5Toubun no Hanayome

Chapter 81 WTN Speedscan.

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I wanna fuck Ichika

>Ichika tried to drag Nino down to her level with sone shit talk
>It backfired and she can't say anything back
RIP Snake.

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Ichika a fucking shit. It's literally impossible to defend her, especially now.

Ichika has really become worst girl

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Ichika is love
Ichika is life
I love Ichika from the bottom of my heart and the core of my soul
Ichika a miracle of the universe
Ichika might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out

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Why do I feel like this is the arc Miku gets rejected. Don't do this to me bros


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When you think Nino just can't get any better, she always does.

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We did it bros, Miku is now even more of a joke than Yotsuba

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Nino is really great. Her popularity will no doubt increase now. It feels like Negi wants to secure second place for her. Maybe even 1st place may become possible.

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So, what happened to Fuutarou trying to figure out who the kisser is?
The last close up on the lips happened 10 chapters ago

>why would it target nino?
Based fatty

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At this point, I think she already surpassed Miku.
Miku need to get her own haircut now to take back the throne from Nino.

Nino is an wonderful loving onee-san

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>Maybe even 1st place may become possible.
Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. Miku had a huge lead for a long time

>Nino won
>Miku won
>Ichika is still shit

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>Miku need to get her own haircut now
She'll probably remove her headphones?

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He already has it all figured out

The true mom of the quints.

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Nino a shit.

This desu.

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>Miku need to get her own haircut now
So Itsuki will be the only one with long hair left?


>Why did Miku suddenly moved alone
This fatfuck literally doesn't know anything.It hard to believe she even one of the quints with how loose her relationship with them.

So Nino, then?

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Ichika keeps falling lower samefaging.

Behold! Itsuki "I wanted to replace our dead mother" Nakano

As always thank you KRanon for the quick translation.

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Credit page ideas/edits?

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Since he knew since back then pic related seems much more likely

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miku/nino wincest is the real ship

ah the D E S P A I R

But who was camera

Hopefully Itsuki will notice how inadequate she is in her delusion

I don't like how Negi is making Nino out to be some kind of selfless paragon of virtue, when she's the one that bullied Miku, shittalked Ichika and literally drugged and abused Fuutarou multiple times

Its really pandering as fuck

I'm sick of the snek and the spinless waifubait. Can we move on.

RIP bread-kun from

I see seething Itsuki fags are tying to set Nino and Miku up to make their girl win.

Miku is definitely the bride.
Fuutarou has been aware of her feelings for some time and the fact is repeated that Fuutarou can tell apart the real Miku from any pretenders.

That's true. I don't doubt Miku taking first place in most instances. But there's a chance, however small or big depends on how much Nino's popularity will rise, that Nino may take first.

Why it looked like he didn't care about Miku running away though?

Because he didn't

You poor thing

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>snekfags trying to deflect
Absolutely pathetic

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Ichika will redeem herself
Just you wait

Forgetting just being a bitch to Itsuki for no reason.

>Fuutarou can tell apart the real Miku from any pretenders.
He couldn't tell her apart from Ichika, though?

It's gonna be a good week lads

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Ninospammer is back again, they always shit up threads when Nino gets BTFO int he manga

This desu.

Negi could write Fuutarou to knowing who the kisser was all along and you literal fags would still defend it and claim it makes perfect sense

This. Fuck Nignoshits

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>Yotsuba's still relevant
Negi's just fucking with me, right? He'll suddenly sideline her again, right?

Ignore the deluded Mikushitters

This is literally her arc.

He's insecure when it comes to love, she asked Yotsuba why she mentioned Miku because he wanted a confirmation that he wasn't just imagining things, when snake did the deed he took it as confirmation that he was wrong after all

>m-muh snekfags
kek. O B S E S S E D

Nino got completely destroyed this chapter, based Negi

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Thanks as always WTNanon.
How did you find the chapter?

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he knew

Fuut likes honest people and people who cares about their family (good cook, full of energy, etc). Nino pretty much completes Fuuts ideal women chart, it's only an matter of time till he falls for her and Negi making Nino say how she would accept her loss if Fuut chooses any of her sisters cements it.

He already suspected that the Miku was fake and try to get confirmation from the real Miku only to get stopped by the slithering snek.

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Reminds me of this.

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user... she didn't bullied Miku. Nino doesn't want to regret anything, she also want to make sure her sisters don't regret anything eithers. This is why she wanted Miku to speak up, so they could be at the same point.
She shittalk ichika since she deserved it, as it could ruin Miku's happiness.
And while yes she drugged Fu-kun, it was because she didn't want him in the middle of what she wanted to protect and loved, her sisters.
Even this chapter shows it again, she cares for her sisters.

Didn't Fuuts say that he likes girls that care about their family?

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Christ, come back when you can actually read the manga Ninofag.


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Have we reached the point where the losing girls start getting their characters derailed for the winning girl to win? I thought it would start later than this.

Are these posts ironic? There are so many fucking retarded theorycrafters I really can't tell

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Yeah but you can see he's fed up with Nino's arrogance and pushiness and the whole drugging thing is very probably nagging him at the corner of his mind, she might love her sisters, like the others do but she has too many personality problems

>that blatant parallel
>scrambled eggs hard confirm

Yep, Miku is running away with this hard. Yotsuba better step up now.

And Fatsuki is in love with food so no one cares about her.

Based Negi. Ninos sweet victory is approaching.

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>she has too many personality problems
This desu.

55=>Miku chocolate chapter

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Retarded, delusional nignofag

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I'm not even a Ninofag. Come back when you get a brain

>Fuutarou then
>Fuutarou now
What the fuck happened?

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>I'm not even a Ninofag
>nignofag this blatantly retarded

>probably nagging him at the corner of his mind
Oh so it's headcanon. Fuutarou isn't bothered by her at all, just you and other readers. What matters is Fuutarou, not us.

Fuck off Nino. As if you weren't trying to make Miku cry by taking away her first love.

Why Nino always wins in all chapters ??
fuck you Negibro but I love you

Nino is selfish and arrogant as fuck, who gives her the fucking right to lecture ICHIKA of all people when she's the one that is the most willing to shit on her sisters for cock?

>getting know to their behaviours, voices, unconscious habits
>unconscious habits
This literally happened in the first chapter

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This desu.

she'll take her headphones off before confessing, fuu will tell her she looks pretty with her new hairstyle, she'll comment on how he recognized her without her headphones

>>why would it target nino?
Next drama is for Nino who will be saved by her prince Fuutarou

We did it Mikubros

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This desu.

That's Ichika you dumb snakefag, Nino hasn't thrown anyone under the bus, yet

This. I can't stomach Nino's patronizing and hypocrite character

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>What the fuck happened?

He isn't in love with her, Mikushitter. "Love" is just their term for figuring out who is who which Fuut did from 50/50 shot of guessing if it's Miku or Ichika. Fuutarou is just flattered Miku is in love with him, he doesn't feel affection for her or anyone at all.

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Because that's you self-inserting and misinterpreting, and not what the author is planning.
You also conveniently forgets about her helping her sisters personal problems, about how she helped Fuuts after Rena broke him, about how she literally and singlehandedly saved his job, about how she faced Maruo alone to protect the quints independence.

>Ninofags coping this hard

>Nigno got BTFO and destroyed this chapter again
>Nignofags come out of the woodwork to defend with headcanon and spam

Ah, this manga is bad for my heart.

The fact there is only one winner and four loser, the fact every girl is great. Man, sometimes I regret picking this up, I've become too invested in this. I hate this feeling, fuck you Negi.

You seem mad. How's that damage control going?

1 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 5

I'm not an deluded Snek, Miku or Ninofag. Itsuki is obviously the bride dumbass. It's hilarious how much you Mikushitters cope with fickle evidence like Ninofags thinking it confirms they're the bride. Negi isn't gonna reveal nothing obvious to indicate the winner, cope harder.

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Alright detective Yea Forums what do we know about the kisser who can we rule out.

Ichika: not entirely out
Nino: small possibility but unlikely personality wise
Miku : maybe
Yotsuba and itsuki could've I guess but doesn't fit character

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There’s no way Negi would give Yotsuba relevance for five chapters in a row.

No, it's a completely serious, chink-tier post.

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For the last time, the kisser, the bride, Rena and Lolikano are all Itsuki.

Trying so hard.
It's quite funny how in a chapter like this, there's always this damage control and deflection going on.

Wow Negi sure is making Nino look good. t. Itsukifag

The same can easily applied to Miku and Yotsuba.
Miku is his best allies when they try to reform back the sister on the first break up.Plus she got hurt this bad because she trusted her sister a little too much.
Yotsuba constantly wanted to stop burdening her sisters so they can be happy.

Ichika lose almost all of this quality recently.
Itsuki only shown concern during Scrambles Eggs but she ended up relying on Fuutarou anyway.

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It's the butler taking the photos for daddy nakano.

Ichika: out due to injury
Nino: highest possibility
Miku: second highest possibility
Yotsuba: zero chance
Itsuki: low chance

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>Nino triggering her haters by being the best and fairest
>Everyone starts seething and damage control towards her
Nino is truly the best

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Damn what an accurate pic of Nigno! Nice one user.

So what happened to the bread?

She literally only won this chapter though.

How does this madman do it every week? I always look forward to the next chapter even though it's just a romcom.

Also he's most likely the one who took the 2 shot between Fuutarou and loli nakano.

Cry more

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Itsuki dealt with it.

Why are you qoting me with some "muh nino" shitter? I'm just pointing out the insane level of dickriding ITT for a mediocre harem writer.

Yeah! She won front row seats to Itsuki's wedding, retard cancer Ninofag (redundant I know)

You're already dead, snekfag.

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Good job Negi

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>Maruo pointed out about Fuutarou being more and more ordinary throughout the series
>Miku is the meter for his reduced autism

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You seem insecure

Alright, how did she lose then?

user completely lost it, and he's not even trying to hide his flagging anymore

Nignotrash always think everyone is against them, they shitpost all the fucking time, its fucking tiresome to keep up and destroying them

I guess the thread is back to shitflinging and falseflagging.


Can't you just leave shitposters alone?

>coming from the nignofag

please don't reply to me ever again

Stay mad.
Don't go posting your horseporn now that you popped a vein.

Sorry user, I can't help myself.

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>Have we reached the point where the losing girls start getting their characters derailed for the winning girl to win? I thought it would start later than this.
That's already been going on for months, user

Like you cancer posting BBC(one of most liked Nino pics in pixiv)? Cry more shitter.

That's oddly specific. Are you projecting Ninofag?

>Nino winning the chapter
>People start to shitfling and attack Nino
Nino cannot catch a break. There're always anons jealous of her glory.

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Snakefags have been on damage control for months now, I'm happy Fuuts could tell it was a fake miku

Fuutarou probably picked it up because wasting food is a no-no.
And Negi made it apparent this chapter that none of Miku's past effort actually went to waste because Fuutarou received her feelings anyway in the end,so the bread will be most likely the same.

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Yeah, because he figured it out back then. It's all about eliminating the competition now to lock up the Nino victory.

Does he have a despair fetish bros?

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>afriad to say Ninos name
No need to be so frightened

Regardless of how many power moments she gets nino won't win, Negi told us Itsuki will win in the interview.

>That's oddly specific
What? You think we don't visit these threads? We already know its you.

Yes, probably.

I couldn't believe the threads could get any worse but Ninofags always manage to surprise me

Poor WTNanon.

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>Nignotard's projection

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I couldn't believe the threads could get any worse but Bitchikafags always manage to surprise me

The current arc is good so far. I'm excited for the next chapter.
To be honest I know she's gonna lose the bowl and I already accepted that but I never expected Negi to destroy her this way. Its quite painful to watch.

How sweet?

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>nino is winning
>shitposters at damage control
>b-but muh drugging and she's still a bitch
That faggot shitposter is taking damage in this chapter. At this moment, the snek is losing, even if there's redemption chapter for her, F will reject her.

Ichika sinks next week

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this watermark has never been so much accurate.

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Tasteful damage control.
The more you shitpost, the less people read the chapter, so less people calling Ichika out.


>know its you
I see detective Ninofag is on the case. Whatever floats your boat, Ninofag.

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Kill yourself, subhuman

Don't know about negi but I certainly do

Sweet as delicious pancakes

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Maybe? He did draw this

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Will we ever see Miku's smile restored?

>4 rejections incoming
Yes, he does

What if Ichika is planning on mentioning lolikano? Would it be possible for Fuutarou to think she’s Rena?

I assume Itsuki will make a sandwich with it later

Did Negi have a short-haired older sister who wanted to be an actress who tortured, bullied, and raped him all his life? He seems to hate Ichika as much as Akira Toriyama hates Tien or Vegeta.

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A fitting end for one who constantly demoralizes and threatens her family, die by your own drugs bitch

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Rather a spineless autist or a snek than a violent, drug dealing bitch

Miku actually Has the lowest chance because she can't run a few meters without her face melting off


His wife is a short-haired onee-san type.

>Fuutarou:"I don't want the quint to ruin my trip"
>Also Fuutarou:Deliberately stuck his nose in the quint business as always

Inside the fatty stomach

She and Yotsuba were ahead of her sisters when they were climbing last chapter

>resorting to shitpost nino
I believe no one will fall for that.

Will we ever get more comfy panels of 2 and 3 bonding?

>short-haired older sister who wanted to be an actress who tortured, bullied, and raped him all his life?

Sounds like heaven

Now that Nino has been removed from the running who has the highest chances now?

so there was talk last thread about Itsuki being forced into being shown as main girl, is it due to her winning confirmed or just because it was easier on the readers to absorb things, I feel the answer has been changing.


>Fuutarou has been aware of her feelings for some time

Fuutarou knew that Miku loved him when she hug him like crazy chapter 67
This moment "hug" that comes in his mind and it is not the "kiss"moment

Ichika please, stop dressing as your sister and posting the pics here.

It turns out Itsuki had the right idea all along.

>stealing another Miku moment to pander to domcucks
Fuck this bitchy cunt, Miku should have confronted Ichika not fucking Nino, fuck this shit

>7 goodbyes
>Nino and Itsuki
>Sisters wars
>Ichika and Miku
The penultimate arc will be between Yotsuba and her life since she'll hang herself soon.

Fuu-kun will restore her smile in the next chapter

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Damn, Fuutarou is stoic as fuck. I thought he'd have a hard time to choose a girl because he doesn't want to hurt the others, but it seems like he has a strong determination now. I guess we only need his romantic development

>This triggers the Ninohaters

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looks like Miku is closer to that stage desu


>Maybe even 1st place may become possible.
This is delusional.

>it's unusual for a romcom to not have a clear main girl
>cites toradora and meizon ikkoku as iconic romcoms having clear main girls
>negi liked manga that made you want to talk to other people about it, that can have debates about who is cuter
>he wanted to make one himself so he thought about what is necessary and what is unnecessary
>the unnecessary part was "and ending where he's connected to everyone" so he put the wedding in the beginning
>to avoid people saying "first girl wins" he put all the girls in the first chapter
>however, the editor made him put itsuki first to make it easier on the readers
>so that seemed to lessen the effect...
>he thought if people liked Raiha or the classmates too much it would create too much noise so he gave Raiha a weird hairstyle
>but it turned out too cute in the anime
>he's disappointed that there are still haremfags after he tried to make it clear there's one bride
>interviewer says things never go exactly as planned and that haremfags most likely just don't want to see anyone rejected
>Negi is grateful for that, but says that because works with predetermined heroines are getting popular lately he became aware that works like Ichigo 100% actually feel fresh to today's young generation
>interviewer asks about Fuutarou not being able to tell them apart despite the different hairstyles
>Negi says he only had the hair colors be slightly different for chapter one, but thinking about a future anime adaptation he thought it would be hard to watch so in the end he gave them different colors and hairstyles
>he made them redheads because he thought it would guarantee popularity
>interviewer calls the different colors a necessary lie
>he notes that the flow of the story, the characters and their personalities are all intricately thought out and that there's a lot of drama
Dude literally want the readers to pick side and shitposts against each other.

I wonder how long Fuutarou has been aware of Miku's feelings on some level. Clearly, he must have known before Ichika's sabotage.

During the class reps chapter with Yotsuba, when he was asked by her about love, this happened. Unless Miku really is the kisser, then Nino was the only one in his head. It doesn't look like he was aware of Ichika's feelings prior to her sabotage/indirect confession, so that's why she didn't show up.

But putting some of the details in this chapter together with what's already been given us, I'm not sure I can say Miku's a likely pick for the kisser either. Might just be down to Nino and Yotsuba now in my mind.

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Why do ninofags think she "won" this fight?

>Its quite painful to watch.
Oh. I don't know what to say user.
Stay strong.. I guess? Probably like a broken record at this point, but negi will make her mend her ways in the end for sure.
The problem is how long is she supposed to play the villain.

Miku get more power from desperation and embarassment.
Look at how fast she went downstair and disappeared this chapter.

Now that's what I call LOVE

This desu. Miku a cute.

Takeda-kun will do it

So Yea Forums can finally agree Ninotards are by far the absolute worst thing to happen to this series? I still remember when nobody cared enough about Nino to hate her, threads were great then

Sisterly snuggles soon

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Damn. You Ninofags are really in damage control mode after this chapter dropped. Spilling spaghetti all over the thread

Absolutely. Hear hear.

>Nino got completely destroyed this chapter, based Negi
someone read with his big ass

this suffering will continue until the end??


>this much Yotsuba support for Miku
It's just cringy

Based. Actuate representation on Nino and her cancerous fans

The latter. It's hard to get into a manga if you introduce all the girls in a single panel.

I finally got around watching episode 12, and I haven't thought about it much when I've been reading the manga.
But, when Fuut's getting married, why are the other girls not in the chapel?
I doubt it's something like "they're abroad and couldn't make it" as that's their fucking sister getting married. And Negi said there's no harem end right, so they won't walk in after the bride.
Did they die and it's some fucked up "happy ending" like Kuma Miko?

this is an interesting page

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>shitting up another thread
That's Nignofags for you

Delete this. the art is horrid

Shit. Even just drawing this managed to influence him huh.

isn't that 4th panel from the scrambled eggs arc?


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Boo hoo. This isn't your safe space, return to r*ddit


Why the long face Miku?

They always do this when Nino gets destroyed in the manga, its so predictable, But you can only expect predictable from literal drooling retards

Miku is the kisser.

Nino giving some speech about morals doesn't really feel natural at this point, especially after she made it clear she'd trample anyone in her way.
>Inb4 muh snekfag
I don't care about Ichika. It's just really jarring how much farther Negi's trying to shove down our throats that "NINO GOOD, ICHIKA BAD" when people already like Nino infinitely better despite her faults and dislike Ichika's actions. It's just needless overkill

user.. why do you do this.

>Fuu says after the hotel trip he started to notice his wife more
>Every chapter since has had Yotsuba at the forefront

What did Negi mean by this?

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Did you even read this chapter? Jesus Christ, I swear the IQ in these threads keep dropping everytime.

Itsuki is the bride, the other four sisters are there as well somewhere in her digestive system

Ninofags sure got enough time on their hands to make edits to make Miku look bad huh.
Get a life

They said other sisters are in another room and scramble eggs confirmed it. It's still weird they weren't there to witness the kiss

>Itsuki told Fuutarou early on he looked creepy while smiling
>He's still covering his mouth when he smiles

Nino is the best she is not queen drama and
she is very good character

Yes fellow yotsubro.

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What happened to him? Don't tell me he got BTFO by that faggot Goku again.

Don’t delude yourself.

Are all Ninofags illiterate like this?


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only normal person

>after the hotel trip
I assume you mean scrambled eggs?

Yes, Miku hugged him

This is Fuutarou's first real and big face blush

No one really hates Nino that much lately, except some "muh drugging" shitposters who are probably falseflaggers.
But you ninofags are even more cancerous than you've been before her redemption. Please kill yourselves.

>this is your typical retarded Ninofag

People are too triggered at Nino to make component posts anymore every chapter she's shown winning. It's getting annoying.


He can't tell them apart from looks dumbfuck. He was confused regarding Miku statement that she supported him and Ichika because he thought she liked him

yeah they're all SEAfags

I think the chapter in a sense helped Nino’s chances, but to a lesser degree than Miku’s

As if I still keep up with that shit. I just mean how he gets shafted and shat on so consistently. We all know Ichika's pretty disliked, yet Negi seems to be constantly trying to 1-up himself on how much worse he can make her. It's almost comical

Fuutarou needs to protect her smile this arc.

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>But you ninofags are even more cancerous

>he says it in this thread

Reminder that Fuutarou made this baka fully undress infront of him. Are we supposed to believe he didn't peak when he masterminded it all?

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Credit page ideas anons.
Even if you don't have the edit skills if your idea is fun, a kind user will surely make it a reality~

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This whole conversation made it seems like Yotsuba won't necessarily developed into romantic interest with how the tone set,but just getting out of her dilemma.
At least she has a goal now,she been aimless for a while now.

Chapter 67 is enough to BTFO Miku as the bride

More Despair Yotsuba panels
Honestly thats all im looking for in these chapters, I could care less who actually wins

Ichika didn't even do anything this chapter, it's that virtue signaling whore Nino who's being OOC now

>Dude literally want the readers to pick side and shitposts against each other.
Based Negi. I bet he must be the mastermind behind 24x7 5toubun threads

Fuutarou knows that Miku is the kisser

Prepare yourself, it only get worse from now on

Well, it's probably true that he's not in love with her or anyone, but whether he's interested in one of them particularly right now is a different matter. Although hearing his disclosure that he had deduced Miku's feelings a while ago, it's hard to say he was interested in her in any way yet. She certainly doesn't seem particularly special, but Negi may have more to tell us as well.

>Nino getting first place
>Nino more popular than Miku
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. You faggots are so delusional, living in your own bubble it's hilarious

Of course he is.

Daily remind that Yotsubest is the perfect choice

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>Nino a shit.
I know that Negi made a bit of dick move by turning Ichika into such a snake. But after this chapter I can safely say that comparing to her Nino is really a saint.

Fuck this shit, Nino has no right to play the righteousness card with how she's acted all this time

I have no idea what the fatty is doing, but it is looking like the story is heading into a penultimate 1v1 duel between Nino vs Miku. Yotsuba is looking like a support hero for Miku right now rather than a contender.

something like that

That panel of Itsuki eating + warzone/explosions background

No he doesn't retard. He knows she was in love with him because it was obvious. He doesn't know who kissed him at all nor did he consider it to be Miku. Why are the majority of people in these threads speedreaders?

A saint of shittiness if you mean, being a hypocrite is no better than dressing up as your sister

Maybe it's Maeda, since he never came back?

>Yotsuba won't necessarily developed into romantic interest
I suppose that's fine and Yotsuba won't have to suffer, but it means chapter 72 is a pretty annoying bait

Local harem protagonist not so dense after all.


I supposed I should have said "worse in direct comparison to her sisters". It's like he wakes up in the morning and thinks, "alright, how will I make Ichika look bad and make another quint look good at the same time THIS chapter?"

Man, Ninobros made that one user in this thread mad as fuck huh.

>The true mom
Also she is way more natural in this role comparing to Itsuki

When will these mouthbreathing Nignoshits let us have a thread in peace? I fucking swear they do this on purpose so nobody talks about Nino getting destroyed in the manga

Cute and canon.

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Are you gonna cry?

What? N-No, Nino is the hero, don't you see? She lectured Ichika on morals, she MUST be a saint! I-It's her development!

>these falseflagging shitposts

Dammit user, I just want to party in (relative) peace.

Moms don't drug their daughters boyfriends nor do they bully, demean and threathen their daughters

Nino slaying the snek

Itsuki is the true protagonist.
She's denser than Fuutarou.

Apparently the entire thread pointing how cancerous Ninofags are is all due to one person. Makes you really think how retarded the average Ninofag is.


My favorite girl will win.
And you're all retards.

>I don't derserve to be happy.
>As long as everybody else is happy that's fine with me.
You Fool Yotsuba! Its impossible to make everybody happy. If you can't even make yourself happy, you can't make anyone else happy!

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Nino killed herself, Ichika will get her development that's obvious but Nino already is finished as a character in this story.

>He thinks this

Just ignore him user.

About 50 posts in this thread is by a single shitposting retard.

Both are completely regarded around different context you fucking brainlet.

There are just too many autistic sperges in these threads that get easily riled up. Hilarious.

Never, because it makes you mad.

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Nino is absolutely Bakugo-tier at this point

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>being a hypocrite
She always loved her sisters so I do not see how she is a hypocrite. She wants to win Fuutarou's heart, that is true. But she does not want to ruin her relationships with her sisters in the process.

>their daughters boyfriends

This but unironically.

She has full blown Shonen MC Syndrome. Her appetite, her denseness, and the way she styles her hair are all symptoms of that.

Pick one, dude. This is a costume party where everyone is falsefagging

>replying to shitposter

This probably how Miku looks like 5 years ago when she started to change.
The cause is still unknown,but maybe next chapter will tell.


How exactly is she a hypocrite?

Pic related is the sauce

Attached: negi interview.jpg (3252x2046, 1.48M)

what the fuck does that even mean

>the absolute state of Nignogfags

Yea that's totally not someone falseflagging and shitposting

>But she does not want to ruin her relationships with her sisters in the process.
Like how she threw a fit and left the house because her sisters called her out for being excessively cuntish to Fuutarou?

>if he hates Nino he must be a shitposters
Get over yourself, Nino has been the most hated globally since the start

>Ninofags being retarded as usual
>t-totes f-falseflagging b-bros

Nino will confess to Miku!

I love Miku!

Attached: 1554382835604.jpg (1273x1800, 1.29M)

>nino being based chapter
Expect translation on Wednesday.

Sad thing is. Because Yotsuba is trying to make all her sisters happy she's unintentionally made things worse. Perhaps this chapters is the beginning of her character progession. Finally

>only Miku gets a shot
I was told Nino was gonna win this!? What happened Yea Forums ?!

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Oh, I like it. I really wish I had time to make it..

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What does that have to with his post?

Fuutarou a cute! CUTE!

Even Fuutarou can't keep it inside anymore. How can one resist this?!

Attached: The many faces of the bride.jpg (2000x1884, 1.63M)

Everytime I see Ichika's pic I feel the smell of pussy on my nostrils, why is that?

There’s no way that’d happen.


>is the kisser, then Nino was the only one in his head.

>I wonder how long Fuutarou has been aware of Miku's feelings

because Fuutarou has reciprocal feelings for Nino / the kisser

He was aware of Miku's feelings but it's not reciprocal to her that's why he did not think about her hen he talks about love with Yotsuba

this two moment comes in his mind and not the moment when Miku hug him (this moment he knew she had feelings for him)

My favorite boy will win.
Fuck you btw

Fucking hilarious how Ninofags try to pin the blame on the others all the time as if Yea Forums doesn't see through it

>Annoying jerkish cunt at the beginning
>Popularity suddely explodes after shallow "development"
>Character can do no wrong in the author's eyes or in-story
>Character is suddenly treated like some paragon of virtue and ethics despite clearly being anything but that

Look at this fucking loser.

How pathetic are most people to seethe this heavily about Nino. You need fresh air.

Damn right.

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the art was so much better at the beginning, that Raiha is 10/10

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>most people
It's just one faggot.

Are you implying the anti-nino shitposter is actually a falseflagging ninofag? Well, I wouldn't be surprised.

She wanted to protect her sisters from an outsider who she thought came to ruin her family. All in all after that she understood that she was wrong so I do not see your point here.

>the sisters are falseflagging to fight each other
>the "insertfavouritequint"fags are also falseflagging to shitpost
Ironic. That explain why snekfags are cancerous.

>the unnecessary part was "and ending where he's connected to everyone" so he put the wedding in the beginning
>he's disappointed that there are still haremfags after he tried to make it clear there's one bride
So haremfags BTFO?
But why did he put the "there's so many wedding dresses for just one wedding" red herring in the wedding flash forward chapter? Unless that's another editorial meddling from his editor?

Attached: What did Negi mean by this?.png (1426x2048, 816K)

Imagine being this delusional, Nino has been strongly disliked since the begging of the manga manga

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Negi, Ichigo 100% was garbage. A twist ending doesn't make it good.

Her smile is so precious, it need to be restored

Attached: editorial meeting before c81.png (713x584, 447K)

It really is and at this point Ninofags are just plain pathetic.

>competing when Takeda's carrying Maeda
Fuu-kun's so childish

Mikufags are the easiest to rile up.

Foreshadowing for Itsuki being the bride, since she can't fit a single dress

Ichika a shit
Fuck off

Kisser is Itsuki, yes it would be a typical Ichika move but she has too much going on already. Yotsuba has the lolikano stuff and Nino and Miku the girls with the most spotlight they don't need more push.

Attached: herelissen.jpg (479x600, 42K)

Of course,nobody actually cares enough about Nino to shitpost about her like this since they don't even consider her having any chance of winning

>spend half of her day with Miku in the bus
>"Umm guys,why Miku locked herself?Is she depressed?"
Jesus I don't know if she is just dumb or merely pretending.


I love this trio its very rare

Don't even think that you're getting a (You) from me.

Piss my pants maybe

Fuck off triangle shit

Never give up hope bros

Attached: yots.png (687x679, 358K)

Not really, the question is
>is main girl = bride?
If so, Itsuki wins since the intetview confirms Itsuki is Negi's main girl.
>Negi wanted to hide the identity of the main girl to avoid bias from his readers.
>displayed the wedding first to make the bride the first girl and made Fuutarou meet the quints in the first chaptet
>his editor asked him to make it easier for his readers to notice the main girl
>Fuutarou meets Itsuki first a day before.

Okay, now you're shitposting too.

"Oh, no! My tutor is trying to tutor me! That must mean he came to destroy my family!"

I really wonder if "someone" picked it up.

>he doesn't doesn't want his expectations to be subverted

Credit page worthy.

Exactly my thoughts.

>thinking she'll get any arc now

We real despair now.

The problem is not Miku suddenly getting up and running but her sweating a lot and gasping for air every time she does so.
The kisser hasn't shown any of that.
Unless you want to argue that she can suddenly stop producing sweat and having to breathe when the situation demands it.
>Jesus Christ, I swear the IQ in these threads keep dropping everytime.
You're right about that. Maybe try reading what others are saying before getting defensive and sperging out?



Leaving the cancerous Ninofags aside.
This chapter pretty much cements the deal that Miku has more than enough chance of winning this. Just look at F's blush, he never acted like that with Ichika and Nino

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On a side note, this chapter has cemented my believe that endgame is either Miku or Nino unless Negi really wants to make an asspull ending. Itsuki is a joke, Ichika lost and Yotsuba was friendzoned (it is not a bad thing since she is a really good friend)

Nino and Miku were close in popularity after Nino cut her hair but since the confession she is miles ahead. The only reason people have the illusion that Miku is more popular is because of the bump in numbers that the anime gave Miku.

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negi review: chapter 81

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I’m glad Takeda turned out to be such a a bro. Sure he’s overly earnest, but it’s starting to be endearing.

You really should beg for more IQ user. Don't shitpost using itsuki please.

>Negi wanted to hide the identity of the main girl to avoid bias from his readers.
Weird. Lately it seems as if Negi's been doing everything in his power to elicit bias from his readers

Indeed. Just needs to be redone together with Haruba Negi and Editor-san covering their eyes. It's a bit small, though.

She is dumb. She is the last of the quint that realized that Miku likes fuutarou

She's a teenager.

That's literally what I said, you dumbfuck

Where do I get the non retraded version?

The team says no, they and most people had enough of Nino credit pages

So its comfirmed all Yotsuba does is of guilty+love for her sisters. Though Fuutaro speech does indeed motivate her that making everyone happy is impossible and one day she has to choose ( ironically it seems he says more about his own situation than her), its hard for me to see how a genki kind like her compete in this waifu war. Right now the speech seems to inspire her to stop interfering in the bloodbath rather than giving her the courage to enter the bowl. I already accept that she wont win so its better for her to stay like this: an angel nobody can hate.
Itsuki is really annoying this chapter. She litterally does nothing and does not even try to understand situation. Even if people hate her first girl aura, at least she should've done something rather just eating.

is it worth coming back to these threads again now?
have the animeonlies migrated to othr series yet?

Reread Ch.71 speeadreader

Don't give him attention. I specifically avoided replying to him for a reason.

Negi is under the impression that his readers are retarded and think Itsuki=main girl just because she appeared first in the first chapter. He's probably butthurt people saw his "twist" Itsuki ending coming from a mile away.

will be like Bokuben, and Fumino still wins

Imagine how delusional and speedreading only Nino panels do you have to be to believe this tripe?

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>The team says no
Don't worry, the new team says yes.

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I can't wait for Takeda offering a piggyback to cheer up miku.

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>5 (FIVE) threads in the last 24 hours hit bumplimit
bros... go on without me...

Cute piggy

You just need to look at this thread for 10 seconds to understand everything

Yotsuba best girl

>they and most people had enough of Nino credit pages

Thanks KRanon. Also Nino a best!

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These threads were garbage long before animeonlies invaded them

Next week.

Their reaction between seeing crying Yotsuba and crying Miku is like night and day.

Attached: x14.png (1115x1600, 615K)

I love her.

So Raiha's ridiculous hair was intended to decrease reader interest in her?
seems it failsed

Just put the cucked to death one then

threads have been shit since Nino confessed

He wanted his readers to percieve the main girl by reading the series, but it's rather onorthodox to not have a clear main girl. It's directed at teens after all

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Well, that makes everything justified, then!

So does Fuutarou.

people watched the anime????

Fool. Yotsuba is the only one that’s looking out for Fuu. As soon as Fuutarou realizes this he’ll realize she is best girl.

in fairness they probably don’t need to happen every time Nino makes a non-small appearance. Just don’t deny her credits when it’s full on her chapter

They got even worse when Ichika went full snek. Plot development really ruined these threads.

>Itsuki is really annoying this chapter.
>She litterally does nothing
How can she be annoying if she did literally nothing

t. Rian Johnson
>imagine being this much of a brainlet

Nino church gives blessing to fans of other quints

We will miss you

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The gotoubun no hanayome truly was the drama we made on the way...

Don't worry, bro. It's not like you'll miss much things if you just take a break from this shithole

Kill yourself, subhuman

Oh, I know who it really is, you don't have to pretend.

>Nino and Miku were close in popularity after Nino cut her hair but since the confession she is miles ahead.
Source: your ass
>The only reason people have the illusion that Miku is more popular is because of the bump in numbers that the anime gave Miku.
I see the damage control is already in full effect. Ninofags are hilarious

Wow, how in the HELL did I miss this before?
That focus on the earring in that last panel so strongly suggests Nino is the bride... that and him wearing Raiha's charm on the wedding day.

Were there any hints towards any other girl in this chapter?


>Reread Ch.71 speeadreader
Fuuts's reaction in that chapter was hidden, and his reaction towards Nino's confession was way more toned down.

I thought the ninoposting was a response to KusO poster invasions?

It's not the imouto's fault if her onee-sans are killing each other.

Remember when we only had 3 threads each week? One for Thursday ants, saturday chinks and sunday gooks?Remember comfy threads? Imember.

Fuutarou blushes because he is ashamed to tell Yotsuba that he knows Miku has feelings for him and not because about Miku's confession

Nino single-handedly brought the hype to this
manga and you all know it. Chapter 60 is the most viewed talked about chapter by far.

Attached: ninoninoninonino.jpg (1366x768, 163K)

>Right now the speech seems to inspire her to stop interfering in the bloodbath rather than giving her the courage to enter the bowl. I already accept that she wont win so its better for her to stay like this: an angel nobody can hate.
W-what if Fuu ends up falling for Yotsuba but she rejects him because she doesn't think she deserves it?

You forgot about release thread.

The virtue-signalling is strong this week. Is Nino going to save a drowning puppy next chapter?

>Being this deranged

Since we expect the ending to get subverted, the real twist is that it won't get subverted at all

God I wish that were me

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only if ichika throws him in the river again

Nah releases back then coincides with ants Iirc.

Jesus christ, can Ninofags be anymore deluded?

>Is Nino going to save Miku next chapter?
yes obviously

No? There was always a release thread.

Best girls.
I don't have one with Itsuki unfortunately

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Alright,so he knew about Miku feelings.
What he about to say here?
"I thought you liked me?"
That would sounds incredibly hilarious coming from Fuutarou

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>Y-yotsuba is the kisser r-right guys?

Attached: p0LTEL4RZ.txt.png (1139x1600, 1.06M)

The good old day has gone. We must face and accept the reality now

>why is Itsuki not complicating things further
The retards in this thread honestly.

Panel with Nino's confession was that one thing that made me read this manga in first place.

>Insensitive Usugi-san knew this..can't belive it

thanks to Nino she transform him maybe he knows for Yotsuba too

There really are people who will get assblasted if Nino wins.

Holy shit

It will be back after the last chapter

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she's got a precedent, unless another quint will be shoving him off a bridge or a jetty
maybe he'll subvert expectationsand a quint will get shoved off instead?

I bet Maeda will be the one taking pictures at Fuutarou’s request.

Fuutarou does not seem to be worried about Miku

Based mods

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> Itsuki does something
> Negi you hack, you Itsuki main girl moments are unfair!
> Itsuki doesn't do anything
> Itsuki is annoying!
Can't please everyone.

You missed out on comfy threads. Specifically the rena chapter.

Ironic how Ninofags call others delusional

No, but it´s okay if she wins.

Tiananmen square

It also made sales in Japan skyrocket

WTF, nino is my favorite onee-san now.

>end of field trip arc
>everyone is content
>Fuutarou approaches Yotsuba
>”Why did you kiss me?”

Negi's statement was referring to the first chapter

winnie the pooh

As much as I wanted her to win, I like her pseudo sibling relationship with Fuutarou. The conversation they had on the bus was cathartic. He’s worried about her always putting others first, but also tells her that there will always be a point where someone else’s wants might come second to someone else’s.

Nino's the main girl, though

Look at the current state of these threads, the asspain will be immeasurable when the bride is revealed. The loserfags won't shut up for at least a month

Well if Negi wants to go for the shock factor route then he'd pick Yotsuba since she's easily the least likely to have kissed him.


Attached: 1553239487625.jpg (900x900, 111K)

>There will only be one "official" bride
>But later on after the official/public ceremony Fuu will have 4 mock weddings with the rest of the quints who lost the Fuubowl just so everyone can be happy
>This is also why he didn't use the wedding rings yet and is saving them for the "true" ceremony when he gives them to the winner of the Fuubowl after he's done doing the mock weddings with the losers
>Fuu will live together with his bride and maybe the 4 losers too since the quints are inseparable in the epilogue
>There might or might not be a push from the bride or the losers to do an orgy with the rest of the quints once Fuu is drunk/corrupted enough by the quints


>all of those deleted posts
Embarrassing. The guy even falseflag as an Itsukifag now.

True... which is such a shame for this manga, but it cant be helped with the popularity it got

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The outrage over Nino alone losing OR winning would keep these threads going for at least a year or two after the fact

A month? Nisekoifags still bitch about it till this day

>main is the bride
this is exactly how this shit works

And for some reason, less people will get angry.

I want a VN where you can choose your route.

Go back, scum

And Nino is the main girl.

Yotsuba is the dark horse now since she has the highest chance of being lolikano, the real first girl that he met back in Kyoto. That said lolikano and bride can be different girl since he only mentioned 5years ago during the flashforward scene and not back to their childhood meeting

an user actually made one
Itsuki's route was the most detailed

I was referring to the image, not the content of the post. I noticed that last panel there zoomed in on the earring and made it very prominent and then I recalled the part where Nino was making a big deal about getting piercings. I wasn't even considering the text portion of the post (nor did I even read it)

Haha, so it's finally been revealed Ninofags are falseflagging this whole time, how can it get any more pathetic? Maybe buying thousands of copies to increase her chances in the popularity polls?

man, this shit is so fucking one sided that is not even funny

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I lost the link to it. What a shame.

I swear on Fuutarou's grave that if Nino loses I will post a DAILY thread to mock Ninofags for at least 2 years minimum.

Prisma Miku when? she needs a spinoff because it's obvious that she won't be the bride.

>everyone is the bride EXCEPT Ichika
How do you react?

> Loser bakes a cake for the winner
Not even a kosakifag, but that was too far. I hope no one in toubun will be subjected to that humiliation.

nice try

Too bad the VITA failed.


watch me monkey paw you
>manga vanilla end itsuki
>anime original end miku
>movie original end nino
>OVA original end yotsuba
>live action end ichika

>So haremfags BTFO?
Well duh. Harem end mostly happened in a series with a fantasy setting
No way in hell it would happen in a down-to-earth series like this

See that’s the funny thing, despite all the other losers I’m well aware that people will decide to call out Nino above all others

Don't worry Nino won't bake a cake. She'll just cater the wedding since she has a restaurant.

And a short hair new look Nino fanart is what brought me back after dropping very early.

Sorry bro. Raiha already took that slot

Ninofags fully deserve it

It’s happening! This is the arc where Takeda will snatch the Mikubowl!

I wouldn't eat that cake.

So much this. Why isn't Nino in juvenile detention yet? What kind of psychopath drugs a stranger they only just met for the first time?

I would unironically dab

>Ninofags pushing Takeda despite him lacking any interactions with Miku whatsoever
Pretty sad.

If anyone is willing to write actual scenarios for each quint I can put them in

How long did Kirino get a daily reminder?

General Ninofags be like that

Ninofags are the most obnoxious people in these threads

>Pretty sad
Agreed. I don't know why but they seem extra scared after this chapter dropped.

Nino's confession wrecked him for an entire arc and then some. His reaction to her third confession in 71 was hidden, but the manager's comment gives it away. He was red all over.

Kirino highlight is getting punched by manami

You shouldn't be ban evading, user

>like to argue with quads
Can't... shit.
I still think Itsuki will win though.

Yotsuba is the least disliked of the Quints so picking her wouldn't cause much of an outrage.

Probably because Ninofags are the most vocal and cancerous fans.

Not sure about that, but I did sense some Takeda x Miku vibes in this chapter.

All she did was eat and get scared of a stalker. She's basically comic relief at this point.

Truly is. Kirino isn't as bad in the LN but shes still fucking awful compared to everybody else.

It was so cute.

Attached: 16-17.png (2852x2048, 1.75M)

Ichikafags sneakly pushing the blame on Ninofags, she would be proud.

Kirino highlight is punching manami's glasses.


Kirino second highlight is getting punched by manami.

>Wrecked him
Because he didn't know how to act around her, after figuring stuff out he was determined to face her upfront (to most likely reject her)
Him reacting like this towards Miku after his development is way more impactfull.

It'd be well deserved karma.

Takeda picked up her bread

That's when Nino wins the hearts of readers
That's when Nino wins Fuutarou's heart .He does what she asks him to do even if he wants to stay with her.This its name Love.

do you think Ichika will double down on her scheme or come clean to Fuutaro the next day? if it's the former then she's clearly out of the bowl.

For what?

I can never get enough of this page

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>4 winning
Least amount of butthurt
Slight butthurt from anti main girl fags
Butthurt from 1&2 fags.
>1 or 2
Maximum butthurt

At least you admited her mistakes unlike some ichikafags who even blamed everything on Yotsuba and Nino.
Cheer up, I think she'll redeem and become a better character later.

For being some of the most obnoxious shitposters? I'd say ichikafags are nearly as bad but they don't have the numbers. These threads are better off without Nino or ichika fags.

Shame we've been waiting for 10 chapters already and nothing came out from "get ready, Fuu-kun".
Even Yotsuba had more interaction with Fuutarou in the past 20 chapters since Nino's confession

Double down
Snek picking up the photo was a foreshadowing

Considering the spamming, that would hardly be surprising.

Nino is literally best girl and if u disagree you are a faggot.

Slit your wrists, subhuman

I feel like Nino winning wouldn’t cause butthurt because of her win, just because of 2fans gloating.

But I'm not doing anything wrong.

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It's not most vocal it's just straight up more popular.

Maybe you guys hate Ichika but Ichikafags are still cool.

>Yotsuba is the dark horse now since she has the highest chance of being lolikano
I think this as well. She's never been antagonistic towards Fuu and has always supported him and she was even the first to confess to him even if it was a lie (Or was it?). So I have a feeling that she knew who Fuu was from the start.

>ban evading

I think Itsuki winning will break threads just as bad as nino with people crowing.

Great, now feel I depressed and empty.
On top of that another week until the continuation.
Hey Negi, can I please get something comfy again?

It'll be pretty fun if they put some mystery and disguising in.

>Ichika: Nazi Germany
>Nino: USSR
>Miku: Poland
>Yotsuba: UK
>Itsuki: USA
when will Pearl Harbor happen?

Hes just shitposting like usual

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Best ending. NeGOD.

Nino winning would cause the good kind of butthurt though.

I won't gloat too much. Don't worry

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How does this give her any edge? Is not like Fuutarou still holds any feelings towards KG

Yotsuba is too kind to enter the Fuubowl so Fuutarou will enter the Yotsubowl instead.

And will give her a longer piggyback than fuutarou.

Oh, that would be interesting. I think Takeda is such a bro


>Forcing Takeda is Ninofag's way of copeing

Please don't get mad at her, she just loves food :(

Nino will keep raping Miki for 45 years?

>everyone who dislikes nino is the same person
she did nothing wrong

If that really happens then people will be just laughing until there's no tomorrow. You can't take something serious that has had no substance.

>Takeda Shingen
>not ending up with Miku

Anons do you have any manga where genki girl won? I need to prepare for the ending :(

>seething this hard

>caring about anyone not Fuuts

botan won. well there are only 2 girls in the bowl but still

It happened in the Oreimo ending, and I think the whole Rem thing too

I wonder if Ichika disguise was the one that really set Fuutarou off and he lashed it out at Rena.

Best girls indeed.
More 24 bonding when Negi?? This chapter was not enough.

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This was Nino saying to the other girls, "Do what you want, I've already won."

Think you mean 1 Itsuki. the rest is kinda pointless drama at this point.


based i love you
fuck off subhuman
no one wants you here

>Leaving out Maeda


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>nino with 80% of the bride's hairstyle

Just like Uesugi Kenshin got married right?
Wait, he didn't.

I can't judge those two yet, but if they're also without substance I would laugh.

fuck snek!

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Read it and like it, but thank you anw. Very wholesome manga. Time to read it again.


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Bump limit in not even 3 hours Jesus Christ

Miku doesn't deserve Takechad
Yotsuba, however

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Thank you and bookmarked.

Bros before hoes

The real question is: are we autistic enough to break 800 posts again?

>Miku made him play quints game harder than anyone
>Fuutarou managed to rat her out
>Miku reaction made Fuutarou thought that she in love with him
>Finds out later that she not
>"Fuck quints game,it pointless"

do you enjoy the war so far?

I don't really enjoy Ichika and her shenanigans and these threads are really tiring

People keep spamming fags this fags that

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That's because the only method of Nino is to harass Fuutaro at work, plus she does not know or care about what Fuutaro wants, that's why her gift was a failure

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In English doc

Nino going out of her way to comfort Miku after she was "I can't let anyone overtake me" and "I'll settle everything in Kyoto" a couple of chapters ago really shows how great she is

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What’s with all the ESLs here? Jesus.

Do not know why people were saying that Takeda is Akechi when it was clear as day that he is Yosuke v2

Miku bad

i was enjoying more when i started to binge this manga. but now that i caught up, is tiresome

RIP Takeda, you won't be missed

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>is this makes you satisfied
non retarded translation when?
i realised i didn understood a shit about last week as well until i read the unretarded subs days after


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I'm just really tired of falsefagging. It's so obvious it's not even funny anime

ending when?

It's funny because people here often call kid Fuutarou Shotarou.

so the problem is the war between the fanbases, not the sisters

No shit dude. She was not aware of either Ichika's miku's or Nino's feeling even when she was the one who witnessed Ichika's attempt handholding, Nino offering to bath him and Miku giving Cholocate and daydreaming about Fuutarou.

>Only 800 posts

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Its not even fanbases because there are a few autists that keep spamming shitpost that arent even funny or good

Two-four days.

the fuck is Takeda supposed to be?

There is virtually no difference between Fuutarou and Yu, both has the same hair, persona eyes and ziodynecock

>a few autists
It's literally one guy.

>ctrl+f [deleted]
>81 results

>We won't get bros chapter because of all these quints drama
Fuck this non-gay world

>Not Thunder Reign

Sometimes i never know if its just 1 guy or multiple bcause theres so many deleted posts

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I meant shitposts not deleted posts

Hmm maybe the fact it's 3/4 PM in Europe has something to do with it

looks retarded af. what show is this?

Kamen Rider W. Also one of the best Heisei era series

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what the FUCK happened in this chapter?
who made the photo and how did we get from that scene to we want to tell your something tomorrow?

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Wait for translations on thursday/friday

great help thx

Ichika will double down and reveal itsuki.

>who made the photo ?
A stalker. We don't know who it is, some guys here say it's Maeda, i think it's Ebata.

the butler?

Its manga logic. Otherwise Girls from Love Hina would have been sentenced to death already for what they have done with the MC.

>Ebata reports the situation to Maruo
>maximum SEETHING again and we'll get another test arc

yeah maruo probably wants to have pictures of his daughters...in a creepy way

>3 winning
Stay away from threads for a day
>2 winning
Stay away from threads for a month
>1 winning
Never read another harem

the idea is that papanakano send him to keep an eye on the quints, either just to take photos as he couldn't come this time or in case one of them go missing like it happened 5 years ago, this last bit could be tied into a lolinakano reveal

are we still ruling out the possibly that the 5 fuse into one woman?

what about the others?

Based Negi with his falseflags. Nino doesnt feel Deja Vu because of Shotarou, she feels creepy with that stalker. Seem like that guy will be the plot factor to bring the quints together again ( would be hillarious if its just Maruo tries to capture the moment his daughters enjoy the trip).
"Yotsuba does nothing wrong" lmao why I have the feeling that Negi just breaks the 4th wall to tell that straght to Snekfags who try to blame everything on Yotsuba

Maybe its Ichika paparazzi that can't differentiate them?Make sense if he following Nino because of how much of normalfag she looks like.Ichika look nohing like an actress.

>Nino doesnt feel Deja Vu because of Shotarou, she feels creepy with that stalker.
Was that ever a question? There was nothing suggesting she's linked in any way to Lolikano in the last chapter

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Fuck off.

>>But you ninofags are even more cancerous
Every time.

Don't use buzzwords you don't understand, newfag.

is this the chapter with the most deleted posts

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>Ichikafag getting deleted
>Still mad about Nino winning


Also, stop Yotsuba suffering Regi

It will be after I'm done with you!

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What is Itsuki's next trick to sink Miku?

>Also, stop Yotsuba suffering Regi
Leave it to me

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>fat jokes

Frens, I'm going into battle, and I need your strongest Yotsubas.

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>three pages of deleted anti-nino posts
>even banned the entire IP range of my mobile network even though what I said I was extremely tame compared to the other shitposters

Eat the bread.

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based Regice

Mods are Ninobros

it's more about how the US sat out for most of the war but reaped most of the benefit, dumbfuck
but yeah, she's also fat like american

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>Ichika: Snake
>Nino: Butterfly
>Yotsuba: Dog
>Itsuki: Pig
Miku = ???


>Searching for posts in thread #186840316 and that have been deleted.
>80 results found.
Holy shit, and its all from this user hating Nino like there's no tommorow, even falseflagging as the scan team.
This is probably the worse he has ever been.

Dead fish.

Fuck mods That subhumans shiteaters
How can anyone defend mods at this point
We need the based bestiality poster back

Forgot to quote, but yes.

High quality autism

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Ninofags are cancer
No mod can change this.
In fact, why are nino spammer not being banned but anti nino bros?
This doesn't make any sense

When will this cancer manga end?

Its never gonna go away....

Attached: nino_twitter.com_hammerDSKD_status_1105466339022364672.png (800x800, 437K)

How many bans do you need to go away and take some breath? Are you a fucking Onoderafag?

baby bird


I literally just came home and realise nino bros are getting kicked by faggot mods

Just one fucking guy WTF peak autism

Good riddance