Will the dub industry just collapse? Given that both la and funi voice actors have a monopoly on anime and videogames...

Will the dub industry just collapse? Given that both la and funi voice actors have a monopoly on anime and videogames. It should come back to bite them both in the ass

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why would it collapse if they have a monopoly?

beat me to it
are you retarded OP? do you even know how this works?

Op is SUGGESTING the industry SHOULD collapse, not exactly WILL collapse.

How would having a monopoly come back to bite them in the ass?

>not exactly WILL collapse.
>Will the dub industry just collapse?

aside from the obvious fuck up, stop pretending you arent the OP, the IP count doesnt lie

no, but funi is about to get sued for millions

Remind me OP, who knows Funimation?

because they are selling a product nobody wants

the demand for dubbed anime is immense. lets not pretend there isnt just because we dont like it.

>Will the dub industry just collapse?
reading comprehension nigger. should there means there is high probability of collapsing, not the he wants it t happen
this. lack of demand will kill them, not lack of competition

Based Vic is gonna destroy the fucking industry all of them are SJW backstabbing cunts every single one of them fuck dubs, fuck westeners

The Hunter Hunter dub was the last nail in the coffin for me on supporting dubs. I have supported dubs in the past like panty and stocking and cowboy Bebop but I can't fucking do it anymore.
It reminds me of the Naruto dub from back in the day, it's horrendous.
They didn't have the balls to have Killua say 大事 友達 / dear friend in the fight with Rammot, in the dub they just changed it to best friend, castrates the entire set of balls that scene had. Only realized this after zoomers kept sharing the dubbed scene constantly on social media. How can these kids watch this shit and think it's the same show?


That's not how monopolies work.

OP wants Funi to collapse or be replaced with something better, but the truth is replacing it with something better doesn't bring in enough returns financially to justify the cost. The Ghibli movies had Hollywood A actors doing VA work and it was often good at its very worst; but having big name actors on movie posters just doesn't sell anime enough to justify anything better.

Thats why dubbing is what it is, as a monopoly nobody wants to compete for; and is full of D list actors and actresses and has beens who wouldn't find work anywhere else. It exists as a necessity, and that is all.

With the amount of money they're going to lose? They're done. The VA's too.
Even if this is off-topic garbage, I'm betting that Yea Forums as a whole agrees that the decisions made by the VA have been extremely poor. Dubbing is going to die

Dubfags eat up all the low quality same ol voice actors so why would it fail? Voice directors and the script also sucks

Don't be an ESL retard.
>Will the dub industry just collapse (already)?

if it was immense, all shows would be dubbed

voice acting is harder than real acting tho. nobody wants to hear Christian Bale voicing an anime character

No, because most people don’t want to watch subs. If anything, the Sub industry will get replaced with dubs.


not at all, it's a lot easier and cheaper translating compared to having to translate as well as dubbing

>voice acting is harder than real acting tho. nobody wants to hear Christian Bale voicing an anime character
I don't think it's harder so much as it's just different, a different skillset and profession that requires different training. That's why Japanese tends to be better, not because of anything inherent but just because they've ended up with a critical self-sustaining mass of talent that trains specifically for that, and in turn schools and VA programs and employment opportunities and such (which also crosses over more with the music industry). Voice acting just never really took off in the same way in the US as its own unique thing, and what talent there is tends to be sucked up by the video game industry now which is vastly bigger.

>No, because most people don’t want to watch subs.
that used to be true. now everybody is used to watching subs, nobody is waiting any amount of time to watch the dubs except hardcore dubfags

Funimation will collapse because of the terrible decisions they made over the years, like charging $350 for all episodes of Dragonball Z in blu-ray

>If anything, the Sub industry will get replaced with dubs.
That's impossible though given how fucking cheap subs are, so cheap even volunteer fans can do it and do it very well. And you have translate it all to dub anyway. Dubbing is fundamentally much more expensive, hiring actual humans always will be.

Also some shows are inherently not mainstream/normie friendly, so it's not a random distribution here. Dubbing doesn't help in that case. It'll always just be a commercial calculation, is the extra cost of dubs expected to be exceeded by more sales due to the dubs.

If it's going to collapse it will be under their own weight.
Anime is not a need it's a good. Having a monopoly on the goods means they can decrease the quality drastically and if that happens, people are smarter than that and can drop them.
Already, I see the same VAs over and over again with no new blood in the industry. This and the internal drama at funimation are my biggest quarrel. But I doubt Sony is gonna let it go.

it's immense, but they can't capture every single show. So they pick and choose the ones they think will do well. And if it looks like a dud they probably won't license it.

Vic's legal team won't do a goddamn thing to Funi, but Monica and Goku's VA are pretty screwed

Have only heard select parts of the dub and holy shit

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Funi deserves to go down for having used the same 10 vas for decades, I can't understand how people still watch that shit without getting tired of the same voices every single time

>Vic's legal team won't do a goddamn thing to Funi

Oh he will unless this was planned from the getgo. Sony will drop Funimation unless lawsuit gets much for them to deal with.

Hiring more VAs would be a waste of money and VAs are not gods compared to japan (except maybe Vic and a few others)

Attached: Vic-Hero.jpg (259x458, 14K)

Toei's not happy with the whole Vic drama because they are giving a bad image to the DB franchise.

Why are dubs consistently trash compared to western cartoons in voice acting? Even the most mediocre cartoons manage to have better voice acting.
The worst part is when japanese video games have an english dub where there's no need to match lip flaps and they STILL fuck it up.

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Mods, you used to be so much more stringent on this nonsense. Please do your duty and take out the trash.

>Voice acting just never really took off in the same way in the US as its own unique thing

It was its own unique thing when Disney ruled the cartoon kingdom in the 80s and 90s. Then cartoons started dying out and then the artists started losing their jobs and then everyone else associated with the cartoon industry lost their jobs soonafter (except for the lucky ones who were part of an already entrenched line of cartoons i.e. WB Kids, Cartoon Network).

Tradecrafts were lost completely and (North America) never fully recovered. This is partly why theres so much 3D CG cartoon and little actual 2D animation in the West. Let me note though that in the context of anime dubs, things were only ever really 'good' on average from mid 90s to early 00s - and really only for select series which were typically aired on Cartoon Network.

And even then, dubbing quality was never truly consistent - even when it came to series with spinoff and movie material like Tenchi.

>he's still here
Hi again

Funi doesn’t care about any series except big shounen and the occasional non shounen hits.
Dbz makes them all their money.
Support CR instead, hidive, sentai subs are garbage.

The issue is the barrier to entry. Entry level VAs are paid like garbage. (And not just in the US).

Get the fuck off Yea Forums

>Support CR instead
Please indicate the address you want your complementary Steven Universe Spice DVDs sent to.

I know it's off-topic, but what does Yea Forums believe in on this whole debacle? One-sided does sound retarded, but I doubt they would commit a career suicide without a backup plan

> what does Yea Forums believe in on this whole debacle
I would hope that we don't give anymore fire than it already has. Behind the scenes drama and private matters has nothing to do with the show that is produced in Japan.

Because the original dub of an anime has emotion and acting. Usually the English dub is voiced by some asshole that can do nothing but talk. Whereas western cartoons usually require nothing more than just standard talking.

>>>/dub/ is that way, user

Well, most of the online harrassment stopped when Vic announced he assembled his legal team.
A bunch of VAs that trashtalked about him suddenly wanted to 'talk' and make peace.
>"hey Vic...it was just a prank, bro... c'mon lets drink some beer and talk"
Recently his legal team discovered Bulma's VA and some nobodies forced Kameha Con to uninvite Vic.

>Will the dub industry just collapse? Given that both la and funi voice actors have a monopoly on anime and videogames. It should come back to bite them both in the ass

Nope, not happening unless the anime industry itself is collapsing as well

>some nobodies
VA for Vegeta ain't some nobodies though. Apparently pestered the Con organizer for 3 hours of texting too

Funi and Rooster Teeth said their legal team made an investigation and has evidence of his misconduct to proceed with his firing but so far they didn't show anything of that.

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That's patently untrue
Some portion of the audience wants dubs, otherwise Funi would have gone out of business a long time ago since they aren't even as bad as they used to be

If they had any actual evidence, they would have plastered it all over the internet, instead of posting photos of 'proof' that resulted in the people in those photos to tell them to fuck off.

The industry? Probably not. Funi? Oh hell yes.

This is what people don't seem to understand.
1. You can't survive solely on voice acting because its a few months of work every year.
2. Companies aren't going to pay some random celebrity $100,000+ for some dubs.
3. Licenses costs money. Whether its a Light Novel translation or Anime dubbing you're going to have to compete with Funimation/Crunchyroll when buying licenses. They're already established companies so they can afford to outbid you and pressure you to pay more.
4. A random person on the street would be better than most of the voice actors Funimation uses, but think for a second about how hard it is to find a voice actor willing to come back year after year to give lines for a character they played 3 years ago.
Subs >>>>>>> Dubs

To think some retards thought Dragon Ball Super was going to be taken down from Crunchyroll when the American branch of Toei Animation was the one who provided the series to them, not FUNimation.

Jesus, how is that legal?

>all these Vicshills
Aren't you tired of sucking Rekieta's dick?

Gib evidence of Vic diddling your friend's cousin's uncle's wife's son's toddler

who the fuck's that?
Vic is already done for(blacklisted from the industry)
I just want him to take Funiand anyone else with him

>most VA are lying whores
>one actually has a Watsuki in her house (And actually got caught with CP)
This saga has been entertaining. Will rewatch again.

>Vic is already done for(blacklisted from the industry)
He's not blacklisted yet!

>Will the dub industry just collapse?
who cares? dubs are trash nothing of value will be lost

Shield Hero IRL spinoff

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I hope that Vic burns them to the ground.

Nick Rekieta is a lawyer on youtube who successfully crowdfunded a large-scale defamation and torturous interference lawsuit for Vic, and has already gotten him back into several cons. The people who TRIED to blacklist Vic are currently alternating between pissing themselves, going full "just a prank bro", and trying to act tough. His channel is pretty entertaining:


>"I want his head, I want his balls."
>Everything involving nu-Bulma's pet cuck
>Rei/Yukiko/Ohya's Eng VA trying to be relevant

This trainwreck needs to end soon.

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>one actually has a Watsuki in her house (And actually got caught with CP)

The English VA of Tooru

>implying anyone watched the dub of that outside autistic screeching about the head and balls bitch forcing feminism in the last episode

The only way for dubbing to get better is by chance more people who are passionate about dubs enough like Chris shabbat would come into the industry. You could suggest that the directors and sound designers should be there for the recording, but without much knowledge on how english SHOULD sound like their input would be somewhat limited.

If it makes you more optimistic about the future there are some pretty sweet online voice actors that went into dubbing and are doing a really solid job.

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The brother of Tooru's VA was the one with CP in his house, she inmediately went full "he dindu nuttin'" after it was revealed and asked for help for his innocence

>English VA
So nothing of value was lost.

I hope Jamie Marchi gets fucked too. She's literally the worst in the business. Massive cunt with absolutely no vocal range to speak of. She has ONE voice, dumbshit valley girl. At least Monica has "semi squeaky" and "very squeaky"

Personally, I find it ridiculous that she had the gall to start a GFM just to hire a lawyer for her brother. You would think shameful display would be concealed within the family and not put on public

The dub industry is a fucking joke, specially when you compare it to the japanese one. Nothing of value would be lost if everything went down

Anime fans who prefer dubs do not give one single shit about quality. This is pretty much evident based on the fact that the same VAs voice like 99% of everything. They don't care that they hear the same 5 actors doing every voice exactly the same. You think this is just going to suddenly change?

You first newfag.

Hope so. Dubs can go die in a dumpster fire


I just want her gone because she's batshit crazy; only ones crazier are nu-Bulma's pet cuck and Wesker and Kamoshida's Eng VA

They know that they are "big time" enough that they can throw their weight around and bully people into getting their way.
In the same vein, the field they are in is so small time that they know nobody can actually scrounge up the cash to take them to court. Thanks to the fans of Vic pulling together almost 200k so far for legal fees, it's the first time these Funimation incumbents like Chris Sabat and Monica Rial are being held accountable, and all sorts of shit is coming out against them.

Chris Sabat is a fucking sneaky rat. He's behind most of this drama
This. I want the fucking suit to win for the current dub industry to collapse. It can come back if it wants to, but hopefully in better form.

Too bad dubbies with nostalgic memories of Toonami and people watching FMA/Cowboy Bebop are still blind.

Is he? I never heard anything about him. He's also the one voice actor that has enough range for the amount of characters he gets and can actually do his job. That being said I don't dig much into the drama, what did he do?

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Supposedly threatened a big DBZ con for having Vic there/using his clout to get the VAs to blindly believe Monica.

Nobody cares.

The only good dubs are hentai dubs from the early 2000s.


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Man, I wish fandubbing was more prevalent. Less drama, and even if they are trash, they couldn't get worse than funi.

Oh well at least some folks who would used to do voice work online are now seeping into the industry. might fix it up a bit. I love watching subs but every once in a while it's kinda nice seeing something in a language you understand.
At least there's still piles of treasure 80s and 90s ovas to dig through. They might not be well acted, but at least people sounded like people.

>one of the only good VOs participating in this nonsense
Time to learn Nipponese

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Bro.. Are you fucking retarded? Jesus Christ

It collapsed when my girl Haag stopped working.

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#Kickvic >:o

It was a bunch of faked shit that assholes like Ron Toye, Monica Rial, Jamie Marchi and Chris Sabat used to get an innocent man fired, and then whined and cried about "sexists" and "racists" "oppressing" them, after getting a man fired over a witch-hunt. And now, that man, Vic, is going to sue their asses for defamation of character, and they are now realizing that they don't have a legal leg to stand on, even with their false "investigations" that conveniently fired Vic after he became a much bigger success. Which is why Ron recently started BEGGING Vic to "settle out of court", even though he made statements that could be compelled to be used in court against his fiancee, Monica (AHAHAHAHA!).

If I was the head of Sony, I would immediately force Sabat, Rial, and Marchi out of the business, and shitcan as soon as possible, to avoid any legal fees, and issue and apology to Vic.


In short: Ron, Monica, Jamie, and Chris are about to get raped.

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>And if it looks like a dud they probably won't license it.
nice joke

good, without dragonball, funi would die

Most western VAs lack vocal range. They get copypasted so much in vidya and anime they may as well just be voicing the same character for all I know.

CR is also cancer.

Check out what Digi's said on this. Everyone knows the kind of shit Vic's done but he's been given a free pass. People turning on him now have known for years and are just trying to cover their own asses. Everyone is terrible.

Digi is a faggot and an actual shill for these companies.

>Ron recently started BEGGING Vic to "settle out of court"
I hope that Vic spares no remorse on those fools and they get their asses blown out. Justice needs to be delivered no matter the side.
I don't have all the details about the case, but rape and sex crimes is not a joke and to use it for their own agenda against a colleague is disgusting.
Vic needs to make an example of people using false sex crimes to hurt others so that it will set a standard and people can actually help on real victims of real crimes ignore children who cry wolf.

I hope Vic massacres these two faced virtue signaling sociopaths in every conceivable way in court.

>and an actual shill for these companies.
are you delusional? he fucking despises the industry and everyone in it

>going after the individuals rather than the company who backed and exacerbated this whole thing and is also guilty of the same violations and more
>a company with way more money than those two
>the legal team won't go after them
are you retarded?

get out, digi

Most dubs are literally the same quality of the subs, it all just comes down to preference. And how much "passion" could you possibly have for what amounts to translating dialogue in a way that actually sounds like something people would say in english?

>Most dubs are literally the same quality of the subs,

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mahou Shoujo Site - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.46_[2018.06.04_18.52.15].jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

dont forget that ANN (animeNewsNetwork) got exposed as an SJW echochamber and they piss their fuel to the fire, and the private facebook groups who were ''cathering evidence'', and by that i mean, they were faking shit up to make dog whistles to the media, but they were caught, even infiltrating other facebook groups to forced them to edit the photos to make them dirtier.

Vic for a moment apologize for the bad press, which was the same mistake Chris Savino and John Lasseter did when their MeToo accusers did to them, but before people moved on, the evidence of his innocence showed up, and realized that he should not apologize to sjws, so he uncuck himself.

now if we can get CartoonBrew under investigation.

>Vic sits polite
>stays quiet
>others keep running their mouths digging their holes deeper and deeper as their stories continue unraveling
it's going to be a fucking buffet for vics legal team

>People turning on him now have known for years and are just trying to cover their own asses.
Okay, where's the proof? The old "anonymous and unsourced posts from 2005 about some alleged sexual misconduct", when it doesn't count as actual "sexual assault" don't count. You can continue to "believe all women" like some spineless spaz, but you still got jackshit.

>he fucking despises the industry and everyone in it
Fucking kek. Wrong, he's one of the few voice actors who loves the fans and doesn't treat them like vermin. It's Sabat, Rial, and the like who hate the industry and the fans. They have even said so, calling Anime fans "dangerous" and "crazy".

>I hope that Vic spares no remorse on those fools and they get their asses blown out.
Truth. I, as a dubfag, will feel a bit sad that it has come to this. But, Sabat, Rial, Marchi, and all of those worthless Z-list bandwagon jumpers who sided with them, won't be missed. They are expendable. The blade of justice does not care for whom is cut, only that they are guilty.

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>Dub thread filled with a bunch of butthurt vicfags, /pol/tards, and people who haven't watched a dub in years.
Where are the mods when you need'em?

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I can't believe this many of you faggots know DUB voice actors by name. Yea Forums really has changed for the worse. All of you dipshits need to kill yourselves.

As someone who watches dubs and subs frequently, I can verify. It's gotten to the point I honestly don't care which version I watch unless one track has a particular VA I like.

>He thinks subs are "better" because "muh holy Nipponese".
Kill yourself. I've heard many subs, and most of the men sound like old fucks or fat guys, while all of the women have the same little girl voice.

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treating dub fans like vermin is normal for anyone that actually cares about anime

And the dub VA they're defending is fucking Vic "biblethumping christfag" Mignogna. Literally a prime example of a VA with zero range and no talent everyone keeps memeing about whenever dubs are brought up on Yea Forums.

>treating dub fans like vermin is normal for anyone that actually cares about ani
Well, there's no real difference in quality, anymore. So, the childish elitism is no longer relevant.

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>you have to respect the consumers

if you've ever been a consumer, fuck you

They didn't fear the beard enough.

>how annoying that people are mad that the wests most prolific dub team is about to get its shit reemed for lying out the ass to destroy a mans life for not signing some gay fanart, something that is going to affect the anime industry for possible a decade plus

I agree with this, but a lot of the dubfags here defending Dic Mangina and sperging aobut Monica/Jamie/Chris/Sean, whoever isn't exactly helping their case.

>"biblethumping christfag"
>He thinks this is a bad thing.
So, it was wrong when Vic stood up for Anime fans, and defended them from the Westboro Baptist Church?

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You have no standards

1 shekel has been deposited into your account

I don't give a single fuck about vic, I just want to see funimation burn

This desu. I don't care if he is blacklisted. I just hope he can take everyone else down with him. Including the voice actors, ANN and possibly even funi.

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The only decent dub they ever did was Dragon Ball Z.

Dubs are pretty bland/bad unless its video games.

Pay what you owe Shane. Pay what you owe.

>you will never be a voice actor
fuckin hurts brehs

No one gives a shit about the fucking yaoi fanart. People hate Vic because he's an asshole and a creep on top of being a talentless hack. Fuck, I'm certain this very board also frequently talked shit about Vic back in the day since he's literally everything Yea Forums hates about dub actors.

would you like to buy this rock I found with magic powers that keeps the Westboro Baptist church from having any effect on anything you like?

>The only decent dub they ever did was Dragon Ball Z.
that was the worst one, fag

Without dragon ball, they would nothing nor where they are today.

Then what is Funi's "finest"?

>Being a christfag

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This thread has gotten too /pol/

It isn't.

yeah, but would want to get paid like shit to do the same anime voice for every project

>People hate Vic because he's an asshole and a creep
t. roastie

Hanleia kill yourself you stupid fujo.

Fullmetal Alchemist, with YYH as second place. DBZ's dub is Digimon tier bad, but edgier so all the apologists are stronger willed

>english dub voice actors
This doesn't have anything to do with anime & manga! Hello mods?

fuck off falseflagger


Everyone always points to Yu Yu Hakusho or FMA as Funi's finest hour. DBZ had a shit ton of script changes for the worst like turning Goku into Superman or Vegeta into a "dindu nuffin'" victim of circumstance. Not to mention Linda Young's Frieza that only absolute retards defend.

honestly, probably. i think being able to achieve my childhood dream would be more fulfilling than making more money doing something i dont love.

Its late and the mods are sleeping.

In b4 guro/loli end as nature intended.

Dub threads on a board that hates 99% of dubs is going to end badly you dipshit.

You have outdated and non-relevant standards.

>but a lot of the dubfags here defending Dic Mangina and sperging aobut Monica/Jamie/Chris/Sean
And there's nothing wrong with that. Vic did nothing wrong, and defending liars and Social Justice vermin just allows said vermin to spread like a disease.

>Implying that all Christians are the same, rather than individuals.
Western civilization is based on Christianity and individual rights, not retarded Communist bullshit and braindead hedonism.

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>Everyone who hates vic must be a fujo

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>like turning Goku into Superman
That was the best Goku, though.

Raise your hand if you started browsing Yea Forums after 2015! *raises hand*


Clap your hands if you primarily visit shounen generals! *claps hands*

Either that or a euphoric hedonist.

Only reason to hate him.

Just get to the loli and guro already bitchboy.

Fullmetal Alchemist, One Piece, Hellsing Ultimate, Dragon Ball Z Kai.

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>One Piece
It's just the Dragon Ball cast.

Sabat isn't just a VA. He has producer roles within Funimation and actually has a studio for recording. You know that "OkraTron 5000" logo you might see in some Funi dubs or even video game dubs? Thats his studio he founded.

Sabat, because of his position, would have to be involved from the very beginning, even if he was smart enough not to make a complete ass of himself on Twiiter like some others.

Hellsing Ultimate technically isn't even there's. They just finished what Geneon started.

No. It just makes most of post Freeza look dumber

Erase yourself

Still waiting for the edgeposting that gets the failed normalfag bait thread purged

Holy fuck, this. Never before have truer words been posted.


I prefer Sonic and dub!Kiryu/Guts over Krillin and Piccolo but that dub was overall a mistake.

He despises anime itself, he loves CR and Funi like all jewtube faggots.

>Western civilization is based on Christianity and individual rights

Nope. Get a load from this loser.

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>It's just the Dragon Ball cast.
Some of them. But I'm fond of Luci Christian's Nami, and Colleen Clinkenbeard's Luffy. Patrick Seitz isn't bad as Franky either, and Eric Vale's great as Sanji.

Get a load of this loser. Go back to /mlp/, where you belong.

Digi made a video bitching about CR's videoplayer for the most trivial of things. He fucking hates CR.


>Luci Christian
The most irrelevant relevant voice actor.

Hail Satan, motherfucker.

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And he's also gone on to defend CR multiple times.

>Nobody wants to hear Christian Bale voice an anime character
>Implying that hearing Christian Bale say "what's the point of living if you can't be beautiful?" and sobbing wasn't the best thing about Howl's Moving Castle

based funimation


this, but with the added bonus of funi getting the axe. Yea Forums loves to bitch about shitty dubs, rewrites, and recycling the same actors for everything and funi are the elephant in the room hands down

About Luci too is that she is seemingly one of the only VA that actually seems to actively refuse to get involved in any way in the whole Vic mess, so that is at least a plus

>Erase yourself
wow the #KickVic guys really aren't bringing their best

>Muh isekai anime is just like real life!!

These Vic fucks are literally autistic

Not Yea Forums, fuck off.

I really hope for this. Dubs should stay as embarrassing relict if the past.
Seriously. If you're above 10 years old and you're still using blasphemy called dubbing you should deadly embarrassed for the rest of your life.

Funi seems to be getting better at that last point at least. The dubs for the Neptunia and BlazBlue anime brought in most of the game cast as possible and even the new Fruits Basket did the impossible and got Laura Bailey to reprise a leading role. which is the main reason why the dub is the superior way to watch nu-Fruits Basket

They never did.

A meme Isekai came at the right place at the right time.

Reporting this thread and moving on is the best thing you can do for this board. It doesn't get better.

>not goku is best goku
dubfags, everyone

I don't even know who is that fucker. Dubs should be banned and people responsible for dubs should be in prison for destroying cultural goods.

It's only /pol/ newfags that defend Vic because they literally have no fucking idea who he is and just see a poor 60 year old man with frosted blonde tips trying to fuck nerdy girls.
Nigga has had a bad reputation for 15 years. He was a running joke.
More idle lawyers should pull a Better Call Saul and champion causes for incels , though, shit is lucrative.

Don't you have anything better to do, Ron?

>bad reputation that was never archived
>meanwhile there were a lot of sweet memories videos uploaded over the years and has to be handpicked to be edited as "evidence"
Is this Ace Attorney?

I hate dubs actors because they are dub actors. Dubs shouldn't even exist in the first place.

always judge a man by his enemies

>Video's uploaded by teenybopper girls that he deliberately acts nice for means all that other stuff isn't true
That must've been some tasty kool-aid

Yes, I am Ron, Monica Rial, and RoboArcher from FMA 2003.
>Compiling 15 years of Vic drama to convince someone on the internet who doesn't want to believe that Edward Elric could be a bad guy
This is some sweet Michael Jackson type shit, though.

Where's the proof? People found the vids of the dub VA of this trash VA being a degenerate


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So what about all those rumors of all the cock you suck?

You mean those videos of glee and laughter were then used against him because the girls felt violated after all those years.

lush fucking bitch

Don't know or care about Monica Rial or whatever bitch you all hate nowadays.
This is about Vic being an asshole.

Considering all the posts in this thread, I don't blame you.

Hanleia/fujo pls

Oi oi, who said you could get triple 3s AND praise the fuhrer in the same post?

>This is about Vic being an asshole.
prove it. he seems pretty chill to me

so he's mean maybe so that's fair and just cause to falsely accuse him of crimes and terminate his contracts because of that then?

Never had Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, or whatever else exists.

Do original productions from these companies have dubs for foreign stuff (anime for example)? Do they make any dubs of the stuff they offer?

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I can't speak for all, but Netflix's Castlevania does have a JP dub.
If Shrek and the Avengers can get a JP dub too, I'm sure anything big enough will.

I found the god scene with a simple search:

I was wondering why everyone else was reprised, but when it came to her, we got Alexis Tipton.

I swear retard jannies always let these fucking threads get over 100 posts before deleting them

>and videogames

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I guess because Alturd Mehmory was dubbed when Laura was starting to get big. It seems like things have calmed down a bit in terms of Bailey's demand which is why she's returning to some of her roles like Tohru and Catherine.

>dubs and metoo drama shit

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>glorified translators
I mean, even elephants take shits, but I still wouldn't call it a mountain.

Vic did nothing wrong

Laura Bailey hasn't done any dubbing roles in years. It's mostly been western animation and videogames. Same thing with Troy Baker and Travis Willingham. Really, a lot of big voice actors started out doing anime dubs because it's an easy way to get some experience in. Even Bryan fucking Cranston started out doing anime.

MGR dub was infinitely better than the nip one, and is probably the best dub of all time

Yeah same. I'm cool with watching either dubs or subs, but sometimes I hear a voice in either a dub or a sub version I like best and stick with it.

I just have to be careful on Yea Forums because if I accidentally let it slip I watched the show in english the whole thread devolves into rabid faggotry and dies soon after no matter how civil it was beforehand.

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>muh /pol/
Vic's reputation was always to some degree politically motivated. That and /cgl/ was always filled with lady autists that can't read situations which led to misunderstandings.
The latter is what made me dismiss most of the things said about him out of hand. Seagulls are frequently retarded.

Lol you fucking weab "dear friend" is a horrible translation. That's not a phrase anyone has ever used in English

Hellsing Ultimate is the best dub work of all time.

>all of these people caring about dubs


Fuck the dubfags
I watch that dubbed D:
Fuck those hoes

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He certainly did not say anything that is connoted with the phrase "best friends" Togashi would have wrote the common phrase for "best friends" then 親友 not 大事 友達 it changes the meaning completely.

Fucking shitstain dub apologist

>Fuck dub fags
> I watched that dubbed

What faggot?

Name me actual good dubs.

shounen generals, gamergate, US election

>That's not a phrase anyone has ever used in English

That's the point retard
nobody says that in Japanese either, that's Killua's character. Jesus Christ you underage dub fags are insufferable.

Every time Yea Forums starts a dub thread, it's always Funimation in mind.

I get it. Personally, I've avoided Funimation because they've dubbed too much anime and there's so little time to see them all.

Now, these dubs are what I watched and finished. I recommend them:

1. Please Teacher

2. Please Twins

3. La Portrait de Petite Cossette

4. Kannazuki no Miko

5. Girls Bravo

6. Gun X Sword

7. Burn Up Scramble

Why do you care about this thread?


i don't really care about Yea Forums i don't even come here

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Who are these newfags? and why it's still up?

That's not the issue. The issue is that no one has ever unironically said the phrase "dear friend" in english. Ever. Translating it directly from english would sound absolutely retarded, The job of dubs is to make dialogue sound like something people would actually say in their respective language. Whether they succeed or fail in that regard should be the deciding factor in a dubs quality.

>we knew of his bad conduct all those decades, but we didn't want to report them
For what purpose?

cause Yea Forums is dead

Vic was butt buddies with the president of Funi, who was also bedmates with Rick Santorum + Vic was "bigger" back in the 00's when FMA was relevant.

I guess the only solution is to just not watch the dub huh

Fuck off

Gonna need some proofs on that. Make sure you have that shit torrented in p2p program

I'm sorry you can't stand people watching your precious shounenshit in their preferred language, huntervirgin.


Big O

Anything with Steve Blum in it.

>The issue is that no one has ever unironically said the phrase "dear friend"

Have you really never heard the phrase "my dear friend" or "my dearest friend"? Holy fucking ESL shenanigans.

>watching dubs at all

He's also the voice of All-Might and other prominent characters from popular series. He and Monica Rial stand to lose the most from this debacle. I'm gonna miss him once he gets ousted. IDGAF what what Yea Forums thinks of me for admitting that. Fight me at your place of choice.

Normally I'd call you an autistic sperg that should just watch shows in whatever language you feel like hearing, but this thread has proven that maybe the dubhating Yea Forumsutists have a point.

Only in written form or used ironically or on extremely formal occasions. I'm a native english speaker who's lived in the states all his life. I have never, in all my years, heard someone say those phrases unironically with a straight face in everyday conversation. Ever.

You no better than an autist since you are even worst. A normalfag

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can we kill incels and be done with it. jeez

to 2015/

Yeah, definitely not a normalfag. And as this thread has proven, dub watchers are just as autistic as dubhaters, if not even moreso.

Literally a the faggots defending Vic and bringing up the bullshit are incel /pol/tards, and I can't for the life of me understand why this thread hasn't been nuked yet.

>definitely not a normalfag
Nice lies
It's autosaging i guess

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Just bring us the proof of Vic's misdeeds, bucko. That would make everyone stop defending him.

You should fuck off already, normalshit

>muh evil incels defending bad dub man

I hate funishit for using dubscript for their subs

I don't even keep up with shounen, can't be a normalfag.

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>there are this many unironic dubshitters on Yea Forums, on FUCKING Yea Forums
I can't believe it
die all of you kill yourself

Most of the posters here grew up on dubs, you included.

fuck off american fag

>Anyone who uses incel is a normalfag and not just posters tired of /po/tards bringing up their usual shit outside of their containment board

it's not mutually exclusive

but you keep up with dubs and having a 3dpd slut gf irl

If you unironically spout this shitty word, you are in my filter book son

>he hates dub while typing in dub

>>Anyone who uses incel is a normalfag
Not even him but its pretty obvious. Making fun of/insulting someone for their lack of sexual experience is as normalfag as they come.

can i get a rundown on this? All i can gather is
>some twats on twatter accused Vic of sexually harassing them at some cons
>funimation and roosterteeth immediately fire vic
>some funimation voice actors shat allover vic for it with no evidnce
>vic is now suing funimation for defamation?
i would try to find more info on this, but seeing as how most news sites are clearly biased towards this "metoo" bullshit, they would be a great source for false information

did somebody ask for dubs?

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we 50% weeb

you ascended

make me one

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>calling my waifu 3D
You lowlife scum, I'll kill you dead. No one talks to my waifu like that!

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it would appear you forgot yours.

I was joking, tried to lure the other "incel" user spouter. He's a mentally ill newfag as it seems

Dont ever respond to me again without checking these first

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I think so, let me check if I have any

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i love watching incels getting mentally raped by metoo movement. cry more!

fukkin chekked!

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You mean ? Pretty sure he's just using it because it's easier than typing out /pol/tards and /r9k/ers and most Vicfags act like the stereotype anyway. Incel may have devolved into the left-wing equivalent to calling someone an "ess jay dubyew" but if the glove fits it fits.

You cried way more than anyone else, juju

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>vic takes down z-list vas
>vics career still ruined
Killing two birds with one stone