Imagine this: You are for whatever reason walking around in the Japanese countryside and this child comes up to you and...

Imagine this: You are for whatever reason walking around in the Japanese countryside and this child comes up to you and utters some incomprehensible gibberish at you. How do you respond?

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headpat is the only correct answer.

にゃんぱすー back at her

Mating press her.


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I pull my recorder out and have her blow on it

What a pomf.


Come with me little girl. We'll nyan nyan until you pasu outu.

Selamat pagi!

I make her some tea

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wait a minute, is the movie out on torrents, oh fuck I haven't been paying attention

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Gentle rape

And a nip nong ching chong to you too young lady.

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Enjoy it, user.

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gonna be very comfy tonight, thank you

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Ask is she alone and alright, she seem lost

>Japanese school girls stayed over at my hotel
>one bumped into me as i was walking out of elevator in a rush, i didn't see them because they were so small
>she moved back and bowed her head looking at the ground and said sorry, didn't raise her head up until i left

it was cute and it made me feel like a nigger at the same time, what do you say in that situation "Y-you too"

You heard

>what do you say in that situation
it's no problem, it's fine or don't worry it's okay etc
are you autistic?

That's your answer to everything

Play along you stupid autist.

Selamat Pagi

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Selamat petang

It's the correct answer to everything.

Came to post this

>point to myself "Gaijin"
>point to mouth "Ingurishu?"
> Pero Pero Manko?

Pero pero waki!


should had asked to bump one more time

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>Imagine this

why not? just imagine

Fuck off

Sorryu wata shit cant speaku japanese

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Reminds me of that time I was sitting at the counter of a ramen place, and when I turned around and got up I walked straight into a waitress who was barely above four feet tall, so she was literally below my line of sight. Luckily I didn't knock her over.

Chuckle, cheerfully tell her "Nyanpasu!" and go on my way.

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Tell her I love her and ask if she wants to be my girlfriend and kiss. I know it's sort of a long shot, but can you blame me? An opportunity like that may never come again, so I have to act!

But user, she's only 7.

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Don't forget your spaghetti.

I dont mind.

Ask her where is the Dagashi store

If she's OK with doing it with me (I'm 29), then I don't have a problem with it either.

Hajimemashite. Boku wa lolicon desu. Omata wo misetekudasai. Arigatou gozaimasu.

Who will be the next NNB to have a fleeting friendship that ends in pain?

Japan is the best place on Earth guys. You gotta visit it before you die.

>tfw talking to japanese qties

candy store


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All of them when Hotaru, true to her name, dies.

Nyanpasumo! Dagashiya wa douko desuka?

Install the Japanese language pack if you're going to do this ffs. 馬鹿馬鹿しい。

I live in the Japanese countryside and kids come up and say gibberish to me all the time, so I can answer this question authoritatively: smile mildly at the brat and pretend not to speak any Japanese until it tires of me and returns to its watchful dam.

has anyone made any doujin of her yet?



how to make doujin of someone

Probably Hotaru, when Komari is gonna level up one year and ride the SHINKANSEN to attend HS in Tokyo.

Reminds me of that robot from /r9k/ showed us his old dilapidated house where he lives with his uncle in rural japan. Turns out he was fat and autistic and got bullied by the locals who made him pull out his dick so they could laugh at it.

sumimasen, watashi wakarimasen desu

Does 'locals' equal little girls

it was little boys or male highschoolers, i forget

What if they try hitting you with the old butthole poke?

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>been watching anime for X number of years
>still hasn't grasped a number of phrases to use in everyday conversation

Even just shouting out the catchphrase of a particular character would have been good enough and showed your sincerity.

So that's what it looks like in real life.

Kids stopped doing that like 10 years ago. The last time anyone tried it on me was in 2011, and his classmates just looked at him like he was the dorkiest, uncoolest lame-o they'd ever seen. (Even when it still happened occasionally, no one ever actually landed one on me. Guessing exactly where a moving target's butthole is through their pants is actually a total crapshoot.)

I ask her if she has any tips for getting into Mensa.

Imagine doing that to her while she's in her period.

Are Renge's parents dead?

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i bet your recorder sounds "ikuuuu" when she blows it

so is Candyass grooming Renge to be a sexual object? or am I just projecting?

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gonna go watch the movie, hope it's good

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She just wants a daughteru.

>raise my hand

Have a good time, I'm sure you'll enjoy it!

hard life with no men of their age anywhere, she and the teacher probably go through batteries like crazy

You do know the period doesn't come out of the butthole right?

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I'll watch it tomorrow evening. Got an exam tomorrow and I'm super nervous about it because I can't afford to fail. Wish me luck, please!

ganbatte user

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Thank you, Renge.
Sleep tight, Renge.

You gonna ace that exam, stay funky

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I like her autistic voice

>take out my phone
>show her a vid of CHAD WARDEN

Ren-chon sends you her energy.

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Is there an anime character that could defeat Renge?

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Ching Chong nip nong to you too お嬢ちゃん

"¿Por que? Yo no hablo Espanol bueno."


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