Work sets you free
Work sets you free
guess it really is a mad house
German-user here, can you translate that into German for me?
What’s it say
it does though. it keeps me distracted from the fact that my country is on borrowed time
It says they found a mass grave underneath Madhouse studios, full of bodies of overworked animators.
They truly were a Madhouse.
Arbeit macht frei
Something about Chihayafuru.
Work harder you wagie drone ants. I need that cute girl anime done yesterday!
Before this is posted as bait I'll post it.
It's the yearly salary and the VA one is for all their series and other works as well not just one series.
9-10K is a decent salary if you aren't a expensive faggot that can't manage money.
$400-500 for apartment - $0 if living with parents or the studio pays for the apartment which some do since they have benefits that aren't mentioned
$100-200 on food - less if studio provides food
The rest is for yourself.
Guy had to work overtime 200 hours on holidays, collapsed and had to get an ambulance called. His other tweet talks about underpaying, not paying for extra hours and power abuse. He's talking about Madhouse.
lol at EOPs
Let the Chinese take over and do all the animation work for them. They are in the millions, have better wages, and is more sought after.
The age of China is upon us.
The more japs collapse on the job the better your anime will be
Keep the voices Japanese. Mandarin is fucking nasally auditory rape.
Don't Japan have any labor law? Thats insanity, no wonder suicides rates are high
Even the shittiest crackhouse apartment costs $1000 in any significant urban area.
We can't be sure of Japanese living expenses when the data was gathered as well as how the rest of the job market was; you can't look solely at 9-10k and conclude that it's fine.
If a college student doing part-time work while studying/part-timer is earning more than 9-10k, I doubt that can be considered a "decent salary".
If where you're living a part-timer can earn double of a "decent salary", I want to move there.
>Be happy with what's essentially a life of being tied to your desk by overworking and lack of income, goy!
It's one thing when you're dealing with a niche industry that has limited income to begin with, but the anime industry is rolling in cash right now. The pressure on studios from the employees to do whatever they have to do to raise their salaries to at least middle class levels and hire some more people to split the load should be massive. This isn't the California voice actor industry. These people are important enough to the success of the product that they could actually shut off the money valve.
>9-10K is a decent salary
You'd literally make more in MgRonalds and work far less
The animators should seize the means of production.
Chinese and Korean mobages tend to get a Japanese dub in addition to the original, because they know the VAs are popular. I wouldn't be surprised if same will happen to their future cartoons.
>9-10k decent
They live in Tokyo, not Africa.
People will just move on to phone/gacha games or CGI series if animators stop animating. Or just hire gaijin workforce, but they're already doing that anyway.
which animation company do you run
It makes you think on how once the older generation dies and the west finally accept anime's animation as a serious art-form then all the actual good animators will be long dead due to overworking.
>$200 on food
>a year
The Chinese will never succeed until they fix their god awful language.
Like joke about speaking anime-Japanese all you want, at least you can differentiate words and hear sentence structure. You can even repeat it back. This is impossible with Chinese because you will never say any word correctly.
Could work if you buy 4 mcdonalds hamburgers per day for the whole year
Thanks for the translation.
I don't even know where to start a possible remedy for the hell that is the working in the anime industry. Perhaps /jp/ might some ideas.
$5 x 365 =
We'd have a new generation of great animators if the industry wasn't so short sighted and was focused on making sure that employees were paid well. Even if you had talent and liked anime, would you choose to become an animator after hearing about the long hours and poor pay?
The studios should be fighting tooth and nail for a bigger slice of the pie, and the profits should be going straight into bringing in more manpower and paying them $50k-$120k/yr depending on seniority. They won't see the benefit immediately, but in five years, they'll be very happy that they did.
They don't really care much about international success/recognition for now since their entertainment industry is pretty much self-sustaining.
They just have to develop a functional monetization proces
You can survive with only $400 a year if you eat literally nothing but rice.
Thats the cheapest you can go in my area though, and you’d probably end up malnourished too.
user, there is nothing aho about estimation and inequalities. Indeed, all of mathematical analysis is based on the aforementioned.
Tokyo has tons of cheap places, especially the further off you go front the super crowded tokyo places which you can then just take the train which is also cheap.
A month obviously, non meat.fruit items are super cheap in japan.
I make more delivering pizzas part time then an animator working way more than full time. This is the most boot licking post I've seen on this site and its coming from Yea Forums of all places. 9-10k is absolutely not an acceptable salary.
Animators should be paid less. I don't want people who are in it just for the money.
If you think about it, the people who do it for free are truly the most passionate
>works at badhouse
>dies of overwork
This is not only absurdly entitled to the point where I'm disgusted by how worthless you think the life of another human being is other than how they serve your interest, it's also retarded because you don't realize that what you said literally makes it worse for you.
You think animators are going to do better work when they're tired, overworked, and starving? lmao
lmao just get a different job
Actually, living in Japan is really cheap, what is expensive in Japan is to buy lands so if you want your own house, good luck with that shit, maybe in 10 more lives you'll get one.
>overwork 200 hours per month
This is ALREADY the current situation, where you might get paid more if you work in fast food chain instead
>this thread again
>twitter screencap
>not anime
I'm too old for this shit.
>Overtime in Holydays
Just say no or don't reply.
>worker is literally being put into the hospital and not even getting paid what they're legally owed for having worked that much to begin with
>objectively getting screwed over
>user: "durr hurr commies haha. got em"
Then everybody else has to pick up the pace for you and you become an outcast. Very dishonorable
Fucking Japan
If you think about it, animators already have the "means of production", yet the situation is still like this. Just to show how ridiculous the Communist theory is.
It's because Yea Forums (and really everywhere now) is only black and white. You're either with me or against me kind of shit. There is no such thing as nuance anymore.
Love the same threads from newshits
Then you would be responsible for the project's failure
I hate the people who unironically defend the socialist strawman of capitalism almost as much as I hate socialists. Not only is capitalism not the ideology of "rich = good, poor = bad, the poor should obey the rich", but one of the reasons why you should be pro-capitalism is because stupidity and corruption will always find its way into power, and it's better to both make the damage caused by corruption modular (companies and even industries can collapse without the whole economy collapsing along with them) and make it possible to remove the corrupt parties without bodies in the streets. It *IS* the ideology for the masses, much so than mob rule or a centrally planned dictatorship.
If you're being treated like shit as a worker, you absolutely should tell your employer to piss off. Or you can do one better and form a competitor to show them how stupid it is to abuse your talent.
It's offer and demand, there are a lot of people in JP that can draw and do animation, but how many woman can do such a cute "Onii chan Onii chan" voice? only a few.
>taking things unironically on the 4chins
blogpost some moar
I don't think you understand what the means of production is. The Animator has the knowledge of how to animate but the actual tools necessary to perform the job as well as all of the other labor necessary to construct a work are controlled by the studio.
Manga artists are a more apt case of a worker directly owning their means of production as they often own all of their own tools, and could theoretically print their own manga for a manageable cost. The only need their publisher for distribution and exposure.
>complains about strawman
>entire post is built on a strawman of the socialist critique of capitalism
>he didn't read global rule 2
>but the actual tools necessary to perform the job as well as all of the other labor necessary to construct a work are controlled by the studio.
I don't think you know how animators work, because it is absolutely possible for individuals or interest group to create their own anime themselves and there are also a few of them being produced this way.
It's certainly possible, but it's not how the majority of anime animation is done, for the most part animators work for studios who work for production committees, the animator is an employee of the studio, who then provides the animator with the tools of their trade. I'm not saying that an animator or group of animators can't own their own methods of production but it would be atypical.
Lol no, as a poorfag wageslave I rent a shitty ghetto apartment that's only $500/mo. I could probably find one even cheaper if I lowered my standards even further.
Nips have those shitty 1 room apartments that don't even have a shower, and they're dirt cheap. And they don't have a shitskin problem so they don't have to worry about getting stabbed by junkies and crackheads.
>9-10K is a decent salary if you aren't a expensive faggot that can't manage money.
Please stop making fun of us chinks. I know our language is not as beautiful as Japanese but we can't do anything about that
The reason why they are under command of a group of people in production committee is that production committee have the money to pay them when they're working on new anime and they don't need to worry about marketability of their anime themselves. Unlike self production anime where staffs have to worry about the ability for them to sustain their own life. Welcome to capitalism.
It could be worse, he could be 'working" at an anime imageboard for free
>Lol no, as a poorfag wageslave I rent a shitty ghetto apartment that's only $500/mo. I could probably find one even cheaper if I lowered my standards even further.
Lagos or Rio?
>Nips have those shitty 1 room apartments that don't even have a shower, and they're dirt cheap.
"Dirt cheap" us relative, For 500USD? You would probably be looking at somewhere that's 30 minutes walk from closest station then an hour train ride to your company with monthly commute cost more than what your company willing to pay and monthly maintenance cost more than your rent
The guy in the OP isn't an animator but a project manager.
But did he break his ANIMATION LIMITER?
How much do the people paying the A-list VAs make?
Why the fuck would you want to live in a big city?
There are these things called "jobs" user that people take in order to earn something called a "wage" which allows them to pay for things like internet access and housing.
Just buy property and rent it out to some retard who wants to live in the city, lol
>not working for KyoAni
he is himself to blame for coosing a slave studio
Oy fucking vey! The stress of the holocaust is causing my fibromyalgia to flare up again.
>I rent a shitty ghetto apartment that's only $500/mo.
Not in 東京23区 you don't.
You can live cheaply anywhere if you live in geosynchronous orbit of San Francisco rather than San Francisco proper, for example.
>not going to europe to be a welfare queen
laughing at you user
You kinda have no choice if you live in Japan and don't want to be surrounded by people aged 80 on average.
>Or you can do one better and form a competitor to show them how stupid it is to abuse your talent.
oh no this will never happen. communism and socialism ideas are for people who love ruminating in their own mediocrity.
It's not gonna happen because most animators don't have the money to collectively form a studio and buy the tools necessary for animation. It's just common sense, the average joe who depends on a wage for a living just doesn't have the capital once you subtract the wage with bills/stuff needed for daily sustenance, which is not a problem for the people giving out the wages in the first place. There's a saying that goes "workers spend their earnings, capitalists earn their spendings".
Just do cell shaded shit. The CG all look like shit anyhow
Starting your own business requires completely different skills, talents and mindset than just working. You can be a great worker in your field but that doesn't mean you'd be able to create a competing company. You still deserve to be treated well though.
>just do more work intensive shit
No, all you need is just be a cute female.
see how the most successful animation studio in japan was established - Kyoto Animation. its a studio, created entirely from scrap in a town not suited for it away from Tokyo, simply because an investor wanted to please his animator waifu so he made and paid for creation of personal animation studio for her where she could make cartoons she likes.
It looks so much better. CG shit was the death of anime. All nu-anime can’t even touch Ninja Scroll
Mein gott das digits
>can you translate for me?
nigga you do realize that cel animation is WAY more expensive than regular animation, right?
Are you saying that a woman is responsible for the greatest TV anime studio of all time?
No it’s just more dank
Hideaki Hatta founded KyoAni so his wife Yoko Hatta could live near him (in Kyoto) and not abandoned proffession she loved. He also co-funded Productino IG.
Madhouse is... making me mad! DOYA!
nothing they ever did reached the level of gainax at their peak
>gainax fags still made it challenged KyoAni, was defeated and destroyed
>You still deserve to be treated well though.
And yet this is apparently an impossibility from how things are currently run. Things like having the animators who actually make the anime be given a decent wage necessary to live a decent life just seems like common sense yet the industry can't or is unwilling to do it. You were talking about the animators and not the businessmen right?
>thread literally about studio Madhouse
>not anime
Go away scabs.
You fags should have listened to Anime Savior Yamakan and let him Save Anime
He`d solve the anime problems by paying animators in Yamacoin, but you fags had to ruin everything!
You don't deserve a Savior!
wrong pic
Though Yamada is the one who represents the ultimate Evil and forced this genius to go into exile
Why do every discussion in Yea Forums always veer towards "black people bad"?
Because the truth inevitably comes out in genuine discussions, you'd know if you had niggers in your cunt too, ESL-kun
What do "niggers" and "shitskins" have to do with animators being underpaid and being forced to work like hell?