, does a good job of capturing the animal aspects of the friends
although it's not perfect in other ways at least it's cute


but user, cute

I know it's cute, but it must remain sealed away

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but user, cute

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Everytime I look at Shoebill I get the sudden urge to molest her. I can't really explain why.

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you're not the only one who wants to molest friends, user

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Should this be punished under human laws or animal protection rights?

throw the book at him

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This friend is good at dancing for food.

>slow painful death like FGO Arcade
The fuck are you talking about? Its still popular as fuck.

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How much do I have to sacrifice to make her real, lads?

Instead of sacrificing something to make her real, sacrifice something to make sandstar real user.

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2chan found out that the shitposter who made the Tatsuki's funeral pic was actually Nobuyuki Hosoya, the producer of KF2.

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holy fucking shit how low can you go

So did they controversy over the staff being fired from the first show just blow over?


No, especially since the new staff and people tied to them just keep adding fuel to the fire. We're just trying to have comfy times and forget

I don't get it.

Can't read runes, how did they "found out"? Is it only from that two twitter theory ?

honestly it smells like bullshit trying to get western fans riled up to me
I don't really get it, I'm already mad about the anime on it's own merits

Absolutely adorable.

Yeah, I'm not going to trust the info blindly either, not because I'm defending the producer of course.
Also, "western fans" might be too far fetched too.

Anyone got a link to the video of the serval playing under a rug?

It appears to go something like this

Attached: D3pTp0ZUwAIbd_F.jpg (1200x675, 123K)

I never considered such method, genius.

But that's only for Hosoya and KF production account right? What about "The shitposter who made tatsuki's funeral pic" ?

user look at the picture again. That is the shitpost account

You don't get to nitpick word choice if you can't speak Japanese.

Oh wait, my bad. The left one is the shitposter account yes?
That's double stupid, making an account with your company's asset, and also made it linkable to your private life.

>You don't get to nitpick word choice if you can't speak Japanese.
I can nitpick english word that that user used though.

Should have been in SB69. Boy did they back the wrong horse.

What is the science behind this? What drives felines to enclose themselves in tight boxes?

It's a universal fetish for cats

[投稿フォーム]=[contact form]
click plz.

Attached: 2019-04-09.png (1897x949, 197K)

Ah, much like humans' universal attraction to collarbones. Gotcha.

>Kyururu, Serval, and Caracal enter the Jungle
>Surprise, there's Friends with brain problems here
>Two cats and two reptiles arguing, a Gorilla is their leader
>Gorilla wants to get Kyururu and co to act like Humans are the toughest and strongest animal
>That gif happens
>The four girls who were meant to be shocked just look on in confusion, wondering why they're acting like idiots
>Yes, the four are actually not dumb. They knew something was wrong right away.
>Plan fails, the four bicker evermore

Think happy thoughts.

Attached: 72682262_p0.jpg (1000x732, 418K)

No you can't, because it's obviously a courtesy translation and the original text is in the picture.

Makes them feel safe or something.

user, please. What I'm nitpicking was the word used in that courtesy translation. Hence I asked him for clarification.

Attached: 64878743_p0.png (1059x2000, 650K)

Beautiful fake snek.

Did you know that tsuchinoko_______ ___________________ __________ _______________________________________ ____________________tsuchinoko

Then explain this.

Attached: tsuchinoko.jpg (500x375, 89K)

That's actually a hotel owner, fat-eared fox.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kemono Friends S2 - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.14_[2019.04.09_05.38.42].jpg (1280x720, 121K)

Attached: D3PPENOUIAEnVYo.jpg (1562x1517, 149K)

shit I'm late

bin chicken

Wrong ibis.

Oh shit.

Attached: Screenshot_20190409-013017.png (1080x1920, 1.26M)

All ibises are bin chickens and can't sing
Every single one of them
Until she stops being an ibis, toki is a bin chicken.

Attached: 61867864_p0.png (744x757, 476K)

>yamakan is suddenly /ourfriend/
2019 is just one weird year

Did you already forgot that Yamakan is the man destined to save anime? He's the chosen one

I'm not in touch with KF after the shitstorm, but how is Mine a bad guy now when he allowed Tatsuki working on it at first place? I thought Kadokawa silenced him or his other franchise like Keroro goes bye bye?

This picture is too powerful.

Attached: D3MUA86V4AIqYyy.jpg (1920x1080, 115K)

why is pronghorn so chad

Attached: 1554184065948.png (800x712, 66K)

Man, has another anime series been as poorly handled as this one?

Attached: kaban.jpg (850x638, 99K)


One of the first thing happened after Tatsuki was kicked from the project is he blocked Mine's twitter.

Attached: 61713309_p0.jpg (706x1000, 575K)


I honestly forgot it even had an anime.

Milky holmes, but it took 3 season for the writers going full retard

Mine and Tatsuki were at odds since the beginning of the anime project because Tatsuki came up with his own thing for the setting instead of adapting Mine's manga. The fact that the anime was immensely popular while the manga remained relatively unknown makes me think Mine wasn't all too happy about it.

His role or non role in the Tatsuki shitstorm is irrelevant, what that should be relevant is that he has taken a much bigger role in S2. From concept designer to general director. And it is clear that he's the driving force behind the project post Tatsuki, with him appearing in numerous interviews and bragging about how there are more upcoming KF projects. So he absolutely deserves blame for what the series has turned into. If he doesn't want to be blamed then he should talk to Kadokawa and tell them to take his name away from future projects.

This gets repeated endlessly in these threads, but it's wrong. He unfollowed Mine, not blocked him. We wouldn't know if Tatsuki blocked Mine unless either one of them told us.

What if Kemono Friends was actually just a shitty project to begin with and S1 was the only good thing that'll ever come out of it.

And why would Tatsuki unfollow Mine?

This is the future of the project if the same people who worked on KF2 keep working on the future instances.

Tigers are the most beautiful of the big cats.

Attached: 63502108_p0.jpg (868x1228, 865K)

I'm just getting the facts straight so that KF2 white knights don't get to say it's all "blind hate".
As for the answer, we can only speculate. Why would you unfollow someone who you previously worked with? Maybe you left on bad terms. Maybe it's simply because there's no point in following them now that you're not working together anymore.

>supposed to be another idol group
>don't show up in the idol episodes
>instead shows up late in the series spouting cryptic chuuni nonsense
KF2 can't do anything right

>Maybe it's simply because there's no point in following them now that you're not working together anymore.
I doubt this would be the case, the Japanese take business connections very seriously.

He actually spoke out against Tatsuki being fired.

We should spend less time arguing over corporate drama and more time shit-talking each other over favorite Friends.

Attached: most traumatic character sort of my life.jpg (524x1149, 382K)

Magnificent taste my friend.

Attached: 72118970_p0.png (2500x2500, 2.41M)

They're not supposed to be idols in this generation, S2 was before they formed.

big cats should have big tats

>Nips think Bengal Tiger is Siberian Tiger
>Bengal Tiger appears on the back of GB1
>Nips think she appears on the cover of BD1
>Nips think Tatsuki drew this picture and not Mine Yoshizaki
>This is the reason why they think Siberian Tiger was treated badly in S2 as to get back at Tatsuki
2/5ch are fucking retarded, these were the fans of KF?

Attached: 0a45f9aae0f6f4601c717d89bcd8f5c1.png (1508x2256, 2.78M)


>Surprise, there's Friends with brain problems here
That's true for any place Kyururu visits.
She's dragging 2 along after all.

Arcade, not mobile Gatcha

Collecting mushrooms with dog!

Attached: 1538582491709.jpg (750x1059, 124K)

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Attached: 1546625560546.jpg (750x1059, 135K)

guys is it gay to want to pump all my semen into dog-chan?

Nah, it's just canadian

Even if she's human?

Dog-chan is a cute girl, why would it be gay?

But she acts like a dog

Attached: 64203758_p0.png (1030x1500, 947K)

A dog that you can fuck.

Just making sure it's not accidentally gay to want to put friend puppies in her and make her my loving affectionate wife.

>A dog that you can fuck.
That's why it's canadian

Even if she's human?

But she acts like a dog

A dog that you can fuck.

>A dog that you can fuck.
That's why it's based and redpilled

Even if she's human?

As far as we know humans and Friends can't breed, but can two Friends of the same species breed? Will the resulting Friend be completely made of sandstar or would it be able to revert back to its animal form if eaten by a cerulean?


Well, all friends are female, so that's where the theorizing stops.

>that's where the theorising stops

Attached: 4L_rpow2gga.jpg (600x337, 21K)

Girls cannot impregnate girls, user.
They need a man for making babies.

>humans and Friends can't breed
That just sounds like someone who isn't trying hard enough

Attached: 1490517239272.jpg (672x950, 287K)

Why do friends do this if they can't breed?

Attached: D2RI5teU8AEm-AH.jpg (1254x1771, 152K)

Everybody deserved better. Especially pupper.

They can breed with humans!
You can make a baby with your favourite friend-wife if you try hard enough and cum inside during intercourse in the missionary position while kissing and holding hands every single day!
Just keep trying!

What if I love my friend-wife but she's too strong for me to handle in bed?

Attached: 1490516848679.jpg (567x850, 122K)

Bitch is like 170 tops, if that.
If you can't handle that, you don't deserve her and I'll take over for you.

user, male moose typically weigh around 1000 pounds. Moose are scary enough to deal with already despite being cool animals, I don't want my hips getting crushed

Attached: 1531685398563.png (637x904, 318K)

Yakuza game series producer is involved in Kemono Friends 2 apparently.
There's a chance he will be involved in Kemono friends 3 too.

She's literally me

Attached: beaver 2.png (1200x867, 554K)

Let her handle you in bed instead.

Moose is't a male animal moose though.
She's a a cute, small, fuckable female human girl.
The only hips being crushed will be mine from how hard I'll be fucking her if you're too scared.


Attached: cf0f63717d7ff147a472526d3dd0b370ccb2f1dae0104cf40058113004d5f174.jpg (800x567, 85K)

I think you underestimate how strong my cute wife is. Fuck you I'm doing the TOTSUGEKI

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Imagine getting manhandled by your friendwife

Attached: 1496545439031.png (800x800, 586K)

Is there any catgirl that can best Serval? I feel that Serval is the best catgirl there ever will be.

In KF? Almost all of the other cats

Ouch. No way out, eh.

Attached: 05c8372ebc6ac650ee18eddc39a223aa68a65ac06578304ae87aac814129c263.png (812x1300, 374K)

You mean, aside from siberian tiger, bengal tiger, panther, black panther, peach panther, jaguar, cheetah, marguay, sand cat, lion... Yeah, she's definitely better than caracal.

I don't care how strong your cute wife is. She's female, short and cute. That means she's weak to men and weak to cock.
Good you found your confidence though. You can have her, I have my sights set on another one.

What sort of friend would a strange user like you want to go for?

Attached: 1509265061336.jpg (201x220, 8K)


All the other cats are okay too. Quite a few even have equally big ears.

Attached: 95b46c2a59ddb4475ee874540641bbdad16b559e4b7d031b81c024b9f1cfe825.jpg (2802x2138, 1.07M)

Every single one of them except the ibises

It seems harsh, but Serval is pretty gud. Solid 7.5/10. It's just that all the cats* are so great.

*except caracal.

>bullying ibises and wanting almost all the friends to yourself in one post

Attached: 1505776589184.jpg (850x1200, 105K)


How can a "man" see Toki's delicious rump in that red pantyhose and say no?

I'm fine with sharing and a supporter of making a cute friend your cute wife. I'd never ruin that. There's enough friends for everyone anyway. Enjoy your otter.

Wouldn't be able to stand the sound.

She'd probably softly gasp the make screeching moans in her wonderful singing voice

I like Jagaa, but I'm afraid of NTRing Otter, or any other Friend for that matter.

Attached: ebde313f88477fc114768a4f7b5179e0.jpg (1536x960, 1.46M)

yurifags out

there's no canon pairings in KF

Attached: 6473767.jpg (1100x1553, 566K)

>a supporter of making a cute friend your cute wife. I'd never ruin that
>enjoy your otter
I never asked for this

Attached: 1505730156122.jpg (1062x1062, 122K)

If you say so, I might try it out.
Those leggings do look good.

>not fucking both

Try out what?

The anime really exaggerated how "bad" crested ibises are at singing.

Raptor screeches are far louder and more annoying, as are half of the songbirds.
Toki just wasn't used to her human voice yet, is all.

Attached: 22c6aba9cf9d41cbba46bd9490f1dce2.jpg (800x1054, 139K)

What a horrible, horrible sound.
Sounds like it dumpster dives for a hobby.

Nips spend money on physical media in 2019. Of course they're retarded. And thanks to those retards, we smart gaijins can easily get cheap neverending content of animus.

This not bad at all
Much better than waking up to loud ASS FUCKING CARDINALS EVERY MORNING

>only birds around where I live are sparrows, tits, the occasional magpie or crow
Peaceful mornings.

Oh you were posting otter, so I'd assumed.
Well, have fun with your moose then.

Someone post friends with absurdly delicious thighs, please.

Attached: 1551757737510.jpg (640x425, 113K)

It's not confirmed but possible.
Both were oddly friendly.
The shitposter was acting like Hosoya's lapdog. For example, Hosoya starts an argument with a fan and then the shitposter seamlessly continues it in Hosoya's stead but in a way ruder manner.
Their hours of activity were similar.
Even though it was a completely shitposting account, he was very respectful to some industry people.
Occasionally he was talking as if he was more than an ordinary fan and was personally involved with KF2's production.
The account was dedicated to slandering Tatsuki. However, for some reason he retweeted(by mistake?) several times completely unrelated Aikatsu news and then promptly deleted the retweets. Aikatsu is Hosoya's other show.
They both went silent at around the same time.
When people started suspecting that they might be the same person, the shitposting account was deleted.
This is kind of bullshit.
Someone tried to recover the shitposting account. Twitter said that the account's mail address is ke**********@o******.**
The autists tried to check different addresses and find out that [email protected] already exists. They tried to recover it and Microsoft said the last two digits of its phone number are 96. Incidentally, one of Hosoya's phone numbers ends with 96.
It sounds nice but anyone could've made that outlook account just for laughs. It doesn't confirm anything.

Attached: 1554813605880.jpg (1200x565, 114K)

Attached: otter.jpg (578x484, 52K)

Did it fucking nut in the second one?

>Stalking birbs until they fuck so you can record their orgasm sound.

Absurdly delicious.

Some people also pointed out similar writing patterns between accounts.
But the thing with phone numbers seems really far-ferched to me, it might be just a coincidence.

Attached: IMG_20190409_084004.jpg (960x1280, 59K)

he describes Korea as a country of adultery

Attached: 3383FD2D-C577-4E87-B46C-CFA1149BC221.jpg (749x957, 226K)

Do you think KF still allows freedom of fanworks?

Apparently there was an update to their rules and it sparked some discussion among nips but I didn’t understand what it was about.

oh no. Now I want to know since I intended to draw more KF stuff.

how do i cure schizophrenia?
asking for a friend

Attached: pain.jpg (650x650, 262K)

Season 2 when?

Attached: IMG_20190409_083811.jpg (2039x1378, 616K)

Whatever it is, I highly doubt it would completely forbid fanworks like manga or illustrations. At most it will be like with KC or Love Live.

Attached: IMG_20190409_070900.jpg (1723x2692, 208K)

Oh you're an artfag? Can I see?

Uh.... no, KF fanart is now officially prohibited.

Please stop making and distributing non-official Kemono Friends artwork.

Attached: angery.jpg (213x260, 32K)

1. The scope of permission for secondary use (personal use only)
(1) Creation of Illustration, Doujinshi, Manga, Novel and anything related to it
(2) Cosplay costume and anything related to it

2. Prohibited Item (use)
(1) Use in business with the aim of achieving profit with or without consideration
# This rule doesn’t apply for doujinshi distribution activity, when it can be proven (judged) that there’s not any excessive profit coming from it
(2) Direct secondary use of kemono friends project materials (illustration, video, sound, music etc)
# It’s alright to use original illustration for personal twitter, blog icon, header and anything related to it
(3) Things that judged to be damaging kemono friends image, excessively violate public moral and what being tolerated by society
# In the case of use for adult content, we request you to be considerate and not letting anyone beside target audience to see it
(4) Using copyrighted collaboration product for general use of other company (third party)
(5) Other than that, secondary even that happen beyond expectation that judged to be inappropriate

This is KFPs guidelines translation

This looks like it's something fairly standard. Basically "don't be greedy and don't be a dick".

Things will never be as liberal as with ZUN.

Attached: th.jpg (1200x675, 132K)

i can guarantee you nobody gives a shit about some whitey's deviantart creations infringing any copyrights

So, is the problem that fangames are neither explicitly allowed nor explicitly disallowed?
Everything else seems pretty standard to me.

Man the Beast Friends is far more threatening in this than at any point during S2.

Games fall under doujinshi so it's allowed

Please give me mercy

Attached: TLC.png (1417x2006, 993K)

post the followup faggot

No it doesn’t. The shi in doujinshi means book.

Who is this?

I meant doujin gomen

That was an edit by a different user, But It was good and I love it.


Attached: 1542617621771.png (1415x2006, 2.96M)

Please do more user.

Draw tsuchinoko revealing her secret
Her secret is big fat tits that she binds down so she can close her hoodie

Tsuchinoko is flat and very frustrated about it!

Attached: __tsuchinoko_kemono_friends_drawn_by_mia_miaflocon__6bf83dde980dbf7c2b96bf7d76ae6c71.png (620x877, 894K)

Tsuchinoko is the type to have big puffy inverted nipples.


Tsuchinoko isn't even the best snake let alone real

The same user?
Fukuhara and Hosoya's interview from 2017/05/07. Actually, it's mostly Fukurara's interview, Hosoya was just there and didn't say anything useful. He wasn't heavily involved with the production of the first season. I guess he wanted to fix it and get the spotlight making KF2. And ruined everything.
Though looking back, he did say some funny things
>then: I'm okay with people booing at me!
>now: *spergs out on twitter and fights with fans*
>then: There's no place for guro in Kemono Friends!
>now: *praises KF2 ep9*


Attached: 9143283.png (1748x1500, 1.06M)

how do i become less obsessed
asking for a friend

Attached: 68085708_p0.jpg (724x1024, 614K)

You can't.

Attached: a90e753a3634ab8bbe9e20a67d8a1b65.png (1073x1064, 1.18M)

With what


Birds with vantablack feathers.

Kyururu is Russian spy theory

Attached: 9133125i.jpg (600x600, 65K)

Beep her

Attached: D3uADq3UcAAq106.jpg (2048x1536, 289K)


Attached: 9148899.png (384x384, 8K)

Where do I squeeze to make her beep?

OP here, sterilizing my cade

Attached: 1554822119142.jpg (3264x2448, 1.83M)

Good End

Attached: 1554731131378.jpg (768x1024, 112K)

Basic cooking is a fundamental skill everyone should learn. Especially learn how basic seasoning works, even if its just premade stuff like italian and steak seasoning mixes.


Attached: 9150304i.jpg (512x600, 68K)


Honestly Chinese is more likely. They have a historic feud with japan and the infiltration is bad enough here is bad the here in the states.

Using Keifuku-san for the image is especially funny seeing as it was a cheapass single dvd sold at an event and was available to watch for free on his twitter and it will still have made more from its disc sales then kf2 ever will from its own.
Well this is 150 pages of soul crushing.
I'm sure it would hit harder if I could read moon

>Bengal Tiger
I think it's just Tiger, she represents all the subspecies.

They call the S2 beast tiger the Amur tiger aka the Siberian Tiger aka Panthera Tigris Altaica.

The S2 beast tiger is the Bengal Tiger, right?

Attached: 9141549.png (983x983, 1.25M)

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

S2 is Siberian tiger.

Attached: bengal tiger.png (1638x2048, 1.09M)

I don't even get what exactly happens.

But it seems less depressing than S2. At least the other friends seem to give a shit?

I was talking the gb1 tiger. She isn't specifically Bengal Tiger, just Tiger.

That image is sabretooth though, are you retarded user?

Attached: 9144424.jpg (1624x1181, 365K)

They changed it maybe a little less than a year ago, her zoo infoboxs say bengal tiger as well

Attached: DT3WZcRVoAA9grm.jpg (786x1024, 248K)

>SEGA saving anything
SEGA can't even save themselves.

Attached: 1496796610415.jpg (376x284, 17K)

Currently reading it with my limited nip, from what I can tell so far Kaban is braindead after being eaten by the cerulean at the end of S1 and Serval is taking care of her unresponsive body.

I only have one folder for all tigers

Attached: jagtiger.jpg (800x1000, 233K)

Alright, I've been living under a rock.


Attached: D3nYsRtU4AASrxx.jpg_large.jpg (550x150, 30K)

It's better than being retarded

Does Serval wipe her ass too?
Or maybe she makes her wear a diaper?

Attached: 70664216_p2.jpg (1280x900, 569K)

Big puffy inverted nipples on her secretly huge breasts!


Attached: IMG_20190409_112714.jpg (827x1170, 188K)

That's a weird topic to bring up.

Attached: 62017416_p0.jpg (1600x1200, 1.33M)

Attention kemonotards: subscribe to the KF3 game to get a FREE special Toki card at 150k subscribers. You can do it using your email address, no need for social cancer accounts.

Attached: matome_pc.png (828x281, 114K)

is that a bootleg toki

KF3 models look better than S1 and S2.

Attached: body.png (432x719, 230K)

Looks more like the Toki that was bullied off the stage by the S2 gang

uh good luck with that

S2 models are infinitely better than S1 models. I wouldn't mind tomason doing another season but everyone relating to production and direction needs to be replaced


Already did 4 times user I can't anymore

Her special move is sitting alone in a corner and crying, wishing someone would actually want her around.

The only good thing about S2 models is that they always looked crisp and antialiased while S1 models only looked good on close-ups.
The rest is subjective but S2 faces made many characters look like they had downs.

This is your cat for KF3

Attached: 41ja5hc.png (387x662, 154K)

So as far as I can tell, Serval is going on the S1 voyage to find the single medical facility from page 124, or something like that?

>S2 models are infinitely better than S1 models
I don't really see the advantage. They mostly just seem chubbier to me.

Attached: 4dcdc458c143c13935102965a53c1fce1061d46602a2e940ab6e9eafb14f9f7f.jpg (800x1199, 102K)

I want her around forever!

Attached: 61524702_p0.png (600x847, 664K)

it's not like anybody else can keep which Tiger is which straight
they're all the same anyway

nobody tell /u/

Also, I felt their faces were usually too derpy.

Attached: toosmall.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

A lot of people can actually
The fact that you can't speaks volumes

S1 looked a bit like it was drawn with a mixture of wax oil crayons and watercolors on scenes that were rendered further away.

It wasn't sharp, but it looked fine to me, and I figure it saved them the time to make everything more detailed (in the backgrounds)?

Yes, S2 made the shots with the camera further away more detailed including the backgrounds, but then they almost never used effects on the models and the posing animation also seemed a fair bit simpler.

cardinals are cool
fuck whippoorwills
you're lying and also do you have a conveneient cheat sheet of those beautiful big cats that has been labelled

>Ends right as they leave the island
Damn, I wish some brave soul would continue where S1 left off.

Fine but you get stuck in the Hunter's dream

Attached: h3qhK0B.png (1280x900, 2.2M)

There's only 8 tigers user it's not hard

I'm not going to commit brain space to remember which of these eight nearly identical schoolgirls is which

The polygon count and anti-aliasing look better. Textures were far simpler and the designs are even more dumbed down(which I didn't think it was possible to do, considering S1 models were already at the bottom of the barrel for 3DCG standards.)

One is fucking blue, one is all white, one is a goddess

So how does 5 sound

>designs dumbed down when they're more accurate than S1 where they couldn't even get colors right or give Friends part of their outfits(owls gloves and roysl penguins sweater strings)

You're confusing detail with accuracy.

post a picture please

I put red pepper and dill into my lipton earl grey tea and it tastes good, but I'm not sure it's the right way to use seasonings.

Attached: IMG_20190405_153742.jpg (978x1284, 205K)

Great minds truly do think alike, user.

Now it would be neat if someone drew this.

with peppers you're supposed to chop it up really small
then you put it in your thing in a way that it dissolves
for meat this involves either a soup sort of thing or rubbing it all up on