The worst shonen

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Would agree


No it's okay, 6-7/10 imo.
The only thing that's annoying are normies thinking this is special or a masterpiece.
The MC is also a little bitch though.

Yeah Black Clover is pretty shit

Yes the most garbage manga right now

MHAtrad sheeting

>14 pages a week
>slow pacing
>would rather focus on other characters over the MC
How does he get away with this?

WSH Push

It has good character designs and nothing else. Story was about 6 or 7/10 until the internship arc, where it went to like a 4. Pro Hero was 8/10 but 10 enjoyable chapters out of like 230 means nothing. Powers are shit too. There's no where Hori can take the quirks other than the same as they are now but stronger.

>would rather focus on other characters over the MC
do this more please

Black Clover is only considered the shittiest shonen because it follows all the tropes exactly the way you expect them to play out, and never does anything new or innovative despite poking fun at itself for doing things without imagination or creativity.


>implying my hero academia isn't shit and full of tropes

Shonentard need banned

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>would rather focus on other characters over the MC
what's the issue with this? lots of great series do this

fuck off with your Yea Forums fanbase wars crossboarder

Other series wait for the MC to be properly developed first.

Whoa, would you look at those titties

The worst Shonen in ongoing publication right now is Ne0lation, or some shit from some other magazine.

The only problem with HeroAca is that Hori wants to drag a story that could have been told in 100 chapters in a fulfilling way into a 500+ chapter manga that just drags.

And for some reason, he refuses to focus more on side characters that could actually extend the lifespan of the story.

Also, the art is good (possibly the best in WSJ) and the little bits of SoL are cozy.

>he refuses to focus more on side characters
Endeavour arc. Class A vs B arc. The current villain arc

Nigger but after that how long does it take for them to get another relevant arc? Every 50 chapters?

Tropes are tropes for a reason, they aren't bad.

All those arcs happened one after the other

All shonen is garbage and fittingly attracts only the most cancerous posters.