>Be a young hopeful animator
>Get hired by one of the most prestigious studios in the industry, Madhouse
>Get forced to work 200 hours of unpaid overtime
>Almost collapse
>die from overwork months later
Why is Madhouse such a shithole?
Be a young hopeful animator
Other urls found in this thread:
>work at a place called Madhouse
>hours are insane
I don't know what he expected.
>Get forced
So, does it give names of the people who held the gun?
how does one die of overwork? just take a break
It's pretty common in Japan. And being an animator in japan is brutal.
Well, they only make shit anime so they're at least very consistent with that.
>Why is the animation industry such a shithole
Another slave working at a slave studio bites the dust.
It's actually a deep-rooted cultural issue amongst the Japanese. They take too much pride in their work, and don't voice out discontent or take breaks to avoid being labeled as a skiver/incompetent, at the expense of their own health and life. Sadly, karoshi is really common.
Madhouse more like badhouse amirite fellas
>twitter thread
Did someone say communism?
more like deathhouse lmao
No one forces him to do overtime. It's his fault for trying to climb the ladder in the country of insane work ethics.
>No one forces him to do overtime
Well, not anymore, no.
That's why JC Staff is better. Can't die if you don't animate anything.
>Just go work at another job LMAO!
Imagine being this huge of a fucking cuck
That's why I've been a NEET since I finished High School. I'm still alive.
>200 hours of unpaid overtime
So let's say he works an extra 40 hours a week.. That's let's than 2 months of overwork. And he died from that?
this isn't europe or burgerland.
if he didn't do it he would be probably demoted and eventually fired.
based + red-pilled
Because they drop opm for overlord 2 and 3
80 hours a week is actually impossible and I could see a man dying in two months of that
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Over Working Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Desk Like Nigga Take A Break Haha.
Very common hours in consulting, corporate Law, risk management, finance, medicine.
This board is populated largely by people who don't work. What did you expect?
Ill never understand how japs, or anyone for that matter get overworked from sitting down and drawing.
They don't have weekends off. So they're working 5-6 hours extra per day. The average NEET spends more time per day hunched over the keyboard.
>work like a slave to get paid less than a literal mcdonalds cashier
>they're passionate
There's being passionate and there's being a complete retard
this but unironically
Why can't greedy megacorps like Kadokawa and Sony route some pennies towards the animators? Paying them adequately wouldn't even show up as noise on their big ass money shuffling statistic.
Why is this issue not fixed?
>ITT neets talk out of their assholes about something they're not worldly enough to understand
sasuga Yea Forums
in amazon you have to use diapers
yeah, 60 hours per week no weekends almost killed me
I probably could have pulled it off if I had somebody to cook and clean for me, or was payed enough to go out to eat every day
Imagine dying over working on shit like sorayori. He's certainly burning in hell right this second
>Why can't greedy megacorps like Kadokawa and Sony route some pennies towards the animators?
Because then less money goes to the people calling the shots.
>Paying them adequately wouldn't even show up as noise on their big ass money shuffling statistic.
You're incredibly naive if you think they give a shit.
>Why is this issue not fixed?
Because of a lack of unions.
This. Based JC
they got bought by nhk
mappa is the true successor of madhouse
>working barely 30 hours a week
Feels good. Though maybe Huxley is right and it should be slightly more.
200 hours a month, not total.
Guess there's only one way for you to find out. Time to bust out that pen and paper.
>passion is noble when I do it, others are stupid lol why don't they do MY LIFE #yikes #cringe #fuckdads
I think it depends on the type of work you do. If you're doing doing hard physical labour, that CAN kill you. Truck drivers pull those type of hours year round. But they actually get paid well.
But unions are socialism
You mean shaft. I've never heard of anyone overworking himself on power point.
cool, S4 of Overlord will be animated by actual skeletons
Yeah if you have a wife, a grandmother or a mom that does a lot of stuff for you it's manageable. But that extra time, effort and stress on top of such a schedule is just too much.
>Because of a lack of unions.
There aren't animator's guilds in Japan? Granted, Japanese unions are more or less garbage, but still.
He died months later. Presumably, despite collapsing, he kept working under those conditions.
>The average NEET spends more time per day hunched over the keyboard.
And the average NEET isn't working in that time, so what's your point?
It's time for the animators to rise up and seize the means of production.
Come back with an argument next time, retar
>unions are socialism
what the actual fuck am i reading
I you're working 90 hours a week, with 50 of those hours unpaid, you deserve to die for being a stupid fuck. You can earn double of your salary animating flipping burgers.
This. Commies get out.
All jobs where you can concieveably slack off on because it doesn't take that long to do all the work given.
Should have gone to kyoani instead.
yeah, hard labor
He is not wrong though. And nothing is more cucked than working yourself to death for a company because you are too cuck to look for another job.
Wagie, wagie, get in cagie,
Boss needs help! Don't be lazy!
Zero breaks will make you crazy?
I'll tell the guards to get their tazie.
Need to get those new iPhones,
Gotta pay those student loans.
Work your fingers to the bone,
Bosses need vacation homes.
Don't trust unions, vote in pairs,
By all of boss's consumer wares.
We'll stay seated in our chairs,
And make our bosses millionaires.
Love your work! Love the pain!
Feel the life drain from your brain.
Think of all you have to gain,
As your dreams go down the drain.
Come on wagie, join the crew,
Don't you want your wages too?
And if the bossman makes you blue,
You deserve it. You're a tool.
Weekend comes round after ages,
You can come collect your wages.
Throw your parties! Have your rages!
Then get back into your cages.
What did he even die from? You don't die from getting tired. Is that an asian thing?
And he will be easily replaced. Drawing inbetween frames is piss easy and pretty much anyone could do it.
>But unions are socialism
In Japan the company is king and any attempt to subvert their power like unionizing is blasphemy.
>lack of unions
>animators unite
>everything is outsorced to china and korea from then on
great plan einstein, as long as capitalism is a thing someone will suffer
Who the fuck is dumb enough to work for a job that DOESN'T pay you?
Surely that doesn't happen in the real world? Who works for free?
>to make shit that only their cultists care about
>You don't die from getting tired.
Are people on Yea Forums really this retarded?
Working too much on something you enjoy
Overworking yourself to death on a shitty underpaid job you've taken only to climb the rankings to get to the one you actually aimed for
Over 50 years of brainwashing had a hell of an effect on the murridumbs.
He probably deserved it for contributing to trash like Overlord and Sora Yori
This. I would argue that even attempting to negotiate higher wage for yourself is socialist since it implies that your labor is worth more than people are willing to pay.
ah, and the crossboarder reveals himself
very based
why do people who don't work so vehemently support institutions which make it harder for their parents to wageslave and support them?
Don't try to become an animator, period.
You're literally better off drawing porn and living off patreon bucks.
Did this poor soul die while creating the Boogiepop crap ? If so that's a really shitty way to go...
>everyone should accept minimum standards because else it gets outsourced to shitholes
Modern capitalism, everyone.
>look for another job in japan
>after you just left one
You wont find work because you'll be labeled as lazy for not working yourself to death. Welcome to the japanease work force.
this unfortunately, they've been trained to hate anyone who tries to look out for them
Sora Yori was shit but Overlord was at least decent.
Most people don't have those views, but the electoral college and Senate mean backwater counties have more power than they should.
I wonder why they never try to unionize.
>Yea Forums has the brass to tell somebody how to work their job
I don't see America or Europe making anime.
>Surely that doesn't happen in the real world? Who works for free?
Ever heard of Yea Forums moderators ?
When you're tired you just fall asleep, not die.
Imagine having a "good work ethic" and still producing worse than countries with more vacation days
stroke, heart attack, extreme hunger things like that
They can't ship the keyframe work overseas though.
Seething OPMnigger.
sup tyler
Surprise surprise, the entertainment industry exploits people's passion and gets away with treating employees like shit.
How the fuck is overwork real hahahahaha nigga just take a break like nigga just go eat lunch haha
Meanwhile Chinese animators are getting huge pay increases. Due to increased demand both internally and from foreign firms looking to utilize their talents.
Half the animators can't draw for shit. You see it sometimes when the characters are off model. You can even follow some literal who animators on Twitter and their art is shit.
Outsourcing wouldn't work because Chinks don't have the same skill and there is a risk of losing native audiance. Japanese animators should value themselves more.
>as long as capitalism is a thing everyone (((except porky))) will suffer
FTFY, and unfortunately based
>>everyone should accept minimum standards because else it gets outsourced to shitholes
also tragically based, kms
the only solution is a completely different economy system, but unfortunately that makes all the burgers (who arguably are some of the people who can be most benefited) shit their pants because of "muh socialist boogieman"
that's exactly how it works. capitalism is a blight and we should be actively researching ways to ascend past it.
And that's a good thing. They'll just hire Japanese VAs anyway, it'd literally be the same thing.
Too bad they still produce garbage.
>Overlord S3 and Boogiepop looks like shit
How are they overworking again? Are they terribly understaffed or are the top brass simply stealing all the money?
>the people who work the hardest get paid less than a minimum wage cuck in the US
>voice actors who never greduated get paid six figures
Unreal but not unexpected.
>Japanese animators should value themselves more.
They can't do that when their government and employers don't place any value on them past their labor (and even then it's ridiculously inefficient to quickly milk a worker for everything he has)
i've been here before it was 4channel, joe gomez
This like imagine being so dumb that instead of sleeping you accidentally kill yourself lol
Why didn't he just leave Madhouse and go to work for KyoAni?
you mean Yea Forums usually isn't like that?
Yeah I don't get, if they work so much, why aren't the results any better than coutries that work much less?
How can unions be socialism? The entire purpose of an union is to create a more efficient dialogue between the workers and the industry owners.
Fucking amerifats are so brainwashed by the big corporations they think that anything that tries to improve and stabilize working conditions is communism.
Burgers are so stupid they'll genuinely argue against socialized health care while telling you not to touch their Medicaid.
>Are they terribly understaffed or are the top brass simply stealing all the money?
Likely both, and understaffed only because the top brass are stealing all the money. If otaku and weeb trash are still buying their products it doesn't matter how good they are. They're still making a profit, even if the process is inefficient and shitty in every regard except for the profit of the top brass
Not everyone is good enough for that.
Kyoani doesn't hire shitty animators which is all madhouse has
Yorimoi also looked like shit, it only had decent background art. Madhouse haven't been the same for a long time.
Pick one
Do unions even exist in Japan? Serious question. I have no idea how businesses work outside of Europe.
They willingly make healthcare, pharmacare, and education more expensive for themselves because they're terrified of the very idea of taxes (even if things are way cheaper overall) or the government being accountable to the populace, so I'm not surprised.
all the money goes to VAs. see
Madhouse is a bigger name.
>working conditions
Yeah, like having mandatory fees that you needed to pay whether you supported it or not. Thank God the Supreme Court ended it.
How? Kyoani is internationally recognized as the Ghibli of TV anime.
Blame USA and their schizo labor laws.
>listening to some old lady's heartbeat while drinking tea and making the other 15 people in the room nextdoor wait
Once surgeries are performed by machines, medicine really has become the ultimate slacker field.
I haven't heard much about it, though socialist movements are getting increasingly popular there, so maybe we'll see unionization in coming times.
After WWII they were trained to put everything they have into making a profit for the company (or rather, the top brass) so it's not too surprising unions aren't big there. It shows too, they're productivity is laughable when you look at what it could be with unions involved, ensuring animators aren't putting out the shit products they are and dying while doing it.
What's up with Japan and working like slaves?
Why not take it easy?
You mean Slaughterhouse?
They're manipulated by the media to think that. Just read a summary of Manufacturing Consent and you'll get it.
That ruling singlehandidly resurrected union radicalism in the US though. The more illegal union activity is the more powerful they are in the US for some reason.
Socialism is the merging of capitalism and communism.
The unions demand more money for the workers which wouldn’t work in a pure capitalist state.
Ever heard of free/universal health care, education? that’s communism.
Doctors are constantly overworked, except maybe luxury doctors for the rich who cost a car an hour.
Jesus christ what the fuck is this?
I wasn't aware that most of Europe is actually communism.
Fucking murritards.
>Get forced to work 200 hours of unpaid overtime
They literally cannot do that unless you're a huge bitch who doesn't stand up for your rights. It's your own damn fault at that point. No one is forcing you to work there until you die.
>Socialism is the merging of capitalism and communism.
What kind of bait is this
>public defenders are overworked and shitty
>doctors working for the NHS are overworked and shitty
you get what you pay for if you expect the govt to take care of everything for you
>Refuse to work overtime
>Never get promoted
Great plan.
You do realize the only unions in America today are run by huge corporations to keep workers docile, right? That's not even some hidden fact. This is clear to literally anyone who's a member of a union outside of America, I don't see how you fuckers don't see it, holy fuck you're dumb.
Take 10 minutes to read into your own history and it will become clear. You fuckers had literal battles where corporations would hire mafia to kill union representatives in an effort to kill them because American unions used to cost corporations a profit in order to secure better pay and life for workers.
Is it really surprising that the same corporations that poured millions into killing union representatives, socialists, and communists, are running shitty corporations today?
Just watch this and stop being so fucking naive: youtube.com
Please for the love of God do not mix amerimutt shit in with British stuff. It's a totally different situation.
This but unironically
>die for a promotion you never received
>Refuse to work overtime
>Get replaced because my position is easily replaceable
Fixed. It's shit like this that isekai and slowlife are so wildly demanded by nips.
They have them and they aren't even that uncommon. Jap unions are very supine though
Wow, it sure is shocking that when you have a huge insurgence of reactionaries, doing what they do best and causing massive economic downturn, you run into funding issues. Do you actually think that the private institutions that are doing even worse than your government is are going to do a better job you fucking retard?
That's annual income and that is not primarily made up of anime VA work for an "A-list voice actor".
They didn't kill enough.
the british model is what everyone here's advocating for.
More like
>Agree to work overtime
>Never get promoted
>corporations would hire mafia to kill union representatives in an effort to kill them
As opposed to kill union representatives in an effort to sell them donuts?
>they're productivity is laughable when you look at what it could be with unions involved,
>Looks at the UK before Thatcher
Yeah about that user...
Then who'll make the anime reaction faces that you're using right now?
So that's why Chihayafuru got delayed.
>are running shitty corporations today?
should be
>*are running shitty unions today?
>giving your dream
>complaining about it after the fact
and why to I care again?
Sad to see the brainwashing is working.
Communism is just dividing the resources to everyone, it’s not some evil thing like they have you believe.
>die instead
seems like a shitty deal to me
>dying from overwork in a 1st world country
private institutions aren't as likely to have these kind of funding issues.
BTW this is not better in Merkelandia as decades of populist and "social democrats" been undermining medical care because they think the US system is better and been trying to abolish it to be fully privatized.
British people have to pay to access Yea Forums.
>thread about working conditions for animators in Japan
>merifats try to turn it into a thread about healthcare in the UK for some reason
They have but are literally managed by the Yakuza, just like the construction unions in the US are controlled by the mob
>capitalism is perfec-
Hahaha yes bro, let’s give the corporations more money and pay us like shit, fuck commies who want more money distributed to everyone right? ISRAEL HELL YES
Meanwhile Toei force holidays on their employees
The problem is humans inherently can't be trusted to do that right. It's a great idea, but literally always ruined, and everyone thinks they can do it better.
reading comprehension you fucking mong. They killed union representatives in an effort to kill the unions.
>Maybe if I let porky rape me and my family whenever he wants he'll make life worse for the mexicans I desperately blame for my problems because it's easy and makes me feel better about myself! D-d-d-dont tread on me! I may call myself a libertarian but I hate open borders and I love having my borders be violated by porky if you know what I'm saying!
Yeah because people aren't intentionally underfunding them to justify privatization.
>Toei Animation has started implementing new measures to improve the hellish working schedules of anime staff, but as it turns out, their half-hearted implementation has actually hurt employees more than it’s helped them.
>overwork on garbage like sora yori
>jump in front of train
>"he died from overwork"
Fired is still better than dead
Increasing amounts of stress, lack of sleep, and probably poor diet on top is really fucking terrible for your body and is devastating to your immune system.
Look at the UK during and after Thatcher you fucking retard, have you ever looked at a graph in your life? She directly caused massive unemployment, ridiculous inflation rights, and a plummet in worker's pay, all because porky appeasement, temporary appeasement at that, is just too appealing to dumbfucks like you who unironically think that what's best for the people who exist to take your money is best for you.
being fired in japan = death because nobody will hire you again
Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn't there a fundraiser into helping out these animators and it raised over almost a million and succeeded?
ITT: NEETs who doesn't even have a job argue what is right or wrong about work cultures
>other anime studios
>die making subpar animation
>thrive while making masterpieces
Isn't Japan known for extreme heavy work conditions in all fields though.
I think you meant SHAFT
That’s why socialism was born, to have both sides of capitalism and communism, for some reason capitalist refuse to acknowledge the commie part in their gov systems, hell America has a communist party.
Why are people who don't work so opposed to making working conditions better so that their parents can support them easier?
>a-list actors
There's your problem, get college kids, pay them shit, and make the voice director beat good acting into them.
Kyoani ruins their animators' work by putting filters on everything. Seeing all of my effort corrupted like that would make me suicidal.
says the NEET lmao
Toei's animators are unionized. Incidentally their animators get paid better and don't tend to die at their desks. Shocking!
Socialism was born to pave the way for communism and commit ungodly amounts of genocide through starvation and mass killings.
Their parents are already upper class or are middle class professionals who benefit from the status quo.
Should've made them do morning exercises to build healthier bodies.
It was a scam and all the money went to Yamakan
Useless movements achieving nothing.
Might as well hit the gym or jog early in the morning before work.
>Communism is just dividing the resources to everyone, it’s not some evil thing like they have you believe.
This can be misleading to amerifats. "Communism" can only be achieved once classes are eliminated through socialism, so really we should be talking about what socialism looks like, and all that socialism is is the removal of the capitalist employer, i.e, porky. Once that is achieved all workers are entitled to what their workplaces produce and they're entitled to elect managers and leaders among other things, and since the workers are running the workplace and their government, they're entitled to things like healthcare and education. Socialism is the only means of having legitimate democracy.
It's also extremely important to remember that socialism is EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY, NOT EQUALITY OF OUTCOME, especially when talking with burgers. All socialists want to do is not have the parasite that is porky ride off worker's backs, but americans are so used to carrying that baggage and are so convinced they want to carry it they hate the idea of throwing it away.
those things happen now with capitalism
It’s to give them free apartments I think, it doesn’t help if the animators are retarded and can’t manage money.
The other donation sites from studios like trigger go to the higher up too, the staff doesn’t get anything as they say so on Twitter and other social media.
He wasn't a full time animator though.
Why don't chink animators die like this?
>giving the resources from the successful to those who are not successful so they can breed and spread their failure
oh and I should say by classes I don't mean economic classes, I mean the porky/worker dynamic.
Man its starting to get unnecessarily /pol/ in here. How does this happen? It's not even on topic.
Fuck off Carlos
Why are you blaming communism for dictators and capitalist invasion? Venezuela was doing alright until the US attacked it with economic warfare cutting off the money value and bribing agriculture companies to shut down.
Americans get freaked out anytime someone talks about bad working conditions.
go back newfag
Crossboarders can’t handle that Yea Forums is pro communism and loves Marx.
People here like to think they know how the world woks, don't waste your time trying to talk some sense into them, it's Yea Forums
We are /pol/
They probably do but no one bothers reporting. For some reason the Chinese can do things like a Muslim Holocaust and no one bats an eye.
The iphone socialists are here.
I don't own an iphone
they're terrified of not having porky to dominate them. it's stockholm syndrome
define successful
venezuala's economy is literally 70% privatized and to my knowledge has never even had a primarily public economy, but it's true imperialism has fucked them super hard just because they elect a party that says they're socialist
extremely based
It's not about trying to climb, it's about matching what others are doing. If you aren't meeting the standard of overtime you'll just get cut and replaced with some other unfortunate newbie. And then you'll have a reputation for slacking off relative to your peers making it harder to find work.
Its not about weight loss or strength user, its about joint health you retard.
Incidentally their shows also look like trash though.
successful means wageslaves and their bosses
I have a job and have sat on numerous hiring committees. It's really difficult for most places to find decent employees, so if you're not shit at what you do, you have flexibility. The people that are exploited are the ones that have no backbone or are easily replaceable. Apparently animators fall into both of those camps, which is sad, but they dug their self there on their own.
take that back.
Holy based.
what's this
incredibly based
>Twitter screencap thread
you'd be foolish to think this was anything other than an invitation for /pol/
Where have you been all of last season? It was all over the catalog.
Dehydration, stress etc
most of that time they only pretend that they are working.
State capitalism is a powerful thing
Anyone else see this posted on other boards? Are commies trying to subvert this site with this propaganda?
Kill yourself, waste.
>He is not wrong though
He is though, you ignorant NEET sack of shit.
I don't trust this guy. He sounds like a communist.
I don't watch seasonal anime usually, especially not adaptations of shonen manga
is that Mob Psycho? I already read Mob Psycho, and I especially don't watch adaptations of shonen manga that I've already read
>hurr durr running is all about weight loss
That's mostly because they keep doing ongoing series and aren't great at scheduling. Ongoing and bad scheduling always results in QUALITY for the majority of episodes.
or like, why didn't just drop it all and set a food truck or something? I'd rather earn less and live more than die young from overtime, fuck that shit
nurses are. doctors just have to interact with retards all the time.
Imagine a world where no animator had to work for whatever pittance is offered to him. A world where most anime is made for the love of art and the desire to create something nice, not just because they have to churn out a product every week just to live. A world where the stupid masses would have much less influence on what is produced because their money isn't absolutely needed. A world where your favorite manga would get adopted start to finish in high quality just because enough people cared.
t. wagie
not to mention, doctors are either overworked and underpaid, or they're small business owners, which is a new class of overworked and underpayed
I don't see much /pol/ here. No racism, no braindead hurling about the jews, no zero IQ posts incidents.
well there was that guy who posted the american goblin thing but he got banned lol
>go to the higher up too, the staff doesn’t get anything
Pretty sure uh, no?
The animators would lose motivation and get lazy. This NEET pipe dream is just that: a dream. It doesn’t happen in reality.
He endorsed the green party, so I don't think he's a commie
Every animation studio in Japan is this bad user
they should unionize.
>no braindead hurling about the jews
What exactly is wrong about this, actually?
They’re already drawing for almost no money, they would get payed more if they were on welfare.
>Winnie The Pooh 2020
Smelly, dumb NEET peon.
It says 制作進行 aka the guy with a whip that must make the animating slaves work collapsed due to overwork and had to be transported by an ambulance.
jews hate it when you point out facts
Lots of people already do unbelievable amounts of quality work for no money at all. Because they want to. Money is the primary motivation for very few people.
I seem to recall Japan limiting overtime to under 100 hours a month last year. but I guess employers don't give a shit.
Based N4 chad
Diverting attention from the real problems by focusing on a boogeyman. In addition, this boogeyman is so obviously a boogeyman that anyone using it gets discredited instantly.
It's ridiculous. Even if the jews were the cause of all the problems, they'd achieve more by not focusing on the jews, but the mechanism of action they claim that is in effect.
Basically, retards make themselves recognizable as retards, and can consequently be ignored by normal people and the people who make the decisions.
>post twatter screencap thread on Yea Forums
>it gets over 300 replies
Every time.
i'm still here mutt
From my experience, all unions are like that once formed and are more concerned about politics than actual workplace environment. I don't know why US companies consider them unthinkable desu, considering how little of an impact they actually have, they're pretty much harmless.
Why would any animator unironically want to work for any studio other than KyoAni?
Kyoani are the same, they're just good at hiding it
Maybe they don't live in Kyoto.
Most animators would rather die than work at Kyoani.
all the good animators go to KyoAni. The shitty scraps go to other studios.
>Not working for kyoani
Why would anyone do this?
not talented enough.
>Socialism is the only means of having legitimate democracy.
and yet it's not worked anywhere in the world yet and the only country who fully embraced it is in shambles
It obviously varies from industry to industry, but if you look at the actual average number of hours worked by workers in each OECD country per year, Japan isn't an outlier at all. The average US worker works more. Just interesting to think about, since the common idea is that Japan has an absolutely hellish working culture, you wonder where the discrepancy comes from. Could just be it was more prevalent in the past, though again, certain industries, such as anime production, could just be a lot worse.
This. How many more coups does the US have to sponsor before socialists realize that their system doesn't work?
>tfw my imouto is studying in kyoto right now because she's a huge weeb who wants to become an animator
is she going to die?
Where does it say he died? Translate just said he was transported by ambulance.
She'll be working for KyoAni so she'll be safe.
This. Just look at Venezuela. A bunch of US sanctions and US backed coup attempts have made them dysfunctional as hell. That's your future under socialism.
She should switch to CG, that's the future of anime anyway.
It's easy to lambast another country for things while turning a blind eye to what your own country does. Japan, for whatever reason, is often seen as an "acceptable target" for Westerners to criticize wantonly.
last I checked any aide that the UN tried to give was taken by the corrupt government?
What a reddit fucking post
The message is not clear enough yet.
Every media industry you have to work like a dog to get a decent product out though
Even the NYT ran a retraction on that. Turns out gay-ido's people were burning all the aid trucks themselves.
This, as a consultant/architect I can pretty easily say I can do 6 hours a day of actually good productive work, not counting lunch and coffee breaks obviously.
If I put in more hours say 9 or 12 it's not going to be that much more work done than since it'll just either slow down or show as drop in quality and I usually go with former.
>$9.4k a year
This can't be real
>muh communism means that people should struggle for better wages
The absolute state of amerifats.
shit I make that much working part time at target
Let's think for a second. The countries which are Social Democracies, and actually have comparable if not higher public ownership to the "socialist" countries you're talking about, are doing remarkably well, despite massive worker ownership and rights, and it some cases semi-planned economies, or if nothing else, heavy Keynesian models.
Those which have had coups and have been blocked off from global markets like Cuba which has been cost $300 billion by this, are doing and have done incredibly well for their circumstances as well, and would have done even better if they weren't destroyed and harassed by the most powerful nations on earth.
Do you seriously think that the fault in these "failures" is that of the socialists? And calling them failures is simply stupid, as provable by every trace of empirical evidence we have. Socialism has almost without fail outdone capitalism in quality of life among other measures, including even economic growth, and the difference between you and I is I can prove what I'm saying:
What we should be doing is talk about the weak aspects or failed aspects of the socialist countries you're referencing and solve them. Work on better democratic models as socialists have been doing for decades and fight off imperialism and protectionism and you'll see socialist countries easily outdo their capitalist counterparts, as is made evident by the tiny Scandinavian countries.
Stop riding porky's cock for a couple hours and you'll see that you are provably incorrect, or at least try and do it long enough to look at some studies based on empirical evidence rather than laughable American historical estimates funded by the CIA and American "security" institutions.
This is why it bothers me when im told that overtime is optional but yet my boss hounds me about it every week. every week i have to explain if I need to stay I will have I ever been late with a report? These bosses think time literally = money and it makes me laugh that I get scolded for doing a project in an hour compared to bob from down the hall spending the full 8 hour day.
>ok guys the cameras are coming
>remember to do it just like we rehearsed
you expect me too feel sorry for someone who choose to work like this? pfffttt
so anyone gonna translate the FUCKING tweet hello??
now explain the UK
>Japan, for whatever reason, is often seen as an "acceptable target" for Westerners to criticize wantonly.
I think you know why.
Read the fucking OP that's all you need weaboo
Nitwits decide to blow their economy to hell because they're too stubborn to hold a second referendum.
THIS it fucking pisses me off whenever a western news outlet start bringing up japanese work culture/birthrates/suicide rate/plastic use/etc etc, like have they even looked up the western countries numbers for the same issues, Japan is a fucking model by comparison. The only reason people point fingers at them is because they actually bother to talk about it.
Working for mega corporations as a grunt might be the most de-humanizing thing ever.
Get shot in the head you fucking fairy
Heavy stress, not enough sleep, forced to take part in heavy alcoholic nights every day, not enough water afterward, more stress, no sleep at all, more alcohol, not enough water, more stress, oh my god, work twenty hours this day, fuck, stop, another night at the bar, please
There's a huge opioid endemic in America right now and all they can do is blame Mexicans for it rather than look into why people are spamming antidepressants in the first place.
Japan needs to legalize weed ASAP. That way they can replace all that alcohol with something that doesn't literally cause cancer.
Are japanese all fucking sociopaths? I mean for real
I think it really stems from their birth rate issue. It's fucking wierd, and everyone is trying to rationalize why its happening.
Also the anime industry fetishes high schools to the point where viewers think Japanese life goes to hell in a handbasket after school is done.
This, ran it through translate, didn't say anything about anyone dying, just that they were transported to a hospital.
It's always funny how young white males express capitalism criticism.
>elect reactionary who trashes the entire economy by riding porky's cock and causes massive dissolution for the working class through huge hikes in inflation and unemployment and brings worker wages to new lows
>still hasn't recovered because of bureaucracy, liberals, conservatives, and reactionaries, then decides that the best way to deal with their problem is leave the one agreement keeping them afloat because of, you guessed it, reactionaries again
>working class flips their ship but conservatives are too cool to care
that was easy
It's not like they couldn't address the problem at both fronts at the same time. What's the use in having beaners in your country after all?
sorry your a fucking retard that can realize the greentext summarizes what the tweet said
weed also causes cancer if you smoke it
thc oil/edibles is cool though
>Muh white males
Can't tell if /pol/ack or tumblrite. Either way take your idpol shit back to wherever you came from.
Maybe because drawing is actually harder work than you think.
If you're one of those people that confuse your with you're or their with they're, I don't think we'll get along.
>young white males
funny how since all them are dying and not graduating the world has gone too shit. Almost like they are the foundation for a society and are mean to protect the pack.
High stress and no sleep will get you a heart attack in time.
>It's literally impossible to get a different job or make your own work in Japan, culturally impossible, better just die
The cuck is you.
>it makes me laugh that I get scolded for doing a project in an hour compared to bob from down the hall spending the full 8 hour day.
>Be your friendly neighborhood IT guy
>Entire network of a school shit the bed bad.
>Be called , run tests , some nigger stole the default gateway address.
>Blacklist his MAC address and restart
>Everything is back to normal
>Why are you charging us so much for something you did in 1 hour when the idiot from the other company takes 2 days.
japanese culture is real shit when it comes to working like a slave and stigmas against changing jobs. and the fines a company has to pay from karoshi are small so the profit they gain from all that unpaid overtime outweighs it easily
Why are you so offended? Is it not true that this is the primary Yea Forums demographic?
They're dying, what? White people still make up most of the population of North America and Europe, and the death rate of young white people isn't unusually high or so. There are no Amurridumb wars like Vietnam going on that reduce the number of white males either.
Sounds like bad management if you ask me. I feel for you since one of my earlier gigs in youth were the same.
Liked the job but the high management (out of city) was hellbent on making the working hours inhumane as possible and uncertain for the part-timers in an attempt to keep overtime costs minimal.
They're far away and precious little even speak enough English to actually compllain about it.
The fact they agree with the assessements (because Japanese agree they do have issues rather than pointing at someone else and going "You're the same so you have no right to criticise us.") onlt adds fuel into the fire.
I don't know why the concept of leaving the job and look for something else if it becomes unbearable so foreign to people here.
I did it a couple of times already, it's not impossible and sure as hell better than fucking dieing.
ITT I've watched a few animes, let me write a critique of the japan society
So nobody actually bothered translating what the tweet said? Nothing in there about anyone dying.
Go back, cum guzzling retard.
You have to admit that something is going very wrong, and it's literally destroying anime. There's all that dumb CGI usage, and some shows are falling apart due to the lack of animation.
It's because Japan works, and is as far from western values (like all Asian countries) as possible. This infuriates a certain kind of "leftists" which are guilty white supremacists in disguise.
Africa is a hellhole, they say. It's really sad, but blacks are blacks, and we shouldn't expect anything of blacks, really. But in Japan they are not white, and the country thrive, and that's just unfathomable, because it doesn't really enter into the narrative of white being oppressive ubermensch.
In all seriousness, I have seen nothing but pure undiluted racism from my progressive friends for Asian countries. It's even a little scary. Same reason why Asians have a far lower acceptance chance in Berkeley and MIT.
t. haven't drawn anything since preschool
check you're facts, I never talked about population I talked about deaths and graduation.
White men between 16-30 our either killing themselves or not even joining society. I wonder why not? is society not meant to be diverse and inclusive?
This is the best.
I just smugly tell them they are free to hire someone cheaper and enjoy the results if they don't like it.
>Implying I learned the 5 bazillion kanji already
If OP wasn't a faggot taking a screenshot of what was perfectly serviceable unicode text, maybe I could try.
Fuck capitalism
I think I read somewhere that chart is flawed since the average contains part time animators
>I have seen nothing but pure undiluted racism from my progressive friends for Asian countries
Any particular examples?
Could do what I did and just go to that twitter handle. It's in the screenshot. I'm not going to act like I can read it all either, just some words here and there, but throwing that shit in translate just said someone had to be taken to the hospital, not that they died.
Assuming 6 days a 8h regular times he'd have to work like another 8h per day.
That said, I heard animators sleep under their desk in the studio and don't even go home.
>taken to the hospital
heh someone's about to lose their job
I recently had a lengthy discussion about it with some of my friends. Their points were, roughly paraphrased:
>Progressive values of inclusiveness are universal, because our values are the best.
>But what about Japan and China? They don't have your progressive values.
>Well, they aren't human, so they don't really count.
This was honestly kind of weird and I'm not exaggerating, though I'm paraphrasing. They were all for diversity and shouting about inclusion, until I gave that example, and then it was a fuckfest. They later admitted they just didn't like those societies, because they were wrong societies, with wrong people in it.
Many of your friends are mostly right about Japan society being a hellhole.
That's hilarious, thanks for sharing.
But they work and are civilized, unlike any society created by smelly brown people
Is it really a surprise? You can't be both in favor of diversity and respect for other societies because being different doesn't necesarily make them wrong, while ALSO being in favor of imposing your own values on them because your values are better than theirs.
You're a faggot for having "friends" like that.
why isn't this /thread
Well desu everyone can draw in japan so it's offer and demand, but few people can do proper loli voices "Onii chan onii chan"
once the white men become a joke of what they were, progressives will target asians as their next 'oppressor'
Reminds me of a moon live action drama about a lawyer that only defends scumbags.
There was an episode where an animator sued his boss (a famous chief animator) because he overworked the guy so much his hands were partially ruined or something. Lawyer manages to convince the fucked animator that the other guy was only trying to make him improve, wins the lawsuit
>delusional weeb defending japan slave methods
>Be a talentless wagie
>get paid as much as a Series Director
Well huh
Nice identity politics you got there.
Leftists and rightists both hate or disrespect Asians in some form, it's not surprising.
It could happen to everyone.
if i had to set a business what should i do it about i don't want to be a waggie for life
>work 200 hours of overtime
>produce this
they envy us because we have no skin in the game while the whites, blacks, spics, and muslims are all duking it out with one another
they are part of the minorities sjws are pandering
In his case, overwork simply weakened him enough that the spirits of the dead could carry his soul away
Legal high?
My main interest is in: how do we stop western politics from ruining anime, and in particular, lolicon?
They're currently pressuring Japan into outlawing loli, and anime is only a hit in the west if it's "diverse" enough.
kek, didn't know devilman crybaby had deleted scenes
>we have no skin in the game
Oh you.
Guys, I worked 200+ hours on this. What do you think?
I think so
What a joke studio.
> overtime for free
> works on weekends on force
Doesn't Japan has laws about work or something? In my country bosses like this mostly suck a huge dick.
No, the Japanese are as cucked in corporate worship as Americans.
Least I get paid for my overtime fuck dude
US has labor laws to prevent this.
No, it's only a hit if its edgeshit like Gob Slayer.
They don't care about American audiences. If a show is successful there then it is just an added bonus. Also Japan is already way more socially left wing that the west so it doesn't matter.
Supposedly better off than the USA at least.
Do this or be immediately fired
>Doesn't Japan has laws about work or something?
Google "Black Companies".
Japs are lacking their warrior ways which is why they’re so sad.
This is changing now with the military rapidly expanding.
Search "Mark Zuckerberg Sweat"
And if you do get fired or quit they will go out of their way to shit on you if they get called up by a company you're applying to. And if you don't use them in your work history you have a big gap in your resume you have to awkwardly explain either why you were not working during that time or why you got fired.
Sounds like a fun concept for a show. Like "Thank you for Smoking" made for TV.
Too bad Abe is anti-nationalist who would be much more likely to align with China against the US in order to get us out of the region.
Every japanese animation studio is a shithole to work
It was. It was different waching the usual villain get defended and win. like a guy who wanted to divorce a woman and owe her nothing just because shed had plastic curgery done before they even met
What’s worse is when they intentionally work in inefficient ways just to appear like harder workers when there’s no need to kill themselves over it.
You know 50+hrs a week is normal right? This fagget was working in a air conditioned office on his ass all day, have you ever seen a man lose his hand in a 50 degrees C desert working 12hrs shift and fending off fucking dingoes and still have the energy to go looking through dirt for his fingers while pissing out blood. The bitch deserved to die.
they even have a word for that? what the fuck japan
Even Ghilbi? Always figured they'd be treated somewhat better, though probably not
This shit always pissed me off. Why do nips care so much about VA's?
>Greece Mexico Russia turkey
Press X to doubt
You have to go through a specialised animator school just to even get the opportunity to work at their company. I can't imagine that being pleasant.
>You know 50+hrs a week is normal right?
Not sure what shithole you live in where that's the standard but I suggest not normalizing it.
I get about 30% more than that from government by simply existing as a NEET. Feels good to exist in a non-shithole country that respects basic human rights.
Can't wait for Yang to win 2020 so I can get a slice of that pie.
Everyone should just aim for KyoAni. If not just quit.
>By all of boss's consumer wares
Please fix your pasta
I can confirm that in most desk jobs in mexico you're not only expected but almost obligated to work overtime most of the time unpaid.
Dad used to work 8 to 6 and some weeks 8 to until whatever they're working on is over
KyoAni is harder to break into. It has a much smaller amount of animators despite their high quality work. This is just speculation on my part but they are probably have a lot of on-the-job training to do things the KyoAni way, leading to better working conditions for everyone. This would fall apart if there were more people to keep track of and coordinate with.
>Feels good to exist in a non-shithole country that respects basic human rights.
You mean your basic human right to be a vegetable at home and expect society to feed you? Ok.
this board is 90% NEETs, what did you honestly expect?
I wonder how many dicks she's been through while there. The chad nips have no chill and are very rapey.
You don't work you just sit on a table pretending. Unless everyone there is an accountant for Forbes it something
'Tyler, the Creator' turned out to be a literal niggerfaggot. Imagine that. Whatever, still the greatest white rapper of all-time this side of Travi$ Scott.
Reinhard > Yang
anime is charity, user. Tell this to that dumb nip.
>You are a neet if you have basic dignity and don't slave your life away for Shlomo
You're a weak-willed faggot. If you have actual skills, you shouldn't have a problem getting a job that desires those skills (unless your personality/work ethic is complete garbage). Basically see this
chad means getting sex but you wouldn't know about that
40% of Japanese in their twenties are virgins with even numbers for both genders, there are no chads there.
and the other 60% are getting laid
>>voice actors who never greduated get paid six figures
Absolute stupid fuck, nothing less expected from the retard called anonymous.
>Executive producers get paid less than me
>I am at the lowest wage level at my office job
At least living in Japan is cheap, so he probably has a higher PPP.
>At least living in Japan is cheap
Overwork is overwork, why do people always come in to say "oh, but that shit isn't real work, that guy is a pussy"? What do you have to prove by denigrating other people's careers and their lives?
VA idoltry needs to fucking die.
go back
They're insecure since they don't have a job themselves.
No one buys anime BDs/merch because of a no name drawing guy.
it breeds whiny, weasel faggets like you, work is what molds a person.
Actors making a lot of money is nothing new (unlike you).
There's a decent amount of Nakamura fangays that buy most of the shit he does.
Doesn't mean jack shit. Anime wouldn't make 5% of its current income without the well known seiyuus.
Nice reading comprehension, idiot. He's arguing against overwork, not work in general.
>working at madhouse
>dies from overwork
Imagine killing yourself making forgettable garbage.
Work sets you free
I don't think you even read my post, that's a complete non-sequitor.
proving my point here, harden the fuck up bitches
>thinking work is virtuous
Oh nononono
Nah it actually isn't, people just overstate their hours.
You didn't have a point. Feel free to keep working 80h+ work weeks though; I'll enjoy my chinese cartoons in the meantime.
Didn't some other studio also kill their employee through overwork before?
Literally every studio in Japan
just what kind off servile scum are you? do you not have any personal goals to achieve, so that's why your fine wasting your life away working for others?
An A-1 Pictures production assistant killed himself several years ago.
Why don't studios just hire C-D tier voice actors?
Hell pick up some random people off the street. Make it feel more genuine. Would anyone really notice the difference?
Imagine being this dumb.
Because this is what happens when you get a nobody to voice shit.
>This board is populated largely by people who don't work. What did you expect?
Or as we should call them: "Survivors"
Its no difference than the Western love affair with Hollywood Celebrities. People are predisposed to watch a movie with a celebrity they like are in it.
Likewise, there are otaku who are willing to watch and buy anything a VA does. For example, Rie Kugimiya and Yoko Hikasa in their prime, they boosted sales of an anime greatly, even if it sucked.
That's what America and Canada do and it has questionable results. Best case scenario you end up with the G Gundam dub, which was still bad.
I remember there was some anime that had one episode where character was reading something from paper and on that paper was written something like "please help they don't feed us we are suffering" in English
Can anyone post it? I didn't save it.
You do know there's a reason why A-list voice actors are A-list voice actors, right
That's the annual income of an "A-list voice actor". The vast majority of that money would not come from VA work, but from other jobs like singing, dancing, all that pop star shit.
Is it cause they sucked the most producer dick
The other reason
Fuck off. Rod Stewart is great.
Can your 2 IQ mind even realize they hire those all the time? There's still much, much less usable voice actors than animators.
nepotism, the casting couch, fan pandering?
All of the animation studios are like this. If it was a simple as workers quitting then the employer wouldn't get away with it would they? Japan has shit worker protection regulations.
> written from his mother's basement
Also marketing, many people become famous because the marketing machine of their agent/company can pull the right buttons on radio, TV, social media, and movies.
Some people are literally the right person in the right place in the right time, like being a fucking 10/10 barista with a golden voice when a movie producer walks in.
20k a year is still laughable even in Eastern Europe for jobs like these.
Why would they? For the price of two seasons of anime, the West can make one episode of Friends.
No wonder they opened a branch at Toei Philippines.
>If it was a simple as workers quitting then the employer wouldn't get away with it would they?
Are you suggesting Japanese companies are engaged in literal slave labor? Don't be an idiot. Japanese labor law isn't particularly regressive. There's absolutely nothing stopping these people from quitting and taking jobs in other industries other than the fact that they tend to be lazy fuckups who didn't bother to get a real education and so find it difficult to get a corporate job.
Because most of their education is directly aimed at specific jobs at specific corporations. Also good luck getting a job at corporation after you proved you aren't loyal.
Honest question.
To be an animator you need to be highly skilled and the job is hard or you just need to be a mindless drone doing something even a monkey can do but over and over again?
>die from overwork
unless there's been further information released since, that's a little premature. The tweet just says he collapsed from overwork and was taken away in an ambulance.
I'm still convinced an ESL wrote this because it's pure meterless cringe for any native speaker trying to read it.
It's like homeless people just get a house
Unions destroyed animation in the west, so only large houses can afford to exist. That’s why it’s all done in Korea or flash. I’d rather have dead japs than the death of a entire medium their tiny island nation is the only one preserving.
Last time I checked animation was still a thing in the west.
Funfact: Because the wage of inbetweeners has been so stagnant since the 1980's for nearly a decade they haven't made enough money to qualify for work visas in Japan. That's why outsourcing is so much more common because no one can legally come to the country for the job.
>poems/songs need to adhere to the strictest rules of the English language
Your post is what's cringe here.
Unions didn't do shit to western animation. Also bigger firms means more efficient production. Not sure why you wouldn't like that. Western (American) animation has always been superior to japan anyways. The problem has always been the art. Western art just sucks.
FUCK taxes and FUCK the gobmnt.
>most of their education is directly aimed at specific jobs at specific corporations
No it isn't. Stop talking out of your ass. Japan has a cohort system where large companies hire a large group of new graduates all at the same time, then train them into the jobs they will eventually do. The only fields where your major matters are ones requiring specific technical skills or professional licensure, e.g. medicine, engineering. Top-tier companies tend to hire mostly from top-tier universities, but that doesn't mean graduates from second or third tier schools have trouble finding good jobs. They just work at second or third tier companies, which tend to have better work environments anyway.
The biggest actual problem with Japanese corporate hiring is the relative exclusion of people who didn't follow the normal path. Since large companies hire same-aged cohorts of new grads and train them, they tend not to be interested in random individuals who are older and already have some skills. This makes it hard to enter the corporate world if you didn't go to university or took a non-corporate job as your first job out of school. But that's only for large traditional companies, not the employment market in general. There are plenty of jobs at small, medium, and foreign companies that like to hire people with existing skills.
>good luck getting a job at corporation after you proved you aren't loyal.
Well yeah, when your system assumes loyalty in exchange for lifelong job security, why would you want to hire someone who isn't loyal? But again, that's only for large traditional companies. In terms of pay and hours, working at a convenience store or restaurant would be better than being an animator. People have to take responsibility for their life choices.
>Not sure why you wouldn't like that.
Kemono Friends.
Is this a method of suicide I can achieve with making it look like an accident?
You are wrong.
Only animation "design" work and storyboarding is done by overpaid western "animators". All the real work is farmed out to asian sweatshops for the actual animation to be produced.
2d animation is done in Korea. Only boarding, writing, designs, va work is done in country unless it’s cgi or flash. Actual animation is all done over seas, and you may see 3 new 12 min shows a year if that. It’s absolutely dead. Look at Yea Forums and tell me it isn’t.
>Mexicans are laz-
Golden age and 90s union rates staying the same after the crash of 2d animation when Disney went full cgi absolutely destroyed western animation, show me the 40 hand drawn animated series a season. How about a year. How about half that and even include the toonboom flash shit. I’ll wait.
You can't tell your drug cartel boss that you want to go home early from your murdering local cops job.
Let me translate your post for you
>I don't speak English at a native level so things go over my head
The difference between you not being annoyed at that "poem" and a chinese guy that never uses articles is just a difference in degree. The principal is the same.
I work at a big 3 studio. It’s funny how often Koreans will redraw backgrounds that don’t work with the board or action, or follow the designs. Clean up is pointless as they never ever use them. They barely follow the model turns. They basically trace the bord and ad I between some, which is why revisionists being on model is so stressed. Board artists are usually drunk by 3 and draw whatever until crunch time when they whip shit out and don’t pay attention or care to direction. And even if you do the Koreans won’t follow it because they don’t give a fuck.
t. Drunk at 3pm
Layout has always been more important to American animators. The nips used to frequently skip layout all together, or only layout one or two frames of entire cuts.
hello ilya-kun how is japan
alex hirsch... is that you??
All good animators should just move to get money from fantia or something like that. Then maybe studios will be either forced to pay them more, or we'll have a new age of extreme QUALITY where every studio will release Toei-tier shit.
I envy that retard but I get paid too much to shit out circles making fart jokes to follow his path
Let's say you are a skill animator, what should you do with your skills? Because working for these studios sounds fucking awful.
Did you mean "principle", moron? Good job, fucking idiot. Next you'll tell me news headlines require articles in them. Fuck outta here.
Maybe if they let the niggas rest their hands and eat a burger or something. All the crappy animation makes sense when you factor in these people are worked into near soulessness.
Being common doesnt make it good.
>t. Work at a factory where the average workweek lasts 58 hours
Who died?
Who knew the success of being a freelance artist was to draw waifu bait and cute girls
Move to France.
If he was good at animating he would be working as a 3d animator in the states. Nothing of value was lost.
You are a highly skilled monkey doing the samething over and over in a limited time span.
There are unions in Japan, but IIRC they have a less antagonistic relationship to the company than most countries.
Draw porn for patreon. I want well animated hentai again.
t. pre-paris syndrome nip
Lmao, all of the cgi animators will be out of the job in 15 years. Like vex, it’s all moving to China or India. It’s not real animation anyway, it’s fucking puppets and code.
(You) at the bottom
germany's birth rate is almost as low as japan, it was even lower at some point, and they still have much lower work time.
You work at the wrong factory. I have 60 hours on one week then 24 on the next.
>Did you mean "principle"
Doubling down on stupid when you clearly don't know what you're talking about is also pretty cringe.
They're not rules so much as "this works, so please use it". Chants need to resolve musically otherwise they're just awkward.
Nice damage control, faggot ESL-kun.
Yeah, but my union lets me stab back at them just enough to make it bearable.
I think JC Staff has its own unions, same with Toei
The animation industry is for those who really love animation. Best thing to do is form a group and hopefully get your shit funded through kickstarter or patreon.
>can't get past the first line where an article was omitted
>If you got your head out of your ass for a minute
>you might actually see some humor in it
Like that?
another wageslave bites the dust
I don't get the appeal of KyoAni
That's an out of context meme. Seiyuu get paid like shit for anime, more than 90% of their money comes from royalities which aren't paid by the studios.
Because the megacorps aren't directly employing animators. They hire a studio to animate a series for them, and the studio pays the animators. Many studios have record profits.
There are exceptions, e.g. A-1 and Sunrise (Sony and Bandai) but most animators aren't directly paid by the mega corporations.
I am just the IT guy who spends most of his day chained to a desk shitting out C# tools and i work 48 hours which are already way too much.
The operators on the other hand.
>chained to their spots
>Cant go to the bathroom more than a pre-established time.
>constantly breathing toxic denim fumes and assorted acids.
>getting blue calluses on their hands.
>absolutely shit pay , 1/10th of american min wage.
>mess hall looks like something pulled out of silent hill
>some dont know how to read , have to sign papers with their fingerprints.
>Most are stoned out of their fucking mind most of the time , bathrooms always reek of pot
>overtime is paid a third of what it should be.
>unpaid holidays or min wage if you are lucky (4 dollars)
>No sick leave , you can only get unpaid sick time if you get a IMSS authored note indicating that you are a biohazard and shouldnt be near anyone.
>normal week is 48 hours but with obligatory overtime ends up around 58 hours with some sick bastards pulling off 64-hour weeks.
>Mind you , this is grueling spic workshop slave labour , not some cushy desk-slave position.
All of this so your Levi's jeans can be sold at 6 dollars out of factory
isn't that a sex position?