Zoku Owarimonogatari

Are there any good full subs out yet?

Attached: Zokuowarianime2.jpg (849x1200, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The only complete subs are from MTBB and they're alright, except not using honorifics.

Attached: cap_[MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatari - 06_00_04_23_02.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

There's a sub track with honorifics for autists just as yourself.

I want to lovingly sodomize Math's butt

Attached: math butt.jpg (1920x1080, 211K)

Does that mean they use "miss" instead of san, or do they just write characters' names? I don't care about honorifics as long as they aren't substituting with english ones, since we don't have any equivalents.

the fuck why nisio keeps ruining his own characters

That's his rule of thumb - every character has to change at least once or twice - sometimes for the better, but mostly for the worst. And, well, that was like an alternative reality so it doesn't really count.

Shut up, she's cute!

twin tails>shit>that abomination

I felt sad for Sodachi back in Owari, but I changed my mind after seeing her hair. She's much better off being miserable and cute, than ugly and happy.

t. ESL-kun

I had no idea this was even airing this whole time. What aired before this?

Spoilers from later books:

She gets a hair cut when she enters college, except because she was in a mood for a change instead of character development. So she might be ugly and miserable for a while (there is no pic of her in that book, but Shaft would probably use the same design).

And then after college she has glasses and a hair bun like the perfect image of a Christmas Cake Office Lady

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Here you go, user.

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post short hair math

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>not wearing a thong
what a sl*t

I hope he at least fucked Math on the way out and gave her a nice dream.

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Does he pull off the look?

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I was under the impression that this arc would be more about Math, and how she would be the cause for the whole mirror thing, but I guess I was completely off the mark.
Still though, given how much they advertised it with her image, one would think that, no?
I'm kind of sad she wasn't the focus and that she ended up having little screen-time too.

No, his frame is far too masculine.

I never liked Math that much before but holy fuck, she's beautiful.

Attached: [MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatari - 02 [6DB60438].mkv_snapshot_13.33_[2019.04.07_20.43.50].jpg (1280x720, 69K)

That's just because she was in the cover for the book, and the one in the cover is not always who the book is about. For reference she isn't in the cover for owari or oroka, the two books with her named arcs.

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>not liking Math
Are you a faggot?

Is Math going to open up a lot more after having her thoughts mixed with her ideal dream?

Maybe I was, yes.
But I'm cured now.
This scene was so sweet and touching.

Attached: [MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatari - 02 [6DB60438].mkv_snapshot_13.51_[2019.04.07_20.51.58].jpg (1280x720, 80K)

>or oroka
So she still has an arc left?

thongs are for sluts what are you on about

Yes, the very next arc is the follow up to sodachi lost. An entire story about math with no other main character and shown entirely from her headspace including long crazy monologues and her translating/interpreting every character dialogue (including hers) completely wrongly.

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Holy shit.
When is this getting animated?

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Buy, I can already see how fucked up the animation is gonna be, with hundreds of flashing frames, especially for epileptic viewers

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Not announced yet.

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But where does Katanagatari and Ore Monogatari go?

Where can I read the 30+ short stories and various other media?

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on Yea Forumseddit
on reddit unironically

Not sure if friendly bant or genuine response.

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jesus christ nisio


just google 'reddit monogatari short stories'

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Owarimonogatari S2 - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_39.35_[2017.08.14_18.46.05].jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Why is Math so great?

What does this say?

Who was the director for zoku owari? Was this one Itamura too? Seemed strangely expressive for him.

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Shinbo directed the whole thing.
That was why it was so good.


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Pretty sure the subs I watched had honorifics

I'm really glad that snake only appeared for like 5 minutes in zokuowari, though it would've been much better without her. Seriously, fuck this bitch

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Man monogatari is a contrived mess.
I read the Light novels myself but i really can't blame people who can't find head or tails in the cluster fuck that is the combined anime release scheduled and the actual timeline.

I was worried that this season but be boring shite. I didn't really like the concept when I saw the trailer. It blew me away though. I can't believe how consistant this series is

A bunch of different people

Episode 1: Yoshizawa Midori

Episode 2: Ooishi Mie

Episode 3: Okada Kenjirou

Episode 4: Ajiki Kei

Episode 5: Ooishi Mie

Episode 6: Ootani Hajime

Itamura went freelance, so Zoku technically doesn't have an official director

Literally where is crab.
I have been defending her as a good gf for the last couple of years but im getting fucking sick of doing so while she is never on screen.

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She doesn't deal with the supernatural nonsense.
Shes Araragis human link.

Production values in the last episode felt much higher. I don't know if the quality of the rip just increased for the final episode, but it looks better and the director is more interesting, perhaps also because it's the final stretch but either way, pretty cool.

Attached: [MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatari - 02 [6DB60438].mkv_snapshot_04.10_[2019.04.07_13.28.35].jpg (1920x1080, 210K)

Watch the last bit of the episode
Also Nisio thinks her character arc doesn't need anymore development, so she's just fine being RRRGI's designated GF/first wife

One of these days I should rewatch everyhting in chronological order.

Starting with Acerola Bon Appétit depending when you start then.

Monkey should get a harem spin-off desu
Ougi, her dead lesbian girlfriend, give her a couple new characters and you are golden.

Oh and Bee

I want to kill myself

Attached: [MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatari - 04 [216A6E31].mkv_snapshot_09.29_[2019.04.07_15.57.19].jpg (1280x720, 45K)

Honestly, I'd go in release order but save Hanamonogatari for last. It spoils some things.

Attached: 2019-04-06 20_05_37-[MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatari - 06 [3FDD0DBF].mkv.png (1920x1080, 2.01M)

We need a math edit

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You won't find something similar in the anime since Math never cried during the series, except in yuudachi houteishiki OP. And the writing left it ambiguous (like literally everything that happened) if she cried during Fiasco.

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What even happens in Fiasco? Apart from, I take it, being a fiasco.

Just Math rampaging. Among other stuff she does invasion of private property, kidnapping, threatening, stealing and blackmail. Though that's what made it a fiasco for her.

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it'd look cute. see okitegami kyouko manga as well there's a cute office lady there too

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wait what's going on in that backpack?

But that pic is from Shoujo Fujuubun, and that's just the final chapter.

I thought Nise, Kuro Neko, Tsukimono, the first half of second season, and the last part of Owarimonogatari were aimless and boring.

Should I bother with this? Is there any tension besides which girls will kiss/show their panties to Arararararagi?

It's a portal to the Ghost Zone.


my favorites are the Yomiuri shinbun book reviews, where nisio uses two characters to review the concept of the book some of which I don't think he read.

I really liked Suruga palace where they talk about the author of whinnie the pooh's only mystery book.

Nisio will never stop milking this will he?

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>as well
my point is he likes girls in suits or at least the mangaka think he does

I hope not

he'll never stop milking zaregoto, its on its 3rd series. he just likes monogatari, that's why next season is off season because he dropped any plot proper for something like 2 years.

What can he even write about Monogatari anymore?

This franchise is so fucking retarded for making all the girls into dykes

Basically every character in the series has more than enough for a spin-off of their own if he wants (which is off-season). And since it's a supernatural mystery show he can just create new mysteries to be solved (which is monster season).

>what can he even write about story anymore?
user that's a very cynical viewpoint I don't think everything's been written yet.

Four new girls were introduced in Musubi.

And 2 (or 3 if you count one that already appeared in off-season) in Shinobumonogatari.

Was any of them interesting and allowed the narrative to move in new directions?

Because I haven't had fun with this franchise since Hitagi End and that arc had zero waifufaggotry or fanservice.

When is Araragi putting a baby in Math

There is the creation of a new university club.

More for us then.

/r/ing the non-eyecancer version of that chart.

is there a collage with illustrations of all the girls introduced so far?
including those adult paranormal people araragi works with?

When is the last episode coming out? Waiting for it since episode 3 ended on such a huge cliffhanger.

From the new characters only deathtopia got art so far. Though she is pretty much a main character with multiple named arcs announced.
It's already out.

Why does literally everyone have better on-screen chemistry with Araragi than Crab?

Because crab is the "normal" girl and they have the "normal" relationship. Other character have instead exotic relationships that are always interesting to see where it's going.

Wasn't this supposed to have an official online release?

In college

>Man monogatari is a contrived mess.
Really? I think is pretty simple, is as any other story, just with lot of sequels and prequels and sidestories.
Is easy to follow if you start from the beginning and watch/read in release order.
IT only seems complicated if you start looking at charts like those without actually watching/reading it

I just watched all of Zoku and loved it. I am glad I got to watch the end of the series and when I look back it's been almost 10 years now.
No, off-season and beyond don't count and there is little chance of it getting animated anyway, let me be.
Who do I kid, I do want more.

Math being happy but feeling something was off got to me, does she get a happy end later on?

Attached: Math.png (1275x715, 821K)

No. In fact she frequently is forced to give up her happiness in the course of solving other people's trivial problems. God it pisses me off.

Only when it airs on TV sometime May

I'd say at the last chronological point of the story she successfully achieved mediocrity, which is way above every point before in her life (including lots of tragedy that will still happen to her in the not adapted parts). It feels like one more time skip and she could have a real happy ending.

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Math is literally you.

>more Math
Nice. More Math is always welcome
>And then after college she has glasses and a hair bun like the perfect image of a Christmas Cake Office Lady
MUH DICK Now you have my attention.

If u watched it you would know it's not the real math

So from what I'm reading in this thread, Sodachi will still get a proper length arc from her own POV? Please say yes.

the nest math arc will have:
Araragi and math becoming roomates in college (mostly cause araragi's parents guilt tripped him into it) and this triggers Hitagi who breaks up with him. Math feels bad and tries to help them get back together while a bunch of other supernatural shenanagins take place. Oh and Ononoki lives with them too

Attached: math.png (1366x768, 631K)

Math doujins fucking when
Since Nisio won't give the romance
She's one of my favorites

You can read about adult math here (spoilers obviously):

Attached: 1446505577597.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

Also, that pic is her future job, just on the other side.

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so they have a daughter in the house funny

Throughout the past few threads I've just been sitting here getting angrier and angrier about the fact that Crab is the love interest. I've gone from "maybe it wasn't the best choice" to now thinking "god literally anyone else would have been better". I'm fucking seething, but I can't calm down because any time I think about it I just come up with more reasons to be pissed.

>Araragi and math becoming roomates in college

Is this a proper arc with Math as the focused girl or is it just mentioned in-story?

It's something everyone wants but I doubt Nisio will have it, just like math dealing with her drunk father.

as far as I know it doesn't focus on any specific character, but math is a lead character

I'm so done with this fucking character development meme.

It could've been. If Crab wasn't such a bitch.

>character development meme
That isn't character development, Sodachi just looks much different in the mirror world.

They're probably not gonna reappear any time soon since the current stretch of books seem to be about Exorcist-in-training Nadeko teaming up with the other girls

Actually, crab is the best choice for Araragi. I don't even like her, but it's true.
Crab knows he has no balls when it comes to girls and so she actually takes the initiative. She whips him up while Cat would always just silently long for him to do something that he's too dense to understand. Remember when he was allowed to touch her boobies and he chickened out, even though it was obviously clear she was into him to the point that it wasn't even funny? Their entire relationship would be that, over and over, until she either becomes suicidal or turns into a cat and kills him.

No other girl is really appropriate for him (Snail is a ghost, sisters are sisters and also have a boyfriend, Nadeko is insane and also he's not into her, Kanbaru is a lesbian, Ononoki doesn't seem right, the adults can be ommited for obvious reasons, and choosing Ougi would just be the equivalent of having a wank)
Only Euler is a good fit (but he fucked her over as a kid) and Shinobu, and, if you need to pacify your rage, you can remember that Shinobu and Araragi are basically lovers too.

With Math it would make an interesting couple plot wise (they both take extreme efforts to fix "oddities", with math handling exclusively human/relationship problems and araragi exclusively supernatural problems so they can team up in interesting ways). But relationship-wise it can't be worse, they are both self-destructive and selfless (or more accurately self-hating), together there would be literally no brakes.


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She just knew what it would mean for Araragi to gain another sister

Are those supposed to be negatives?

You have two basic reasons outlined there: First, that Crab took the initiative when no on else did - something that Araragi wouldn't do. Second, that the other girls each possess a trait that would exclude a romance. The problem here is that these aren't reasons why their relationship is better - they are reasons why their relationship happened. And, in fact, when you think about it, they are more result than reason. They are the result of Nisio deciding Crab would be the love interest. These conditions could have been different, or could have changed at some point along the way, without changing the nature of the characters' dynamics.

My point is that the relationships Araragi has with the other characters are all more compelling than his relationship with Crab. They're more entertaining, they generate greater emotional resonance, and they better portray the love and happiness of genuine human connections. Put simply: With nearly all of the other heroines, Araragi has better chemistry than he has with Crab.

Now that I think about it I would've like Bakemonogatari better if Araragi never hooked up with crab and instead fixed his relationship with Math. Then again that would ask for the plot to be shuffled around.

It's true mate. Just because she fucks around with Araragi doesn't make her not gay. Gay blokes can't stop touching girls either, doesn't make them straight. I knew a lesbo once and all she did was get physical with guys. She still came home with a 500 pound butch woman though.
But yeah she's probably bisexual if anything.

I approve of this.
Begone crab.

Pretty sure she's just Crabsexual. Only reason she wants to bang rrrgi is because he's dating Crab.

Is Yotsugi Nisio's waifu or something? He adds her to everything now.

>I would've like Bakemonogatari better if Araragi never hooked up with crab
You see, despite being the fag who started this by saying I hate Crab x Araragi, I wholeheartedly disagree. Their relationship was actually compelling back then and gave us some top tier scenes. Through Nise, as well, it was alright. But it's stale now and their "love" for each other seems so forced and insincere. They definitely still like each other, but all their chemistry, which was still only equal to other heroines at best, has degraded over time. I just wish Nisio had the balls to break them up for good now - either that or straight up have them have an 'open relationship', as a partial fix. It's just that being constantly reminded that she's his "one true love" when all the evidence and emotional weight in the story suggests otherwise is frustrating.

Man, I really wanna do some Meth now.

I don't like Yotsugi very much for some reason.
It's probably because of her hat, but her personality and her VA don't help me. I'm in it for basically every other girl, but he keeps writing in Yotsugi

Sounds gay friend. Yotsugi is B tier at an absolute minimum.

Araragi should just get together with Math behind Crab's back.

They'll just suicide together

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>adding more to their love-hate dynamic

That's kinda hot

How did Nisio manage to create another girl so painfully fit to be RRRGI's gf?

>Pretty sure she's just Crabsexual.
What's her name from Hana said Kanbaru has started at some of the other girls while playing basketball, though Kanbaru herself wasn't aware of that.
>Only reason she wants to bang rrrgi is because he's dating Crab.
I don't have the text but during the scene where she and Muraragi we're going to the shrine during Nadeko snake, they both said they likely would've dated if they didn't meet Crab.

I don't understand what you're referring to specifically

>the relationships Araragi has with the other characters are all more compelling than his relationship with Crab
Oh definitely. Part of this is, I'm assuming, because most of the story doesn't focus on crab, and you can hardly expect Ishin to write every subsequent character to be more boring than the girl who appears so infrequently. He'd be sabotaging himself. There have been hints that Araragi does have a profound relationship with crab. Should it have been substantiated? I dunno. I think it's fine as is, though I'm not thrilled about it.
I still have a hard time imagining him being romantically attracted to anyone other than the ones I mentioned already. Besides, the story doesn't necessarily focus on a perfect romance. If it's been outlined that crab has everything Araragi is attracted to, and all other candidates kinda miss the mark, then I can personally accept it, even if another pairing theoretically would be better (from the audience's perspective anyway).

>They are the result of Nisio deciding Crab would be the love interest
I don't think it's that simple. Personally I don't see how the writer would arbitrarily decide to hook them up without thinking it through. Did he miscalculate? Probably.

>But it's stale now and their "love" for each other seems so forced and insincere.
I think that's the problem most people have.

>Their relationship was actually compelling back then and gave us some top tier scenes.
Sure, I was just spitballing. In my mind I've retroactively considered what would change to the overall progression of the story should math and crab be switched and it seemed interesting. Then again that's probably why I'm not a writer.

>I don't like Yotsugi very much for some reason.
Maybe because she's a quirky side character who's overstaying her welcome. I like Kaiki too, but if he appeared in every other arc I'd get tired of that too.

>they both said they likely would've dated if they didn't meet Crab.
That's weird as hell.

I hope Nisio kills Senjougahara off and puts them both together in the perfect self-pity relationship

I think Crab is the one that compliments RRG the most, she gives him the pushes he needs

Attached: [MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatari - 06 [3FDD0DBF].mkv_snapshot_29.49_[2019.04.07_15.50.48].jpg (1920x1080, 133K)

Her only big push was forcing him into university, and he ends up as an occult cop anyways

Araragi will impregnate Math at the end of the series.

Jesus how fucken far did nisio write

If you haven't noticed, neither of them are exactly what you'd call normal.

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Well, there isn't really a good reason most girls couldn't get together with him, besides Ononoki being unable to express emotions, and even that's debatable. Having the least baggage also doesn't automatically make Senjougahara the best fit.

I mean you can say that about like 2/3's of the female cast that Araragi interacts with.

Or they could get together instead of strangling each other?

Enough for knowing what they do as adults, which includes some crazy stuff like an international fugitive activist and a casino dancer in the US and normal stuff like a doctor, a business manager, a social worker and a cop .

Attached: Adult_hanekawa.png (2444x1762, 1.34M)

Sodachi is a 23 yo tsundere and has her tsunboner for Araragi

The cop would be normal if it wasn't a Gaen agency cop

>a casino dancer in the US
I know the rest, but who was this one?

God I wish.

I was talking about karen
tsukihi, though she will probably live her life jumping from stupid job to stupid job whenever her mood changes

It's been tried before, and also didn't go well

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>becomes a casino dancer
Why would she do something so lewd?

I don't recognize a single name in this list. Are they nu-SHAFT or am I just a philistine?

Man... When she wants to be, she can be really smooth.

Man I gave up on understanding this timeline after Owarimonogatari. Shit just happens whenever at this point. When it's all done in the year 2056 I'll rewatch it all chronologically and then be rid of it forever

Shaft said they'll keep making monogatari forever until there are no more books

How would that even work out?
Araragi barely clenching his hand around her neck while she tries her hardest to choke him out, only to fail and break down since she can't do it?

Attached: tags-mindbreak.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

how the fuck do you not like math

she's literally bestgirl and has been since her introduction

God, imagine the aftercare

Math will create a giant Rube Goldberg machine to strangle Araragi after her instant death.

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She doesn't know Araragi is almost immortal

Yeah, that's what I'm mentioning with the whole "unable to choke him out" thing
Assuming he doesn't tell her somehow before they hit 30, failing to hold up her end of the deal will probably ruin the poor girl

What was the problem with tsukishi in the mirror world?

>ailing to hold up her end of the deal will probably ruin the poor girl
I doubt she can get any more broken

Didn't he lose his immortality or something?

Her clothes were on wrong.

Yeah but did he have a problem with her? Why was she there?

What? Why wouldn't she be there? Weren't you paying attention? It was the real world, Tsukihi just has no other side to her. At any moment, Tsukihi never hides any part of herself, she's always as she is.

Maybe I misunderstood when Araragi told Crab he never saw her because she doesn't have regrets about her.

You did. He just didn't feel the need to see her without solving that shit first. Every person he talked with was out of need for help or just because they were there

He can still die but hes stupid resilient.
Whether or not he will age normally is something up in the air unless something changed in the LN.

He became "half" vampire again when shinobu got into his shadow again. He is mostly human as long as he doesn't abuse his vampire powers

Thought he had lost it when he went to hell

Give Kaiki his own spinoff, it'll practically be like REIGEN is to Mob Psycho.

Wouldn't that just be because Shinobu wasn't with him in hell?

FUCK, why can't Sodachi have a happy ending for once? Her life has been hard as fuck dude, she doesn't deserve any of this.
EVERY SINGLE spoiler I've read in this thread shows her life getting worse and worse WTF, just let her be happy please...

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No, The "oddity-killer" legendary sword killed his vampirism, and he lost his immortality with it. He's remaining mostly human until the end of his life, then shinobu said she's going to make him immortal again iirc. This is just off the top of my head though, I could be wrong.

Crab is best girl. Only incels cannot comprehend this.

She gets to be best girl
Second place


>Only incels cannot comprehend this.
Or people that realized that monkey, snail, bat, math, doll, and spooky are all superior. Crab is mid tier at best.

>Math best girl
>Crab anywhere in the top half

Crab is honestly pretty low.
I get that normal is stable, but it's not interesting.