Would you betray your ideals for her?
Would you betray your ideals for her?
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fuck wormslut and sakurafaces
Is she a sword? No. I like swords.
no, but i'd do it for rin
This, but unironically.
inb4 rinfags
Kama isn't Sakura
If I were a japanese ginger
>hot, passionate, eternally loyal, hopeless romantic nympho with huge boobs
Hell yeah I would.
FSN heroines:
Used goods whore
Literal tranny
Used goods worm playboy
What did Shirou do to deserve this?
The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many
This shit makes me cry just thinking about it
If you can't fight for yourself how can you fight for anyone else?
Rin would think less of you if you did, though. She'd rather support your ideals and fight with you.
Not for just a damsel in distress. If Rin made a twisted turn but repented I would save her but not for waifuwhiteknightbait like Sakura
What would you really do user
>no threesome
>CGI dragon
>has a movie but gets CGI dolphins
>gets CGI dolphins again in ufotable adaptation
>only 1 to get a dicking
It's not fucking fair! How come wormslut is the only one who gets a dicking?
Are you going to post this in every fate related thread?
If Shero never found Kerry that night, how would he have ended up?
I'm absolutely seething. In the end, wormfags fucking win? This is like the PB comeback of the 2018 April Fools event. It's so ludicrous I refuse to accept it.
That's why Illya is best girl
>this entire post
No wonder they say Rinfags are awful
Yes, I would hold her tight and never let go
What if my ideals already involve protecting my waifu over the world?
>Actual, loving sex scene
How did this air in the West?
what did this user mean
Most of them are smelly secondaries anyway
If you actually read the VN, you would know that Rin is the one who's a useless jobbing damsel in distress in UBW, while Sakura ends up taking out the entire cast of villains in HF.
hard pass
I would for my king, not her.
Well he’d be dead for one. If it was some random family that found him, he’d probably grow up confused and aimless. Remember that Shirou is legitimately insane, his ideals were just a way for him to channel his mental issues in.
Magic Circuits ranking (this is not really relevant to actual powerlevels btw)
>Touko: Quantity B+ ; Quality EX
>Aoko: Quantity E ; Quality C
>Alice Kuonji: Quantity A++ ; Quality A+
>May Riddell Archelot: Quantity D ; Quality A
>Yuika Suse: Quantity D ; Quality D
>Ritsuka Suse: Quantity C ; Quality C
>Manaka: Quantity E ; Quality EX
>Ayaka: Quantity C ; Quality C
>Misaya: Quantity B ; Quality A
>Sancraid Phahn: Quantity A ; Quality C
>Lugh Beowulf (Divine Regression): Quantity C ; Quality A
>Arcueid (Divine Regression): Quantity A++ ; Quality B
Magic Circuits numbers
>Average magus: 20 MCs
>Touko: 20 MCs
>Araya: 30 MCs
>Alba: Unknown, implied to have more than both Touko and Araya.
>Emiya Shirou: 27 MCs, each circuit can barely handle 10 units of magical energy while being damaged in the process.
>Rin: 40 inborn MCs and subs that are 30 each, maximum output is of 1000 units of magical energy.
>Sakura: Unknown, stated to have the same maximum output as Rin with her natural circuits. However, whatever circuits she had were corroded and assimilated by the Holy Grail Shards implanted into her.
>Luvia: 100 Magic Circuits, it is unknown how many of these are natural and how many are from her family crests
>Shirou has a higher than avg amount of magic circuits
>can barely strengthen anything before the HGW started
What ideals?
quality =/= quantity though
Terrible falseflag. You're a seething Sakurafag trying to make Rinfags look bad.
At least try. And if you weren't a filthy secondary, you wouldn't give one h*ck about the anime.
Can't be using foul language around these cute girls.
Why would Sakurafags be seething? We're the winners, you know.
I absolutely don't know. But that's obviously not a Rinfag.
It's no better than a
post on Yea Forums.
>The designated sacrificial lamb also gains some power through no real effort of her own
Wow such will much strength! At least Rin isnt a wormslut
no, because she IS my ideal.
No and she's a horrible person if she wants me to betray my ideals.
Someone should love you for you, not who they want you to be.
I mean Rin‘s and and Saber‘s description are just false and Sakura‘s is inaccurate.
Plus Shirou is a sexist shitter who deserves to be femdom‘s by Rider
suck my chode, you donkey
die bitch
If she promised to love me I suppose I would.
It aired to jeering and whooping theatres, where degenerates howled like monkeys or just said "lmao cringe".
and then the room clapped
>endures 11 years of torture
>n-no real effort!
Also, the endings of HF show that Rin is canonically slutty while Sakura is devoted.
>"Ironic weeb" egirl sitting in the row in front of me complaining about how nothing in the movie makes sense because she never watched anything else fate related
Why do I even go to theatrical releases just shut the fuck up and let me watch the movie jesus christ
They unironically did at the credits, up here in leafland
sounds incredibly gay
this is why I hate people
Don't have ideal to betray but I will try my best to help her. Maybe I can try to summon a servant that is good at healing or move her soul to a homunculus body.
I will do anything to protect that smile.
Medea would save her, easily
bondage suit
Who is Miss Perfect?
I don't have any ideals to betray.
>DEEN being relevant
who do you think?
No idea
Pic unrelated
should have told her that
How does Shirou have so many circuits? Isn't he a literally who normie that Kiritsu just happened to find?
What even are Shirou's ideals? Is it just mindless altruism? Where did he get them?
Did you even watch the anime, tertiary? UBW in particular constantly brings it up.
This summarizes it pretty well
>How come wormslut is the only one who gets a dicking?
She truly is the sexiest. No other girls can compete.
He turned his autism into circuits
I've read the VN twice faggot. I meant is there a name for his ideals.
He converted his nerves into bootleg magic circuits every night for years because he thought that's how you do magic. That's basically a daily suicide attempt.
A hero complex+martyr complex just about sums it up.
So yes, mindless altruism. This runs parallel to Saber's struggle. It makes me think that if Rin did summon Saber it would play out very similar to UBW and Fate in that Rin would try and stop their self destructive altruism.
For Sakura? maybe not
For Caster? 100%
Well, the biggest difference between Saber and Fate Shirou is that Saber actually has the power to back up her altruism, while Shirou would just straight up die without a second thought for a girl he met an hour ago, even if it didn't accomplish anything.
Yeah his autism out powers her's by quite a bit. They're both still a couple of autistic dorks.
I don't remember this in the VN. doesn't this imply he had MCs to begin with?
no thanks.
He was born with an insignificant amount, which is rare among normal humans, but not anything miraculous.
>Betraying your ideals for a slut
we arent talking about rin
What would Shirou do?
Save Sakura
He'd let the train run over the 5 men and kill the man above. It's the fair thing to do.
Break down and cry
Grit my teeth and STEP IN
Just replace Berserker with the trolley.
Shiro will sacrifice himself before anyone else, which is the real problem.
I choose to protect this precious smile instead
I'll never not laugh at the "what the fuck is he doing" part.
>betraying your own ideals for the wormslut
Kotomine route when?
I don't have ideals, and honestly can't be bothered to seriously try to save her with or without ideals so no
t. real man
What? Because Rin finds love somewhere else? Is she supposed to just never love again so she can stay pure?
Come on, man.
Miyu is a better Sakura than Sakura.
>I promised that I'll protect Sakura from everything.
>I can't selfishly die.
>I want to live with Sakura.
I love HF true.
Well, that's how it is if Sakura getting raped makes her a slut.
I concur.
Illya... Illya Illya Illya! Illya! ILLYA!!!
>Would you stop being a goddamn manchild and help someone close to you who truly needed it?
Fuck no, but I would for Illya.
>HBO drama shows random casual sex that serves no purpose in the story
>>complete holy silence
>HF shows sex scene that’s really tastefully done for a TM work and features a couple that actually has a reason to fuck
we live in a godd*mn society
We don't mention that.
>given how long the Tsukihime remake that adds Sacchin route is taking, Nasu will die before we get a F/SN remake that adds Illya route
I will never not be mad.
I mean, that's kind of a given, since anime only people who didn't see the movie yet haven't seen as much of Miyu's character. She was firmly the least popular of the Prisma trio before 3rei fleshed out her character more.
That was specifically a poll for the movie, though. If anything, Sakura was the one at a major disadvantage among Prism Ilya fans, yet she managed to get #1.