You have shit taste if you don’t think this moment was PEAK Fate

You have shit taste if you don’t think this moment was PEAK Fate.

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Nah senpai

Maybe if you exclusively care about animation and haven't seen HF Part 2 yet.

Apocrypha is garbage. Just like Extra and Grand Order. Now stop being a faggot and read the VN.

>Read the poorly written, poorly paced VN that forces you to read a boring ass route about Ky Kiske (female) before getting to the good shit
Why are Fatefags like this?

This, everyone gave up on the VN except for oldfags on Yea Forums and /tmg/

HF is a thing, but you're a mongol so you wouldn't know good taste due to all the rancid horse shit you put in your mouth.

And yet UBW and HF are the only two things from Nasuverse that don't suck donkey dick.

>if you don't remind Karna of Duryodhana, he'll drag his heels while he serves you

Based Sun Boy.

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You are basing your thought on the superb animation and not the story. Fate/Apo's story was pretty lame.

they're just nostalfags

>liking fateshit
absolute state of Yea Forums


If he wanted to win against Karna so badly, all he needed to do was get him drunk. Karna's canonically weak against alcohol.

>a massive HGW set in EUROPE
>the plot STILL manages to revolve around the autism of some Nipponese jackass

The writers just couldn't help themselves.

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Go home Siegfag, everyone already forgot about Apocrypha.

I'm glad we got the fight and it was animated this well.
Sieg was a real fucking shit character though and I hated every minute of him.

Name 1 historical figure who could have been a better foil for Jeanne

Only their adaptations, and that's because you get to enjoy all the cool parts of the Nasuverse without any of Nasu's bullshit "prose". Even then most of the characters in FSN are rather bland to ones introduced in later projects.

I'm glad Yea Forums has been and will always be autistic about Fate.

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One of the absolute super winners in history who is driven to villainy because he believes he could have done more to unite mankind:

-Rich Noble to Jeanne's Peasant Girl
-Lived to a ripe old age while Jeanne died young
-A Lech who remorselessly cavorted in comparison to Jeanne's chastity
-a shrewd general and politician while Jeanne was a glorified soldier
-possesses a ridiculous amount of Judeo-Christian themed weaponry while Jeanne has a simple flag

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Shut up, Kingu.

Apocrypha is the worst anime to have been released in the past 9 years. Easily. I can't think of a show that shot itself in the head as hard as Apocrypha did, fuck Sieg to death for ruining what could've been an amazing show.

>Even then most of the characters in FSN are rather bland to ones introduced in later projects.
You can't be fucking serious.
>generic MC faggot in a virtual reality
>generic homunculus MC faggot
>generic MC faggot with cardboard waifu lusting for his dick being his only recognizable trait
Even Strange/Fake is complete fanfic-tier dogshit.

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Clueless user here, what was so bad about Fate/Extra? I gave up completely on the series after Apocrypha resulted in being the worst anime of its year.

You are talking out of your ass and you know it. Was it subpar in terms of Fate standards? Yes. Is it one of the worst shows in the last few years? Absolutely not. I can name 20 shows off the top of my head in the last three years worse than this.

the fight was great
60fps is not

I'm talking about characters like pic related, Scathach, Francis Drake, Mordred, Kairi, Kintoki, Lancelot, the Riyo versions of Gudako and Gudao, you dense motherfucker.

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I don't mean in terms of production quality, in those regards it was actually legitimately great, I mean in terms of just how disappointing it was. It had so many aspects that could've made it a fantastic show, yet it squanders its potential so ridiculously hard that it left a hideously bad taste in my mouth. I'd compare it to Berserk 2016 but at least we had some fun memes from that trainwreck.

Having the title of "worst" is a function of expectations vs reality, not you cherrypicking some seasonal shit with budget of 2 moldy pizzas.

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That's fucking embarrassing.

>tfw unironically liked Apocrypha
The overall story was kinda meh but the cast was great outside of Sieg.
Achilles Vs Chiron at the end is easily one of the best anime fights of all time

Best Fate MC?

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>the cast was great outside of Sieg
This wouldn't be as big of an issue if the writer didn't say "fuck off" to the cast to focus on sucking the dick of his self-insert while having Astolfo and Jeanne blush whenever he fucking breathes. Genuinely the worst MC in years.

Not as embarrassing as reading a poorly structered and written 70+ hour VN. I also never said I actually played FGO either

Then says "it was one of the most disappointing anime in the last 9 years" don't use worse. Get the language right or otherwise don't bother because now you look stupid shuffling backwards.
>Comparing FA to the irrdeemably awful on all counts Berserk adaptation in 2016
I guess you are really as stupid as I first imagined.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet. Slit your wrists and don't dilute the gene pool.

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Who pissed in your cereal this morning famnon?


Tiamat's children confirmed for utter degeneracy

The only great thing about it was the music. The animation and artstyle changes like every 10 seconds which makes it look like shit

cant be more animekino than this


Karna could've been beaten by Cu prove me wrong

his armor would block anything cu coculd throw at him including gae bolg

Why would it block Gae Bolg? Gae Bolg is a conceptual attack

It took Siegfrield, Astolfo, Jeanne, and Achille's shield to beat Karna. Since when could other people use a Noble Phantasm, besides the owner? I'm making an exception for UBW b/c Shirou/Archer "create" those weapons.

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and conceptual attack can be blocked such as when EMIYA blocked it with a bootleg shield

Thrown Gae Bolg does not have the conceptual attack of always hitting the heart

>Only their adaptations

stopped reading right here

>60fps interpolation

This fight still pisses me off.
Karna should've won that

Nasu hates Hindu myths

>Chuunilord Nasu hates one of the most chuuni mythologies
What did he mean by this?

>currynigger has never seen nine lives blade works

Does anyone unrionically believe this looks good? It's just a bunch of flashy effects and sword beams. Achiles vs Chiron was the better fight.

He threw both him and Arjuna a bone in Extella Link. Even if it looked like a discount Naruto fight

LB4 is gonna undo everything about Karma/Arjuna/Rama/Parvati, screencap this.

The original Fate VNs were rough around the edges in terms of writing and Takajun's translation - I remember, I played it back when they were first released. But there was something unique and gripping about them, something the newer series lack. The original F/SN was slow-paced and meticulous, but also extremely comprehensive and personal. I think a lot of other readers would agree that the most memorable character arcs of that VN weren't of the girls, but Shirou himself, confronting his demons and figuring out what he believes in. He was a flawed character, traumatized by disaster and with a Messiah complex, the result of years of survivor's guilt. You could feel a real internal conflict, a tug between all these little things that makes up a person. And it's rare to see that kind of nuance in Otaku culture.

F/SN was just a breath of fresh air to the other fantasy visual and light novels at the time. It read more like Snow Crash than Haruhi or To Heart. The perspective is down to earth and visceral. When Shirou encounters Lancer, his thought isn't "Wow, a demigod warrior, how cool" but "some raving lunatic is trying to kill me ow this hurts this hurts." There's a physicality to it all, and it establishes Fate as its own thing, removed from the JRPG nonsense that was popular at the time. It was grounded, and felt human.

But these elements have been stripped from later iterations, as other writers work on Fate and in general the franchise's direction shifts. No longer a niche story for a cult following, now Fate has to sell millions of copies. The lonely atmosphere that pervaded the original game is gone, replaced by self-aware humor, over the top designs, and a complete abandon of anything tying it actual human emotion.

I'm not saying the original FSN was perfect, god no. But it was raw, and it was genuine, and I'd take unpolished and genuine over the mass market pandering mobage Fate trash we have now any day.

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looks like shit

The only good thing about Sieg is that he made waifufaggots to absolutely fucking nuclear.

Hey, fags. Look.

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Good post.

Lol too long didn't read

But Sieg has class advantage

That’s the Ivan fight in Anastasia

apocryshits still around? why are you still pushing this garbage? an above average 2 minute long scene doesnt make it for the absolute shitshow the entire anime was

tfw your eyes broke

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If you like fate you have shit taste

They're first encounter was miles better

>They are first encounter
Your English is just as shit as your taste.

This fight and animation is pure soul bro.

Why did they chose Jeanne d'arc to be the ruler? Why not someone like Gandhi or Martin Luther king?

Hundred years war in fgo is unironically a better use of the character.

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Gilgamesh uses Mardukes NP in FSN
Literally since forever.

>20th century figures
I really wonder why.

I actually liked Gilles sacrifice in apocrypha, he finally got to help Jeanne without the need of a holy grail.

I really disliked everthing about this episode
Sure the animation was smooth and fluid, but at the cost of absolutely everything else
Having everthing be the exact same color and looking like an in-between frame with characters being warped and vey off-model all the time is not fun to look at, at all
The battle between Jeanne and Atalanta Alter looked the worst to me.

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I wonder why they skipped over Genghis khan and went straight to Alexander in FZ?

Eh, I liked Mo-chan's fight and Evil cat more than that battle.

This thread is precious.

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Sieg and Jeanne are precious

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>they say arjuna is stronger
>proceeds to steal his NP and kill him with it

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This is a lovely picture and you are lovely for sharing it.

I know this series is all about shitting on historical/mythological figures, but fucking hell that was some next level dogshit

Thanks user. You're welcome

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Jannu love

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It was a good fight, but the way they kept changing Sieg's muscle size pissed me off to no end. One moment he would be the size of a bodybuilder, and ottermode the next.

>I'm talking about characters like pic related
user, thats not a character

thats a generic "badass" design with the personality of a wet noodle

see above but remove the badass design

see above

its saber but shes angry, so interesting

manage to have less character than fucking Berzerker Herc

>riyo "characters"
are literally just gags you dense retard

So Archer herc is the grand archer right?

Siegfried literally has dragonblood on his skin. His entire saint graph has dragon parameters.
>expects a dragon being weak to fire

PEAK Fate is yet to be animated.

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I still can't get over how fucking OP Alcides is.
>Hydra poison arrows
>can summon Cerberus and other shit
>can imbue any weapon he holds with divinity
>can shoot a sheer endless amount of target simultaneously
>is fucking immune to ANY man-made weapon
>still has 8 more NPs we haven't even seen yet

That's right, Strange Fake anime when

5th volume comes out this month but we're still a long way before this story concludes.

This is peak Fate

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>Since when could other people use a Noble Phantasm, besides the owner?


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This is peak fate

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>Shitty spinoff tailored to fit the lack of attention span on hyperactive kids on sugar rush
>Just two clashing powers on a scene made anticlimatic by the intrusion of the autist self-insert incel that took over an otherwise good character
>As if to add salt to the injury the otherwise noble duel is interrupted by the stock crosdresser character
>Animation had high production values but it is mostly spent on explosions rather than fight coreography, like Michael Bay would do
>not even the best iteration of itself

The final battles in FSN were so fucking good

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Except Kirei slinging mud at a kid instead of just one hitting him.

So when is strange fake getting finished?


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most likely not, Grands are a level of bullshit beyond what even Alcides or Gil are

KH blocked an excalibur tier attack with his cape, Solomon bad a beast as his pet bitch

Fate peaked and died at SN.

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> not saying the original FSN was perfect, god no. But it was raw, and it was genuine, and I'd take unpolished and genuine over the mass market pandering

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Fate died when Nasu met Takeuchi

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Fuck, this is adorable.

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I love it how all these tru Fate warriors pussy out whenever a few people liking what they dislike post exactly what they like for all to see.

That looks like shit

It's been like 2 years since I first watched this, and it never stops being mindblowingly amazing. Apocrypha was worth it just for this.

That's just due to having a superior containers though, any servant elevated to a grand servant container would be able to do that stuff.

I don't know much about fate but that's some really nice animation. Sound design is ass though.
Also why are there TRIGGER stars?

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I like the Sieg x Kotomine fight more

Both Sieg and Siegfried are the dullest fucks in all Fate

The characters in Apocrypha look like utter trash. Only the villain is alright.
Astolfo is the worst offender. I don't get how he got so popular in the first place, his outfit looks like it was bought at the dollar store, for real, look at that shitty horn.

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So it's the same as Mahabharata which Karna literally should have been the hero of but ended being second fiddle to that entitled shit Arjuna because destiny was against him.

>The characters in Apocrypha look like utter trash. Only the villain is alright.

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The whole episode looked like some flash animation bullshit from newgrounds.

grand avenger*

You'll never have Semenramis

Attached: fate apocrypha semiramis shirou kiss.webm (960x540, 2.52M)

Achilles had a history of lending his shit and Astolfo had a history of borrowing people's shit. There are far worse offenses in this franchise than that scene.

Why the fuck there was no Russian hero servant yet?

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Does Anastasia and Ivan count? Probably not.

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>literally just a green color swapped of cu
way to prove my point