Now that they have formed a temporary alliance, does Asta, Yuno, and Patri have a chance of defeating word devil or do they still need the help of some of the captains to even have a fighting chance?
Black Clover
Other urls found in this thread:
Black Clover future episodes titles
Episode 79 - Mister Delinquent vs Muscle Runt
Episode 80 - Special Little Brother vs Failed Big Brother
Episode 81 - The Life of a Certain Man
Episode 82- Charmy’s Surreal Change
Uh Word Devil is basically a reality warper tho so probably need the whole cast also we don't know if Asta or Yunos magic can even scratch him, first WK and Licht couldn't even fully kill him
asta and yuno at full power only made a small cut that healed easily, I doubt Patri can do shit
They need a whole raid party for wevil
Also hasn't Asta hit max use of Black Form, he's kinda fucked.
Based Licht shiting on this retarded manlet
>what was that you jerk?!
I thought Asta wasn’t bothered by people shiting on him?
Wevil never had a body to kill
That's how you know it's the balding retard.
it's a shounen, breaking past your limits with sheer guts is the typical plot device
>Episode 82- Charmy’s Surreal Change
>Episode 82- Charmy’s Surreal Change
>Episode 81 - The Life of a Certain Man
Kino? then again atleast 5 minutes will be zora flashback.
>Charmy Based Filler Episode
fucking disgraceful
Maybe if they realize that targeting the guy's throat so he can't use his Scribblenauts word magic they'd have a better chance. As it is all wounds inflicted will just be healed instantly.
So, what's Licht doing?
We never heard of him after his small fight with asta that made asta get a new sword.
he's just being a potato somewhere.
planning on raping Mimosa duh
Ready to enter at the last moment and solo the devil.
He then takes the main elves and leaves, patri included.
But Licht doesn't even want to fight, all this is Patri's fault acting under Licht's name, influenced by the devil. Licht is probably thinking "Fuck, why me? I'm so tired of this shit."
who said anything about fighting?
He's going to go fuck his wife.
Would be cool to see devil acting all might with his reality altering word magic only to be BTFO by Licht and his sword magic with his great battle sense.
I wonder what happened those years ago, what made Licht fail.
I'm still in the belief that licht was the giant demon.
The despair made him an easy target, he was then beaten by the first wizard king I guess.
I like Patri because he's the ultimate test of catching speedreaders. See
Doujin when?
Can we all agree Charmy is the best girl and deserves to win Yuno?
I can't agree that she's best girl, but she deserves Yuno.
>Can we all agree Charmy is the best girl
God no. She's one of the worst.
>and deserves to win Yuno?
Sure why not
No to the first but yes to the 2nd
Your support for her is appreciated, but who DO you think is best if not the cute girl who knows how to cook and carries the blood of /tg/ i.e. dwarves?
Noll, Charly and Leona.
Personally I'd replace Noelle with Sol, but otherwise excellent taste.
Sorry bro.
Tsuns for life. Automatic top spot.
Sols too much of a bitch still in the unlikable way.
Sol is a bean, you can't be best girl if you like other girls.
Sol and Charlotte are arrogant cunts acting like amazons in a setting where men and women have equal stature. I pity the few men in their squad who joined hoping to be cool magic knights and ended up being not even glorified hideout janitors.
Eh, I know it's a matter of opinion and that mine probably isn't the most popular. I've never really seen the appeal of twintails and I'm much more into the onee-san type anyway, so Noelle doesn't really do much for me and neither do most of the younger girls. Sol might not have the best personality, but it's hard for me too resist a tall big-titted brown tomboy. Actually I'd probably prefer Dorothy over Sol, but unfortunately she strays a little too far into loli territory for my tastes.
Great taste!
I cant call a girl best girl based on looks alone. Sorry bro.
Even though noelle is perfection on that regard
27 year old sleepy loli
She is for Kirsch and Kirsch alone
Best ship
Isn't he her slave?
>black bulls
>has nippon man with darkness power
>witch with fate defense power
>happy speed berserker of lightning
>a fire using delinquent with a baseball theme
>noble who's moves are named after fallen angel
>leather bondage man with ash powers who specializes in making traps
>marilyn manson nazi with deadly poison
>water valkyrie royalty
>girl with transmutation powers that transforms herself and keeps her eyes shut
>white man that absorbs surrounding mana
>defective guy with no mana who has anti magic grimoire with added goat horned devil
One is not like the others, noelle will leave the bulls for the eagles.
Why it's so hard to find good fan arts? If you do, they are amateurish but average
Noelle still cant fly a broom you know.
It's not really that hard.
Just go to pixiv
She would never leave her true family for some dumb nobles she has no ties to, don't be an idiot.
Henry is also a noble too, don't forget. Noelle, Finral, and Henry are all nobles/royalty, so the Black Bulls are not without their share of varied blood too, like most other squads.
They have seen the errors of their ways, Solid will now spoil her.
That's why I ask, pixiv and Twitter mostly have above average fan arts
So who is yuno's reincarnation ?
Memes aside I really do think it's a little to late for noelle to reformer bonds with her siblings. Like yeah she never held a grudge against them but she sure as hell doesnt like them.
unborn half-elf baby
Do you type it in kanji?
Yeah, I totally understand. The reason I said Sol in the first place was that I was thinking who I would replace Noelle with in that list, but removing the requirement for there to be three of them, I would probably just put Charly and Leona at the top and Sol and Dorothy on a lower tier. But to each their own. I certainly don't resent anyone else's liking Noelle.
Yep, I've found good ones anyways
Postan underrated girls.
>Scribblenauts word magic
holy kek
She cute
These two will fuck Asta to submission.
Asta is saving himself for sister Lily to tell him to forget her and go with Mereoleona
>Asta x leona shipper is still alive.
Dubs confirm, excellent exchange.
Do you want to kill him that badly?
I doubt having a truck load of stamina would last against mereo's fire magic reinforced pussy.
Also I wouldn't be surprised if pussy grips like a vise.
Be like a monkey ripping it off and throwing it into the tall grass
Clearly a trap
Shes a witch.
So that's impossible.
God I wish.
Are those circles on their lips the infamous blowjob blisters?
I'm pretty sure it's just a poor attempt at lip shine.
Are witches in BC human? Do they procreate with each other? Do they like it?
They're likely a tribe or clan, given some of them used to be from enemy nations before abandoning their ways of life to become witches. All witches are human though.
They capture men who trespass into their woods and drain them of their seed and magic
None on them are from enemy nations the fuck are you saying?
They're going to ruin both Zora and Zara with pointless filler.
Who knows. We might see some interesting things fleshed out.
Maybe even a shot of acier.
Humans that are all female as a result of Witch Queen Blood Magic shenanigans. She probably doesn’t birth them herself though, and probably makes an artificial womb with her magic, with seed she stole from trespassers like said.
All of this left and more and Jimmy is close to killing himself
Iv been reading too much futa.
A gold on her waist looked like a hard on
Why are you stirring shit up?
Fuck off.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw that.
Next arc is going to be Hearts and I can't wait to see how their magic works.
I'm assuming we'll get some back story on dwarves
They're gonna have magical weapons.
Considering dwarves are considered story creatures at least to mimosa. We might not get too much info on them and are probably very rare.
Also I believe heart is the land of grass. So it will be where all the black people arr.
Like magic swords?
I cant see it being all that different from magic tools witch already exist.
I hope one of the other kingdoms will have a mixture of magic and machinery theme going on.
Qk would have been better as a movie instead of a game desu
It was a great game though.
Yeah its alright but it would be a much better experience as a movie and would have made way more money
Done by the current studio? Not a chance
I have no idea what the studio does with it's money but it sure as hell doesn't go into animation
For the most part it does.
Just all the great animators are freelancers under contracts already.
They graciously give it up and send it to the burrito animation department
How did I know you would start this stupid meme again.
Why do you think shitty filler of burroto has decent and good animation quality?
What could they possibly do after fighting the fucking devil? Or is it ending by chapter 250?
multiple higher ranking devils, other kingdoms, Yami's homeland, the land above Spade, and the real Shadow Kingdom.
Because its contracted free lance animators are still contracted to boruto
>the devil
A devil.
Nero is going to be the next final boss but still not the last. Look at the things on the devil's tail then look at nero's. Nero has two probably meaning he is an insanely strong demon. The less they have the stronger I bet
Editor will never allow the mascot character to straight up stop being the mascot character.
So I recently got into this series, and though it's fun, I just wanna ask if I'm on the right track.
Maybe this seemed kind of obvious, but is Asta's confidence entirely a facade? That's definitely the impression I'm given - the way he actually seems on the verge of giving up before Yuno shows up in the first chapter, the way he doesn't even show his confidence until his friends show up to see if he's okay - it seems more like a lot of his boldness is him trying not to let other people down, rather than because that's actually what he is.
I find that really interesting if so, but maybe I'm reading too into it, I'm not super far in so I can't tell if this is anything more than (admittedly very fun) shonen junkfood, past the cool elf stuff.
You're right which is why after they defeat him he will go back to being a regular anti magic bird but probably still have memories of being around them all the time so he will stick with them
It's not that he yells to convince other people hes confident.
He yells to convince himself.
You are basically correct asta for most of his life was severely depressed.
There wi be a chapter that really hammers this in.
The way I see it his confidence and boldness is a way to cope with the fact that he is basically a cripple in this world
There is nothing to flesh out when everything is perfect in the manga already
>maybe even a shot of acier
Is boobs and waifus the only thing you pathetic bunch care about? To hell with pacing as long as muh peepee gets hard, am I right?
Julius got cucked with how much of a whimp Patri is, I know he was holding back and protecting everyone and so forth and that he could have beaten him, but considering the performance of the three eyes of the midnight sun who are stated superior and how Patri was dealt with Nozel the gap between Julius and the captains is not nearly as large as I would like
>anti waifu knee jerk reaction.
Do you actually think anyone here waifus acier?
I liked the new acier flash back in the anime with leona.
All I'm saying is that I will probably enjoy seeing more of the world.
I dont give a shit about filler because I already read the manga so anything extra is welcome to me.
I hope the first bc movie is about them becoming a basketball group called the black globers
The gap really is huge though. The only captains to beat Patri were Yami and Nozel, who both have magic affinities that give them an advantage against him.
While fighting Yami too, he says that he is the second person he's met with the power to beat him. But when he fights Julius, he loses his shit because he is even MORE powerful than he thought previously.
That's a good thing.
It makes the other captains look much more powerful without making the wizard king seem like some huge power gap.
Julius was already middle age when he was a captain. And he was not even the strongest back then as acier was considered the strongest.
Woke up this morning and I fucking love Asta.
>Yami beat patri
Don't bullshit yourself kid you only give a shit about Acier's tits because she looks like Noelle. Otherwise what kind of a moron actively defends pointless filler?
The fact that not a single intelligent discussion happens in these threads aside from mindless tit and waifu posting to keep these threads from falling off the catalog shows how worthless these threads and the posters are. These threads are a disgrace to the quality of the manga.
Fucking pathetic
not that huge, especially when you consider that Rhya is stated superior to Patri and Mereoleona was beating him without type advantage
head honchos in other shonen like Yamamoto or Whitebeard are way more superior
Is Asta the worst "Talk no Jutsu" user in the history of modern shonen in Jump? Had to specify modern since Kenshiro would rarely give his enemies a second shot at redemption, so he's easily the worst. Instead of forgiving Patri, Asta said the opposite and admitted his hate for Patri. He has zero reasons for liking the guy aside from needing his help against Wevil. It's cool that Asta and Patri were able to set aside their differences without becoming friends, and I'm sure Asta has zero qualms with getting rid of Patri in exchange for Vangeance once Wevil is "dealt" with.
>Is Asta the worst "Talk no Jutsu" user
Onlt because he didnt use talk no jutsu. Just like you are the worst toilet cleaner, because you dont clean your toilet
>the cursed image fag posted the image so much that it finally killed him
Eh, everyone I know that's read/watched BC take it to mean the three TOGETHER surpass Patri.
And even if they are, Julius could of easily stomped Patri if he didn't want to Save William and the city. It was so bad I don't think he'd of had much trouble against them 1v4.
I wasn't insulting BC. The Messiah Complex of Naruto is something I hate, and the fact that it isn't in Chadsta makes me love him even more.
bro.... be careful! That image is cursed. You can't just post in the wide open like that!
>Maybe this seemed kind of obvious, but is Asta's confidence entirely a facade?
Yes, yes it is. His boisterous behavior is to psyche himself mainly. It's just that it psyches other people to do their best as well.
Asta did the same thing to Ladros and Rades. He didn't forgive them for what they did but he still forced and yelled at them to do undo their wrongdoing and help people they hurt because realistically can't do everything on his own and the villains have to own up to their shit.
It's pretty nice to see him be an active protagonist instead of a pussy do gooder who isn't capable of anger or forgives every scumbag with a drop of a hat because he's a "nice guy".
I to this day still dont know what's cursed about it.
>nazi with deadly poison
>took me this long to realize
If you open the image it downloads a rat to your computer
You know the danger and yet you still do it anyway. I don't know if you are brave, suicidal or just don't think of the consequences
Nozelchads rise up!
dont forget Gauche nigger
Never thought I would enjoy him so much.
>dont like him much, even question his position as a captain
>gets ONE dedicated chapter
>instantly like him more than Fuego and most of the captains
he's too powerful
Iv liked him from this moment on.
What if always liked about nozel is that hes.never.been disillusioned with him self.
You like him because he's a siscon/momcon
I agree. You could tell he was never like his other siblings and was not full of himself.
Not him but I like him because he has character complexity
God I wish that were me
I really wish I could be raped by Mereoleona's GIRTHY cock.
Best team tomorrow guise
Kimetsu's anime is already with CGI shit, lmao
And yet the CGI shit looks better than our entire anime
Better watch your mouth, karma hits hard and we don't want that. Don't forget that ugly cgi Mars megazord
What's he planning.
Leonine and crimsonpilled.
But the Kimetsu anime looks good? Isn't Ufotable known for blending 2D and CG fairly well?
Don't reply it, because we will have another fanbase war all over again
Sad. Too bad it is wasted on shonen anime. Lots of interesting manga would be better options to be animated, but whatever.
We already suffer a lot, but I wasn't expecting CGI from ufotable. At least the fixed a bit the manga art. About the content, they can't do magic yet.
The big bads should fix their mistakes and he doesn't necessarily needs to be friends with enemies (he fucking hates Patri) to get help against a common goal, fixing things that went wrong. This is somewhat logical, I mean, you're the sole responsible for your fuck ups in the work, but we don't see it commonly on WSJ series.
There's a lot of weird CGI there. Like the snow scene
Delete this
Based sally poster
Just turn your brain off bro
Just advertise your shitty jewtube channel on Yea Forums bro
Not me but a good summary pedro
Didnt click the link
Peeking at girls bathrooms
Based poizot
Elf slave
Why doesn't the Wevil just say 'die' at everyone? Wouldn't that work?
I doubt his magic can affect people directly. It's like a massive mana zone that he can manipulate at will.
Clearly theres limitations to his magic or he would have said that.
His vocabulary is too small for that. He needed the 5-leaf so he has a thesaurus full of verbs to use.
Tug tug
Based and demonpilled
Real cursed image
Just add ice.
Bulls ice user when? Will it be Neige?
Noelle soon... After she got undine
So, how do spirits work? Can you learn that spirits magic if your grimoire doesn't have those types of spells? Like if I had a grimoire full of water spells would i be able to pair with the fire spirit?
Salamander likely wouldn't choose you unless you were proficient in fire spells from the beginning. So likewise Noelle would have to prove herself a stupendous water user and find Undine to earn its support.
Does that mean Yuno was real fucking proficient at 15 years old? Actually it's no surprise, thinking about it
actually good vid
So how is Fana that proficient?
Well yeah, otherwise he wouldn't have received a 4-leaf clover grimoire. I wouldn't be surprised if Licht's unborn child's soul within his body gave him massive latent talent even before the Half-Elf soul fully manifested.
>Be good with fire magic as a kid
>Get killed so your friend can be freed and live his life
>Be revived by an ancient elf cult leader looking for bodies to revive his friends
>Elf soul boosts her latent ability
>Encounters Salamander
>Salamander deems her worthy and forms a pact
Elf Fana is the worthy one, human Fana wasn't worthy enough and Salamander left her.
>Be Nozel
>have incest feelings for mom
>She dies
>Younger Sister becomes spitting image of Mom
>Planned to induct her into the Silver Eagles so she can be his cocksleeve
>Yami got to her first
Nozel is for suffering
Omg.. Imagine if Leo become magic emperor,Instead of him.
>tfw Mereoleonia will never drag you with her fire arm to her bedchamber and have her way with you
>Tfw you will never have a Mimosa that will want you to drag her to your bed chambers and have your way with her
>arc finishes
>Fuegoleona and Asta go on a trip around the kingdom to train
>time skip occurs
Mark my fucking words here faggots.
>Episode 82- Charmy’s Surreal Change
Full petite clover special
Whelp. Prepare for the filler arc. We are going the bleach route
Next wizard king politics arc when.
Yuno to silva camp suppprting Nozel.
Asta to vermillion camp supporting Fuego.
I wouldn't mind some filler desu. Maybe a Young Magic Knights Captain filler arc.
Spirits will be revealed to have been genocided by the evil royals as well.
Every race will ally with the bulls to face them.
Or it’s a recap, there’s been 2 already.
>arc finished
>Tabata foreshadow war between nine race
>shift to diamond kingdom
>Morris preparing 8 general
>Diamond kingdom arc next...
Mark this!
Or it's recap, we will get filler maybe after demon defeated
>Heart Kingdom
>Kingdom Hearts
>The Heart is final arc
Key magic
When will Magna not be cucked by every other mage?
His skillset is neat, explosive baseballs. It's just not all that strong, or fast, or versatile.
He just needs a little of something to not get power creeped. Maybe a way to get his flame binding magic on a foe before they're already beaten for versatility? Maybe enhance his base run magic to enhance more than movement speed? Maybe make his fireballs just a bit more powerful with chemical reactions like the hydrolysis in the dream world?
>the fucking devil?
The Finral of devils more like
I'm not seeing Licht in despair.
He's more a sadboy kind of guy.
Isn't mascot in the series charmy
Perhaps his unique form of despair was what Asta exhibited throughout his life, and so his Grimoire of Despair recognized Asta as Licht and went to him that way.
Can't believe Yuno is gonna fuck a mascot at some point...
Yuno is gonna fuck Nero????
Yuno will give Charmy quintuplets
1 hour before the anime
>En already giving Noelle headpats
What a slut
Gordon seems like a swell guy.
Pacing of the episode was fucked and I really want to know why they changed Kirsch's iconic gigantic fan.
Best part of the ep was that Noelle x En moment.
Loli Sol next week
So is the war arc gonna be the finale? Is Mimosa gonna win?
She'll win a free ticket to be the Golden Dawn's Vice Commander while all the others save Yuno have to handle having murdered dozens of innocent people
Way to fuck up Kirsch vs Asta. The preview for next ep doesn't look that impressive either.
Are the anime staff jerking off instead of doing their work or what?
With how they half assed everything they better not ruin Finral's fight, which is the only one that matters.
People really forgot how terrible the capital riot arc was huh?
Only you do actually. The quality is just as bad as then.
So mimosafags are also shitposters
Not surprised.
Capital riot unironically looked better
>Way to fuck up Kirsch vs Asta. The preview for next ep doesn't look that impressive either.
Based pierrot giving BC the quality it deserves
>forgets ugly cg tree roots growing on noelles sea dragons nest.
Lol no. Nothing could he worst than the capital riot arc. You are clearly forgetting.
Oh it was just the balding retard shitposting.
Makes sense.
I'm forgetting.
Who was yunos teams 2ns fight supposed to be against?
Pretty noll.
Pretty good episode. Don't know what everyone is talking about saying it was bad. I liked it. Does Zora not know Asta is a peasant?
It's just
From which episode in this arc is the animation supposed to get good again?
literally only once for Asta vs Langris then back to the shitter
The way they adapted that dug trap scene was lame as shit. Also there is no reason to stretch this fight to episode.
Fuck off, manchild. Go cry somewhere else.
*to two episodes
>spoiling Zara and shota Zora in the most underwhelming way possible
Nah it was bad
Damn. Not even Langris v Finral?
Studio mouse is doing that one so the art should be on point.
They adapted 2 chapters that's the average.
Episode was good. Im anime only and I got basically what I expected for a long runner to give. In fact I would bc above most other long runners for not having a slow as fuck pace and shit loads of fillers. I could definitely see they really wanted to drag this episode out during the first half with recap and dumb flashback caps but other than that the episode was good.
>no reason
It's not a seasonal.
You know the reason.
That was in the chapter
Only zara's silhouette was. The visuals fucked the mystery and tension right out of it.
If you watch the openings you would have to be braindead to not know who it is anyway.
It was not that big of deal. Nor was it "tense"
Sounds good then
Watch out don't get a stroke over defending a trash adaptation.
With the way the directors and storyboard crew change the visuals and shit they take all emotions out of every scene and you have to be a peanut brained monkey to think there is nothing wrong with that.
Pierrot shouldn't have spoiled Zora's backstory in the OP either.
Fuck outa here retard. I bet your the same retard who was defending yuno being fully spoiled in the opening last week
Go fuck your mother mentally ill troglodyte.
Not everyone who questions Pierrot's retarded decisions is the same person.
It's so fucking bad
I agree but it has to be the same people that are pretending like the anime was not always garbage.
Every Tuesday without fail is shit posting like the anime hit a new low.
Now that I've read the manga I understand this reference now.
Yeah it was a cute refference.
But are they even going to get to thst?
that? Be more specific I ment get there while this opening is going.
The anime has always been shit but the true retards are the ones who jump to Pierrot's defense despite studio clown doing an extra effort to ruin the source material.
They supposedly had staff increase and more help but the quality is even worse than before.
By this time in the past arcs we already had short bursts of improved visuals that salvaged some of the shittier episodes like luck vs vetto, bull thrust, noelle's sea dragon and yuno's ten second long dog fight.
Yet this arc hasn't had a single redeeming moment and it doesn't help that by dragging tbe tournament out this issue becomes even more apparent.
>No sally in the opening
it hurts..
Some stuff I didn't like but still a pretty fun episode.
this arc has only been 5 episodes in so far.
Look at this clown. Look at him and laugh
the fate/stay staff left over 7 months ago.
they were temporary help.
By that time there will most definitely be a new op
Watched the ep. It was nowhere as bad as Riot arc or some of the worst episodes. Animation was just fine, average which is typical for long running series. Most of the time characters were on model as well, so idk why people are saying this ep sucked when it is actually solid for BC standarts.
Kiss my ass child
Why laugh when he's completely right?
You don't have any standards of course you'd think the episode was good
I agree. black hurricane was strange though.
i think they made a mistake on how Asta used it. I'm pretty sure he used the small sword and shot out a bunch of anti magic slashes. rather than top spin around the field.
So how long will the anime go?
He's being so obvious. I hope he's just samefagging and no one is actually falling for it.
Pierrot has done long running series before and they never were as bad of a quality as the BC anime.
I swear BC posters are the only fanbase on Yea Forums that are ok with the bad treatment the anime adaptation gets.
Only a clown would think a long runner has the budget to have extremely good quality episodes without losing money or having employees die from sleep deprivation
Seemed to match qks version of it
oh boy I wonder how this eill be answered.
even One Piece's shitstain of an anime looks better than BC on average faggot
Uh huh cuz 60+ episodes of burrito filler is quality
Is it gonna go on forever?
Ahahaha now I know for a fact that you are a clown
Do I need to remind you of the other long running anime that Pierrot is producing right now and how it's vastly superior in quality than black clover?
Quit playing dumb, just because something is long running doesn't mean it's possible to make it look decent.
everything Pierrot animated nowadays is trash but boruto.
didn't you even see how terrible TG re was? And that was seasonal.
Reminder that these clowns also think this is better than what we got today ahahaha
Yet Pierrot send all of their best animators and staff to work on those shitty filler episodes.
You're retarded to defend that shit studio when they are capable of producing decent anime but clearly don't give a shit.
>Episode 82- Charmy’s Surreal Change
Wait, didn't this guy murder the emperor? How did he manage to redeem himself?
not everyone can be autistic like you jimmy and bitch and moan for 12 years straight
It's filler. As this arc isn't dragged enough.
you can't send contracted freelancers to other projects
Creative freedom > restricted concept
Easier to make garbage out of thin air under the veil that it looks decent. These fillers are so bad that they literally killed off a kage in the mitsuki one. Don’t act like that shit anime isn’t the laughing stock of long runners currently
>Wait didn't this guy do Manga contents that I know about?
>How come I don't know about Manga contents
way to give away your continued shitposting
The war arc is taking too long I want to go back to comfy shenanigans.
What the hell are you talking about.
Either present an argument in the discussion or fuck off.
I can't believe you'd defend the diservice the anime is doing to the manga by adapting it so bad.
He didn't. Asta literally says he will never forgive him, but they still need to work together to defeat word devil.
How does it feel knowing you live in clown world, jimbo?
I don't.
But I'm not an autist that can bitch about it for over 70 weeks.
The anime is shit. But it's still making loads of money Pierrot won't change shit because they are getting away with it.
deal with it.
We're talking about visuals and animation quality. The shit writing of Bort is not the topic of discussion.
I'm sorry if I dropped the manga after the 'Licht is not the light magic user' reveal and asked a question out of curiosity because OP posted a thread with a clickbait title.
I thought we were talking about an adaption.
Does scripts not count as part of an adaption?
This is quality content in clown world
Where did the op say he got redeemed?
So you admit the quality of the anime is shit then don't act like a suprised donkey when ever anything is posted about what a let down an episode is.
How is the OP clickbait?
what's everyone mad about? the episode was pretty nice. the art was on model most of the time, the movement didnt feel too stiff, the OST selection was actually good for once, the animation was better than the other episodes this arc, and the start of the ending theme playing while Zora and Asta looked at ea ch other was really touching. seemed like a fine episode to me.
>posting one out of context screenshot
Based delusional moron
I'll Definitly be surprised if people 70 weeks in are still bitching and moaning about something that won't change.
And I'll continue to think less of them too.
from what I'm seeing it's just one guy.
Based retarded Twitterposter
Asta can't shoot out Anti Magic slashes. Their version matches how Asta does it in Jump Force.
Naturally my standarts for long running anime like BC or DBS are lower than my standarts for seasonal shows. It's a matter of logic.
Plenty of Naruto and Boruto had pretty shit eps. I'm not ok with The current BC situation because while it's true that this episode was ok, a big part aren't. And that's the result of Pierrot giving more support to Boruto than BC.
You also have Tg:re which was seasonal but was incredibly screwed over by Pierrot.
>You also have Tg:re which was seasonal but was incredibly screwed over by Pierrot.
They never cared about it. The last season is just the result of them obtaining bc license and wanting to end tg most likely
I just finished the episode. It wasn't terrible but I expected better animation since this is one of the more important fights of the tournament. I do agree with some anons that the quality of the tournament arc has been a let down so far. For example, I didn't like how they did Noelle defeating Solid at all. If Pierrot can't get back to back fights of a tournament arc done right then how are they going to fare with constant fights of the elf arc?
>How are they going to fare
the same way they always have.
select episodes will look great the rest are in the blender.
That's why iv.been saying don't get your hopes up for Leona anything because she's sure as fuck getting shafted for patri vs julius.
>the quality of the tournament arc has been a let down so far
wevil's design scares me
the quality on your toilet is still pretty awful too
stop being a pussy grey.
I don't know, his smile is kinda cute to me.
Magna's wife is cute
I don't see sol there.
Anyone has a cap of Noelle getting headpatted by En?
En is suck a good lad.
Noelle deserves all the head pats
En has been irrelevant for so long I forgot he also wants to fuck Noelle
where did he go? he was with Noelle n gang on the silver eagal
There was so much sexual tension between them.
Even Noelle was blushing like a slut.
En is staying with Kirsch sucking his cherry flavored cock
En is for the fat wing woman, Noelle is like En's daughter.
lets not acr like that's anything new.
Noelles always been a blush slut.
En helped Kirsch rescue the Vermillion house residents. Now he's helping the rest of the bulls along with other magic nights to defeat the remaining elves.
Tabata made me love tsuns
I REALLY hope she doesn't get undine. It'll play into a mary sue complex too hard. I want her to suffer for a while again.
suffer from what exactally?
If this is going into godly powerlevels, noelle needs undine.
She can fight some woman that managed to tie with her mom in battle.
Noelle hasent really suffered since she joined the Bulls. so I don't know what you are proposing.
I'd preffer she not get undone too but I would not be too upset by it.
But I would preffer her power ups be fundamentally different from yuno
Good, this is a patrician ship.
we first need to know the extent her mana will grow.
Tabata went on record saying her growth can surpass both acier and Julius.
Is is my shit pc or does everything around the face look low quality?
looks like a poor upload
My friend refuses to criticize the anime and tells me "at least it's not one piece"
How do I get him to understand it's shit
he knows it's shit but he's enjoying it.
Stop being an autist.
What did she mean by this
it means she's exceptionally jealous Noelle went to that hot spring.
Because he probably reads the source material and has patrician taste. Dumb baldy.
Everyone was complaining abot the Quality the first 20 episodes and everyone knows that the best way to enjoy BC is reading the manga but what good does complaining here for 80 straight episodes? Also the episode of this week was ok, if all the episodes were like this one it would be a huge improvement for the series.
but the wizard king told Yami that he wanted him to be the next.
Speedreader-kun here.
Where the fuck is Litch.
and why the fuck does he looks so much like Patri
kill yourself
full ending
>"at least it's not one piece"
Funny, since it's the most 'One Piece' inspired shonen anime out there. The MC literally wants to be the Wizard King and is a completely retarded loud autist like Luffy. They also have a crew of quirky friends and have adventures. I find that is one of the charms of the series.
>What did she mean by this
I wonder indeed
Inspiration takes many forms. Her headcanon for Asta's dick size is simply one of them. All we know is that it was enough to drive a support into learning Gaitn Phallic Solar Beam.
Who will win the Asta bowl? And the Yuno bowl? And the Yami bowl?
>Yuno bowl
You don't seriously see Bell as a rival to Charmy, do you?
Rebecca, Charmy, Charlotte
>Implying all of this will matter after the timeskip.
I bet they gonna do some pairings that make 0 sense at this moment like Yuno and Noelle.
tsuns and charmy
>Be revived by an ancient elf cult leader looking for bodies to revive his friends
Fana's phoenix magic revived her. Patri can't do this
Good taste
literal who
how do Rebecca fag stay alive after all this time?
You act like she wasn't pivotal to btfo'ing sekke.
Asta loves her tatos.
Kia to and kahono were first.
Noelle is existentially compromised, as indeed are all tsunderes. Their whole personalities revolve around acting in Sartrean bad faith. As Kierkegaard said, this lack of authenticity can only lead to despair, i.e. the sickness unto death. In contrast to Noelle, Rebecca quickly gets over her initial dislike of Asta and instead of pretending she hates him due to pride and a clinging to a false idea of her own identity, she even starts to take initiative, inviting him to visit her family. Regardless of whether she wins him in the end, through love she has already attained a higher level of development of the self than Noelle will ever know.
okay? but what I ment is how you deal with her being absent.
Asta has 8 inches.
She will appear one more time before the next Black Clover big arc buddy, don't worry.
uhh. right.....
One must put faith in the absurd, by hoping beyond hope that she will reappear and that she will end up with Asta. That is the only way worthy of a true knight of faith.
desu I don't really care about Asta or his romantic attachments all that much. I like the secondary characters in Black Clover a lot better than the main ones, and mostly only got into this argument because I enjoy philosophical shitposting.
>Characterfag means you ship then
yes they go hand in hand Alot nowadays but they aren't the same thing.
I want to devour sol's fat butt.
very true
Decent post.
>Jimbo has friends
>Jimbo tells them constantly that bc is shit
>Doesn't even matter if the conversation has anything to do with bc
Good post. As much as I like tits, I wish BC had a little more focus on the ass.
>Charmy's surreal change
So an episode about charmy not liking food anymore?
She fundamentally can't. Half her magic is devouring stuff.
It's filler. What other surreal change can she have? Reveal her dwarf human shit early on?
I need screenshots of Charmy feeding Julius.
Possibly hint at it
feeding what?
Feeding Julius to the sweet embrace of death
>Asta can't shoot out Anti Magic
Yes he can. Re read the tournament arc
Will Gordon ever be appreciated or listened to?
Gauche ready told him how to be straight up.
Bro stop...
It hurts
>Noelle wakes up
>She's sweating
>Her bed is drenched
>But she doesn't understand why her magic went off in her sleep
I like how they're showing more of Julius so when his time comes it'll hit harder.
>The realization she didnt use her magic.
Just done watching the episode.
It's sad how the anime takes the soul out of every scene.
Why do I even bother any more.
Because you like bitching and moaning.
Studio clown will do anything possible to ruin the pacing. Everyone remembered En hyping up Noelle it didn't need a flashback.
That wont change. Stop expecting seasonal pacing in a long runner.
Sure thing clown boy
This episode was good, it's nice to see Asta and Mimosa interacting in the same team.
I personally enjoyed asta and zoras more.
>Noelle thinks something is wrong with her body and asks Mimosa to heal her
>Mimosa starts sweating when she hears Noelle's explanation of what happened
Will Yuno keep the elf fetus spirit or will he set it free after this arc?
Why'd y'all name him wevil?
Word Devil = Wevil
Anti-Magic Devil = Amvil
I like that even after all the powerups, they still aren't near good enough to beat captains.
Studio Pierrot is notorious for butchering recent adaptation and they do it on purpose to kill all rivaling properties to their old franchises just like how they fucked up Twin Star and TGRE
That's why I dropped the anime a long time ago and only support the manga.
nice OST
>those faces
Has Yuno's Spirit Storm actually landed before?
It's the opposite of sea dragons roar
There’s no reason to get rid of it, considering that he looses his elf boost if he does.
Yami’s fucked once Wevil uses his Five-Leaf thesaurus to kick his ass.
Rhys is like "oh god oh fuck we're dead"
Nozel is a canonically a top tier captain. At their current strength level Asta and Yuno can beat lower captains like both purple orca caps, rill and Charlotte
To be honest I dont think yuno could beat poizot.
I seriously dont think they are captain level.
Why are powerlevel fags so worried about a character crossing an arbitrary threshold and becoming "captain level"?
Nah, they can't. But Asta can only beat Gueldre. Rill can create anything what counter against them. Charlotte's versatility would knock them back and also her corpse hunting briars is already deadly enough once it touches the victim.
Word devil > Asta and Yuno >= Elf Rhya > Human Rhya = cave arc Charlotte
he couldnt only cause poizot cant be hit by him
SeeAsta wouldn't inspire any creativity in Rill and if yuno can fool Rill into a magic beam clash he can attack him from behind with mana zone. Plus yuno already seemed to equal rill and has grown since then.
Charlotte was suppressed and not herself knows it.
Introducing this devil with the evil twink design and nozel beating patri in 1 chapter is such a weird move.
Than goodness lots of other series are ranking like shit so this doesn’t backfire up tabata’s ass.
The BC anime reminds me of Bleach where like 98% of the anime was terrible and ruined the source material but the OPs/EDs were always dope
>Seemed equal.
Not really once till was ramping up the fight ended.
Bc pacing was always this fast.
Who gives a fuck about pacing? Fast forward to the good parts ya noob. This episode was only ~10 minutes long
bleach's anime was never bad
I agree and also disagree.
The best way to put it I'd that bleach found a way to hid its cheapness much better.
Damn clown, they always put their budget on OP/ED.
Licht is in the last room of the shadow temple being only slightly more functional than a vegetable
Patri was reincarnated into a human body that looks just like Licht when he is in control
Patri was who we knew as Licht because Patri is a fucking N'wah who wanted to call himself Licht to get support
>Spoon feeding an admitted speed reader.
Kek, good thing we still have dwar...
Oh, wait..
Don't worry, he's a speedreader, he won't even notice this was posted.
Sekke is one of the best things about this series, HaHa!
Just finished watching the latest Ep of the anime and I have to say that Black Clover is better than 99% of anime this season. It's a really solid show now!
ps: anyone noticed how Yea Forums times out when you upload an image?
>Vetto 1 shot'd by a captain
>Fana performs absolutely pathetically, basically beaten by Asta 1 on 1
what gives? Weren't they supposed to be a big deal? It's like the 10 Commandments in Seven Deadly Sins all over again.
Elves are pacifists
They have great manapool but are not soldiers accustomed to battle
So Wevil masterminded everything, including making licht's grimoire into an evil grimoire (now asta's grimoire), but the devil in asta's grimoire is Amvil, so what's the connection between Wevil and Amvil?
Likely despair births demons, so Amvil and Wevil don't know each other. Webil might've been born from a previous Grimoire of Despair too.
So can wevil be turned into a grimoire for power word magic?
Wait no what I meant to say was, is there a devil in wevil's grimoire he jsut made
I would assume so, if he turned Licht's grimoire to despair the same way he did Patri's here.
>Vetto fight entire Black bulls + Underwater temple
>Fana fight Asta team + Mars + Fanzell team
And they all need teamwork to defeat both.
We don't know.
Do we know anything about what'll happen after the shadow temple or is it just speculation for now?
After they leave the shadow palace it will probably be what do we do about all these elves stuff
After the arc is probably next WK or Diamond kingdom stuff
Mostly speculation but people are expecting Diamond Kingdom after this arc.
diamond sounds most realistic, since they will notice clover is in turmoil and choose this time to strike with their new generals, and after seeing how ladros got his ass kicked in the forest of witchesthey will have developed even more powerful magic enhancements
Everytime I watch this shit, I feel like I'm slumming. It doesn't ever get better, huh?
Just read the manga
I usually get baked and marathon a month of episodes
Canonically asta has a big dick. [Spoiler] read the. Chapter when mimosa tells noelle she likes him[/spoiler]
Spoilers where?
Cute and canon
From the vis scan. Wevil has no idea who's in astas grimoire
That's not the same shot.
Who made this?
This was drawn by noelles va right?
Cool sword
you are cool
it's alright
I can't wait for the grey arc
She's betraying the bulls for her brother's sake.
well duh
I can't wait for the real Gordon arc where he becomes the wizard king
>implying Sekke won't become magic emperor
Black C(ock)lover
He will but he will die by saving everyone in his first and only act as wizard king.
Why's it always shite like this that gets a million episodes in one go, while nothing decent ever does?
You should be happy whatever you like is not a long runner.
Get your decent things, more decent.
Because it's good while your shit is shit.
Pretty sure it was Yuno's VA.
I heard something happened to asta va?.