Why does Yuri anime always star crazy girls instead of normal lesbisns?

Why does Yuri anime always star crazy girls instead of normal lesbisns?

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That would imply lesbians are normal, OP.

You have to be a little crazy to fall in love, user


Faggotry is a mental illness

because they are produced by men

homosex is a mental illness.

I want to _be_ Yuu!

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>instead of
Loaded question.


All lesbians are crazy. They are, after all, women.

This. Homos are a disease that should be eradicated.

easy, jesus

Absolutely right homos have dicks and aids

It's fun.

kill yourselves incel hetfags

Do they?

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because yuri is irredeemably shit and boring so they must feature crazy characters as a pitiful attempt to grab the viewer attention

>normal lesbians
>fat ugly SJW-bitches
No way.

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>crazy girl

It's realistic, homosexuality is a mental illness

when will this dumb american stereotype die


It looks like the domestic violence stats are holding true and the beatings your gf/wife has inflicted upon have caused brain damage. See a doctor and then your priest so you can return to healthy, holy, and loving relationships with men.

when it ceases to be true

itt: newfags applying 3DPD logic to 2D

As expected from expert this thread is blessed
How things are going with new life with your husband ?

Are you sure?

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fpbp, are you me user-kun?

Why do yuri haters always talk about 3DPD? Probably the same faggots who post in blogshit threads. Gas yourselves faggots.

It's been like that since ancient times.

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glow harder fag

Ironic when you're the one posting off-topic.

They're being shitheads about it but the attitude they're larping is genuinely the reason.
The crazy lesbian trope exists because for a long time depicting a level headed lesbian would have been too scandalous.

/pol/'s goal is to try to oppress anyone who disagrees with them and enforce their chosen lifestyle as the only acceptable one. Ignore and never reply to them in yuri threads if you want actual discussion. The thread quality is inversely correlated to the amount of attention they get.




>when user doesn't know where another user is from so it just throws whatever board out there hoping it sticks
way to throw two boards that have hate each other btw newfag

Art imitates life.

By that logic lolicon = pedophile

You're starting to understand.

wow you actually get it yurifaggot

Are you retarded? I'm linking you to where you belong, not necessarily where you actually browse. Classic mentally ill faggot.

straightfags need to go back to their containment website

it is not true dumb maleposter

>normalfaggotry in this thread with /u/fags clashing
all of you go back


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Literally the only people who call /pol/ a boogeyman are /pol/tards themselves, confirming that you faggots do in fact exist on the board you are being talked about. Imagine having this little self awareness.

This is what insanity looks like.

It would be a greater mental hoop to leap through to think that a non-/pol/tard would be defending /pol/.

Now kiss

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Gays are fine
disgusting Yuritrannie
Shut the fuck up

chagen shut the fuck up

Horseshit. Thinking that everyone who expresses a view you don't like must come from another board is an obnoxious reach, and you don't have to come from /po/ to be bothered by that

/po/ is a peaceful board, please do not involve it in this.

If you unironically think /pol/ is a "boogeyman" then you're either a newfag or a /pol/tard, or both. Simple as that.

Gayness is heavily stigmatised in traditional countries like Japan, if they still embrace it it means they are also more likely to reject other conventional morals and societal norms

This. Almost all lesbians I've dealt with had at least slight tinge of insanity to their thoughts, looks and actions.
Surprisingly though, I've yet to meet a similarly maladjusted gay dude. You really can't tell most of them apart from heteros, while almost everything about a typical lesbo screams crazyness.

>bringing 3dpd into discussion
Well, these stereotypes aren't just coming out of nowhere

It isn't? Are you sure about that?

Homosexuality was absolutely socially acceptable in Japanese society before Meiji Restoration, when the Western ideas of morality/amorality spread in Japan

Have you considered that normal lesbians don't have any reason to tell you about their sexuality, so between that and lack of excessive signaling via appearance and behavior, you might not even know it.

Gayness was their national passtime in the Edo period from which they draw their traditions from.

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I've met some fags who were stereotypical flaming homos. I certainly hope you're not implying your own experiences accurately reflect upon the world.

irrelevant, never said anything else

>normal lesbians
No such thing

You used "traditional" to mean "Christian European values" in a region which had neither.

Fair point, but I never knew these girl were lesbian until I saw pics of them with their supposed gfs or them lamenting about their life in SNS.

There's certainly an ongoing pattern there.

You'd likely be surprised by how many of them are around. Just don't go fishing in gay bars and parades.

I've been here for around 10 years.
While /pol/ exists obviously, the idea that everyone expressing a politically incorrect opinion is some sort of invader who came to this board from /pol/ is a paranoid fantasy

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Lemme guess, you're one of them, right?

What kind of a question is that?

Anons who are literally me, first one:

choose one

Where do I find them then?

I don't think there's a trivial solution to that. Often happens by accident (is alluded to during other discussion). Dropping hints or watching out for then while hanging out with a girl might work if you're lucky, I guess? Just be yourself.

the /pol/tards are going to seethe and call japan a cucked country sometimes in the future anyway since lgbt is growing bigger

Yeah, sadly, feminism/lgbt/leftist views have already gained a lot of popularity amongst Japanese youth.
I don't really mind though. Just let it burn.


Why be against egalitarianism?

Crazy dykes are the only dykes that can get me hard

Because egalitarianism paradoxically leads to even more inequality in a long run.
But like I said, I'm ok with that, it's not like I can do anything to stop it.

I choose lesbians

You're right. Most of them actually come from reddit, twitter, or normiebook.

Everyone's from somewhere else

Tachibanakan is literally just yuri TLR, but the anime kinda botched it.

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There was potentially one last year but that ended being a 2-min episode series of shorts

>Tachibanakan is literally just yuri TLR, but the anime kinda botched it.

I don't know why the fuck Ichijinsha or any of the production committee made it into a short instead of making it full-length

The thing is Lesbianism has been pretty prominent and normal since WW2 through today.

Hopefully one day I'll be able to read it properly and not have to deal with the shit translations.

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That's because it is you fucking retard.

ESL translator holocaust when.

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>the garbage Bahamut yuribait from the previous season ended with heroines just going separate ways
Being a yurifag is probably painful.

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Not soon enough.

this to be honest family

>the garbage Bahamut yuribait
who? so I can avoid it

I suppose it's better than nothing, which is probably what the series would get otherwise.
I can read it better than the raws at least.

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That isnt what happened at all.

That's because there's no such thing as a straight woman. And even most Lesbos had some sort of a relationship with a man at some point in their lives.

Exclusive homo- or heterosexuality is primarily a male trait.

>That's because there's no such thing as a straight woman.
So they were all lying because they didnt like me?

I think their dislike of you wasn't dictated by their sexual preferences if you get what I mean

Of they just preferred men. Bisexual does not mean preference is non-existent.

>That's because there's no such thing as a straight woman
Hate to sound like /pol/, but this is just another leftist bullshit

Nope, Bisexuality comes from both sexes. Everyone feels affectionate towards the same sex.

Conservatives women and wives have lesbian sex orgies back in the 1930s. Conservative lesbians do exist in that time.

Dude, thats what I was implying.

Antiyurifags are yurifags in denial, I have undeniable proof. I used my classmates laptop for studying last week, I was searching "best music for studying" and lo-and-behold, as I typed "b", the autofill popped up "best yuri anime". I talk about anime shows and even manga with him often and he hasn't ONCE talked about a yuri show. I even suggested he should watch BiY, and he said "I don't really like romance or moe shows" (most of what we discuss is shounen or normalfag tier shit, AoT, Bnha, Mob, etc)

Because yuri grew out of shoujo manga about insane high school girl drama

yurifags are weird and obnoxious so I don't want to associate with them.

Yes user, your anecdote is all the proof anyone needs.

>Antiyurifags are yurifags in denial
Everyone knows that, yurihaters obsession with yuri is due to their repressed love for it.

Yurifags are pretty partrician.

Speaking for everyone, are we? That's some nerve you've got there, user