Wow, this is the most blatantly sexist manga I've seen in a long time
Wow, this is the most blatantly sexist manga I've seen in a long time
What’s wrong with being sexy?
Picked up
housewife is great
That's a good thing
ah a women's rightful place
Can you at least post a source?
Anyone got the sauce on this? Nothing is coming up for the search.
Remarkably redpilled. What's the sauce?
is being a housewife really that much of a taboo in western world?
Picked up.
Yes. Unless you're sleeping with 50 black men each week you're being oppressed
>a comedic scene is sexist
Only in the land of the """"free""""
Feminists are retards who believe that rape jokes support rape culture. Don't expect logic from these conspiracy nuts.
Just call it rage culture.
Don't you know? Comedy about sensible topics is not allowed. And we are steadily reaching a point where everything will be a sensible topic.
wtf? based mangaka
>blatantly sexist
Are you baiting or a visitor?