>taichi suffering is non-stop >confesses to chihaya >her mind goes to arata during the confession >he leaves the club >things start looking up for him >gets the best development in the series >gets completed BTFO by arata by 18 whole cards >journey for meijin title is done with >nothing happens with chihaya and she seems to just want to pretend that his confession never happen >arata's bday illustration looks better than his
This blatant favoritism towards Arata. What the fuck? Also Chihayafuru thread.
>arata's bday illustration looks better than his Arata's background is just a filterd photograph. The quality of the actual art is about the same. Can't argue with the rest though.
Connor Turner
My boy Taichi will come around and fuck Arata's shit. Aratafags will be completely btfo in the end
Nicholas Scott
Chihaya doesn't care about romance. She just wants to win.
William Rogers
The author hates Taichi because he is more popular than Arata
Did I spoil you? Sorry user, but yea. Arata beat Taichi, and Chihaya already rejected him. I don't really mind the rejection so much anymore since the moment Taichi pulled away from Chihaya and the club he completed evolved for the better. His coming of age story really is one of best things to come out of the series.
Landon Miller
To be fair Taichi is a hardworking perfect prince type while Arata is an ugly megane nerd.