Is Lala going to point out how the humans are basically just dead weight who had to rely on the aliens to bail their asses out of everything? Earthlings have just been bad ideas and unnecessary complications lately.
Star Twinkle Precure
Other urls found in this thread:
>precure lost a pen
>villains gained two pens
>everyone's depressed
>Madoka's dad is right in front of the rocket
What will happen next episode?
How do we feel about Negom's taste?
8 out of ten is a pretty great track record.
It could be a lot better.
At least she is consistent.
Notraiders did nothing wrong.
I think it's important to take into account that she draws non-Cure women with them. That can be a hard pill to swallow.
But there's also a red and a green.
I want to punch a precure in the face.
The Notraiders are bad guys that are going to get what's coming to them.