*ruins your favorite series forever*

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hunterchads will never recover

Hasn't done it so far

did somebody say shitty live action adaptatation?

list of anime fucked so far:
>death note
>cowboy bebop
>one piece (probably)

when will they stop?

They can do whatever they want so long as I've got my subbed BD rips. Fuck dem niggas.

Americans being given rights to anime localization was a mistake

Top 10 Anime Murder Scenes

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What exactly is the point of these live action adaptions? They never stick to the source material, and they end up making the only audience that would watch them (the people who watched the original anime or read the manga) hate them.

Add Saint Seiya.

Think that anime has been adapting LN's at increasing pace.
Now add Netflix making hollyjew live-action adaptations on that chain of misery.
And not only that but replay everything from past 40 years into that content and idea starved machine that can only produce unbearable politically correct poz mutants now.
And the originals will be forgotten and considered inferior by (((reviewers))).
They will do it to everything you ever loved.

Yeah why make comic book movies if people can just read the comics?

You misunderstand. Capeshit has no real set plot or story to it, what with there being a billion different timelines and spinoffs and one offs. Something like Cowboy Bebop on the other hand is absolutely set in stone with only one story to it. When the material allows for creativity, there's no problem at all since that's what the material was designed for. Meanwhile stuff like Bebop is incredibly rigid and not designed for some random director's hot take.

The Bleach movie was pretty good desu

How is netflix ruining the manga of sora no otoshimono? It ended a while ago.

just ignore the live adaptations, why do you have to be a gatekeeping wanker?

They’re not doing anything to Little Busters though?

So how does Netflix ruin an anime for me, exactly?
I watch an anime. I enjoy it. At the same time, or maybe a little later, it's aired on Netflix, or gets a Netflix live action adaptation, leading to more people being aware of it, too. Btw, I get the feeling that a lot of people have no idea how many anime get live action adaptations in Japan. How the fuck does any of that ruin how much I enjoyed said anime?

Seriously, help me out here. Because you're just sounding like a dumb fuck insanely full of himself.

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>Valerian and the city of a thousand planets (based on french comic book)
Budget: $177 million
Box Office: $225 million
>Spider-Man: Homecoming
Budget: $175 million
Box Office: $880 million

Western audiences (along with international audiences) have been exposed to american comic book brands for DECADES that they're favored more than movies based on obscure media, especially manga/anime. Your average joe wouldn't give two fucks about Cowboy Bebop or Akira and STILL think it's made for kids because they heard of Pokémon years ago. Meanwhile he used to read Marvel and DC comics when he used to be a kid, because he's more familiar with those comics he's more than likely willing to pay to see the latest Avengers installment than some obscure sci-fi trash he'll never watch unless it was available in the back section of the Netflix library. Even if you cared and made it so faithful to the source material, live-action anime is such a fucking joke it will NEVER catch on with the mainstream, it will never be on the same level as capeshit.

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It's probably difficult for Yea Forumsnons to understand, but there are people who would choose shitty "live-action" adaptation over top tier "cartoon". Quite many of them, in fact.


Two previous responses were pretty based but I want to give my two cents too.
>You have a pre-established fanbase that will probably not watch it. So the bigwigs want to cash in on an untapped audience.
>You have a group of people on the fringe who know about the IP but have never gone into it. This is their gateway drug.
>It easy money. You don't have to be too creative and novel. Just look at the source, pick out the best scenes. Adapt it. Fail. Repeat in 5 years.
That's why I think Netflix would make live action anime adaptations. But that above does not explain why Disney is remaking their classics in "live action".

How exactly?
If an anime is bad it'll retroactively makes a manga bad?
If there exist a shitty live action, the original material or other adaptations become bad?
Or is it that you're such a hipster, that cannot enjoy anything that becomes mainstream?

>lets some cheap fanart ruin his enjoyment of the original
user isn't very secure about his tastes is he?

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The only bad thing about them is their inability to do simulcasts.

He's just salty.
It's an addition to the franchise that he doesn't want so he complains like we all do because he feels it tarnishes the brand.
Honestly, I (and a lot of people) are at a point where we just don't care and won't watch it. It was the same with death note and it will be the same for theses. Live actions don't work so why bother. If it gets a lot of good traction, I'll give it a shot.
Literally, my reaction to the One Piece Live Action annoucement was: "wow, netflix is at it again?" Then I stopped caring.
But IMO, if Dragon Ball Evolution did not kill its franchise, Netflix and its targets are fine. If anything, it might be an once better than any of the uninspired """""originals"""""" they are making.

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Toei already beat them to the punch

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At least I can laugh with Death Note. Saint Seiya just makes me sad

What did I miss here?

disney remaking their classics is like priting money

>Your favorite Manga won't become a Netflix-Movie, because it will never end

But for real - we are already suffering a lot. I don't want to see a black Guts getting raped by a white Donovan

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Didn't the guy who made the castlevania animation say he wanted to make a berserk adaptation? There is still hope user

J.C. Staff ruined that one already.

What's the point of a Bebop live action when there's no fucking way they'll have a budget to make it look good. Yeah they can sneak by with garbage CG, but it'll look as effective as most of the SyFy shows do. Bebop needs a movie budget.

Yeah, I am fine with an anime-adaption, Can't get worse. Real Life? Hell no.

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welcome to the club

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Death note and one piece are already trash though

DN is pretty meh. Only the Bebop one will hurt to see happen.

There are a large amount of people who think Justin Beiber is the best thing ever. We call those people retards, because that's what they are.

Watch the Bebop live action get another season because of people "ironically" watching it like with Death Note.
>Budget: $177 million
>Box Office: $225 million
isn't that still a flop?

>makes 50 million dollars
>still described as an absolute failure
God I hate capitalism

Are people still pretending that the Netflix Castlevania is good?

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How's the nUltraman?



There's only one episode worth watching.
I already forgot about the other 9.

>Ein is cast as a fucking husky

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>Shun got turned into a tomboyish girl
The need to shove a lazy token action girl into their steaming turd for diversity brownie points was overwhelming they ran over the absolute gayest unambiguously heroic character in anime to sate it. Seriously, he's gayer than Fire Emblem, the literal flaming faggot, but he's also a dude so he had to go. Fucking hell.

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Not him, but it's clearly a slog until the last second episode.

Because it didn't "make" $50 million, you commie faggot.
The budget is just for the movie itself and doesn't include things like marketing, licensing, etc. To actually turn a profit, a movie needs to, on average, earn over 200% of its budget in ticket sales.

Just have your favorite anime be something that can't be taken for a shitty live action remake. You'll never see a series like No Game No Life ever be taken for a live action adaption.

Well I thought it was pretty good

Then that isn't really the budget, is it, cunt

There's some logical stuff in this thread but you guys missed the primary reason:
So Netflix is already underwater on rights licensing, that is they pay more for streaming rights to other people than they make in revenue. This is obviously not sustainable but it's projected to get even worse as content migrates to 1st party competing services like CBS doing their own website, this results in Netflix losing rights to shows outright or paying the same amount of money they are now for rights that are no longer good in America which they use to stream to the rest of the world. So Netflix has only two real options which is raising prices significantly and sidestepping the rights issue. The latter is more attractive to Netflix because no amount of raising prices will compensate for IP that is literally no longer for sale anymore now that it's squarely back in the hands of some competing 1st party.
So how do they side step right's holders? Well they end up dealing not with Hollywood studios to secure rights to shows but holders of cheaper IP's. So Netflix is pushing to get their hands on rights both cheaper and perpetually available to them: rights to adaptations. If Netflix adapts a novel they option and then adapt themselves then no one will ever jack up prices on them 5 years down the line, or tell them 'sorry we're not renewing the license since Disney is paying us more'. It's both a predictable cost and secure future content.
So full circle back to OP's question this is why Anime adaptations are more attractive to Netflix than licensed Anime. Once Netflix gets the rights to adapt Death Note that's their baby legally for all time. They may lose the rights to the anime. The anime may become prohibitively expensive to license in 10 years. But Netflix's death note will be an available, cheap or even cost free part of their library for as long as Netflix operates.
You're only going to see more and more of this as the IP situation gets dumber and dumber in America.

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Valerian was garbage.

Binge watching shit is retarded.

Netflix Japan does not do that shit

According to what happened to Warner Brother's CEO drama and resignation that happened last month, someone got their dick sucked and they have to repay the favor with acting gigs.

>This is obviously not sustainable but it's projected to get even worse as content migrates to 1st party competing services like CBS doing their own website

Not to mention Apple and then Disney starting their own services and thus fucking Netflix, Hulu, etc. our of their vast array of content. For all of the movement emphasis on "cable cutting" when does subscribing to 15 different streaming sites end up costing more than digital cable (with DVR included, typically with tons of premium channels like HBO) ever did? You also bring up the point about why channels like Cartoon Network or Disney would rather have more of their own content or want to co-produce something, so that they can not only retain the rights forever, but have control over the product.

Until a better version is made and people forget netflix existed.

No, it's not. It's all part of Hollywood's weird accounting and obfuscation of their budgets. There's above the below the line costs, production budgets and marketing budgets (the latter almost never being disclosed). The conventional wisdom is that if a movie cost $X million, it needs to makes $X million multiplied by 2 just for breakeven, and needs to do it in the first two weeks; that's because after two weeks the theaters earn a bigger cut of ticket sales. Obviously you can infer that different movies must deviate from that rule, like Alita basically had no marketing so there's no way it cost $170m to promote, while Captain Marvel pushed harder than anything, so there's no way it only cost $150m. Or something like Jordan Peele's Us. That movie cost $20m but a movie of that mainstream appeal would probably cost several times that to market normally.

Even if it's mostly shit I still welcome more EDGY MANIME over CGDCT

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The whole MAGA for this pile of shit was ridiculous. There entire plan was "HEY, MEMBER GITS? I MEMBER"

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Go back.

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While making him black for no real reason is dumb he honestly looks better than original Issac. Old Isaac’s design is pretty bad.

The end result is that the west may influence a show or two per season that would not have otherwise been greenlit, but there's still an avalanche of 30 other brand new shows. Japan makes what Japan will make and no amount of western influence will ever change that course. Endless isekai and highschool harem comedies? You bet, forever.

you know I can't read

But that's adult swim


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You are not the intended audience for this kind of shows. This does not affect you to be honest.

Didn't they basically pay the people behind FLCL to make two shitty sequels no one asked for and that no one who made it wanted to do?

Not so fast

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Literal memberberries. What are some other examples where that shit happened? People claim the Western intereste caused the Escaflowne movie, but I doubt that, it was a popular anime in its day and didn't need Western cash to validate it.

>it made millions

except it didn't. movie budgets arent the entire production cost, you have to add 50-100% the budget to cover advertising so the movie objectively lost money.

It wasn't good because vampire politics but Isaac was easily one of the best parts

>What exactly is the point of these live action adaptions?
Licensing and copyright rights. It's the same reason Disney keeps remaking their old animated cartoons with the same soundtracks and designs.

Production I.G bought the rights a few years ago when Gainax was trying to stave off bankruptcy and Adult Swim later funded the production.

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>being a good goy and accepting Hollywood budgets
You're just giving me more reason to hate capitalism

>That stinking /pol/ lingo
You smell that? Yikes

fuck shun

>Without blood
>for children under 10 years
>cgi worse than berserk
>until netflix gave up to promote this shit

Fuck you netflix you can't ruin my favorite anime if no one but me still gives a shit about it.

You really think people read comics or in numbers enough to be compared to every ticket sold, nobody gave a shit about thor or most of the avengers and if they did they were nothing compared to their movie audience now

Just ignore it? It's not hard to since most of their shit is garbage.

Fuck off.

I really liked it and the closest thing I've seen to Ultraman before was the King Joe skit in Aoi Honoo.
MC could've been less of a little bitch, though.

Anyone here watch Alita. Was it any good?

I liked it more than the GITS but it's still a Hollywood superproduction movie made for a wide audience. I also read Gunnm like a decade ago so that's maybe why i'm less harsh on Alita that on GITS.

It's going to be the only western live action adaptation that will be good in your life time. It's because Cameron wasn't going for a popular title like GitS, Akira, or Cowboy Bebop, it was some weird forgotten ugly OVA and he fell in love. It'd be like Spielberg wanting to do a Bastard!! movie. I don't know why Yea Forums hates it, but it's a great movie.

Okay anons engage your future sight, what's on the chopping block next?

grow the fuck up incel

>Small cast
>Small number of locations
>minimal effects

This is so fucking true.
You remember when Iron Man was a B list hero?
Or when people laughed at Captain America because he used a shield?
A billion at the box office is no joke. The nerds won my nigga.
But really though, I think that Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios demonstrate what a good live action adaptation can do to a pre-existing IP: elevate it to a level where everyone can enjoy it and make tons of money while doing it.
They don't stick to the script 100% (Thor 3 is nothing like Planet Hulk or Unworthy Thor) nor do they always hit home runs (Ant Man 2). But what they do is bring people with good ideas and love what they do to the table to make something great, even if that something is based on something else.
A good live action can show off the best of your franchise while standing on its own. It doesn't need to be frame for frame, but it needs to hold the same heart that was put into the the original work.
Of course having pre-existing fans and series that have been running for decades help a lot too as you know what will work and what won't. That comic universe structure is something anime does not have and to adapt that to live action on a scale like the MCU let alone a movie, has yet to be formulated.

Interesting. I'll probably check it out at some stage. I'd love to see a Guren Lagan adaption. Not because I think they'd do it justice but because I'd like to see how they'd even manage something like that.

stupid faghgoty netfliux is SAVING anime japan keeps making stupid isekai harem ecchi GARBAGE netflix is the only one doing brave experimental anime like devilman crybaby go back to watching your shitty harem anime in your mommas basement kid

I'm not so sure man. Once Hollywood realises they want to compete with marvel they might try and pump some money into anime adaptions. Its already kinda happening and I don't plan on dying anytime soon. You throw enough shit something will stick.

>this shitty thread
Who the fuck is the buttblasted Yea Forumsedditor who keeps spamming netflix threads? Its been the third day in a row and why the fuck arent mods doing anything about it?

You fucked up because the way to see Alita was in 3D IMAX. What worked about it WAS making Alita into a full CG character and not even attempting to rely on just doing make-up. It was a sincere and earnest film, and I don't think Netflix will be capable of capturing that with Bebop, and I don't see how AKIRA could possibly ever work other than trying to shove 'LOL AREN'T BIKES SO COOL?" down your throat. AKIRA's a marvel for anime because it's basically unmatched how much talent and resources was pumped into it despite the script lacking.

But they're all going after low-hanging obvious fruit. I won't be shocked at Attack on Titan or One Piece or Bleach getting western movies. That's what set Alita apart, you can't sell it on name recognition.

One Piece has to be one of the least adaptable series for live action without it becoming another Dragonball Evolution

The series is just wild fantasy and madness with an enormous scale and an overarching story that's still going on

Go back to your tranny Discord.

There were really only like 5 projects for the last two decades that always had rumors of being adapted:

GitS (sucked)
Alita (great)
Bebop (will probably suck, how are you going to do a space adventure on whatever tiny ass Netflix budget you allot?)
AKIRA (westernized and will be garbage missing the entire main point of the manga)
Gundam (who knows, Gundam is massive and Japan will probably be pushing for this)
Robotech (no one fucking remembers Robotech except weird 40+ year olds)

At least you don't deny you're trailer trash

go back, Yea Forumsermin scum

Mardock Scramble was terrible.

Yup, looks like a hit the mark. You and the other tranny communists in Discord need to join the 40%.

Get the fuck off my board you whining faggots

Nope loli stigma is too strong, as long people paying for movie productions are pedophiles my favorites are safe.

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>my board

Corporate-media-defending trannies aren't welcome here. Fuck off to your Discord or go to Reddit where you belong.

>calling out cancerous crossboarders

They're cashing in on the name ID. It's how Hollywood operates these days, notice how almost every single new movie is a remake, reboot, or some kind of rehash of old material. Or they are adapting an already-popular book franchise or something. Very little original material.

Think about it, if you're going to spend several hundred million dollars, you alren't just going to drop it on something without a guaranteed return, from a business perspective it makes total sense. So anything associated with American movie production has become total cancer

Go on, Netflix, make Haruhi, I'll wait

>haruhi plebflix live action
>she's a quirky niggeress hamplanet now

Haruhi season 3

A Netflix Original Production


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Just because I don't want to hear your diarrhea infused 'goy' pol bitching doesn't mean I'm a shitflix supporting trannyknight
you know what FUCK YOU I owe you NO explanations, just take your sewer buddy up there and crawl back into your cuckgutter like the cancerous boomer rat you are before someone takes your favorite Jew manufactured bumpstocked AR15 and pumps your gonorrhea infested faggot banged asshole with 10 pounds of smoking hot lead

Kuromukuro season 3 when?

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Right next to Crunchyroll, they are the worst thing to ever happen to anime. You better enjoy as much of this medium as you still can.

It's so fucking tiresome. You guys think the nips aren't releasing the same level of garbage constantly? The only difference is you never heard about 90% of the shitty live action TV and movie adaptations of anime and manga.

In real news, Netflix just put up Adachi Mitsuru's seminal work, Touch, on their service. But hey, who cares about that, right?

There's so much of 'go back to_' in there that I'm not sure which one of those fags you're calling crossboarders anymore

these threads really need to be nuked

agreed, i thought netflix threads were a bannable offense, not anymore it seems, OP has been spamming netflix threads for days now.

They obviously saved all their budget for that one. And then the last episode came and went.

That's on Netflix but was not produced by Netflix. It was released in Japan theatrically first.

What happened?

>In real news, Netflix just put up Adachi Mitsuru's seminal work, Touch, on their service. But hey, who cares about that, right?

Imagine both being a Netflix fag AND a Mitsuru fag. Wow

>Aggretsuko is the only good thing Netflix anime produced
Change my mind Yea Forums

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Please tell me how they managed to ruin your favorite series? Did they hunt down every BD copy available and destroyed them?

>Enjoying to watch with your le normalfag
That's how i change minds

I used to hate Netflix, then I saw the Japanese catalogue. If any of the other providers had half the selection, or a tenth of the commitment to subtitles, or the basic ability to make an account without a Japanese credit card, then maybe I'd change my tune.

If you're an EOP? Netflix is hot garbage, run a mile, I certainly would. But they're the only company in Japan who even gives a shit, probably because they joined the race so late.

As for not liking Touch, I don't think anything could fix taste that shit.