Hinamatsuri Chapter 86


Chapters 84 and 85 were skipped for some reason.

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I skipped those because there were not enough Anzu

Anzu is a good girl.

Anzu a best

Anzu's raman is shit

>skipping parts

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It feels like it's been a long time since Anzu last used her powers.

Miki chan a cute

84 and 85 are the chapter with Nitta’s sister, and the chapter where Sabu and Nitta manage to get back to the bland ramen cart.

holy shit i cant believe someone is translating

>skipping chapters
baka at anzufags

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Nice I really love this Manga. Is a monthly series right? Anyway I'm still holding at the hope of a second season. Oh and Anzu really has an older sister/mom vibe to her. So cute.

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>everyone has friends except mao


Mao has an army of followers.

Mao has Hitomi. Or had. And Hina and Anzu get along with her, is just that there is absolutely no one who can handle her issues.

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anyone got a synopsis or RAWs on the 2 missing chapters?

just google them, they're the first result

thank fucking god someones still translating these. also hitomi is objectively the best.

Thank you user!

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I'll do 77 next

absolutely based

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It's been 2 hours and no one dumped it, what happened Yea Forums?

based tl user

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>ywn eat Anzu's ramen
>ywn work hard to help Anzu get her own sit-down restaurant
>ywn have lewd times with Anzu
>ywn get to take responsibility when she winds up pregnant
>ywn watch her become a great wife and mother
this chapter brought on feels without even trying

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I want Anzu to raise my kids

id rather chill with Hina

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Chapter 77? That's already translated though.

At least it's a best daughter chapter

Deleted from the dex

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That's true. For some reason they're gone from mangadex, though.
Pic related - chapter 78 is one of the greats

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Ah yes, the Vase Mindbreak chapter.

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