Main characters deck is actually shit

>main characters deck is actually shit

Attached: 2.png (1000x1000, 1.4M)

I remember a video where he got rid of his entire hand just to summon the Neo-Spacian guy.

ironically his e-hero deck is much better than his neo-spacian deck and the only one to be competitive of judai's cards

I love GX fusions, I hope it's in the new game coming to switch. I will be emulating his deck asap.

I thought his toku deck was the most competitive deck

Attached: 51RNNnwUnRL.jpg (348x500, 63K)

yeah actually his masked heroes are probably the best now combined with the newer e-hero cards.

hero beat was still pretty good back a few years ago though

His deck is not consistent or good at all, and pot of greed is banned forever. That said, heroes are a good archetype and they are actually playable irl

Neo is trash, but heroes are still good with a lot of variety and can actually be played competitively

Attached: neos.webm (640x480, 2.77M)

and this guy fucking beat cyber dragons

I fucking loved Jaden's Elemental Heroes. His Neo-Space shit sucked dick though.

At least in the original run you needed fusion materials to be on the field to fuse them. This is just retarded.

It's how the game rules actually work. Fusions are unplayable if you need materials on the field

Yes, but then it makes even less sense to summon Neos there.

Not his vanilla E-HEROES, no.

I like how Fujiwara acts as if that was a good play.

I was shocked to find out his name was Judai cuz my country dubbed it as Jaden (Yaden) so we all went with that for years until I discovered internet

Every YGO anime except ARC-V.

Better than Yugi's deck that was a random unthemed mash-up of cards with very limited synergy - and its just that his OP destiny powers lets him draw those few combos together every time.

what am i missing
why did he use fusion and then fusion cancel
did he end up with more monsters?

he fused to special summon the fusion monster then de-fusion to get two monsters to tribute for neos

it's still retarded because he ends up with just a 2500 beatstick while going minus super hard

Neos is good now. Not truly competitive, but you can win locals with it.


His manga deck is the only good one. But yeah, I have no idea what they were thinking with the furry deck. Especially with the whole "Fusions get shuffled into the Deck if you don't have the Field Spell" thing.


Not really. Locals are half Salamangreat now, and everyone runs three Ash Blossom, which stops Connector on its tracks.

Who gives a fuck about your shitty local scene, go to a regional, check out the stats you autists and he is right.

I had so much hope for Yuya's deck halfway through arc-v but it could never decide if it wanted to be performapals or dragons/magicians

So what should he have done in this situation then?

Despite the dub being so fucking bad, the way the cards are made more cartoony and simple also makes them look much more badass. As a kid it also made me believe that part of going to Duel Academy was to learn what the fuck your cards did.

set featherman and pass, better to leave bubbleman in your hand so judai can do his dumb bubbleman comebacks

Elemental hero Mariner/Sailorman can attack the opponent directly if you have a facedown magic/trap card. Should have at least popped off an attack before anything else

At least the real yugi managed to beat his bullshit draw powers with an actual deck

Just searched every decklist in YuGiOh Top Decks and nobody used Elemental Hero Neos in a Top 8 decklist this year. Do you think that Orcust Decks that run 3 Dolphins and 3 Conductors for Link Fodder are "Neos" decks now?

Guess that Kaiju, Noble Arms and Egyptian God decks are also all competitive now!

His old manga deck before he went Masked was also pretty good, Absolute Zero was amazing.


Should've sticked with Heroes. Masked Heroes were pretty neat from the manga.