Mayonaka no Occult Kōmuin

is this gonna be shit?

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I liked the PV. Looking forward to trying the first episode.

well how was it?

What a cute girl

What's this about?

Subs out in 10 minutes (hopefully).

Out on HS.

gonna watch episode 2, not sure how i feel about it

Pretty good. Huge angel tits helped quite a bit.
Tho seems to be aimed more at women seeing the cast.

I enjoyed the first episode, will continue watching

>we want Mononokean audience
Pretty boring. And of course SUPER SPECIAL MC POWERS

I liked the first episode. The characters worked well together and the episode's short plot introduced us to the world without being boring. Definitely looking forward to more.

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>gayer modern Raidou Kuzunoha
I mean sure I like supernatural shit and all so this'll be nice to watch.

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I wish I was good at editing.

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Watch my show or I'll get upset!

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I can't name what this reminds me of, but I like it. Dead threads coming tho.

How gay is this show?

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Forbidden love is the theme of the episode. I didn't think it was gay at all though.

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is this the Hakata Tonkotsu Ramen of this season?

It looked like a decent watch for sunday, not anything to become avid about but nice enough.

But I'm curious if the sauce material is bait because both OP and ED seemed to focus mainly on MC and the other dude staring into each other's eyes

It's a shoujo aimed at girls, move on

Kircheis is the main character here, huh?

Kircheis is way more confident, capable, and homo than this guy.

>guy who wears a chocker

Clearly a reverse trap.

Reminds me slightly of UraBoku, but this one seems less adventure and more procedural. Overall, looking forward to more of it, I'm a sucker for supernatural plots in shoujo stuff, and it seems to miss both harem and reverse harem pitfalls.

is this pajeet youkai going to be kircheis' homo husbando?

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Based on OP/ED, seems so. Some sort of reincarnated human/youkai love affair probably. I don't think they'll make Abe-no-Seimei female, though, so homo from the start.

>Abe-no-Seimei also appears in the anime Fukigen no Mononokean with Ashiya as his companion rather than his rival.
What could Wiki mean by it? Abeno has very little in common with the legendary figure, unless the connection appears in parts of manga that are yet to be adapted.

Don't know how to feel about it's kind of a weird, Be surprised how they make this interesting at all.

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Imagine the sex.

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Only fisting will make her feel anything

Can they have kids? How would they look? Mixed colors/features or take some features from each?


Sprites are nature's onaholes.


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Finally another fujoseries I can get behind, it's been a dry few months

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No and it's actually obvious in the show, since we hear him before we see him. He just has shoujo eyes.

>show makes a joke how he looks like a woman
As long as it doesn't get too gay I think I'll keep watching it.


Ramens is fun though.

It was, I just like to keep posting that pic

why do nips have to ruin a show by making it for fucking faggots all the time

because only faggots buy BD

Stop talking shit about shoujo manga adaptations.

Are you finally realizing homo shows are just superior?
And it's 2D anyway, and they don't ever go too specific, don't be so insecure about it. It's basically like 5% more homo than the basic bishonen filled shonenshit with probably a tomboy love interest.

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>MC already has a reincarnated (?) waifu in the OP
>one dude looks kinda faggy but okay
>other one is perfectly normal
>balanced amount of females and males in the OP
Really not seeing it thus far.

There are like 20 shows for you, why are you so insecure that 5 shows aimed at women trigger you?

>you'll never be imagined by a huge angel nee-san


In the OP, reread the post or rewatch the OP


Why did they have to bring in the size difference?

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Because it makes it so much better.

>still calls herself a male

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To show that love can overcome more than cultural barriers, but physical ones too!

I ended up enjoying this a lot more than I expected.

>new guy is unaware he is super
Most likely it will be shit.

This feels like a weaker Yokazura Quartet, but for women.

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>not a girl

picked up

A weaker Yozakura Quarter would still be a lot better than most anime, so I'll take it.