It's my waifu birthday, Wish her happy birthday

It's my waifu birthday, Wish her happy birthday.

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Happy Birthday, Kirino! Have a wonderful day!

I-it's that time of the year already? Happy birthday, Kirino-chan.

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>Kirino is 25 already
Eww, fucking old hag.


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I literally cannot watch this show because I have an imouto and the premise of this show legitimately bothers me. It really sucks because her character design is so great and I also love tsunderes

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Gonna read my favorite Kirino doujin.

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Im sharing some pictures.

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Did they jail whomever animated this? Sickening.

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Happy Birthday Kirino!
i feel so empty after watching this

They gave the animator a prize.

Happy birthday to her ass

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Your waifu is beautiful, anonymous.

Here's a present for her. Open it with care!

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i hope you have retarded babies kirishit.

I can't believe Japanese society let it slide.

I want to slide it on her ass.

How degenerate of you.

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Calm down, I would marry her first.

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What do you suppose ever happened to Kirino and Kyousuke? Do you think their still together, or did they move on and start seeing different people

Truly two of the best girls.

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isnt there a short story set like 5 years later where they are hinted to be together?

Used goods

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then its ok.

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Happy Birthday.
Kuroneko is still better, though.

Assuming Kuroneko was born in 1996 (according to the anime at least) then Kirino should have been born in 1997, meaning she's only 22.

Happy birthday
>tfw don't know my waifus birthday

Happy Birthday, Kirino

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my waifu doesn't even have a cannon birthday

How the fuck is she so sexy?

Post your super rare Kirino pictures.

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Just celebrate waifu's birthday on the date that she debuted in her original source material, if no canon birthdate was given.

Cum guzzling slut

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Fuck off, Kirino.

Happy Birthday, Kirino!! Thanks for being perfect in every way!

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