Sora no Otoshimono thread

Choose your waifu

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the dumb one

Always Nymph forever and ever.

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I choose Ikaros. She's cute and shy. And isn't baka or pettanko tsundere.

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Time Skip Nymph

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Always Nymph

That ara ara bitch

I don't remember the name

Ikaros is best girl.

I don't like how this is one of the first animes I watched.

So all of them?

Nymph gang!

I'm usually a pure loli man but I have a soft spot for Ikaros.

There's just not enough doujins!

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Always Bwaaka

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Dat ass

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Did nothing wrong.

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Humans > Gynoids

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Let's pretend that never happened)

The one with the Best Bigger Boobs/Bitchiness ratio.

She is perfectly normal human!
And she is living in happy marriage with Tomoki.

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>And her daughters are living in happy marriage with Tomoki.

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Didnt the redhair girl made a greasy mexican kid commit suicide?

Okay, so, first of all, Ikaros is the best, obviously

But second i have a question, every time Tomoki appeared as chibi in the series... Did he ever LITERALLY transform into a chibi? Because they would pick him up and shit

I don't see how totally ordinary human could have gynoids as children.

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>totally ordinary human
That's the problem

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She's just Daedalus' avatar with big boobs.

Whats the problem?
Yea Forums seems to have messed up because I see corrupted image.

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Careful user, you don't want to end up like our Mexican friend

Kindly fuck off

Like her

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That sounds like your headcanon.
She is just an ordinary human.

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Beta a shit.

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You don't make sense anonymous.

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As it should be.

My wife Astrea is sexy

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But Deadalus is secret best girl

I don't understand why are you mentioning some random goddess when referencing Sohara.

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I wonder what happened to woxxy

She deserved a better life and ending.

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What exactly was the manga's ending i'm a brainlet who couldn't make sense of it

>i-i don't feel so good...

What is the author doing nowadays?

More suffering

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I don't know, but this series was definitely heavy handed with the chibi shit. There were episodes where he's chibi form like 95% of the time and that gets a little obnoxious

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Best girl right here

you will never free a bunch of slaves who came from another world

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Isn't it great?

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This anime has some of the best character designs.They took the manga art and improved it, Harems don't have the nice colorful style like this anymore.


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No, it is not.

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