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Fuck plotfags

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Of course, the chartspammer is a frogposter too.

can't wait for this template bait to get 10 replies

Why is Utena the only good anime on that chart?

What the are the two series side by side on the bottom left?


t. pretentious teen

Are you illiterate?


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Utena is amazing, you should watch it.

Everything related to Kino no Tabi is at minimum an 8/10. How do they do it?

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I did. It wasn't terrible and it had some good aspects but I didn't enjoy it as a whole and in fact thought the manga adaptation did certain things better.

>it's another episode of an Utenafag accusing other people of "not even having seen it" for callng it out for being the padded drivel it is

You are right, it is, dare I say it, kino. "Good" doesn't do it justice.

>darling in the oh shit my dog ate the script to the last five episodes suddenly aliens

For some reason I really REALLY want a doujin where Utena fucks the shit outta Miki

>for some reason
Is the reason because you want to jerk off?

What does Gainax have against plotfags?

All great and talented artists are anti-plotfaggotry

>he's never seen a single Gainax anime before
What were you expecting?

Not him but MickyXUtena is a pretty weird ship

what are anti-plotfags called

I don't get it. According to this chart, what IS important as opposed to plot? Certainly not style, because most of these are the most bland, derivative shit imaginable. Can't be character writing because most of the characters in these shows are bland and one dimensional. Can't be the visuals either considering it's got shit like franxx in it, along with the EVA rebuilds which just look uglier in every way compared to the originals. Definitely not worldbuilding either considering kusomonogatari is there. This is honestly the most bizarre chart.

High IQ individuals

Yea Forumstards

low iq post

otaku scum

>effortposting in reply to a bait shitpost thread

Are plotfags another Yea Forums shitpost?

Most of these have pretty straightforward plots

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>spends hours making a chart to get traction from 4 channel dot org
>everyone calling you a fag for bait and you got 30 replies
I'm here to laugh at you.

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how new?

Go fuck yourself. Never compare Tr*gger to BASED GODnax ever again.

stunning and brave
no one posts about this weekly


Guess I'm a plotfag now

He gets a bunch of replies every single time he posts one of his charts, newfag.

good chart

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>He can’t keep his attention on a show, so he prefers things with no plot

Haibane Renmei is good.

please remove franxx

Plotfag here...

5cm Per Second is one of my favorite movies. Kino's Journey is pretty good. FLCL was enjoyable. Haibane Renmei wasn't bad. The Monogatari series has its moment.

The rest of the shows there, however, are garbage.

Give me a good reason that doesn't out you as a plotfag and I'll do.

Well, doesn't it work now that you replied? Fool.

I think the superior type of story is the coming-of-age or practically any manga where the characters grow during the years to become a better person BUT I know you don't care I'm just here to let you know it.

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