One day until this disaster hits. Are you ready?
One-Punch Man S2
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but kissanime says 4 days...
Re watch/read Mob psycho it’s 100 times better than ONE joke man
man i dont care what others think im just happy opm is continuing and doing somthing
Tfw the new Boruto opening has much better animation and production value than the entirety of OPM S2.
Yes fag
I honestly wanna watch this shit livesteamed with Yea Forums so we can shitpost in real time
NO! OPM S2 will have better animation, better story, better characters and better production value!
Tfw the new Black Clover opening is infinitely better
>watching fujoshit
What is it with newfags this week
I read the ONE version of the manga so how bad can some bad animation be?
I just want to see a lot of normalfags getting butthurt desu.
He's growing stronger.
Ready to drop it like pretty much everything else this season.
Aw man season two is going to be an absolute abomination.
*ruins your opening*
>hey kids, watch this capeshit
>no stupid, watch this capeshit instead, is much more capeshit
you're both retarded to the max
Boruto has well animated fights in general though
If you’re ok with an anime looking like the OPM webcomic then you have extremely low standards, sir.
the webcomic has better animation anyway
>One day
isn't it dropping in like 4 hours?
Nah tomorrow
They’re wrong
I watch it for the plot fellow user
Tomorrow in Japan, which is quite a few hours ahead, and I'm pretty sure it airs basically right after midnight over there
Or wait, I'm finding conflicting sources
Is it airing Tuesday or Wednesday in Japan?
Wednesday at 1:35am, but the Japanese say it like 25:35 on Tuesday.
Black Clover openings are pretty bad.
fucking Japs
it airs tomorrow.
>tfw no Tatsucute this season
The Mobfags are gonna talk so much shit
t. contrarian
So not much different than before.
Jojo Part 5 OP2 is better.
Then why not just stick to the manga? If you don’t care about the animation in a visual medium that’s all about animation, then why even bother?
I didn't use Yea Forums when S1 aired
I see. Well them trying to talk as shit about OPM has been common. Even though its ridiculous to begin with since both are from One and both are different in story structure to even compare.
Well if tomorrows episode sucks, at least we will get a new chapter next week.
This has to be bait right?
There’s no “if” at this point user. It definitely will sick. But, yea, next chapter is gonna be lit.
>that’s all about animation
There are things called direction and voice acting. Overall quality of visuals does not depend on the amount of sakuga either. Some people literally watch anime for certain seiyuu.
I hope Orochi helps Gyoro, Orochi vs Tatsumaki is a fight that can help keeping the hype in the series.
They made a fake trailer just to fool you guys, it's gonna look even better than S1
>25:35 on Tuesday.
why are japanese so retarded?
The best mentality to have in this world is to be indifferent and root for both sides, because that way you will always win. If this season is fine or even good, then cool. If this season is horrendous, then watching the QUALITY and negative reactions will be fun too. It's a win-win situation if you approach this season with this mentality. It's useless to get upset and mad about bad animation when you can't do anything about it. Read the manga instead if it's actually bothering you
How is Mob capeshit? Some people have esper abilities. Is that really all it takes to be called capeshit? The absolute state of moefags
it's capeshit beacuse i don't like it
They just posted this screenshot on Twitter.
They actually changed Fubuki's eyes.
>25:35 on Tuesday.
oh shid
A regular,24 hour day isn't long enough for your average celery man so the only logical concludion is to add more hours to a day.
Kek her eyes were so far apart
>literally the plot of the X-Men
>totally not capeshit
Its barely close to the plot of X men.
I wish Japanese never learned about 3D.
Is JC seriously still working on episode 1...
More or less trying to fix their shit if possible. they changed the lighting of the scene with Garou from the first PV and other changes between the first and second one. It seems there are still some stuff unfinished or either needs fixing that they missed.
>all these newfags not knowing basic anime scheduling idiosyncracies
They probably changed that forever ago. Just because they posted it now, doesn't mean it was done recently.
They were literally changing shit by the week while Index aired so I doubt it. JC Staff executives are fucking retarded and take on too many projects that their staff can’t handle
Oh, they are really great.
What they need now is a bit of catchy soundtracks.
Lmao we are getting the BD fixes in real time.
Anybody knows a good quality stream to watch it live on TV Tokyo or others?
If only it wasn’t part of the shit show known as Nardo.
>voice acting
>key frames
I can't wait for this season, it's going to be great. A completely new dimension added to what the manga offered.
Live will be difficult, you can try setting up a vpn but I don't know how the broadcast system works on JP. Nyaa should have it within the day.
Oh, I say it because last week I saw the recap episode live on some streaming site someone posted here, although it had bad quality.
why do i feel like there's way too much effects
Anyone got a webm of Saitama 'jumping' at the end of the trailer
Here I guess
It seems they are trying to make up for the muted colors compared to s1. The gradients seem to do the coloring and shading for them in the most lazy way possible.
Because you want it to be bad.
>too much effects
That's a moderate amount. Never watched a KyoAni show?
The fixed face still looks like crap.
Wait, why is JC Staff animating this? What happened to Madhouse?
They didn't make them closer, they enlarged the eyes fixed her light iris making it look straight instead of slightly looking left as if she were down or cross-eyed.
Also, for some reason, they added more shadows and enlarged the reflection.
Madhouse had scheduled anime and JC staff was open despite the many projects they are juggling already. Also the past team are working on Boogiebop. More or less someone on the committee wanted to rush the anime out to cash in.
this new one barely has sakuga on it
out of every 7 opening only 2 are bad
Fuck off with you shitty rumors. Nobody knows anything.
Its no rumor that the past director is working on Boogiebop.
'Past team' is what you wrote, retard.
I know.
Both Shingo Natsume and Tomohiro Suzuki worked on Boogiepop and OPM S1 thus "past team" retard
Can you elaborate?
isn't genos very small on the right image? someone do the perspective voodoo magic and figure it out
Much better.
>2 fags are the whole team
Half of it will be wasted on that shitty tournament
>implying it won't be two episodes
Anyone who hates the tournament neds to reread it. It was bad while it was being worked on because of how long it took to get through it but rereading it in it's entirety without the waits was pretty enjoyable.
Those two helped s1 to what it is so technically kind of.
Genos is shit in the right side.
What have you been smoking user? Tournament will be 2-3 episodes at most.
Ssh. The anime ends at the super fight! Trust me, my IQ is in the single digits!
I bet you are a waifushitter. Fuck off.
Choze was undoubtfully A-class as a human and since those are rare, he thought he was the strongest human out there.
Choze was what Hitler wanted as a propaganda tool.
Reminder that Saitama is already in the stadium's waiting room before Metal Bat gets ambushed by monsters, and that Gyoro finds Gouketsu's corpse after Saitama has already gone to King's house to play fighting games. That's from volume 10 to volume 15. THAT'S the tournament arc.
I recently went back to catch up on the web comic. Why does the manga have so much filler shit?
monster invasion arc happens at the same time
That’s a retarded way of looking at it. The tournament doesn’t actually start until after Garou and MB have fought and it’s more like the tournament is a part of the MA invasion going on at the same time.
I don’t see your problem, you’ll barely see the actual tournament in the anime.
>The Fist Of The Pure Blood Master Race
>Inferior Race Annihilation Shot
How will the west react? Choze is way too redpilled for gaijin.
Guys I can't take it S2 will be so bad.
What filler? Everything has a purpose
Explain me the purpose of having 90 pages of support team shitters killing fodder.
World/character building
Those support team shitters will be relevant later in the story, mark my words
Explaining it to you is a futile exercise because you don't like OPM.
So 90 pages of showing heroes is too much for you? I'm guessing your the same gay complaining about two chapters of flashy flash.
I'm only in it for the shitposting
You might as well drop the manga.
He already has, he comes to these threads to shitpost.
We already have tons of lower class heroes already introduced and some even developed a little as characters. Why not use those and skip this pointless support team bs that doesn't even make sense in the story?
The only thing I consider filler out of the whole manga is that. I really enjoy the rest. You are confusing me with the shitposters that complain about everything.
90 pages of nobodies killing fodder just before the longest arc which will be constant hero vs monster battles. An autist like me can take it, but casual readers get burned out with shit like that.
If they are burned out by just 90 pages that is sad. It wasn't even that long.
The chapter shows the huge difference in power between S-class and any other class. This will be important in the upcoming 'S-class is insane' chapter.
I also kinda see it as a warmup round where heroes work together before everyone splits up. It's not THAT important but it's not useless.
I saw it Kore or less showing the lower classes can still fight. Majority of the time they get wasted by a lot of monsters but this one showed they are at least useful even if they can't always beat the stronger levels.
>The chapter shows the huge difference in power between S-class and any other class.
Wasn't it more than clear with the whole Gatling plotline (which conveyed the idea much much better in every way). The s-class didn't warm up, they were just tired of waiting for them to finish so they cleaned the fodder real quick at the end. I really empathised with them there.
The support heroes aren't individually important. What's important is what is actually happening in that chapter. The support heroes are weak, of course, but they were selected for their potential and are given a chance to show off their stuff against weaker monsters. Think of it as a tryout or an exam, Rhino is literally handing out grades. The S class heroes also get a chance to scout out promising talent for mentoring. The point is that the HA has long term plans and actually values the heroes somewhat. By contrast, Gyoro is only invested in the heavy hitters and sent out the weaklings to die. Rhino and Evil Eye were both monsters with growth potential but they were treated as disposable because Gyoro is a sadistic asshole. Rhino's betrayal was good writing because it's so effective at illustrating how much of an asshole Gyoro is, it 'feels' meaner than everything else she's done so far.
Nah, we've seen lower class wrecking monsters before (Stinger for example) and the support team jobbed the moment Rhino came out, like lower class heroes always do. Nothing new.
This looks so much better. Yes!
We know.
This scene, I wonder if JCStaff will fix it, they just fixed Fubukis eyes and she looks cuter.
Only once every know and then and usually they are the top a class and only for onfenor twice otherwise majority of classes job.
I can see the anime rearranging some scenes.
>given a chance to show off their stuff against weaker monsters
To who, to the reader? Because the HA should be aware of their capabilities, and if they aren't they have better moments to go on a field trip than the most dangerous raid operation they have ever faced. If right now a demon came out to the surface all of them would die stupidly, because they have nothing to do in that battlefield.
Left picture looks bad for some reason, she looks like a transgender
Take you meds.
how so? tr*nnies don't have feminine curves like that
listen up fuckers, I've used the pseud streaming sites that are said to be the 'best' but they always buffer. Kissanime doesn't buffer. So fuck you.
Hey! hey! It's comedy anime it should make people laugh and it made me laugh. Why did people mad about this again?
Most people won't care.
Someone in this series needs to impregnate Fubuki ASAP
I'm kind of hoping that happens, the operation was supposed to be a disaster.
>My pain is far greater than yours
Her face looks weird.
>Joker incel uses Kissanime
You can't make this shit up
Oh shut the fuck up you facetious twat
>Streaming sites
You newfags disgust me
>Orelsan will be in the opening of season 2 of OPM with JAMProject! He becomes the first french rapper to work on the japanese opening of an anime.
What the fuck?
cringe redditors, literally why shouldn't I use streaming sites. huh? huh? yeah, didn't think so.
French sounds like vomit so who gives a shit.
Why the hell is this even happening?
Did you forget to take your meds user?
Because streaming sites have low as fuck quality and most of them are all round fucking shit, there is literally no reason not to torrent, by the way a video file that has been torrented will never buffer
One of the central points about the whole hero thing in OPM is that these people fight monsters and shit despite knowing the risks.
He did the voice of Saitama in the french dub and apparently he did a decent job. That's it really.
You don't belong on Yea Forums
have fun getting busted and paying thousands.
How can you be this fucking retarded? The chances of getting busted between streaming sites and torrents are the same, essentially 0 because nobody cares that you're pirating little Chinese cartoons
>Explain me the purpose of having 90 pages of support team shitters killing fodder.
Because it was cool you autistic fucker. And it fleshed out the raid to make the scope of the operation more realistic instead ov only sending in like 9 people.
Only in the French version of the anime, though.
I know, I'm acting pretty cringe.
I am sure the only enjoyable part of the show will be shitting on it with other Yea Forumsnons.
you're retarded, hope you know that.
What about the memes? Berserk gave us CLANG and the rabbit.
How about we have cool action and at the same time add something purposeful to the plot?
Atomic Samurai did more in 1 second than all those shitters the whole time they fought. Low class heroes don't belong in this kind of extermination operation, and it's made clear several times explicitly.
I am French and his work was fucking trash, so are all french dubs.
>Because streaming sites have low as fuck quality
*downloads latest horriblesubs upscaled 1080 webrip*
Fucking streamfags amirite? Never compromise on quality Yea Forumsnon Yea Forumsro
I for one am quite excited.
Will have better animation than mob shitco
a VERY powerful lad
I love Genos, even when he's shoddily drawn and partially CG.
>Atomic Samurai did more in 1 second than all those shitters the whole time they fought.
That's the point, the S-class are insane.
found this gem of a comment on chapter 92
talking about Saitama, not darkshine
What went wrong bros?
OPM S1 used a still image the first time Saitama did consecutive punches.
Yup, your mom told me last night when her mouth wasn’t full.
>it's real
holy shit
I am
J.C. Staff
Holy shit is it a new webcomic chapter?
hory shet hiatus over
What did he mean by this
Garou son of a bitch you took everything from this man. Look at his sorry state. Let's hope Amai Mask makes him pay.
Looks like things are falling apart more for the association.
King asks Bang to please teach him how to become strong!
No fking way the webcomic is back.
I hope we get CLANK tier shitposting
Translator-chan we need you!
Anyone feels One released a new chapter so we dont get mad at Season 2 tomorrow?
I hope it's so bad it's hilarious
King will finally go the way of water polo carbonated fist.
Doubt that's the case since we already had a manga chapter. But I guess if we look it at it that way this web chapter is a bonus.
I think you're a retard and he releases whenever he wants
So King will really become strong?
Yup, this is definitely a well thought out distraction from tomorrow’s train wreck
Nice tro-
>it's real
Holy fuck nuggets
>King's face at the end
Wow, I forgot how much superior webcomic is compared to manga. Thank you one.
> New WC chapter
This cured my impotence
Holy shit why does a new chapter from a sketchy nip web comic make me feel so whole
It would be great if ONE and Murata coordinated to upload each week one.
I'm alive
>HA has rats who apparently help selling monsters caught by the association on the black market
>Darkshine, CE and MB want to join neo heroes
>Darkshine would be a sparring trainer there
>Mccoy is one of the officials for neo heroes now (HAHAHA)
>King thinks Bang might've figured out his secret
>Bang tells Charanko to tell King to go away because he's busy trimming his toenails today
>King mumbles in front of Bang, trying to confess, and Bang can't hear him
>King asks him to make him stronger
>Bang tells Charanko to tell King to go away because he's busy trimming his toenails today
wait why is Bang an asshole now
Bang probably thought it was business from the HA even though he quit.
Bang has always been fucking based
Merely pretending, it's not like he didn't do it time and time again
>McCoy switched camps
What a snake, holy shit
9anime and kissanime both offer 1080p on a lot of shows, including most new releases. they also have like 5 or 6 different vid servers so if your internet isnt shit you shouldnt have a problem with buffering.
torrenting is ideal, but you have to make sure to download ahead of time (a little bit anyway) and then manage your space and delete shit after you watch it. or just have a massive random collection of anime on your harddrive
Not sure if cope or it's real, honestly I'd like to believe it's the latter
>Darkshine would be a sparring trainer there
kek, imagine Garou showing up to join the neo heroes
That would be hilarious, and scary for DS, but it's honestly pretty ooc for Garou to join any org
Saitama also doesn't give a shit about orgs but he joined one anyway, you never know
This will the last season of OPM, isn't it?
Garou is also a wanted criminal, he could maybe pretend to join or infiltrate for the sake of investigating, just to see what's up
But he's such a free spirit he most likely won't want to join any org at this point
Just because it's 1080p doesn't mean it's high quality, trust me I use to use sites like that and the quality was shockingly bad, and true you have to plan ahead of time but it shouldn't take that long, and deleting shit is easy
>next chapter is in 22nd sentury
It's not even worth the wait at this point.
It’s alright, we’ve got the S2 premiere tomorrow which will be pure kino!
Last page
King to Bang: "Make me strong, please...!"
then get the 720 non upscaled webrip you fucking dunce. this shit isn't hard. most streaming sites get their shit from horriblesubs and bds anyway but they will always look worse if you stream them because of bitrate.
This season is shit, and OPM 2 hasn't even aired yet
If they get to fix Genos arms, I will be surprised.
so how long was it on hiatus for?
more than two years.
if they alternate it could actually work
That makes no sense. ONE makes the storyboards of the two, there is nothing to "coordinate". Either ONE have the time to work on the webcomic, or he doesn't. Murata has nothing to do with it.
Then the manga will never catch up. The manga takes more than 1 chapter to adapt the webcomic's chapter.
But manga will never catch up anyway.
You make it sounds like it's needed to catch up.
>Even the OPM2 gengas are looking better than mob
The commeuppance is coming, back to living in the shadow of the superior work mobfags
>it was cool/fun
Fuck off reddit. It was just irrelevant characters fight another irrelevant characters, at least tournament skipped that shit.
Even HxH and Berserk have a better release schedule now.
I don't want her to be QUALITY'd so I'm fine with this
And better pacing than Murata's version.
Why's he wearing a 1-star uniform?
What about Vagabond?
Dont know about this, they will probably appear earlier than expected like Fubuki did in Season 1.
His muscles are ashamed so they are hiding. Star because they shine.
She might be added on Ovas anyway.
Fubuki appeared for 10 seconds.
lol nobody cares if you torrent anime in the west
Doesn't she show up to crush the Octopus?
And also to save Fubuki from Do-S.
Good early morning in Manila everyone... Later tonight on a 2nd Season of #OPM...
NEW EPISODE will be LIVE tomorrow night on Wednesday at 1:35am JST / 12:35am Manila / 12:35pm EDT Tuesday / 11:35am CST Tuesday.
Check your local listings over TV Tokyo:
NOTE: Schedules from this anime programme may subject to change.
Thank you.
Alright, so what parts are you actually hoping to see done well this season (even if you know that won't happen)
the chat with Saitama and King before Saitama kicks Garou, could actually be a good scene
i mean i dont know what level of videophile youre on, but the 1080p streams i watch seem pretty fine. i also torrent stuff occasionally and i dont notice any super significant differences.
Chapters 73-74. It's the one thing I was looking forward to before JC Staff was announced.
Garou VS Death Gatling and the B Team (Chapters 81 and 82)
I didn't care about animation back then when I watched S1 so I'm not upset or anything.
JC Staff can't even make good backgrounds.
If you're going to show how bad the animation is, post a webm or gif next time, because cherry picking a still frame from a scene in motion is a cheap blow.
Even some of the best animated shows can be made to look bad by cherry picking a still frame
One would no doubt be able to dig up some old OVA with literally no janky or off-model inbetweens.
OVAs typically have a higher budget, with less episodes than a typical anime
So yea OVAs are going to look better frame by frame
Not really a fair comparison
Murata can't make good backgrounds too.
It’s time to rise up.
I want the entire scene animated
Mob > OPM
They only need to make 3 fights look good
The rest can be slideshows for all I care
>MB vs Garou
>Saitama vs Suiryu
>Shack battle
I already accepted the fact centipede will be CG, and thus, very underwhelming
>liking good fights makes you reddit
Hello newfriend, feel like you fit in yet?
Why the threads are always so full of low quality bait?
That Tats looks really good
Because someone always responds.
Yeah, I forgot to ask this too, why do people respond? Are they that stupid or what?
To join in the bait and make the thread longer or fall for it really easy.
Liking shit fights with irrelevant jobbers does make you reddit though.
Me to, but by somebody good
That's interesting. Maybe I should participate too.
>or fall for it
Can't be anybody that does at this point. The bait has been going in circles for years in these threads.
But I already did
Do it again
its not that bad. you guys are over reacting
Aargh why can't it be better.
They need to watch/read superior mob psycho
But literally every frame in OPM S2 looks bad, so it doesn’t matter.
Nah you just have really low standards, sir.
thats a good thing tho
idk man
key frames dont just look good, they look really good.
Honestly that bird was way to big to be a demon. Not that it matters anyway, its simply a big bird.
God, it's so bad.
So the web comic looked bad
Are you seriously implying that the webcomic is anything but drawn like shit? It's the writing and composition that make it so good, not the artistic merit
Thats the total opposite of what Season 1 did to Beefcake.
Madhouse animation studio overworked their production team for over 200 hours in a single month. People were even forced to work on their off days. Someone also collapsed from overwork and had to be carried in an ambulance.
No wonder they gave the rights to JCStaff.
>Genos vs Sonic
>Garou vs Metal Bat
>The whole segment with Gouketsu.
Holy fuck, this is the same guys that made Shitdex S3, that was pure trash, I imagine OPM will be butchered as well. Looking forward to the memes here.
The whole industry is fucked. Animators need to join a union.
Welcome to the entire animation industry. They unironically need to unionize or something because they have shit tier working conditions.
Hahaha. You should keep your unrealistic expectations in check!
It doesn’t matter if the key frames look decent when the animators are gonna turn them into this
But this is the anime. This is unacceptable.
I hope you're ready for elder centipede with CG of this quality
wow, wtf happened.
JC staff.
I think its going to be like Gintama last season(1 or 2 episodes will be full QUALITY).
Fuck off nigger,capeshit is the worst cancer in this world,being ironic or not doesn't make it better.
it'll be fine