Choose your waifu
Sora no Otoshimono thread
the dumb one
Always Nymph forever and ever.
I choose Ikaros. She's cute and shy. And isn't baka or pettanko tsundere.
Time Skip Nymph
Always Nymph
That ara ara bitch
I don't remember the name
Ikaros is best girl.
I don't like how this is one of the first animes I watched.
So all of them?
Nymph gang!
I'm usually a pure loli man but I have a soft spot for Ikaros.
There's just not enough doujins!
Always Bwaaka
Dat ass
Did nothing wrong.
Humans > Gynoids
Let's pretend that never happened)
The one with the Best Bigger Boobs/Bitchiness ratio.
She is perfectly normal human!
And she is living in happy marriage with Tomoki.
>And her daughters are living in happy marriage with Tomoki.
Didnt the redhair girl made a greasy mexican kid commit suicide?
Okay, so, first of all, Ikaros is the best, obviously
But second i have a question, every time Tomoki appeared as chibi in the series... Did he ever LITERALLY transform into a chibi? Because they would pick him up and shit
I don't see how totally ordinary human could have gynoids as children.
>totally ordinary human
That's the problem
She's just Daedalus' avatar with big boobs.
Whats the problem?
Yea Forums seems to have messed up because I see corrupted image.
Careful user, you don't want to end up like our Mexican friend
Kindly fuck off
Like her
That sounds like your headcanon.
She is just an ordinary human.
Beta a shit.
You don't make sense anonymous.
As it should be.
My wife Astrea is sexy
But Deadalus is secret best girl
I don't understand why are you mentioning some random goddess when referencing Sohara.
I wonder what happened to woxxy
She deserved a better life and ending.
What exactly was the manga's ending i'm a brainlet who couldn't make sense of it
>i-i don't feel so good...
What is the author doing nowadays?
More suffering
I don't know, but this series was definitely heavy handed with the chibi shit. There were episodes where he's chibi form like 95% of the time and that gets a little obnoxious
Best girl right here
you will never free a bunch of slaves who came from another world
Isn't it great?
This anime has some of the best character designs.They took the manga art and improved it, Harems don't have the nice colorful style like this anymore.
No, it is not.