Why do japs like Monster Hunter so much?

Why do japs like Monster Hunter so much?

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Everyone likes Monhun though you fucking faggot

It's fun

It's a great game, faggot.

Why do americlaps like fortnight so much?

what did they mean by this


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Everyone who's actually played it likes monster hunter.

I didn't like MH, but then I actually played it.

I also like MH you retards, I was just asking

I played it and didn't like it.
It's slow and keeping track of weapon durability is annoying.
God Eater is a better game.

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Its in their dna
Japanese who dont like MH died out

Perhaps the real monsters were all along.

yeah, but no one cares about you

Deep bro

>I played it and didn't like it.
Thats fair.
>It's slow and keeping track of weapon durability is annoying.
Yes its slow but theres a literal gauge telling you the sharpness of your weapon.
>God Eater is a better game.
Eat shit nigger

Dsp? Controllers must be bugged or something.

You have sever felt pure joy until you kill your first elder dragon. While xenojiva in world was a disappointing elder Shagaru Magala was god tier.
Just listen to this shit


But cannibalization is bad for business so DD got screwed by Capcom.

I rented Monster Hunter World for a short while. It was fun, even if I did single-player only.

Then I tried the demo of the Switch version.

I know many people didn’t like the QOL stuff they added to World, but I hope they put them as an option for the next game.


I didn't particularly care for it, but unlike that other faggot, I recgonize that it is leaps and bounds beyond God Eater.

What is your main weapon? I use everything but my first main was the Switch Axe

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As an HH main, never use HH

even for multiplayer it lags behind in efficiency when compared to an LBG, an HBG, GS, DS, and a couple others I forgot.

it was only good in 3U

As awful as it was to see DD reduced to some JP-only online game, having DD around didn't make sense from a company perspective. If you're going to make more MH-like games, you might as well just make more MH games.

HBG or or if they ever brought it back palico since throwing boomerangs was fun

Eh, in terms of World Nergi was cool the first time you fight him. It's only when you reach endgame and can continuously break his spikes that you realize how much of a pushover he is. I expect AT Nerg isn't going to go down that easy though.

Hunting Horn is my favorite, although Hammer, GS, and the 2 lances are fun too. I can use everything else decently except Insect Glaive which is probably the one weapon I will probably never figure out how to play properly.

Post translation
>I played it and didn't like it.
I have a 5 second attention span and this game didn't offer me instant gratification like my usual casual gaming experiences that my favorite companies EA and Bethesda can provide me.
>It's slow and keeping track of weapon durability is annoying.
Why am I not running and jumping around with a car sized sword just like my anime? Also my reaction time is very low compared to the average human and I keep dying while trying to sharpen my weapon in a fight because I don't understand timing or positioning.
>God Eater is a better game.
I like fat cock in my asshole.
I had a chuckle though nice bait

Why do japs like cookie-cutter turn based rpg's so much?

Monster Hunter is gay and you have zero taste.

Yes, after it got 100% "we want the western audience"d.

>Letting DPS decide what weapon you use.

The only time it matters is if you're doing some kind of speedrun/time attack thing.

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I played it and I didn't like it, but I acknowledge why people like it. I personally don't like spending 30-60 minutes killing one boss over and over just to get some parts for upgrades or sometimes you get little of it and its not enough.

I tried GE before on the PSP but I lost interest fast. I heard 2 is better but never tried it.

I'm convinced you people haven't played any other games besides Monster Hunter. There are far better, harder, and more rewarding challenges in other games I've played.

I don't like monhun why can't it be monster friender instead

Insect Glaive. I do also really like Bow though.

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So what exactly is it with the meme behind insect glaive and french players?

You can just say Pokemon.

I like old MH, not MHW ''muh qol'' zoomerfest

it got too easy ever since they enabled online play

>finally kill teostra
>he dies on lava and I can't carve him

For whatever reason most French players were Insect Glaive users and most Insect Glaive users were French.

started with GS in Tri, moved to HH for 4U and Lance in GenU. I'm looking into Dual Blades for whatever the next game is.

Frogs gravitated to Insect Glaive and they tended to spam the mounting attack that it has.

Monster Hunter Stories

Depends on the game.
I mained longsword back in tri which was my first MH game. I then went with gunlance in MHFU and 50/50 gunlance swaxe 3U.
In world though I am 100% Switch Axe main. The moveset is just so fluid and sexy with the latch on explosions and everything. I love it so much.

if you don't like monster hunter you should stop watching anime and go be a normal fag somewhere else

I used to before tri ruined the series forever.

Since this is Yea Forums and not Yea Forums, I feel like we should at least discuss the actual anime series.
Have any of you actually watched Stories? I'm currently about 15 episodes in and it's not awful.

I'm a great sword chad

Just don't play online then. I soloed all of 3rd gen and most of FU because I replayed them after the online servers were shut down. When the servers were still up I even made a point to find empty gathering halls and run through the online quests solo because I liked being able to take my time and hunt at my own pace.


>played both 3DS demos
>controls felt way too stiff and clunky, combat & game fell didn't fare much better
>same results with the switch version
>capcom was too gay to make a proper demo and I missed out on the timed beta on PS4
I feel kinda bad about it all.

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Do you think she enjoys MHW?

that's sick I don't want to make them fight :(

>forgot I deleted my Haganai folder
>search for an image
>forget to actually post it

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Greatsword and Gunlance

MHU Switch Axe is amazing.

Since the first game?

I'm incredibly disappointed in the lack of catloli posting in this thread.


I've never understood it either, outside of MHW the controls are frustratingly ass and rigid, not to mention how big the grinding element is. The multiplayer aspect was also never as well supported or popular compared outside Japan.

I'm not sure I like that particular off-brand of PSP...

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100% Greatsword until endgame and then I start messing around with other shit.
I always try to use other weapons starting new games but the GS payoff just keeps reeling me back in.

she probably shitposts about worldlets and casuals

It was probably designed by fucking Kojima or something, what an asshole.

They like natural shit
They like grinding with a real reward at the end rather then just soulless drudgery for nothing
They like gambling
They like getting better
They like teamwork


Yeah I felt the same way. MHW was the first one I could really get into, the rest are kinda bothersome and tedious.

>having a main
>not just alternating between weapons in each hunt

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The amount of grinding you would need to do to keep all your weapons at the same level would get really tedious real quick. Having one ranged and one melee main weapon is a good idea though.

Longsword in 3U, CB in 4U, Greatsword in XX, and CB in 4U

since the 3DS versions.

I don't

The real monsters were the friends we made along the way.

God Eater is basically the Chinese bootleg equivalent of Monster Hunter

Isn't that the point of Monster Hunter? To grind?

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This is true. I generally tend to build a couple of trees in 3 or so different weapons so I have access to a couple of different weapons of each element, but keeping up with upgrades for every single weapon is ridiculously time consuming.

I use everything. and I mean every weapon equally. I actually kill things faster when I use GS, GL, and bow, but I don't care, I want my character to be an all-rounder who is good at every weapon. My hunting buddy only use hammer and gunlance though.

>playing this little SnS and HH


I had played some of the older ones at my friend's place, but they never really grabbed me like MHW did, most of the streamlining and better implemented online just worked for me. The lack of loading between areas also makes the pacing feel a lot better when you're hunting down a monster. Doesn't hurt that MHW came to all major platforms either, though the playerbase for online was bigger on console from what I've gathered. A whole year will do that.

The point is to grind a little to get the stuff you want, or stuff to try out, not endless grinding for the sake of autistic 100% completion. Late game gear requires some ludicrous droprate stuff in higher quantities, who the fuck can be bothered outside of completionists? The only resistance gear I felt I really needed was for Vaal Hazak's miasma because it's so fucking annoying.

Hey, at least I tried using them.

GBF has all of that plus seiyuufus

Longsword and Bow. Easy to use weapons that do well in most situations. If the monster is low mobility but has annoying attacks that aren't fun to dodge, I'll go Gunlance.

Greatsword in Tri.
Hammer in World.

>Switch Axe
My fucking nigga. Also Gunlance was pretty good. Nowadays I just use long swords.

I think the best feeling in MH is that big explosion and a big flinch that come from a perfectly timed elemental discharge or wyvern's fire on a charging/attacking monster. Even better when it breaks a part too.

>Why am I not running and jumping around with a car sized sword just like my anime?
Except you do in MonHun you fucking retard.

Yeah but only while it's sheathed.

I would if the controls weren't so fucked

Better yet when the motherfucker it's been a bitch, you are at a pinch with barely any health, running out of time and you make the monster flinch with a elemental discharge/ wyvern fire just to finish it with a barrage of attacks it never saw coming. MH it's not for everyone, but it's just perfect for my taste.

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Best girl

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Better question: MH Orage animated adaptation when

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the event rotation in world is ass, especially when best in tree weapons are exclusive to them

u wot m80

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Handler a shit A SHIT

AT Nerg will probably have spikes that harden much faster and the aoe on his spike breaking attacks will probably be even bigger.

I can almost garuntee breaking his spikes won't knock him over at all. I get the strong feeling that since he's the flagship this is going to be one of the ATs they actually put effort into like Xeno.

Literally CoD of Japan, is most casual than you thought there, almost casual level if it wasn't because most pc gamers there still stuck using 760 or X60 Nvidia cards


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I can't believe it's 2019 and we still don't have a proper MH anime with proper MH semen demons.

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Iceborne better bring back Lagombi so we can have Lagombi girls again. I’d also settle for Gammoth.

>old thing good new thing bad
just fuck off already.

I couldn't bring myself to like any games after Freedom Unite.

Never liked anything other than dual blades.

Looks like I'm the only Sword and Shield Chad on this board.

I've only ever played FU, but I started with only the SnS, DB, and GS. Much later, I took up the Lance and Hammer; and recently, I've been trying out the Bow.

Imagine creating a massive sword out of what remains of the monster and not using it to kill other monsters. I do rotate out of GS when needed though, ie. going BG for Plesioth in FU

>he didn't play MHFU with his friends back in the day
That was the shit.


Good luck trying to have actual vidya discussions on Yea Forums.

It's somewhat of a social thing in japan. Handheld games sells like hot cake over there. Add in coop mode and you have a recipe for success (even the shittiest game is fun with friends). It also helps that the game itself is great, and most manga/anime/creator do play games so they'll probably slips in the reference here and there.

It suppresses the Japanese instinct of whaling. That's also why they spend so much on gachashit.

>ywn play monhun together with a girl like meguru
why even live

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good question. It's really a subpar Hack and slash.
Hell, even PSO was way better on the Dreamcast.

Post cute Monster Girls

MH was niche as hell outside of Japan before MHW introduced a streamlined version with QoL changes from top to bottom. They might as well be different games.
What I want to know is why nips are obsessed with that janky grindfest of a ps2 game.

>Yea Forumsermin thread
>w-we are totally not cancer
>w-we totally don't shit up other boards


Fuck those land mines tho.

You can play it with friends and it makes you feel badass while also feeling team spirit. What's not to like?

>Hack and Slash
Are you just pretending to be stupid?

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>MH was niche as hell outside of Japan before MHW introduced a streamlined version

That's absolute fucking bullshit.
Monster Hunter as is was massive in all of Asia. That's why China got an MMO version that World eventually copied for a western friendly release.
It wasn't Japan-exclusive (it would never even get an English translation otherwise), rather it was Asian-exclusive as a whole.

It's always played like a korean mmo. One carrot after another. Grind grind grind.


Souls games>boring grind shit MH with garbage enviroments

I don't have friends to play monhun with

>shit-looking bosses
>turd weapons

looking good Yea Forums

Sure are describing world

Stop acting like everyone doesn't play both.