Is there anything worse than edgefags?
They have the mentality of a 12 year old and are incapable of enjoying any anime that doesn't throw a baby in a blender within the first episode.
Is there anything worse than edgefags?
They have the mentality of a 12 year old and are incapable of enjoying any anime that doesn't throw a baby in a blender within the first episode.
I bet that I can beat you in a fight just using one arm
Of course it only takes one arm to beat me off
op sounds triggered
its called mature anime for a reason idiot. If you cant handle it then buzz off
Babbys first anime ?
>Is there anything worse than edgefags?
shounen and yurifags
fujoshit and yaoi
Yes, people that watched 500+ anime and then post in Yea Forums that anime are shit.
Depends, people who enjoy more violent shows now and then are fine. The problem is people who only watch edge, and then demand everything be edgy.
That's basically who I'm referring to. Like don't get me wrong there are some good anime with edge in them and that's fine but when someone loves an anime solely because it's edgy it makes me want to drink.
>he cant grip his dick with two hands
Edge is fun
s-shut the fuck up I just have big hands
Try saucenao
real pros only need one hand
this, holy shit. Yurifags deserve to be shot into a trench
I won't deny it