Kimetsu no Yaiba

Are demon imoutos still cute?

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Possible AOTS


The thunk sound was pretty satisfactory
Looking forward how they adapt the fights with the blade effects

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Don't get that haircut Nezuko, you'll become a slut

is it worth to watch?


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She's not really an Imouto like that. Nezuko is at most a year younger than Tanjirou. He's 15 and she's 14. They'd be in the same grade if they went to school together.

This is a nice contrast

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you take that back!

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>who said the Upper Moons were just from 1 to 6?

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KnY is quite like Bleach and it's probably why I like it so much.

I wish they didn't do every single walking scene with cgi though

That doesn't make her not an imouto, even a younger twin sister is an imouto

how is zenitsu not the most popular character

Jesus Christ, the first episode was so damn good overall. How did this go past my radar?


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I need the to read the manga. I can't resist.

It's not like we've been telling you to read it for years.

Because Tanjirou is a ray of sunshine.

He's the second most popular character, still quite impressive

why would Tomioka have ugly and gay engraved into his sword if he doesn't like being called ugly and gay?

well, at least it looks decently animated, which is enough to make it better than all the stuff that is shit AND badly animated

He's illiterate.

Anyone else imagine that log as their benis?

it gets good late

I hope Ufotable can pull off the humor well, Kimetsu is one of the funniest battle shonen I've come across.

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N-no bully.

Tomioka (ugly and) Ga(y)iden pt. 2 korean scans

>that's the actual reason he never replied to Tanjirou's letters
this is now canon

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So, who is this absolute cutie?

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Imagine how differently the series would have gone if Giyu didn't notice in time.

We'll get raws in a few hours

Can someone put a caption on Tanjirou that says "u&g posters and Shinobu samefagging"

Cute date.


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Dumbfucks, he wrote that letter to Urokodaki


did he let a massive burp out in the last page?

His sister would have probably killed someone without getting that bamboo in her mouth. And Tanjirou wouldn't have gotten any training. Basically, the story would never have happened.

Why is MJ so evil? Like is there any reason why he has to be so cruel to his underlings if he can control and limit them through his blood already?

I'm finding it hard to find any redeemable qualities about him

He smiled.

Emotionally and mentally unstable.

He smooth and criminal user

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extreme insecurity, it's his major flaw

Based Ufotable

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What an actual shit take.

Wtf they really copy pasted the manga

humor is the part that I worry about the most. many gag relied on the rough art style. ufo art style is more sharp and clean compared to the manga. the transition between the normal and the gag art style might be too different. it might kill the gag.

Annie was not ok

I know, just posting in case anyone wants to look at them in advance

He is probably psychologically fucked up, he was unstable even as a human.

>Heal me.

His whole character is about how he thinks there is nothing to be held accountable for, in opposition to Tanjirou who while pities demons believes they MUST pay for their crimes. So he has no symphaties and does what he wants and gets angry when things dont go his way. I mean take look at his elites, 1) guy who doesnt believe in heaven either 2) mr dindu noffin 3) only the stronk survive 4) dumb evil bitch, etc, they are like his own aspects.

I want her to choke me with her thighs.

yeah that is worrying, although dot-eyed potato Nezuko in the OP does give me some hope it'll work out

He's basically Angron.
Or Kharn.

I'll take a 1:1 adaptation over a shitty one any day.

inosuke deserves death for this

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His crow wrote that for him.

I thought cutting in Tanjirou's shocked face in the doorframe was a bad choice. It visually clashed with the rest of the scene and was too abrupt, interrupted the flow a bit. I'd have shown his face before we saw the bodies, and have him fall down to reveal them, then start counting their names, or right before the names.
Cutting to his face and then back to the bodies was a bad choice.

If it wasn't quite bad enough to stop Hanako and Shigeru fro coming along, but got bad enough that they all still stayed at Saburo's, what would Tanjirou have done with two more siblings? Would he have cut his losses and keep living to provide for them? Would he have brought them along and dumped them with Urokodaki?

Spoil me mangafags. Is there incest?

Zenitsu should be kicked daily.

Do you know if there's more of this?

small dick

This was before he got potato'd.

Literally weaker than a lower moon

Incestfags deserve the gas chamber


No, they are pure.


But there is polygamy.

In the red light district arc a guy gets inside his sister.

manga readers, does this get any better? I found the first episode to be insufferable but I may give it another ep or two

He doesn't have any. He's just a legitimately completely awful person

Stop watching and participating in threads, it doesn't grt better

If you don't like the atmosphere nor the characters no need to force yourself to watch it.

The first couple arcs are really generic and the worst part of the series.

it's shit, don't bother. now leave the thread and never come back.

Villains don't need redeemable qualities.

It's unremarkable until Zenitsu and Inosuke provide the banter. Then it becomes a legitimately great shounen.

If you found the first episode insufferable, it's highly unlikely you will like the rest

That's a meme


Pig assault his boipusi

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>40kfag is retarded
As usual.

It's hilarious to me how counter to his looks Inosukes behavior is.

I tried the manga a long time ago but only read the first chapter. I wasn't into it. It might also have to do with the fact that it was a poorly done translation. I went back and read more after hearing anons talk about future scenes and I really really like it now. Like someone else said there is some really fun banter between friends and other humorous moments, which I was not able to tell in the first chapter. Try more if you're interested. Maybe flip a coin to decide whether you will or not.



>Hanae voicing the MC
Picked the fuck up

>Is there any reason why he has to be so cruel to his underlings
>He says while posting on a Lethwei shadow puppet board where we rush to brand literally any character that made even the smallest mistake as irrelevant fodder for the rest of that characters lifetime.

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The whole seiyuu cast is actually really amazing.

It gets better when Tanjirou's friends are introduced and they have to head to the spider infestated death mountain

I'm very impressed as well.

What is Nezuko thinking here?

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>mfw moeblob Sakurai starts talking

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He's right though, first 20 chapters or so are the worst part of the manga. Doesn't mean it's bad but it's more fun with Zenitsu, Inosuke and pillars around

Probably about the pig in the back.

Boner no

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>I wonder why Inosuke is blushing so much.

Boner pls stop

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You need Yea Forums's help to decide what you like? Fucking drone.

I think people misunderstand that gag, its not that she wanted Inosuke over Zenitsu, I think it was just that she thought Zenitsu's name was Inosuke, I could be wrong though

That's a little rich, the first 20 chapters are legit just Tanjirou training and learning. The world at large isn't introduced and it is a lot of setting up and exposistion. For people to say it starts off bad is a bit rich, it just starts, that's all there is to it.

Everybody knew what she meant.
Go to bed Zenitsu.

Don't listen to , follow your heart's desires!

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I can't wait to see his voice coming out of his face.

>swinging a sword in the same position hundreds of times make you a better fencer

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i can't believe Gotouge did this... what the fuck bros...

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you're correct. the gag is about nezuko having problem speaking and remembering names.

>mghhh (My feet hurt)
>Mgggghhh... (I miss my old basket)
>Mgghhhhh... (I wish oniichan would let me eat)

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Actually the gag is on Nezuko's mouth. I could be wrong though

do you even lift onichan?

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His voice that is apparantly pretty damn deep and masculine.

Isn't it supposed to build the muscle needed to swing?

oh boy, and I gotta say that growth is quite underrated desu.

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It is, you can hear it in the PV.

why are so many non-jp people using the japanese tag for this show on twitter

Speaking of Nezuko, she should know about who slaughtered her family and who turned her, the problem is that she barely can talk and I think she doesn't remember that night.


She's a big girl

That's how good anime are made, my friend.

You cant see Kokushibou, Kokushibou sees YOU.

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>mental health gay


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she cute

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4 u

What a sad story

Yakusoku no Yaiba spinoff when?
We might as well commit at this point and meme it into existence.

A bit early to talk about this but who will voice Uzui? Sugita would be hilarious

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Face it guys, Tomioka is the main pillar.

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Hosoya would be amazing.

I cant see the other spider girl without remembering the Shinobu humiliation doujin.

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pretty crazy that 2 pillars are already dead and 1 is retired

I hate Sugita as anyone other than Gintoki

>From a rich and powerful family
>entitled but born with a sickness have a miserable life, so he already feels wronged
>healed but now cant see the sunshine, wronged again
>1000 years of trying to be the invincible god he thinks he should be to no avail

He has a major superiority complex and the maturity of a teenager. Hes gone through thousands and thousands of underlings so hes definite desensitized to having at empathy for them

Will it the rise of the big cuties ?

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Tomioka is not a pillar. He said it himself.

I didn't have a voice in mind when reading Uzui but now that you mention it, Hosoya would be perfect

how is some of this stuff in this manga being allowed by shounen jump?

The point is to build his strength and condition his body to the point where he's ready to actually learn breathing techniques, not to actually teach him anything beyond getting used to swinging a blade.

I'd like to propose a toast
Fuck niggers
Fuck demons
Fuck ninjas
And most importantly, fuck Kaigaku.

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looks like I have a new anime to watch this season

What made you think there is a chance for incest to happen in this kind of series?

If I remove that gag, will she die?

The growth was really easy to miss in the manga

The cutest

and fuck inosuke

I can't wait for best girl

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Based kegh poster

>ywn get leglocked by this semen demon

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She will most likely only appear in the second season.

If you don't dick them, no.

did nasu and gotouge fuck

He mentioned her in an interview in 2016.

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No, she and boozebeat's author did.

No, it's just that nobody wanted to stand near him

why china want to change that ?

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Who will be voicing Kanao?

i want to protect, hug and fug imouto

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I can't believe they got high-profile VAs for jobber demons.

God I love his earrings
His design in general is so good. I won't forgive Gotouge for cutting off his cute ponytail in the first chapter

Cause he has Japan war flag on his earrings.

It already exists though.

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That's how anime's supposed to be made

Hopefully this also means the upper moons will have god-tier VAs as well.

Such as?

Is this how Taishou era stockings look like?

Who is the voce actor? He sounds a bit like sasgay.

Natagumo Mountain Arc

It's Takahiro Sakurai.

What the fuck is his problem?

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Thats pretty dumb, because they are completly different forms of story telling. Unless the author wrote/drew the manga with the intention of it getting an anime.

Lack of potato

Does it feel that good though?

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Ok, how would you guys cast the upper moons?

>regular edgy shounen
I guess I shouldn't be surprised since this place has become dragon ball general.

he not cute

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N-no bully.


Pretty sure the first chapter already established that the manga would be bloodier than the average Jump manga.

>Why doesn't this faggot dick me, a thesis.

Absolutely based and redpilled Shinobu.


Shonen Jump has never been afraid of violence or gore or tits.

in your opinion

zenitsu spinoff when

Sure, but this is still a tad gorier than average, with people being cut in half left and right.

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what would it even be about?


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HxH is worst than that

>They actually showed the upper moon demons in the OP
B-Bros... What does it mean?

And HxH is not the average shounen.

Because Tanjiro exists.

>thing happens on screen
>narration describes what happens on screen
>dialogue describes what happens on screen
Who the fuck wrote this show for brainlets.

its just a teaser, at most we'll get a sihoutted cameo at some point this cour, and the full appearance of Akaza in one of the last episodes

Foreshadowing, most likely they will adapt the Train arc in this season and Akaza appears there.

How did the nips react to episode 1?

Pretty positive but some were far more critical.

They really liked it, it even trended worldwide.

Demon imouto is really cute. Question to the manga readers, is she one of main characters or just a plot device to force MC to become a demon hunter?

You know what, I've been reading this manga from the start and I never realized that the ponytail got cut off until the anime aired. It's hard to even tell that's what happened in the manga.

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Plot device but not what you're implying.

I think the viz translation comes out today right? Is someone going to dump it?

She's the main heroine but doesn't do much other than pull new abilities out her ass from time to time.

Oh man are they not gonna like the sequel where they form a covert military unit to kill mainland demons on the sly during the manchurian campaign

It's both. She doesn't speak and acts like a child most of the time, but her brother brings her with him whenever he goes, and she fight demons together with him.

No, we wait for TL-user.

They didn't need to show Kokushibou or Douma if we're only reaching Aniki's archivo.


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Why's everyone hating on Giyuu-kun? He's such a nice guy.

Openings do that, literally, all the time.

hating =/= bullying.

They're literally the same forms of story telling. Manga just has different angles to make up for the reading flow, that's it.
Anime is literally manga with animated panels.

Oh yeah the TL told me he's gonna be late today

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So next episode Tanjrou fights scrub demon, meets Urokodaki and climbs the mountain. Excited?

Too bad. Idea of having duo of demon slaying siblings as main characters sounds awesome.

I'm tsundere for him.

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That's exactly what happens though

is it true that the manga is ending soon

There is even a size growth fetish into Nezuko, she can also be chibi sized

Mainly because the next episode should have a good amount of comedy. I will pay, get in the basket, head with arms. Good stuff

no, anyone who thinks that is misinformed

This was never confirmed.


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>Idea of having duo of demon slaying siblings as main characters sounds awesome.
The premise still hold its just that Nezuko isn't much of a character.

Wait, is that thing staying in her mouth long term?
Because imouto is supposed to be cute. There's gonna be riots.

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el ahayooki...

Are you implying that it's not cute?

Might as well posting the volume cover.
Are you saying the gag is not cute?

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He also prepares a basket and finds out Nezuko was a mole all along.

whats happening here

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Did kimetsu just move 5 spots?

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Of course it's not cute. It makes her look like a horse. Even Uma Musume, an anime about horse girls dropped this from their design, because it's not cute at all.

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I respectfully disagree and call you a big gay

Look at this user and laugh

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shinobuxtanjiro doujins when

He is right though. That thing in her mouth makes her look retarded.

well, she is

Shit taste

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Tomioka is STRAIGHT & GAY

Because Tanjiro is literally as close as you can get to the Buddha without distancing yourself from the physical world or becoming a useless priest

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All Jump manga are drawn with the intention of becoming anime.

Trial of the Gods.
He was inherently a fucking monster and it was a test to see if someone would be stupid enough to save him despite being a monster.

Dumbass priest literally fucked Japan over for 1000 years cause of it

Sex with Tomioka

I love that Akaza is invoking one of the most based tropes of all time. Villain keeps fighting when they should be dead but collapses right before he can finish the job

On it.

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can't have sex when you're dead

>You can't look up
Well, fuck you then.


Says you.

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Since Shinobu is Douma now, does it mean Tomioka will fuck him instead?

Holy shit

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Jesus, Shinobu.

swinging stuff is the only sword training ever done in any manga or anime or whatever japanese

I'll laugh my ass off if they show Tomioka writing that letter

26 episodes still not officially confirmed yet?

Not true, your cold body is still attractive to the freak working at the mortuary.

why is Gotoge so good at designing characters?

>never answers back
I'll bet he keeps all the letters though.

is the magna worth reading?

This pic literally confirms it will be 26 episodes

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>People can't help themselves and just have to spoiler the good fun for everyone about Tomioka actually being deeply autistic instead of an edgelord
And there goes half the fun i would have had with animeonlys this season.

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>omg bad people did bad things

26 episodes is leaked info from some chinese site, they did it for a lot of spring anime and most of them are already confirmed.

Inosuke dies btw

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Gyuutarou has a canonically ugly voice

I'd give Douma the most annoyingly smug voice ever made


He also lives.

Romantic comedy

Why not, you know, spoiler it then?

Posting best ship

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Damn, someone give that bitch a Snickers.

Tapping into her demon powers.

why isn't she drolling constantly due the bamboo
i hate unrealistic anime

She's a demon and does not have human bodily functions

I agree. Demons aren't fucking real, stupid ass anime.

Demons only drool in the presence of human blood.

Does that mean she also doesn't need to use the toilet?

Even if she wasn't a demon she won't need to, because she is a cute anime girl. They don't do that.

Kimetsu is n1

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We need a Shinobu version.

Redpill me on Ginyu being Ugly and Gay

how come the manga barely sells than?


You have to wait how this will boost the Manga

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Does Tanjirou get a love interest later on?

not yet, but you can look for doujinshis

Manga now at 5 million in print

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Is the investigation on ufotable's tax still going?

Holy shit, wasn't it like 4 million just last month?

There's clearly a designated love interest but nothing really has come from that.

So this anime will be pretty much a little orphan boy being forced to take care of his sister that turned clinically retarded due to super rabies right?

>she was feeling a deep sense of rage in all of those cute smiling pics
Not sure how this makes me feel


4.5 mil last reported March 11

Holy shit, last time was 3.5 million, right?

>reddit still thinks we're in the final arc
what a bunch of retards

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>these threads in a nutshell.

You won't hear anything on it until next year probably, the president of Ufo/producer of the anime's credits involving anything other than being the production producer were removed though (along with the Aniplex producer attending the movie screening in Europe in his place)

Shinobu's dying words

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Smug characters are usually hiding deep rage in anime/manga

And to think he could have made it all go away just by dicking her into submission

It'll take roughly one year. Last time I read the tax evasion thing was regarding merchandise sales, it shouldn't affect their anime productions overall since they'll just make Hikaru Kondo take responsibility for everything, fire him and make another higher up take his place.

Shinobu saying "How cute" when=

It was 3.5m in February, 4.5m in March and now 5 million.

i thought these types of numbers would get a manga cancelled

Pretty sure the edit was around too.

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No? These are actually great numbers, last year Kimetsu was even featured in the top 30 yearly Oricon ranking. This year will for sure be higher.

just started reading the manga and chapter 2 is very reminiscent of Tokyo Ghoul

In what way?

1~15巻 累計500万部 Black Clover
1~15巻 累計500万部 Kimetsu no Yaiba

Same print numbers as Black Clover but without anime boost. Black Clover's anime started around volume 13

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when they come across that guy eating the corpses, he accuses them of intruding upon his feeding ground, he gets his head kicked off, same thing happens in TG if i remember correctly

>T-t-trust me the ________ is better!

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No one even said that

Based. Thank you

She does drool but only when around blood

Loved their doujin together at least until the disembowelment happened.

Are pigs really into butter?

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Went into this completely blind. What a great first episode.

based butter poster

Felt like it fast-forwarded through the most common tropes ever, though I almost kinda appreciate it, I hope its so they can get stuff out of the way. Show's pretty well produced though

>watch first episode
>realistic fight
>serious tone
>ending animation is full of stupid shonentard special attacks

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Based, pigs likes butter a lot


all I can hear is kirito

I saw pictures bottom first, and was confused how can Aoi sit with both her ass anad face towards the viewer.

Nani? Is it because Inosuke is pig assaulting her from behind?

>just keep reading it gets better

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Sounds like it's suggesting gradual improvement

>you will never fuck Nezuko, causing her to make weird but cute growling moans as she cums
Feels bad man.

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nice post Zenitsu

Kimetsu threads are comfy, glad they're not dying as quickly as they used to. Love you anons :)


That can't be Zenitsu, he's deluded enough to think he actually will

no :)


It's getting evil.


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would have been better without the elemental stuff

I swear her voice is really hideous.

All the elemental stuff are just visual metaphor for various sword style. The MC doesn't actually summon water out of his sword.

Is it fun being mentally retarded?

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no lightning sword either?

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Not actual lightning.

All of the Breaths are actual representations, they are actually happening, just like demon Blood Art. He absolutely summons water and fire from his sword. If that is a deal breaker for enjoyment of a series, then you are an utter chode.

You're a moron

It's in the top already , stop living in 2017.

Blood Arts are one thing. What they Tanji and co do is cutting and slicing in really stylized ways. Takes Inosuke, he fucking saw demons in his dual wielding wild style with no elemental visual representation.

This may look as a good idea, but actually isn't, because with this rate it won't cover a shit in 24 episodes.

Are you retarded or just a baby?

The first chapter is 52 pages and could easily cover one whole episode alone.


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Nah, das good. We don't need another case of studios splitting the first chapter into two episodes.

I can't believe the PE sensei will go to jail for fooling around with students.

>no Tanjirou to worry about you

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 013.webm (1280x720, 803K)

Great response shithead.
Breath Of The Beast doesn't summon an element, it just rips and tears. But I'm pretty goddamn sure the colossal tiger's head here isn't just a visual representation of a technique.

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Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 007.webm (1280x720, 280K)

It is

Yea Forumsnon: If I remove that gag, will you die?
Nezuko: It would be extremely painful…
Yea Forumsnon: You're a big girl.
Nezuko: …for you.

>But I'm pretty goddamn sure the colossal tiger's head here isn't just a visual representation of a technique
Yes, it is. I cited Inosuke as example of what those styles really are, and it's just that. He reaps and tear, Tanjiro slices, etc. The water and fire effects are just there to caught the audiences attention. You don't need to read that much into it to know that

I'm glad we always get the best artist

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If the water and fire were real, why would no one ever being soaked or burned by them? In fact, no character ever comments about them, unlike the flame summoned by Nezuko. More, the descriptions of sword style throughout the manga never mention summoning the actual elements.

>Pig Assault trips

>love pillar
>actually isn't in love with anyone

She would make love to anyone tho.

From last chapter of Tomioka Gaiden.
Expect more gaiden side stories in the future.

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Yes very

Would like to get one for Uzui, maybe even know more about Snek.

Wouldn't mind more Giyuu and Shinobu anyway.

She be fuckin thirsty though

More like in love with everyone

Does it actually promise more side stories in future, or it's just the usual "Please look forward to XX-sensei's next work."?

haha imagine her holding you down and raping you wouldn't that suck

>every kny thread

Attached: [Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 01 - 003b.webm (1280x720, 235K)

It says look forward to a future gaiden

Feel like Rengoku is probably next

It says "Please look forward to the future Gaiden!"

>giving a Jump title to a high-powered studio like Ufotable
AOTS desu

and fuck nezuko

So that Boozebeat guy is tied down with making KnY side stories for a while?

I mean he already is also making the chibi spin off, so yeah.

That would be nice, he's a great artist.

It's not a terrible gig


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>26 episodes of this
Spring/Summer is saved.

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do we ever get numbers on how well merch is selling

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yes, five

>I dindu nuffin
>you're the baddies!

Merch sales are a bit hard to track since they usually don't release official numbers, but they keep releasing a bunch of them so they're probably selling well.


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all these completely innocent children being blamed

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Have you started watching anime last week? Most adaptations do this.

Better than anything he could do on his own.

anime and manga match
>wow that's stupid they're supposed to be different mediums
anime and manga don't match
>wow that's stupid the anime should follow the manga closely or it's not a good adaptation
can't argue with retards

he didnt deserve it

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I'm honestly more mad about Shinobu's than his. Fucking Wani give me back my butterfly.

family friendly shonen

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Shinobu was just an angry womanlet, you can repalce her with Snek. But who can repalce aniki?

I already know I'll cry again when they show it in the anime.

Uzui is the better aniki, he brings the bantz.

It's to represent the Iaido draw. The elements just represent various katana styles. Tanjiro uses different stances and thus gets different elements as a style effect.

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In retrospect this arc was creepy as shit. Wonder how people are going to react to all the spider babies and spiderdad once the anime gets to it.

Uzui isn't even an aniki. He's that one friend who brings you to the brothel.

I bet you think that Tomioka is literally summoning a shield of water when he uses Lull.

Shinobu is just bullying a mentally disabled man, and its not okay

She should just ignore him and avoid all contact with him like the others do

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>Tanjirou will never smile sorrowfully at you in your final moments after he decapitates you

man I liked the OP but this part doesnt go at all with the song

I forgot how bad Zenitsu and Inosuke got fucked up in that arc, I just reread it in prep for the anime and they really got fucked

What the fuck is his problem?

Similar to Zenitsu in this page. What a hellish arc if you have Arachnophobia.

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Based family uncle

He can't function like a normal human being alone.

> Why even die

>Yamada Tae
Is there a name for this type of girl? It’s very cute.

And then makes you dress up as a woman

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idk Zomdere maybe

Based best boy.

So not even cutting the head was enough to kill Akaza, what a beast.

I'm assuming he somehow managed to move his weakpoint to some other part of his body by sacrificing his head regeneration, or something along those lines, because the neck grew back

Considering his gimmick was fighting on auto-pilot, it makes sense that his gimmick after his neck got cut is also auto-pilot.

This is not what Muzan promised me, why did we turn to demons anyway, Snake?

that panel of him doing the combat stance right after losing his head was kino

I wonder how will they adapt it

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Here he comes there he goes again.

Will it be split cour?

>tfw have to wait for S2 for crossdressing Tanjiro
It's not fair bros.

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We don't know

so no thread for the manga?
does anybody knows where can I find this week colored chapter?

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It will be around for six months

my wife shinobu is dead

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Gyuu, the Kamado murderer, just decapitated that poor child and tore that albino family appart. When will he pay for his crimes?

TL user is working on it right now.

I think the 26 episodes are goingnto adapt the first 51 chapters of the manga, maybe a little more chapters but the demon train arc won’t appear.

It's your fault, gayman.


damn, that would mean Season 2 would adapt both the Train arc and Red Light District, talk about stacked.

I think they're going to adapt until chapter 69.

That recent Nezuko chapter did make it seem like that would be the case.

why? they were so great

But that recent tanjirou chapter did make it seem it won't be ending soon

yeah but there is no way that Tanjiro can continue to be relevant for the rest of the arc in his current state, and neither can Nezuko or Zenitsu. The MC and 2 of the 3 main side characters not being in the last fights of the arc wouldn't make sense, but idk

I know. They should have killed Wind faggot.

Anyone else excited for Drum House? I think it's underrated.

This was one of two shows I almost started watching this season, but it sounds pretty shit too. Good luck.

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I want to see Inosuke face reveal

Nice blog faggot.

I like the rotating rooms/alternate dimension thing the demons do.

I like Drum house, it was a cool concept and Tanjiro and Zenitsu get some great moments. The best part was probably when Zenitsu defended the box from Inosuke

Not enough volume printed.

drum house demon is just a shitty Biwa Demon

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How is sex between Shinobu and Tomioka like?

would you?

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Shinobu Is so small. She is perfect for IMAGINE.

>Implying you wouldn't.

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I like everything except the character designs. They scream SHOUNEN every time a face is on-screen.

I really enjoyed Inosuke interacting without his mask

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Shinobu would basically have to coach him through it, same with Tanjiro and Kanao. Zenitsu and Nezuko is basically and Inosuke would just go nuts

i would any kind of tanjirou

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Lucky girl

Imagine Inosuke pulling his mating abilities to this butter

Where did this shipping meme even come from? The others i can kind of see even if i am not a shipfag, but this baffles me the most

>Inosuke's thing is his sensitivity/instincts so he has to be completely covered to "blind" him.


I honestly don't know either but it's popular with nips

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Seems like a case of forced pair the spares

Basically Inosuke's had a few interactions with her, and he's free so why not is the logic there

Aniki is confirmed.

With a very drunk shinobu and a very confused tomioka

it is clearly early bleach with the pillars and all but very much its own thing. Author done right because she knows her end game, KnY is in final arc and she stays true to keeping it simple and making sure it stays as a modern battle shounen or seinen depending on the viewer.

>pretending very drunk shinobu


Their interactions give you vibes of those couples where the guy is a savage and the girl is rational and they don't get along but in the end they start liking each other

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>KnY is in final arc
can't wait for this meme to die in a few months

>shounen or seinen depending on the viewer
Hopefully you can realize on your own why this is a retarded thing to say

why isn't inosukeXzenitsu popular?

Nigga accept your husbando is ugly already

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Zenitsu like girls and gets away with it for the most part because everyone else is enough for the fujos to work with

Because Tanjirou x Inosuke and Uzui x Zenitsu are more popular.

With Uzui being the major exception here

>Uzui x Zenitsu

Uzui/Zenitsu is probably the most popular fujoshit besides Aniki and Tanjirou.

>lewding Aniki
What kind of monster would do this?

thats exactly how he interacts with Tanjiro and Zenitsu too

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Kanao protecting her husbando, cute.

I was just sad that croc didn’t make a joke about Inosuke’s boss knowing he was a boy. It would have made her original reaction to meeting him 10x funnier.

I honestly prefer Inosuke x Nezuko but hey, butter is butter.

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Zenitsu makes really nice fanart.

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This has to be one of the best pages.

imouto with great gams

he;s the nips 2nd favorite, so it makes sense

Why nezuko didnt burn cuz of the sun this chapter?

It's cloudy and snowing, Tomioka says it.

Because InoTan it's better

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What? This is the leading ship with imouto?
I kinda liked her with Tomioka based on first ep

Tomioka basically never interacts with her after this

Tomioka is just a glorified babysitter to the siblings

She is not his sister