How long does it take you to remember character names in the anime you're watching? Every season watching multiple shows I sometime forget the character names half way through the season and feel bad. Why do Japanese names have to be so hard to remember?
Serious Question
>he doesn't use nicknames
Quite the opposite, actually. I have easier time remembering names from fictional shows or 2hu than my neighbors and colleagues' names. Why is this happening anyway?
One episode.
>Why do Japanese names have to be so hard to remember?
Maybe you have brain damage.
>tfw watching Zipang and Genshiken at the same time
>get confused when talking about Kusaka or Kosaka
You get used to it. By the end of the first ep, I already know some, if not all, of their names.
Iktf. I will forget somebodies name 2 minutes after they tell me
I gave up trying to remember names a while ago. I am too steeped in english culture to have any reference for their names and my brain can never tell them apart. I don't really associate anime characters with names unless they are super famous ones that are easy to remember like Asuka/Rei , Emelia/Rem stuff like that. It only really backfires when there is a show that tries to be hyper realistic and all of the characters have the same black hair bowl cut. Otherwise the characters stand out enough that I don't really need to have a name put to them in my mind.
Depending in how good the anime is, it took me 6 episodes to learn the names of the girls in Bermuda Triangle, not even in 12 episodes I could learn the names of the girls in Kotobuki, it took me 2 episodes to leanr the names from the girls in Wataten.
I don't usually remember any names, maybe two but that's when im like 5/6 episodes in, but that's all i never get to memorize anything more.
I just call them bitch slut and cunt
It depends entirely on how many characters there are and how much I like them. I won't even try to remember the names of a big cast I don't give a damn about, but it's rare that I'll forget the name of a character that I actually enjoyed.
There is no reason to worry about character names. The show does a good job enough to remember them for you. Just focus on the characters themselves and the story don't sweat the small things. A short lived series would be impossible to remember characters names even if you were watching the thing in Japan. It takes a series like One Piece where you just know the central cast by heart and the series of course does a good job of reminding you who someone is if they haven't been in the story forever.
I agree the naming thing is a problem. Creators, please take note of what to do and what not to do:
>Serval-chan [Kemono Friends]
KF follows an *excellent* naming convention - i.e. all the characters are named according to what they are. This a) teaches us about animals and b) makes it easy for us. Obviously "Kaban" is stupid, but fortunately Serval solved that one with the splendid name Bag-Chan. (She'll always be Bag-Chan to me.) Note that even the evil blobs make it easy for us ("cerulean" means "blue").
>Rin-chan [Yuru Camp]
"Rin" doesn't mean anything but it's short (like Rin herself), simple and easy to pronounce
>Aqua [Kono-thingy]
Aqua means water. Also we can pronounce it. And it's a pretty nice name. Well done, Kono-thingy.
>Yuki [Future Diary]
Yuki is one of the most annoyingly spineless MCs in anime (and that's saying something) but he does have a good name. What's good about it? Well, it sounds really cute the way Yuno says it, and that's all that matters. Also, "Yuki & Yuno" are obviously a couple, so we know right away what the show is about.
Asuka [NGE]
No-one is going to pronounce this right unless they hear it first. If you wanted her to be called Oscar, why didn't you write that? Why are you going out of your way to trip us up? (The other girl has a much more sensible name. Hard to go wrong with three letters & one syllable.)
>Everyone in LoGH
There are too many of them. Who is who? Who knows? Are they even consistent over 200 episodes? No-one has bothered to go back and check.
>Kaguya Shinomiya & Miyuki Shirogane (Love is War]
Which one is which? How do you pronounce them? Why do they both begin with "S"? Every possible fault in character names, right here.
> Ai & Ai [That shogi thing with all the little girls]
Enough said.
0/10 bait, please never post it again.
>Everything wrong with Yea Forums summed up in one post.
I'm saving this one
just because! took me a lot longer than other shows becauase of same face between girls and a non-standard way of introducing the characters.
Gabriel dropout took me a lot less because of familiar names (satania, gabriel, raphi) and distinct character designs.
It's easier to remember things you give a shit about.
Who cares about their names?
Just look them up if you need them. Will only remember the name of the series and I'm golden.
why are you watching multiple shows at once if it's too much input for your brain to handle? Just watch at a time. There is your obvious answer.
I forget their names at the end of every episode if too many characters are pushed at the same time.
Animu faces are usually more distinct, with different artstyles, wildly different hair styles and colors, and the eyes are freaky, too. Plenty of shit to remember, while the gorillionth IRL face can be just another face.
I have the same problem, I can't remember names unless I hear them multiple times over several days, otherwise my brain just discards that info as useless.
It really depends. Usually about 2-3 episodes, but in something like Maria Sama Ga Miteru, it took probably double that to get names down, as they hit you with a ton of characters from the get-go, you had to work out the relationships as well, and half the time characters were refered to by title instead of name. It's nice that there's a chart to help map that out that I ended up googling to keep it straight (rei and sei my god)
Because all of the shows you're watching are shit
I can't remember a single name from a show I didn't enjoy
Be more selective with your viewing instead of watching literally everything
You're filtering out characters who bore you and need something more stimulating. You don't have brain damage or anything. I am verifiably smarter than most of this board according to my old IQ tests and gifted magnet school diploma, but it still takes me around 3 or so episodes.
I only memorize the best girl's name. Like Utaha.
around the fifth episode or so if im enjoying the show
to be real, i sometimes i just give characters nicknames and roll with that because a lot of them are unimportant
>Firstly, IQ
>he believes his online IQ is relevant in the face of his life of mediocracy
You'll unironically fit in on
I tend to forget the pronounciation of characters last/first names in raw manga when they aren't regularly used and it's not the reading I'd expect it to be. I wish Japanese names were a bit more deterministic in their pronounciation.
This has to be the most burger post I've read this month.
I think around 2 or 3 episode for anime. I can finish a manga with barely knowing the character's name though.
If everyone's named Michikawashimayama-san then I don't even bother
What's life as a goldfish like?
On the topic of memory , is anyone else starting to struggle to remember what they just watched? I'm up to 900 completed anime and I've been going through my backlog and everything I've picked just feels average maybe it's just me being more depressed than usual and I tend to forget most of the details like a day or two after.
I don't forget because of the threads.
i had this issue but i started to realize quality > quantity
dont pick up shows unless they truly interest you / arent some moeshit slog you've seen a hundred times already
i think the main problem is, is that because im a NEET i watch anime to pass the time, so naturally i watch a lot of it and because 99.99% of anime is basically the same, thats how i keep selecting "average" shows
the problem is though , you can never really tell how good something is until you watch it
you should pick up a proper hobby dude
i dont want to do anything else
i have non-meme crippling depression and watching anime is the only thing that helps me "cope", even though most people just call it escapism
Same here