>scanlation group inserts their shitty memes in every other page
Scanlation group inserts their shitty memes in every other page
I think it's dopeAF when scan groups be doing shit like this lol it makes reading manga feel less lonely idk. Like u be there with a group of friends like when u watch a movie and someone screams smoething funny at the screen it like doesn't screw the movie but you get an extra thing that nobody seeing the movie normally would get. It's much better this way.
>people who do something for free have fun with it
>people who get that free shit complain about the quality as if they contributed to the product in any form or manner
>scanlator begs for money by mentioning her sick mother in 1/3 of chapter pages
>Litle zoomy gets so intimidated by a star wars reference that he has to come running to Yea Forums
Stop being ignorant child.
>people beg for scanlator to pick up manga
>he does
>they don't talk about it and just beg for a different manga immediately afterwards
You're not taking away my god-given right to complain on a Taiwanese basket-weaving forum.
I'd rather they fucking translate new chapters. One chapter every 2 months isn't scanlation
all scanlators are fucking assholes
God is dead!!!
Shut the fuck up? ungrateful cunt.
Wouldn't you be if you were translating for a bunch of EoP/ESL retards?
I do this and I don't give a fuck since there's absolutely NOTHING you can do about it.
A good joke once in a while is not bad, just don't overdo it or it'll be cringe
>Scanlation group begs money for sick mom in inappropriate places
Except for based user pickup scanlations. When it becomes a "Group" the cancer begins.
>why are you complaining about me smearing shit on your screen, it's for free!
Go fuck yourself? who are you to put restriction on art? Yes, manga on itself is an art but cultural adaptation is also one. So shut the fuck up and be grateful that the work isn't just enchanced but also trasnformed and elevated.
Collaboration is the cornerstone of progress.
So learn Japanese if you don't want to read people's free hand out crap.
>me putting unfunny memes in my translation is art
>scanlating is enhancing and elevating the original
I don't think I have a smug enough picture for this.
Listen here idiot. If someone takes a photograph of a statue... Is only one of the products art or is it imposible to exist simultanoeusly? Suddendly the sculpture stops being art? Is the photograph not art?
This is the same mechanism manga is art. scanlating is art.
3/10 bait apply yourself
Who is this handsome fellow gazing straight into my soul?
It's nice when they take jabs at other scanlators.
i don't get it
No, that's just as cringeworthy actually.
What a distasteful and pathetic "joke".
>shit analogy
Uncanny how every single scanlator has a sick mother to take care of.
Considering how annoying it is to read it this every few pages in the chapter the dude scanlates, to see someone joke about it was a little funny.
Please explain.
What is it referencing
Yeah, not like it's been done ten thousand times before for years now.
Why are manga readers so ungrateful?
I'd be sick too if my child was a jobless loser that translated cave paintings for the amusement of people he will never meet.
Have you seen how muck cock we suck when someone translates something here?
I would not know, I only saw it being taken the piss in the komi one, please elaborate.
>He doesn't go to the Yea Forums meet and greets.
You know this works both ways and that it's fine for people to then complain about it if they want, right?
I can't be more grateful for this. Imagine a little lesbian or a little homo boy kid getting excited for this moment but getting so fucking ashamed and their gettomg knocked out of them even in what they assumed it was a safe and non trangressional activity like reading manga.
Hopefuly this straightened them out for good and stopped pretending that you can love or be attracted to someone of your same sex.
>he doesn't kiss little boys
What a gargantuan homo.
Fucking this
>shit translations
Hope you are trolling.
Fucking based
I genuinely didn't mind this. I've seen way worse and this one was fine.
A scanlator who does scanlator for various manga like "The Duke of death and his black maid" constantly asks for money to take care of his sick mother in between the pages.
I mean the message itself still occupies the margins of the page which is the issue with the mock-ee?
>Is the photograph not art?
In your case: no. A reproduction is at most a craft and while it may require a certain set of skills, a simple craftsman doesn't really need artistic talent nowadays. Digital photography is idiotproof.
To further dumb it down for you: you're a glorified typist, nothing more.
I'm ok with-
>translating currency to norwegian krone
Too far.
Every time I see faglets crying about tiny translucent watermarks on korean scans I remember the real pain I've been through.
Forgot my picture
That was really funny. That reminds me that we haven't had Hinamatsuri updates in a while now.
Got some rough news for you, senpai
Let me guess who did that one. Deathtoll? They did that with Satanophany and when people kept telling them it wasn't funny they threw a tantrum and dropped it leaving behind this huge rant
>scanlation group
Self-entitled OP makes yet another self-entitled vandalistic complaint.
Except a fair amount of them aren't doing it for free. They beg for donations at the end of chapters or withhold chapters from mangadex to encourage people to read them on their site so they can collect ad revenue from people too stupid to install adblock. I'd imagine some of the ones who drop series do so because they're not raking in sheckles from them.
So no, a lot of them aren't doing it for free or because it's just a hobby. They're doing it for the sake of making money.
based grandpa showing scanlator bitch who is the boss
>they threw a tantrum
The real people that threw a tantrum were the jaded self-entitled consumers. They aren't fans. They only know how to "want" and tear other people down. They are just mere consumers of anime/manga. They are not fans.
The real fans would include those scanlators helping other fans enjoy the work. The scanlator fans gathered and organized the scanlation workload, discussed the chapters for proper planning, translated, edited, redrew, proofread, and rechecked the work.
> dropped the series with a massive easy of a rant calling out several people
> whine about the scan team picking it up and accuse them of a "hostile takeover" and "breach of scanalator ettiquete"
That's a fucking tantrum dude.
> Hey guys i just did this scanalation of K-on! By the way if you complain about my t/ns there you're not a real fan you're just a consumer.
I'm guessing you didn't read their scans but that right there is basically what they did. Pretty much every single page has their unfunny commentary slapped between panels. Some of the shit they've done with other series is even more obnoxious. Like there was another one where they replaced one of the character's lines with the Navy Seals pasta and tons of other characters' dialogue with old ass stale memes that only people from Reddit would still find funny. If they were actually fans they'd respect the mangaka's work and translate it as the mangaka intended it to be written instead of trying to rewrite fucking everything just because they think memes that only redditors and teenagers still think are funny.
>Feel entitled to pirate and authors work and translate it into a foreign language while e-begging for donations and raking in ad revenue.
>Pumpkin mask
stop bitching
> pasting urls in the margins
Yeah cool, I'm totally gonna highlight that link and check it out
scanlators are generally uninteresting and unimaginative people whose trite inanities i do not want to read.
See those TL/PR/ED notes? Imagine reading an WN translation where every paragraph you'd see these notes either reacting to what's happening or having a conversation. That's Slime WN translations.
Oh good a wiki link I cant click. Like I wouldn't just quick search a term if I actually gave a shit to know what it was.
It's really awesome when the 'scanlator' admits they don't know Japanese and use the help of machine translators. Then have the balls to ask for money.
user's got a point. you're the one who came running here to whine and pretend you're a big boy. dumb fuck
who even are these people defending and enabling trollscanners
like, what purpose does that serve?
>scanlator translates a series from gookspeak to english instead of japanese
Way to contradict yourself.
Forgive my ignorance, but what's a WN?
What really annoys the living shit out of me is when scanalators whine when people criticize the quality of their work and insists that they don't need to improve because they're just doing it as hobby. I make maps for Doom as a hobby. You know what I do when I receive criticism for my work? I don't throw a fucking tantrum and insist that it's perfect and that they've got no right to criticize me. I listen to it so I can get better at mapping. The way I see it, if someone has a hobby that they actually give a shit about, they'll work to improve their skills at it, not just sit around leaving it at the same mediocre level of quality.
didnt know gg picked up scanlating
Web novel
Your scan group is shit senpai
>if someone has a hobby that they actually give a shit about, they'll work to improve their skills at it, not just sit around leaving it at the same mediocre level of quality.
they don't give a shit about it. that's the simple truth. scanlating is a means to an end to them. they get a desirable discourse position and bolster their meager self-worth in exchange for some lukewarm effort. if they gave a shit about their work, they would treat the manga they are working on with respect.
This never happens. If anything, not enough people whine about release quality, which leads to shitty ESL quality editing and translation being accepted. The only thing people actually whine about is release speed.
Forget who but there's a scanalator who constantly puts requests for donations in the page margins claiming his mother is deathly ill and that he needs donations to take care of her. It's become a joke.
>popular manga exists
>group starts translating it
>this signals to other groups not to bother because someone else has it covered
>said group does a shit job
>there are other groups that would be willing to take it on, but won't because the other group will complain
>they also ask for donations because 'they are in need' (ie: too stupid for real job)
Translators are fucking stupid. Just learn Nip.
>group picks up a series dropped by another group
>character names now have a different spelling
>not enough people whine about release quality
because that is a tremendous waste of time. scanlators are a bunch of ultra-defensive nancies.
>the SHEER NUMBER of translators in this thread going 'no, actually, you're all bad'
>tremendous waste of time
Yeah, sure, that's it. Even though readers will screech incessantly if it's been a month since the last chapter.
why doesn't he get a real job instead of relying on donations
It's true though.
>scanlation or sub group leaves in honorifics
You just know they're a hardcore weeb from america, spain, mexico, a filipino, or indonesian.
>The only thing people actually whine about is release speed
Sadly true. Same thing in anime subbing - no one really cares about quality unless there's obvious trolling
fuck off retard
you should post that in your group's discord hugbox
Stay mad, GAIAfags.
Are a lot of readers shitheads? Yes. But just because translators do a (thankless? debatable, especially considering some hold translations and series hostage) job, doesn't mean they're free from scrutiny.
That's like when someone gives constructive criticism to a piano performance and some retard comes in and says 'then how about you do better.' It's silly.
>ur mad lol i win
>hates manga
>scanlates manga
you are a mentally disturbed person.
KC is a 40 something severely obese man.
This implies they're doing it as a hobby. 99% of translators do it for e-peen and a false sense of worth.
Wheew I guess the more obnoxious the watermark the worse the scanlation quality.
It's hilarious that they act like they've got to pay tons of cash for raws too. Just look at this shit. 410 yen, that's less than $4. Pretty much everywhere in the US at least that's less than an hour of fucking minimum wage.
Or maybe I want some actual quality.
This was an April Fool's release, retard.
no, you're just retarded
>Translates one chapter
>"Too messed up for me, gonna drop it lol"
>Scanlator's other work's lean guro, etc anyways
more like scrubbing the source material clinically clean of all cultural remnane you imagine would upset some fictional jane doe from kansas because you've sucked up the fansubber/scanlator narrative that maximizing commercial viability is somehow synonymous with quality. fuck you and fuck the horse you rode in on, you tool.
>hates manga
>scanlates manga
Sometimes that's almost how it seems. I don't remember what it was right now, but I recently read a chapter where the translator/typesetter couldn't even be bothered to keep the names consistent from one page to the next.
that's how it is with most fansubbers.
Don't worry user, I'll be sure to pick this one up and drop it after one chapter too
If I did it would be so I could drive a semi truck through the meet and greet and laugh my ass off at all the anons I just isekai'd.
>hates manga
>scanlates manga
Not even a joke, the person who did a lot of the Touhou translations for like 11 years, stopped liking Touhou 7 years prior but kept translating. Then, they dropped a huge rant on how ungrateful people are and 'officially quit.' Many translators don't care that much about the material they do. They do it because they think people care what they think at that point.
>cultural remnane
>also admitting that you're just bad at translating
user-chan you are such a giant kisama holy shit.
>avoid the point entirely
i graciously accept your unconditional surrender.
fuck scanlators
More like I destroyed your points.
>commercial viability
>anime and (especially) manga and even toku
>subs at that, as opposed to dubs being what's commercially viable by normalfags
Don't get me wrong. When there's a cool one, they're cool.
>do the job
>do it well
>do it consistently
>not using the position as a soapbox, but simply as a way to give to the community for the sake of doing so
Many don't get remembered, but those are the real heroes. I remember some of them when I go back to things they translated.
Always relevant.
I'd say keeping honorifics in a series is pretty important in a series given how important they are in Japanese culture as they help establish characters' relationships with eachother (i.e. whether they're friends, lovers, acquaintances, etc.) since you generally don't address someone by their first name without honorifics there unless you're really close to them.
>When there's a cool one, they're cool.
Bless HnG for their work on Kengan Asura, the daily threads they gave us, and not giving in to childish scene drama.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
>still avoiding the point entirely
a substantial subset of fansubbers and scanlators crave the recognition of professionals, implicitly and explicitly gearing their policies towards what the assume to be the mainline/mainstream translation/localization consensus for US american commercial releases. this is not fucking rocket science. those fucking losers fall over each other with their mental gymnastics to rationalize their latest dumbing down strategy.
meanwhile i'm read a commercial translation of a short story collection by alphonse daudet, "letters from my windmill", and none, absolutely none of the honorifics, none of the french and provencal terms and idioms, none of the cultural remnants and references (even those i do not understand immediately) bother me in the slightest. all of them increase my enjoyment of the short stories and give me a vastly better feeling of the subject matters than some stiff ass localization could. the english-language japanese localization scene has maneuvered itself into a fucking awkward position and the perpetrators have no one to blame but themselves.
I don't mind it too much if it takes place in japan or features a mostly japanese cast.
> Arigatou means "baka"
Gets me every time
You'd know if you weren't a newfag
That's a lot of reaching and assuming.
scanlators are trash worse than hitler
also it makes more regional to use jokes i can get make me laught or not but they tried
i've spent years in both scenes. and i know your ilk too. don't bother, i do not expect you to actually engage any of this adequately. you're free to go back to your bubble.
>avoiding the point entirely
Assuming that's the actually meaning of the dude's name I'd argue that's an important detail to mention since a lot of characters' names are tied to their personalities and shit. Komi-san is a prime example of that where the characters' names are generally tied to their quirks. The same goes for 1-nen where the MC, Jimi's name sounds like plain/boring and his full name sounds like "plain/boring isn't it?". It's not really the most vital of details and it's not like you're going to be able to understand the story if you don't know it, but it's still a cool thing to know and worth pointing out.
It's a joke, user. Of course I know white Hiro.
I miss him. He was a massive faggot, but he was OUR massive faggot.
Mark Zuckerburg founder of 9gag
Isn't he that notorious hacker known as 4channel?
>claim that i'm making baseless assumptions
>get explained why my points are based on personal experience
>get so butt bamboozled you have to nervously resort to some dumbass rhetorical crutch hoping to avoid having to examine your belief system
you're off the hook user, hop back to discord. these threads are not for your and your dependency on confirmation bias.
Wrong. Mark Zuckerburg founded funnyjunk you dumb fuck. 9gag was founded by Eric Bauman.
Shut the fuck up retard.
No that's Snacks who according to Wikipedia "was convicted of domestic terrorism and sentenced to life in prison on April 5th, 2016 without the possibility of parole [16] but died within his first week in prison due to rectal hemorrhaging caused by multiple counts of anal rape [17]"
>somehow this has degenerated into another honorifics argument
Just keep them in, it'll save you from awkward work-arounds if they become important later
From my experience it is always the typesetters who are fags.
t. TLer
stay jealous idiot, fuck you.
>What are shipping costs
God, you civilians really are stupid. These thread really make me and my peers laugh, keep it up.
Absolutely baste.
christ he wont shit the fuck up at all
What a chad.
I was unhappy when this happened but the translator did the correct thing and is completely right
Absolutely BASED.
Easy (you)s which is all they can get out of us. They are probably jealous of guys like based S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and the Beaststars guys who can get hundreds of replies by giving a semi-professional translation while they can only get the same by false flagging with threads like this.
But WN is still being updated for free and you can translate everything yourself?????
>semi-professional translation
Maybe if you're an ESL like he is, sure
Semi-pro in that he gives an as accurate as possible translation, doesn't fill his shit with garbage memes, accents and jokes and asks for feedback
>accurate as possible
For an ESL, maybe.
Taking a photograph of a statue, unless you're doing something truly transformative, I'd call that more "documenting" or "cataloging" than art
If at some point in the future that statue stops existing, either through its destruction or perhaps being stolen or lost, that photograph will have historic significance because it proves that at one point that statue was there or it did exist etc.
But except under those extraneous circumstances, the photograph doesn't really have any more artistic merit than, say, a history textbook. Of course, if you think a history textbook is an example of high literature, that's a position I invite you to defend, but personally I'm gonna have to strongly disagree.
Why is this horrible fucking joke burned into my brain? What manga did I even read from that group?
Probably Hinamatsuri
Buy $25 worth of manga on amazon.jp and it costs at least $40 by the time it gets shipped to me, since they only offer one international shipping option. The shipping fees really add up quickly even if you only order stuff once a month.
My thing is that most series I want to translate are already taken by other groups. I'm not sure how to find these overlooked or dropped gems people keep mentioning.
Try reading Drifters, where a chapter comes out once maybe every three months and the translation group takes 6 months to translate it.
It got worse
>defacing another man's art is art
nice meme
>Who is Bansky?
Look it up, try to not get too red on the face.
banksy defaced non-art object into art. He don't go to Louvre and put a dick on monalisa
> "I work in the entertainment industry"
Somehow I doubt the dude's worked a day in his life.
This wasn't a separate photoshop but a real page in a release. You can probably still find the thread in the archives.
I'm still surprised the scanalation for Kami-sama no Iutoori is still on Mangadex given the fact that it blatantly violates Mangadex's rule against plastering obtrusive watermarks on every page.
Isn't a group that BUY and SCAN raws by themselves are rare?
>beggars can't be choosers
That's where you're wrong, bucko. If your product is so shit that people who get it for free are complaining then maybe the issue is with you.
Translators get an extra page at the end of each chapter for their dumb memes and that should be the extent of it.
On a related note how hard would it be to edit out tn notes? I image that all you really need to do is cover them up with a white box
The last group I can remember that bothered obtaining a physical copy are the guys translating Anjou right now, mainly because they weren't satisfied with the quality of the digital copies. They didn't beg for money to buy it either, they just asked people to be patient while they waited for their copy of volume 3 to arrive.
If you did that they'd probably complain to the staff and have it removed (at least on Mangadex). You might be able to get away with it for a chapter or two by changing some words around here and there but they'd probably catch on pretty quickly and do sneaky shit like resize random pages slightly or adding random pixels here and there so they have proof you're using their pages.
translate the rest of joshi shougakusei hajimemashita it's my favorite mango plz. I think they dropped on 34? asking for a friend
This guy
damn, well we can always hope people eventually decide to stop doing dumb shit like putting jokes in margins
How he takes care of his sickly mom
> receives donations
> bangs on ceiling of his basement with a stick
> starts translating a new chapter feeling smug about how well he's taking care of his mom
What kind of faggot would want to meet up with frog/feels guy posting psychos?
It was funny the first 1.2 times
Someone who wants to kill every last one of them
Cringe. How can any scanlator do that?
>translated sfx
>new group picks up a dead manga
>the MC now has an incomprehensible accent
Why they gotta pull shit like that?
I like subtle jokes
For fucks sake user.
Based Ubermensch Norway White Japan
>Got some rough news for you, senpai
what, what happened.
I know people generally dislike Chillock's shit but he's got his moments
fuck silent sky and fuck that translator, I'd rather them drop Meguru and wait years for someone else to pick it up than risk getting any more of that absolute shit work
>shit posting
Her name isn't even Haji
silent sky
I remember when I had just gotten into the scanlation scene I had asked for some contacts on a discord group, where and how to look for some people and all.
I received help, so when someone asked for a critique on a particular aspect of their typesetting I felt compelled to "give back to the community", and I gave my my constructive critique.
I often work with photo book design, so I had some experience even I had never worked on a manga.
After I wrote my comments they got so angry and touchy, and the reason they gave was that they had only asked for advice on a specific aspect of their typesetting while I had critiqued all of it, by doing which I had overstepped my bounds.
They then fished around for some reassurance and concluded that their typesetting was perfectly fine, save for the one aspect he had asked about, and that I was an asshole.
Moral of the story, scanlators rarely want to improve, and are mostly into this for the praise and the (you)s.
Joke scans have their moments, especially when they're done with Australian accents and slang
depends on how you do it, check out LHOOQ by Duchamp
manga are hardly art though, and translating Manga most definitely isn't
I translated a single chapter of a doujin once. It's actually a lot of work. I didn't even have to do any of the typesetting/editing etc, just the translation, and it was still a lot of work.
Talk me into starting my own scanlating thing going on Yea Forums
Hol up
frankly, that's not that bad. the "my mom is dying" comment seems to be easily ignored unlike the other """"""jokes"""""" that get thrown between every single panel like 's chain of posts
where is that girl from?
Just blacklist groups doing that. Remember to deleted credits page if you share their material and just paint over the extra shit they add. Also, speak bad of them whenever the situation arises.
>group doing X series
>other group decided to do a couple of chapters because the previous (still active) group is taking too long. Awful quality, clearly made without any kind of effort and a note: "Wait for the other group's version if you want a better job"
>other group decided to skip those "already made" chapters and translate the next ones
If you do all the meme shit mentioned in this thread, you will become the new densetsu no kusotranslator and will be remembered forever.
I'mma just want them translated chapters to be honest desu
Okay, you shitlords do not know me. You dont even speak fucking Japanese
Im done
No, thanks. I don't want to eat cum brownies.
>manga on itself is an art
>prostate cancer
>I make maps for Doom as a hobby
I'm sorry, user.
Based js06, we don't deserve him.
It's such fucking fat lie, kirei cake is such a fucking piece of shit
To be fair that's pretty funny
Should Yea Forumsnons pull the plug on Go-toubun no Hanayome?
no, the other guys did good in getting it some attention but they were so fucking bad that I dropped it until anons got their stuff together
So is that a yes?
>unironically typesetting gook scans
They are already doing a good job of fucking themselves up