i made a thread complaining how garbage the new season was, and some user complained i didnt even watch everything yet, so I did, and holy shit it's worse than I thought
this ao-chan shit is the cringiest thing i've ever seen in my life, fairy gone looks like it got a good premise and made it suck, hitori bocchi is ok but generic waifubait 99, the animu with the demons is worse than boruto and a dororo ripoff and the rest doesn't even merit commentary
what the fuck went wrong?
This season is still garbage, but why?
Remember those moron saying LESS QUANTITY == MORE QUALITY?
Turn out they were full of shit.
Stop watching animo and start reading mango
what are you a retard
We have these threads every season. Stop acting like a newfag and work on your backlog if you don't like it.
which ones?
currently reading snk, chi no wadachi, dungeon meshi and kaguya
>implying i have a backlog
Not every season is going to be a winner, user. Do like the other guy said and get some of your backlog done.
>having a backlock
>not remembering each anime you see
go back MALfag
if you are big studio make 13-26 episode, it's most likely your anime kino.
If your studio poor, it will be shit quality.
Every season we have these threads.
If you have nothing else to watch, go read something. Go play some vidya. Instead you stay online for hours bitching about something that you can't do shit about.
Kill yourself
There's always someone out there making this thread for this season, or a specific anime, or fucking THING i.g
What went wrong waaaa.
Makes me realize the shit i want to bitch about is universal and a colossal waste of time
Absolute japanese chinchin humor
>Fairy Gone
I agree with you,but i would like to see the war period instead of post-war story
Panders to /va/ggots,besides,it seems it will be a dense-MC
that's all i can think of,i came back to see if there was something nice but i guess i'll go out for some time
last season was full of kino, this time at best we have generic SoL
>New Monogatari
>"New" Gundam
>SnK S3.5
>Kimetsu no Yaiba
>Kono YU-NO
>Mayanaka no Occult
>Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?
don't worry guys, they'll save this season
>a bunch of sequels and a bunch of trash
just like OP said
I imagine having such shit taste makes life hard for you.
>netflix exclusive
>Watanabe shit that isn't cowboy bebop
Dead on arrival
>mom I posted again!
I said it back then and I'll say it again
If there's no good stuff this season don't force yourself.
Go watch some good cel age stuff
The point is that every season doesn't please everyone. Sometimes you get kino. Sometimes you get shit. Shit happens. Move on.
>edgy shounen
>edgy shounen
>edgy shounen
>edgy shounen
>edgy shounen
what happened to creativity?
why would anyone but absolute kino like K-ON on the same league as hyouka?
there's a few here I should watch
Kill yourself
That was least season
you cant be serious
It's dead, Miyazaki was right. People that never interact with other people can't write good stories.
Sturgeon's Law, dumbo. Either enjoy the trash or don't watch it at all.
Summer is looking great at least. I'm only going to watch Sarazanmai this season.
I mean, garbage like Sakurasou is on this chart. I'm assuming that the creator wanted there it to be an actual challenge and not just
>Oh have some really good anime
You really have to force yourself to watch stuff and not just pick and choose.
It's pandering to Yea Forumsnime virgin and emo
i'm gonna roll, why not
actual kino
>tfw the shorts are the only good things airing this season
It was more wishful thinking than a statement of fact.
Yay for this thread in every single season.
What a surprise to see you typing like an idiot.
the shorts are always better
user, a backlog is a list of anime you plan to watch. Lurk more before acting like an oldfag, newfag.
frendo,i know what is a backlog,don't mistake me for your interpretation of me,my comment meant that i don't need a backlog to know what anime i'll watch,that's for alzheimerfags like you
Every fucking season forever, holy shit.
You forgot senko
You see me rolling
rolling and checkem
>so I did
everything is not even out yet AAAAAAAAAA
Here's hoping for something good.
Cheers top notch stuff
>Fruits Basket
>Carole & Tuesday
>Kono Oto Tomare
These are the ones I'll be picking up this season. I'm the most optimistic about Fruits Basket, oddly enough.
Isn't this just a more boring, more-likely-to-give-you-something-you've-already-seen version of the "ITT: go to BBT's random-anime function and try whatever it gives you" game we used to have every so often? Is there some substitute we can use for that now that BBT's private?
sure I'm bored
>My Ordinary Life
>Cyber Coil
>Goodbye, Despair Teacher
>Charcoal Feathers Federation
What the hell?
fuck, i'll bite
user be broken
Lmao good luck with that crap.
I think I missed something. I see a lot of harem and shounen shows, so that automatically means the quality this season is finally up.
>having so few anime in your backlog that you are actually able to remember each one
go back casual
What if I watched or dropped all my backlog?
When a bubble pops it falls down below where the trendline wants it to be at first. Just how it is.
>having a backlog at all when you've been into anime for a while
I haven't had a backlog in 10 years when I finished mopping up late 00's classic rec charts. Once in a blue moon a pre-2000's thread will have something I haven't seen that looks interesting but that's the point I'm at now.
I'm surprised at just how little interest I have for anything airing this season. This has never happened to me before. The only thing I'm truly looking forward to is Bungo S3, and C&T for the shitposting.
Rolling. However, if I have already seen it I will reroll
Fucking wow. reroll since I alwready watched that shit and don't plan to do it again
Try watching something other than just the most popular shit
i will watch the new monogatarie, gundam, OPM and SnK
but that are all just continuations, there is nothing else going on this season, pure garbage
looks like this season is a good time to watch old anime or something
i will not rewatch FMP
user,don't blame me on your lack of retaining memory,i watch or read and understand the many i've seen to apply it in the future,thus maintaining my memory of them,if you just watch them for escapism,then you're most likely going to have lack the power to remember them,thus having the need for a backlog.
You memorielets are so cute.