Why don't teenagers in anime just ask their crush out on a date...

Why don't teenagers in anime just ask their crush out on a date? Why do they insist on meeting them alone at school and handing them a love letter to confess?

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Sunk cost fallacy

Damn using the big terms Mr.Management

Jesus fuck off no one cares

japs are all autistic


>all these (You)'s

Attached: ahegao2.png (268x247, 159K)

japanese are ugly subhumans and this reflects in anime

Especially since they're supposed to be shy and reserved.

Maybe it's just an anime thing and they don't do it in real life.

Do Nips actually confess using love letters? Why the fuck would you even consider dating someone who can't even talk face-to-face?

If a cute girl confessed to you, would you care if it was done with a letter?

in real life Japanese people don't have romantic relationships

Then how do they mate and reproduce?

With regret

They don't.


>This triggers the Abe

they don't

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We're trying to solve that.

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Because then you couldn't make the anime stretch out to an entire season or two or more and fill it full of fanservice cheesecake trash like 99% of modern anime is.

Truly the anime protagonist of our generation

They do. Do you actually think anime in any way reflects real life?

That would be like thinking Saved by the Bell accurately portrays american highschool, or all those chick flick dramas accurately portray American relationships.
