Shonen tier

Shonen tier

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stopped reading there

>t. hunterfag

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Dragonball (talking about manga) and Hokukuto no Ken and OP should be aboce everything else. No other works had so much impact in Japan.
And DB is even above those has both the 2 animes that told the manga story were a world wide success.

Where Mob and OPM

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Black clover is shit too

Ashita no Joe GOD Tier

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>anything other than mediocre and shit tier

While I do get that this is just a hunterfag, no matter whether it's a bait or not, only literally mentally retarded can put Boruto above Naruto. Consider asking doctor for a help

>not shit tier

that's where you're wrong

Gintama, Kenshin and Claymore are the only even good shows on that image.

Lot's of butthurt shonenfags in this thread. Based Hunterchads.


>this thread again

>whisperchads reacting to every reply

Mob is shit tier. Everything only turns out fine because of coincidence. Had Mob fallen in with the wrong crowd, which, let's be real here, would have been far more likely, the entire world would have been enslaved by espers. Contrast that with the masterpiece that is HxH, where the ants being defeated by the humans' experience is an inevitability and relevant commentary on mankind's position on Earth, and it's laughable that one can say Mob is AOTY, much less AOTD.

At least we have seen these shounens. Hunterfags literally watched one anime for beginners and still can't get over it

>anime for beginners

literally what

Amazing how retards keep falling for this bait tier/

>At least we have seen these shounens
Why the FUCK would I subject myself to shonentrash when I can take one look at them and instantly analyze it to figure out every beat of the cliche'd story with my 300+ iq hunterchad brain.

The Hunterchad is too absorbed in Literature and Philosophy to waste their time with manchild power fantasies. We read classics - Tolstoy, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, James Joyce, Tennyson, Rilke, Goethe, William Gaddis, Julio Cortazar, Ford Madox Ford.

High IQ hunterchad. You're based. Keep BTFOing those shonenfags.

based and nenpilled

Whisperchads don't read books, they just google the names of the authors.

When's the next album, whisperchads?

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I usually hate tripfags but you're based

Based and dare I say, redpilled.

Fuck off

Can you speak louder? It's really hard to hear you

This picture makes me laugh so hard. Cloverfags take some random signs and early appearances that literally every long story does and praise them as a second coming of Jesus as if that's their first shounen or something. I have never seen Narutofags go:
>"WOW! Sasuke mentioned, that he has a brother in chapter 27, but the brother himself only appeared in chapter 139!!!
>"M-masaka, what a genius!!"

rent free herocuck seething


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