Dumping RAWs, hoping someone will translate
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Where's the next page?
Is that Yuri?
Incest Yuri Age-gap
This is the last panel. I hope someone translates it.
Mother x daughter yuri, the best kind!
Thanks for dumping.
thank you
>That person's smile isn't a "special something just for me"
>I thought I realized that a long time ago, yet...
>"Get set! Ready!"
>"Hey, isn't that Morii-san?"
>"Ehehehe, could it be she's one of my fans, perhaps!?"
>"Nah, you're off. Have you two even talked at all to begin with?"
>"Wow, she's just as cute as always"
"To think the prodigy who always places within the top 50 in the national trial has such a cute face . . . God's sure unfair, huh?~"
I feel like something is escaping me.
What does her childhood friend have got to do with her mother complex? Is it her loneliness that made her seek out maternal love? The flow went motherfriendfrie dfriendfriendfriendfriendmom and I'm supposed to take it as mothercon yuri?
Either there are finer details that I'm overlooking or this manga is a mess. If the latter then I can't believe I wasted my time reading this.
OP please give context.
I assume that text is for the third panel. I'll try to typeset it
The friend doesn't have much to do with her being a mothercon, it's just her best friend and the one she talks about her feelings with
last one meant for >"Well, you know..."
>"She's definitely adorable though"
>"Frankly we weren't too keen on that girl."
>"Even if you talked to her responses were rather weak".
>"Kind of "What's up with her?"
>"Does she we're beneath her or something?"
>"Yeah, who knows."
>"Now that you mention it, weren't you always hanging around her in freshman year, Rui? Were you close with Morii?"
>"Eh, not really"
>"We were just childhood friends"
>"I'm home!"
>"Haa . . . it's hot . . ."
>"Even though it'll be October next week..." This year's summer heat is too much . . ."
>(stirring noises)
>"Club activities?"
>"You mean *those* club activities where you gather up with others, play instruments and do exercise and such?"
>"Is there anything else besides that?"
I assume that text is for the third panel. I'll try to typeset it
The text after the GO and line break is the next page that I linked at the start, my bad.
I'd save her with a healthy dose of the dick applied directly to her itchy place.
disgusting yuri shitter back to your fucking containment board faggots
hoping you die of a brain tumor
>"No, well . . . When you started middle school, you said "there's no way I'll do club activities, impossible"
>"What's up all of a sudden?"
>"I mean, the Track club kept pushing me so I just gave into their invite"
>"Oh, you mean the one from the PE festival?You're stupid fast after all, Rui"
>"What do you mean 'stupid fast'?"
>"Hmmm, I see.."
>"What's up with you? Don't tell me you're going to be lonely"
>"No way!"
>"Yes, of course, Toishima just happens to love me so much, right~" (there there)
>"I just said I'm not lonely..."
>"oh well. It's a good opportunity, right? Besides, it's about time you got yourself some friends that aren't me, right?"
>"What was that all about..."
>Once I became a sophomore our class got split up. I kinda stopped talking to Rui after that.
>"I feel alive again..."
>"Oh yea, big bro Jun too. . . "
>"He started high school and joined the student council and got busy with club activities. Haven't really been able to see him too often since then, huh?"
>"Well, it's probably better that way right?"
>Big bro Jun "HEY!"
Big storm, so having trouble connecting to the captcha
>May as well get started prepping for tomorrow I guess
>The door was left open
>Just a little . . . Just a little
>Mom's scent . . .
>ever since I started middle school, a lot of things have changed
>My friends have changed
>My teacher changed
>But the thing that changed the most was . . .
>I'm scared
>honestly, I've known since forever
>that mom's kind to anybody
>that the smile she'd give me wasn't something special, just for me
>that's not a sad thing, it's just a little painful
>as mom kept smiling to others, my heart would wrench
>it'd always hurt
>it'd always be painful
>it would almost feel like...
>almost feel like my body wasn't really my own
>Someone...save me...
So there you go. First time translating, and I never really read manga, so I wasn't sure what the preferred mannerisms and such are and just went with whatever worked while trying to retain it as close as possible to the Japanese text. Also, I wasn't sure how old these girls were, so I assumed 2年 implied sophomore of high school like usual, but they are indeed middle schoolers. To the typesetting user that (you)'d me earlier. Also, I started translating as I read each page without having read ahead beforehand. Was hoping it would be something cute and funny, and had I known it'd be mother x daughter I likely wouldn't have translated it from the start.
bump for what?
Not so long I'm gonna cure your sifaggotry with the power and help of daily dicking
Thanks user
Pretty strong words from who sucks male leads dicks 24/7
You'd probably get more consistent luck on yuriproject or even /u/ but thanks for posting here nonetheless.
Damn you're really good at translating. I'm from the /u/translations discord and honestly you did a better job on some of the parts than we did.