Would he have eventually killed her?

Would he have eventually killed her?

Attached: kira_shinobu.jpg (643x643, 207K)

Duh. That's what he does.

Killing her would've alerted Jotaro's detective mode and his plot armor.

I see you don't believe in the power of love


Don't think so. He can always kill others women

No he was starting to fall for her

And blow his cover? No way. Hayato was enough of a problem as it was.

I still don't get why he wanted to figure out Kira so badly. His life only improved after his real father was replaced.

Dude, it's in his name!
You know that one fable about the scorpion and the frog? That is your answer.

Because even if his real dad was a dick, he was still his dad. Then this dude shows up wearing his face and starts banging his mom.

How old was Hayato, again? The only thing I don't get is how would a kid that young manage to lay low long enough to trick this psycho killer motherfucker.

>bang his mom
Never managed to do so, in any way.

Hayato is autistic

Given that one scene in the stray cat arc, no, since it showed him developing feelings for her(and it didn't pay off in any way god dammit Araki)

Most likely, he would increase his kill ratio because he'd be afraid for Shinobu the very instant he felt a hint of an urge. A romantic idea in a completely fucked up kind of way.

Only if she started suspecting something or was otherwise a danger to him.

because weak betas would get them killed

>How old was Hayato, again?
4 or 5 years old

He protected her from the plant,so he started to care.

but bad guys usually get them killed, or kill them themselves.

Might be that, might be rational thought that if she dies, it'll attract scrutiny.
After Angelic Layer I'll totally believe in 5 years old kids being smart and resourceful.

he went to elementary, more like 10

He had a very specific fetish. If he wanted to killed her for her hand then he wouldn't have gone out to look for other women.