EP1 preview
Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
Other urls found in this thread:
if i remember correctly KitaEri is playing the fox girl right? I normally don't like these kinda shows but if she is I'll give it a try
>Ded thread
As expected hetshit
i'll give it a shot too, i guess
airs in 2 days
Take your mental illness elsewhere
>he didn't watch one of the advance showings
Better than expected desu, looking forward to neighbor girl and Shiro showing up
Cute woman
looks cute
Sell me on this show. What it's about?
a wage slave being comforted and healed by a cute kitsune girl
A fox girl, that's it.
It's more about daughterfu stuff or forbidden age gap romance?
It's definitely forbidden age gap romance, but the loli's the one robbing the cradle since she's over 20 times the salaryman's age.
how does one acquire a loli kitsune mother-wife
work extra hard as a Japanese office worker and hope for the best
Divine luck
Series like this always bother me because I can't stop thinking about how lonely the longer-lasting member of the pair will be when the normal human dies.
He's implied to be a reincarnation of her previous man. He knows he's essentially a replacement goldfish, but he's okay with that.
What levels of fluffiness we'll be able to reach in this episode?
This is why people don't like you, /u/fag.
You also need to have an ancestor who took care of her so she can project him on you.
How to get senko wife?
Did I miss yesterday's thread?
I don't see an update on mangadex
Yep, check archive
(And brace yourself)
>fighting over yuri/het when the show will have both
>Previous lover
>Certain features are disabled while DDOS bullshit
What the fuck? why?
KitaEri plays an supporting role. She is listed as ??? on the officail webside
I bet that previous lover had no reservations about fucking her senseless either. Unlike our modern sexless herbivore MC.
The best solution but autists are still mad for the other camp and at falseflaggers.
I certainly hope that Dogakobo exercised full care at animating Senko's fluffy tail
Tho the romantic part isn't evident on the majority of the series
You have to look at it from Senko's viewpoint. He's not a "replacement". He's still the person she loves, just a little different.
>brace yourself
Senko is used goods
Something that stalker did in the thread
So basically spice and wolf reverse isekai
it's so weird seeing this animated. i started reading it literally when the first chapter came out. it doesn't seem like that long ago and now i'm seeing it in anime form.
stop giving him replies
Previous thread
The main female lead is a fucking used goods, that fact alone really ruins the fluff for me. I don't know why people are excited to see this shit over bocchi.
Is it still used goods if it was your past life?
He's a reincarnation. It's the same guy wearing different skin.
That's it, she's gonna say it
Bocchi feels like forced cuteness imo. Save way I felt with Colors.
epic Yea Forums meme friendo
This raises a few questions
Did she smash with Nakano's ancestor?
Is she actually Nakano's literal great-great-great-great-grandmother?
Or did Nakano's ancestor cheat on her with someone else to have a kid?
Or is it not a direct family line?
Have been reading the manga for a while now.
It really warms my heart everytime.
Wait this flopshit got Yuri ?
Basically you need to leave offerings at their shrine or do them favors and they may attach themselves to your household.
Sometimes they may posess people for shits and giggles. So if you catch a crazy girl she may be actually a kitsune.
>forced cuteness
Those little cunts were pieces of shit.
Will this be good? Doga Kapo and the premise sounds comfy I dunno if it'll be a flop.
I feel like I've already seen this a dozen times by now...
What the fuck STALKER
Welp sounds like I'll commit suicide watching this
its Yea Forums
How many hours until HS releases it?
Fucking lunatic.
Is the episode out?
I want to put a talisman on Senko and seal her in the alone box.
First episode doesn't air until the 10th.
Katsuwo is a master at the art of cute. That's not why I love Colors though, its because he captures a careless sense of childlike play very well. He obviously had some good friends as a kid
>this series is supposed to make me happy
>instead it just makes me depressed
It's not fair.
When's the CR simulcast?
Can't believe STALKER actually did it.
>I certainly hope that Dogakobo exercised full care at animating Senko's fluffy tail
They paid a lot of attention to the fluff and even the voice actors were given fox tails for use in the recording studio.
So what are we looking at here
shorts, halfies, or full episodes?
half episodes would suit it best IMO
Maybe two half episodes? Isn't this a 4koma?
Not a 4koma, and the chapters are not necessarily short, there are simply a lot of pages with little to no dialog so it is a fast read.
Two half episodes would work best I would imagine, and the order could be shuffled up as needed since most chapters are standalone.
I think Dogakobo will pad the episodes or write outright original ones as they did with Gabdrop.
I think Dogakobo will not bother with this show as it obviously is done by their B team and is just a filler for this season, while they mostly focus on Do You Even Lift that airs at summer.
Bad news, but they tend to do that regularly. Not always their B team shows are bad (GJ Bu), but always cheap and show lack of care compared to their prime titles (like Wataten last season)
It could have been the early morning on the 10th. Alas, it airs late night on the 10th.
I like it better anyway if the episode is closer to the weekend.
Well that was depressing.
Dogakobo is here to save this godawful season, thank God.
>it's platonic as fuck
I hope you're a retard who doesn't know what he's talking about.
I really hope so.
twitter is gonna call this pedoshit aren't they
>being facetious when it's still clearly platonic in spite of touch fluffy tail
>T a l l s e n k o
Does she have a true form or fox form something?
>A team
Natsuyuki Rendezvous
Majestic Prince
Love Lab
Engaged to the Unidentified
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun
Plastic Memories
Three Leaves, Three Colors
New Game!
Tada Never Falls in Love
Wataten!: An Angel Flew Down to Me
>B team
GJ Club
Mikagura School Suite
Himouto! Umaru-chan
Aria the Scarlet Ammo AA
Luck & Logic
Gabriel DropOut
Hina Logi ~from Luck & Logic~
Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
Anima Yell!
This shit was cute.
who cares what a bunch of retarded niggers think except normalfaggots?
lurk moar newtranny
She's the one asking for it
This looks completely random. I have favorites and dislikes in both "teams" and you're likely full of shit. This is good.
Its a mix of people from all of those. The writer/composition did tada never falls in love, plus some gab dropout people, anima yell and nozaikun. The lead animator was involved in a ton of projects from flying witch to non non buri.
The character designs are perfect too. If this is the "b team" there is nothing to worry about.
>A team
>shows I like
>B team
>shows I don't like
He dies though.
How did he resist mating pressing her right there and then? Is he gay?
just a salary man
>male MC
What the fuck are they doing?
Abe wills it.
Housewife -> mating press -> keikaku doori.
Keikaku means plan.
We're getting full length episodes.
When is it airing?
For a healing manga this sure makes me want to kill myself a lot.
>you'll never fall asleep while touching and smelling the fluffy tail
nice. character designs on point.
What of the VR episode release though?
Holding back is an important part of having a cute fox motherwife, user.
What's the point of having a motherwife if you won't make her a mother?
She's YOUR mother, silly.
AND the mother of my children. You aren't thinking big enough. Get it the fuck together user.
>pissing on /u/rinals
Doing God's work!! I hope Abe bans yuri/yaoi shit for all eternity.
Good taste. Where does D-Frag fit in there?
Brain's Base.
The list is lacking in Koihime Musou though.
I swear to god, you better not die on me thread.
Is this haremshit?
What scene are you most looking forward too/want to be animated?
Fuck, I'd give one of my fingers for a new season.
Is that even a question
no, he's faithful
one of the other foxes tries to seduce him tho
I want the chapter where Senko is in heaven and meets that cute junior kitsune. I'm sure the anime won't get that far though.
Sora attempting to seduce him with her massive tails.
His deepest desire is to fluff
Good lord, I forgot about this page
>not fucking and fluffing at the same time
Fucking would make the fluff wilt from all the liquids.
He desires only optimal fluffing.
How can one man be so based?
You seem very insistent on not dicking, are you gay? Fluffing and fucking are not mutually exclusive.
I agree
He only needs to cum inside. For the sole purpose of procreation of course.
Realistically it'd be hard to raise a child in his small apartment.
How come I always hear people say this series is pure and not lewd at all. Why blatantly lie
Post more please
let me guess, its also just 12 minutes?
fuck modern anime
Im fine with 12 minutes of cute shit
>not wanting 24 minutes of cute shit
Pretty sure its gonna be full 20 minutes length episodes
Can any manga fags make an educated guess on who she could be and how involved she would be?
not enough material tho
I want this scene to be animated :3c
They'll pad it with extra scenes
She'll be the semen demon. She'll get a couple of appearances but will probably show up the least out of the main cast.
Why is there no new manga chapter today?
It's full-length (Senko's the one on the right)
There will definitely be some anime original stuff in it.
Bet on Dogakobo original content that she'll appear in every episode after being introduced. Which I guess would be in episode three, with Shiro in episode two.
Goddamn it S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
>wife mother
stupid loli cat.
Unless you are thinking of Spice and Wolf VR anime I think you are confused.
Twitter calls everything that isn't shounen pedoshit.
At last I truly see
The self insert thing at the end was fun, too.
During their panel a few weeks ago, I think at one point they may have mentioned something with VR
Uchi no Maid was A Team. Same team that did Yuru Yuri.
So? Let them have their aneurysms, hopefully they'll drop dead.
Who onows, I didn't read anything about it unless he was hoping to get a VR game sooner or later like Pochi's editor once said he wanted to so.
How will they adapt this scene?
With erections probably
Now that I think about it, there was a small scene that was entirely in first person at the end of episode 1. Maybe that's what they were talking about.
Senko-san has come to wash your _____
There is sex scenes in this?
no, it's just back washing.
that said, the lewding felt really out of place and i prayed to the gods that this wouldnt be the tone for the further manga. wich it gladly wasn't
Why ?
Based user, I love you
I'm a prudish romantic and want it to stay pure
man that ED is good
Funimation will be subbing and dubbing it
>Funimation will be dubbing it
Reminder that Rimukoro is a good person.
Oh, absolutely they will. But why should we give a damn what those plebs think?
I actually appreciate the >dub. But it comes with having friends with fucked up eyesight yet love for things like Rhombus Foxes.
I almost never watch dubs, and am grabbing a fansub for Senko-san. How concerned should I be about this?
They already started from the promotional art. Let them rot in their paranoia.
You guys should post links, I want to laugh
I just hope we get a couple of lewd scenes with Shiro.
They're going to need to pad out the material for a full season, so at least we're getting a full beach episode.
HS will give you Funi's hardsubbed affair, you may have to get the 1080p version to avoid crappy downscaling and bitrate starvation.
This is always my favourite type of person, the kind who pushes the things he wants to see into reality, instead of demanding others conform to him.
Episode's up on nyaa
RAW or subbed?
This one.
>Here we go again..
Im already having dragon maid dub flashbacks
There goes any hope of decent subs.
>oh i can't look like an adult woman because of the creepy patriarchy
God damn it.
I noticed that CR subs have been lacking recently too.
It's nice to see that fan subs are dead and we only have bad subs.
Who gives a fuck. It's going to be trash but just like with Dragon Maid we'll get to post memes about how bad it is for years.
still great, love my senko
>catch the simultaneous dub two weeks later
>Rimukoro likes VR and kitsune lolis
>Turns himself into a kitsune loli and got Senko a VR episode
The absolute madman
Sub part is relevant but people here actually care about them dubbing it? If you watch dubs for any reason besides seeing 3 minutes of it to laugh at it then you have bigger issues to deal with
And thats not even the fully tail service scene. They really did it, the absolute madmen.
This is exactly what I am here for.
>that doujin where a kitsune keeps committing incest over several generations.
The female Tomaru Sawagoe.
I dont think my dog reacts like that
at least they'll get a 40 year old woman to voice her
If Dragonmaid was any indicator, American Senko will sound like a bitchy valley girl, because most dub actresses are bitchy valley girls.
Which is why you always go with subs, user.
Thoughts on their voices?
Senko Without Senko is powerful shit.
Sora and Shiro are spot on. I expected Senko to sound more mature, but this is good too. Actually it could be funny to hear her loli voice talking in a motherly way.
MC and Senko making halfbreed babies when?
>tfw you don't know Japanese and there are raws but not subs
I can't speak it properly and have issues with tons of words but I can understamd what they say so it's not difficult to interact with them.
Wow that's smol
It really does follow the manga closely. Just reread chapter 1 and you'll get like 70% of what they're saying.
Shiro and Sora are great. Wish Senko sounded a little older. If she can make cute Unya's though that will save everything.
I still cant believe they gave them a fluffy tail for use in the sound studio.
Senko was horribly miscast. The rest are great.
What's her weight? I wonder if her tail would give one issues when princess carrying her.
Wake me up once the raw is subbed
What would her shaved tail look like?
We saw her tail wet once and it was very depressing.
Here, have a higher quality version
Is that her voice? I thought it would sound older, like a soothing mother voice.
>denpa ED
Has the boobs fox even shown up in the manga?
I dunno, did you read the thread?
I dunno, did you read the manga?
What evidence do we have that Bocchi isn't used goods?
I have. I just don't remember her.
She appears at the beginning of chapter 1, at the end of chapter 8, part way through chapter 20, all throughout chapter 22, and at the end of chapter 30.
I need to re-read the manga then. Or kms.
Can someone edit a Dorito face on this picture
Literally could be done in ms paint, make it yourself.
Oh was she the beach "ghost"?
By gott that sideboob in the third panel.
I hope we get to chapter 30 then.
That opening is great
That ending killed my heart
I miss rhombus anime so much.
if only I could be so angular
What is your opinion in the heavy usage of vtubers to promote this series?
What is Supaeaconanimeishon supposed to be?
I can't moon, what other vtubers were involved other than the author?
Any fansubbers who plan to save this show from FUNi's eyecancer encodes?
See Plus Nojya and others minor vtubers
That's exactly a haremshit. Same shit in SAO and whole lot of other haremshit.
That is the artist himself, he runs a vtuber account with his wolf girl character.
This is bait, people.
Welcome to the big time. We did it.
Does he voice it? Does he sound cute?
Huh, what afterword was this for? I dont' remember reading it.
Looks like 3rd volume
I see.
Hoping to see shiro appear in volume 3 or 4. They make rush her intro and shuffle episodes though, since she is a fan favorite.
Someone get this girl to put on some panties already.
Literal blasphemy
Nopan, and she loves to sit in laps.
Petting her front tail!
>Insert blade runner pain image
What a cute little fox.And you know what's better? NSFW fox pixiv.net
>doesn't flinch, or even blush at the nopan loli fox jumping onto his crotch
>just smiles softly and starts patting her head
Purest soul
>an obvious fetish manga
I honestly thought nothing sexual of this when I read it outside tits fox.
It gave my heart a fetish though.
Fetish isn't strictly a word for lewd. Having an obsession is basically the same as a fetish, and dude has it hard for loli foxes.
Perfect, I want a daughter like that someday.
Fuck no. Fuck. NO.
What does it feel like to have a female give you unconditional love and support?
nojya loli foxes to be specific.
But he has 3 loli foxes, a big tiddie one and the busty neighbor. I need a ara ara character damn it!
Ask your mother.
I don't think you would value it much once you get it like how you treat your mother or any old woman who would do favours for you that you are not interested romantically
Wait for the animated version
He did it without editing out Senko, y'know
now do one with FLUFF
he posted the edit version first
what gives him the right to mess with original
just post tl and finish it
Maidragon with foxes instead of dragons
>archived at 124 posts
This show is DOA, isn't it?
>This show is DOA, isn't it?
It doesnt even air until wednesday, these are just the manga and preview threads.
Will he be taking responsibility?
I wish, I want slow comfy threads.
Does honto.jp ever get these purchase bonuses? I kinda feel shafted every time.
rest in piece
>Reads pirated material
>Talks about rights
Stalker can do whatever the fuck he wants to do. You don't like it then eat shit or learn Japanese.
Completely unrelated, but when did STALKER start translating Senko-san? Was it him from the beginning?
>Entitled little shit
>Can't take a joke
>Reddit spacing
I hate this
Kindly fuck off since you havent lurked here for that long.
Hopefully Nii-sama will save the day as usual
They got the fluff right. Good adaptation confirmed.
>trembling feet
Das it mane
Is there a way to give feedback, or would that be unwanted, uncalled for and ignored?
He likes grammar corrections. You just need to catch the threads.
You can always just reply to him when he show up.
What's the feedback?
He already got enough shit from reddit and mangadex for Nagatoro.
What was wrong with nagatoro?
Neat, thanks.
Purely language related feedback from a raw reader.
What happened?
This is Fruits Basket will likely be the only shows I'll be watching this season.
This. Actually read it you mongs.
Well shit, I got genuine boner.
Was that shit because of the 'normalfag' translation of raijyu?
That wasn't really a big deal was it?
Sora is built for mating press and violent facefucking
It's out already?
So did we all user
So did we all
I wish simuldubs aired at the same time. I hate reading stuff when and bring distracted from the main animation sequence.
No, it got axed.
Oh right.
yeah, some shows this season pre-aired on abematv.
>I hate reading stuff when and bring
It looks like you need to read more user
Sorry I'm first in Yea Forums. Please forgive bhai.
Madre de dios, I want to fluff that tail.
watch more anime until you learn enough japanese to only need to glance at the subs
>Learning Japanese from anime
They're already doing Midara and usually only do one show a season.
>Purely language related feedback from a raw reader.
kek esl tripfag fuck up again
Anyone have any idea when the subbed version will be ready and where to find it?
this is the first seasonal anime I'm watching so I don't really know how to find it aside from waiting for kissanime
You're not helping your case. Lurk moar, newfag.
I've been on this board since 2014, I just never watched seasonal anime, so I all I know to do is go to kissanime and type in the show
I could have tried to sound like less of a newfag in my post but still
This post is everything that's wrong with Yea Forums. Fuck off back to wherever you came from and then kill yourself.
>I bet that previous lover had no reservations about fluffing her senseless either.
Fixed that for you.
I want to cum inside the black haired fox.
>What is your opinion in the heavy usage of vtubers to promote this series?
"Life is Hard...Noja!"
I still can't believe he quit vtubing. It's probably for the best considering the rest of the heavenly kings
read the manga
>fox cunny
Volume 4's out somehow. Go support the prophet.
>tfw no money and international credit card
>internetional credit card
use debit card, dude
Way ahead of you
>refresh panda
>Towako 3 fully translated
You're a goddamn hero. Buying vol 6 just to appreciate your efforts.
I have, but it only supports my country payment system, it doesn't have Visa or MasterCard
Not that user, but I can somewhat relate in the fact that I rarely watch seasonal anime too, I'm only watching the anime because I've been a long time fan of the manga. I read manga far more than I watch anime, though unlike that other user, I do know where to get subs.
>>Towako 3 fully translated
I know what I'm doing today.
>implying that we care when you joined
Everyone here is anonymous, if you supposedly have been all this year's here, you still don't know how to post
lurk more
you also dont link tumblr images of icarly which is an easy "kys" from me
>implying I care about your reply
see how pointless saying that is?
April Fools, bitch.
>furry Loli mother waifu
This is some fucked up high level psychological fetish shit bro.
That's just some advice son
alright, well you have a nice day now
>even the voice actors were given fox tails for use in the recording studio.
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
Again, I'm not the guy working on Towako 3, he's a different Yea Forumsnon and a saint. His love for Loli BBA is way higher than me.
Should've used her Galko voice.
How much more hours?
Only ever did the opposite
The ED was cute, dream Senko is adorable.
>buy it again
send it to some random guy in japan. Chances are, he's a neet and in need of some love.
>guys literally only want one thing and its fucking disgusting
>Does his own laundry
>Lifts weights
>Clearly has his PC organized
>Minimum material stuff, left most of his worldly desires behind
This man has his life more together than most of you
>All these retards defending another 80+ chapters series with no development between the main characters
Haha yeah I sure love another series that constantly blueballs me.
user, its never developed because she isn't real
>Implying you can't fuck your imaginary daughter wife girlfriend
If you can imagine her cooking for you you can imagine fucking her
>having sex with a tulpa
*starts screaming and loses limbs*
Towako translator here, we're glad you like it. STALKER has been a great help with it before, the work he does overall is incredible, and his passion for loliBBA is truly grand.
Will anyone fanrip the Senko-san anime?
I'd be interested in leeching such a rip for the sake of not being forced to look at the FUNi logo alone.
It's literally out, what are you all waiting for?
Actual 10/10 anime on first ep. It's everything you wanted and more. It's beautifully animated, senko is cute, the mofu scene is actual KINO and it sounds ~wonderful~, the OP/ED are both outstanding, senko seiyuu grows on you instantly, the post-credits scene, oh my god. Oh my god!!
Ah, but you do typeset the previous entries, that alone is worth appreciating.
Damn user, I wish I'm half as dedicated as you. Everlasting Fragrance is legitimately the most kino chapter I've read in a while. Thanks for your hard work.
>what are you all waiting for?
Good subs
>its out now
based indon. On the usual place, Indonesian is literally the first to translate.
That eye looks so fucked up
Indonesia wins as usual
(´◓Д◔` )
Was it rape?
>for an episode that adapts ch1 of the manga
If Senko appeared in your kitchen and offered you cook you any meal, what would you ask her to make?
Holy fucking shit get lost you fucking parasitical moron. I didn't watch this anime to be triggered.
>good subs
It will never come.
It's not rape if she has heart-pupils
I'm having flashbacks to that tulpa thread, fuck
>24 minutes
what the fuck? this isn't short?
That is very mofu mofu.
(You) this post when subs are out, thanks bye.
>rubah yang suka ikut campur
I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see that my people make retarded translators
It was wonderfull
My god you're right user
Why don't I just watch everything raw while using the manga to know what is being said?
That's not a retarded viewing experience at all
That's an accurate translation though, dekinai-kun.
So hold on, whole episode is first chapter of the manga? And 24 min long? How much is the difference between the anime and manga? (ex: the joke that he gets into the wrong apartment)
'rubah yang suka menolong' or even 'rubah penolong' makes a better translation desu.
That's just plain alteration.
Bad subs. I'm only 7 mins in and already too many plain wrong translations.
Well, time to read this before I start watching it. She's so cute.
Itadakimasu motherfucker.
That was great, truly the saving grace of this terrible, terrible season.
The OP is great.
>Senko with heart pupils
I meant more along the lines of how the full context of the episode is known to you if you've read the manga, but if you're that inept then sorry I guess! Have fun waiting for Professional translations of such nuanced lines as 本当にモフていいんですか?
But is her vulva puffy?
The ED is even cuter.
The massage chapter.
Only during estrus
The fluff was very lewd now that senko also makes noises.
I cant believe Senko can look even cuter!
Cute rhombus fox
not even 2 years and i'm already forget
Will we get to see it? Will we get to see it puffed?
Season two fucking never. I want more of my gay foxes.
W-why did my dick get hard?
I wonder how well her moving up and down at about 0:42 would work as a loop.
>her tail sounds like a broom
In the sound studio they have a foxtail prop they use during the recording sessions. I would imagine running a foxtail over a mic would cause that broomlike rustling sound.
I too want the bonus but not sure where to order from.
I don't want to have to use auctions to get them either since they are most likely going to spike as the anime airs.
As a third world country person, where can I watch the eng subs? I can't find it in nyaa
>As a third world country person, where can I watch the eng subs? I can't find it in nyaa
The show has not aired yet. The preview is out but raw only until tomorrow broadcast.
But that one is not on English, is it?
They usually post which places get the bonuses
Lazy ass fansubbers
You can translate them to English in your head
What's a front tail?
Even getting the manga raws is a pain. But it can be done.
And amazon is always shit normalfag edition. I wanted shiro covers for my 2 &3 but did not want to go through proxy hassle.
but the volume 8 hasn't been ripped yet. there's no way I'm paying money for the manga that's far inferior than the anime.
Imagine getting paid to create the perfect fluffing sounds with foley.
I guess you don't actually want more gay foxes then.
I'm just saying the manga is pretty bad. the cuteness aspect from the anime is just not there.
Holy fuck
I guess poorfags really can't afford taste.
It is without a doubt the finest tail touching we have seen to date in anime. He have seen kin the foxes tail petted, and utuwaru always had tail service, but none like this.
Manaria friends is the only other anime that comes to mind where this much of the budget and attention was dedicated to tail service.
The OST during the flashback where MC gets lost is so extremely familiar but I can't pin down what track it reminds me of. I swear it sounds like a traditional Japanese folk song.
Amazon got a bonus before, we can always just hope that it will get a bonus again
I bought vol 1,2,3 through preorder on Amazon.jp and never got anything
You are not allowed to imagine Senko.
Kon the fox, that should say. Tokyo ravens.
Imagine mating pressing shiro
Shiro is for anal like all fivehead ojo types
Sora is for mating press
What is senko for then?
Wholesome fluffing and lewd fluffing.
Loving tail fluffing and cuddling
Mofu mofu
Missionary hand holding leg locking sex for the sole purpose of procreation
Off by fucking 1, damn it
Imagine the doujins that will come from this
There was only a bonus for volume 2. It was a limited amount for the bonus so they may have sold out
Whoops, meant for
Nakano's college friend pls go
Knot the fox
you don't deserve it, faggot.
Here: nyaa.si
don't bother me or my wife's son ever again with your abhorrent posting
Everything but mainly the handholding, going to pop a beer and lay back for the absolute comfy day of the week.
So close. Would have been perfect.
>he isn't a schizoid with no attachment to people
Hah, look at him and laugh.
>implying your beta ass would do anything
where the h*ckie is the subs?!
It's a preair, official air date is tomorrow. Also it's funi subs
Please post this everyday until I like it.
It kinda works but not as well as you probably had hoped.
w-what's going on here?
Surprise fluff
I'm literally having sex with her if you catch my meaning
You should be careful with what you say as well.
Whoa, I forgot about her.
Reminded me of this.
Tokyo ravens is really only remembered for those two things: that ass shake gif, and kons fluffy tail.
I don't get it. Explain further.
he's fluffing her
Mofu mofu
he would probably love to have a conversation with somebody who's competent
I remember some random battlan, but it should just have been about MC getting 3P.
im going to need this in 1080p
If only Tokyo Ravens was about those two things.
Fellas, not to be that guy, but where is this even airing? Crunchyroll?
On TV in Japan
FUNi is streaming it. Of course you should pirate it, instead of supporting FUNi by using their site. Import official merchandise from Japan if you want to support the show/manga.
I just want an anime about a cozy japanese village where all the women are gay foxes married to chad human men.
>he doesn't remember the one time the childhood friend won
Will it be coming to crunchy at all?
You have a CR sub don't you? Fuck off faggot.
Of course I do, it's honestly really convenient.
Get out of Yea Forums.
Fuck off.
Ask on CR's forum. While you're at it, stay there and never post on Yea Forums again.
kill yousrlf
New to watching anime?
Get out please
what if the tail gets wet
See you tomorrow for the subs.