Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Other urls found in this thread:
/sci/ >>>> Yea Forums
SciFi aka Fumino with Rizu's oppai
I'm a fellow patrician of the literature arts, my man.
>not picking /sci/
>reiwa era - 1 month
objectively right
calling it now, 90% of the anime community will prefer bluehaired moeblob in the same way they prefered miku in 5toubun.
>he doesn't know
neither I choose swim
Fumino should study literature and write poems and stories about stars. She can still look at the stars with a telescope whenever she wants, she doesn't need to study astrophysics for that.
Rizu should study maths and practice games as a hobby. You don't need to study psychology to get good at games.
If you work really hard for years yet you still get failing grades in your last year of high school, you should really give up on following your "passion" as a career.
The small one is best. Her being embarrassed is 10/10, solely because I like when the tough stoic characters break and show emotion.
Bluehair is yandere.
They should've given Sensei an ominous shadow during the first ep to conceal her identity, at least to animeonlys. And then have her reveal in her proper introduction.
good taste
Marry Swim, Fuck Science, respectfully decline Literature's advances but wish her the best on life and her dead mom
Even better.
Well said. Hoping in more Urukabros next week. Episode 1 didn't feature her so all went to Fumino mostly.
Yea Forums of course
>Actual teachers make no progress on these blockheads
>"I know, let's have this teenage boy with no teaching experience tutor them. And we'll make his VIP recommendation depend on it"
Fuck the principal.
>best girl is first to appear
Based reminder.
Fuck off Pre-story Sensei
Watchable subs when
What's wrong with the subs?
burger trash
I chose you Death!
Please elaborate.
MARRY Yea Forums
FUCK /sci/
STAMINA TRAIN with Yea Forums
HEADPAT imouto
The usual cry about Name-Surname order and lack of honorifics
Did Fumino gain some weight again?
Stop it with those midnight snacks!
Pateician taste
Senpai best girl
Why is Fumino so shit
I love Rizu
I don't think the chapter's been dumped, has it?
dear sweet satania wheres raphi
I want to protect her and tutor her in sciences.
It was in the dieing thread. Dumping it here is good.
>Sensei occupying the most prominent position on both color pages
What did Yakuzaman mean by this
Good to know.
I guess we already got the clean scan for the LN?
This is essentially 5-toubun without the quintuplets, right?
It actually takes the studying premise seriously instead of being a "who's the future wife" meta-mystery series.
So not 5toubun at all?
We got these illustrations only I think.
Oh good, everyone's present for sensei's victory.
Wtf I love fumino now
I'll just say that Uruka is cute and I love her before the spergers from the other thread come and shit everywhere. Hopefully animeonlies will love her too.
We all agree at least that Oomori is the worst character right?
Director is a fuminofag?
It's definitely a similar premise. I think this executes on it better overall, though.
>It actually takes the studying premise seriously
>only the early chapters have them properly studying
>later on it's filled with nothing but romcoms shenanigans, the study part is just a chapter setup
Yeah sure
A grim reminder, if you would.
I hate these post-anime threads where they don't put bokuben in the title
How does Mizuki cope with the fact that her senpai wants the onii-chan cock too?
Cute moeblob fumino
Uruka > Mafuyu = Rizu > Sekijou > Asumi >>> Fumino
Yeah, he mentioned that his favorite girl is fumino due to it filling the stereotypical yamato nadeshiko tropes
She probably doesn't know
and thanks to her short indisposition at the end of this chapter she missed out on her being there and still doesn't know
Despair and more despair.
Why is she so lewd?
Nice crop.
She accepts it because she respect her Senpai and knows she cannot compete. She's not short like Rizu and her chest is Bigger than Fumino so she feels she can rival them but she's inferior in both to Uruka and also in swimming which is her passion.
RIP Mizuki
>it feels breezy
She's going nopan in Nariyuki's clothes?
Rip mizuki
Rizu is a top qt, shame she will get overshadowed by Flatmino for animefags.
Don't worry Fumino if everything will go according to plan she'll be your mom as well when Reiji will marry Hanae
Uruka is cute!
And here's the credits.
Mizuki never handed her the new clothes, so.
more like
Fumino is so fucking flat and that's goddamn hot
Bride Mafuyu is so fucking hot
Yeah like, I honestly can't the last time the series gave any proper studying tips.
Why did Tsutsui draw this?
delete this
Manga was about to get axed.
>wedding dress showing tanlines
Reminder that after a wedding, it's bridesmaids who have bouquets in their hands, whereas the newly wedded wife threw it up so the other losers might have a chance as her husband's sloppy seconds
Those are the clothes mafuyu was wearing this chapter.
flatmino furuhashit
that's Hanae's imagination though
fumi-no thanks
fumi-no tits
Just finished the episode. I really like this. Would pick up the manga after the season ends.
Last proper studying tips: chapter 9
Last examination tips: chapter 40
I know they're getting better and all that, but Tsutsui could've at least expand more on the examination tips
Because a handful of fuminofags are shitposting assholes doesn't you mean you have to go there as well.
Do it now.
>a handful of fuminofags
that's a good 60, 70% of them
Best girl
I guess Tsutsui really likes Rizu's bunny pencil case since he draws it so many times despite it being a minor detail
and some skeleton
third best*
>Mafuyu smug as fuck both in fantasy and in real life
She's not beating around the bush
This is what I thought Fumino's past was before I saw her arc. That was very underwhelming and it was hyped so much.
The blue girl is cute
I really, really love Mafuyu.
This is a shonen jump romcom. It was never going to be anything dark.
It should have been at least not so goddamn underwhelming
fumino getting raped repeatedly as a child while probably deserved obviously isn't something they can have in a whacky harem romcom
Great taste, welcome to the family
>Next chapter shows Mafuya rolling around on her bed smelling his clothes she took home to wash
>2 options for fumino
There are probably less than 5 of them giving a bad rep to all the others.
Nariyuki doesn’t even bother to leave the room until she’s changed.
No wonder there is a misunderstanding.
>no Nariyuki
Shit poll.
According to the threads before the anime, those are pretty much 80% of the total Fumino posts.
Why have people suddenly started calling Mafuyu by her first name? Around these parts she was usually called either Kirisu or sensei.
>He comes over a couple days later and she opens the door wearing his shirt
hey guys what if we all pretend to be anime secondaries who happen to all show up and post about liking one character without being new IPs
It's all an Urukafag plan to make Senseifags hate Fuminofags.
It was always Sensei or Mafuyu.
No one calls her Kirisu.
Just goes to tell how little there is to discuss about bokuben.
>no Ikeda
I can't vote here.
Is it a problem anyway? You know who they're referring to either way.
that would be peak comedy
Because that's how Nariyuki will call her soon
But seriously, I like her name
I mean, what did they fear, people liking Rizu?
Everyone hates Fuminofags now though.
She'll make it into the next one.
>making a poll while we know the proxyfag was in the last thread and this one too
It's probably that retard trying to push that Fumino was the most popular in the beginning of the manga. Even though that is objectively not true.
Because it's her actual name.
>implying they didn't already hate them along with the rest of Urukafags and Rizufags
What would spamming this poll even prove?
Almost nobody calls her that in the series itself though.
>all those fags who want to sex up a skeleton
Disgusting. She would probably be fucking shit at it as well.
Hanae just did in this very chapter user
I guess moeyuki will have to at some point.
>Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
anime of the season, don't @ me
Who cares?
It's still her name.
Fuminofags have been really insecure and volatile recently. They want Fumino to be the first everything and win anything to feel better about their shit taste and their main girl "superiority".
animefags were a mistake
>generic harem is AOTS
I know this season is pretty bad, but let's not go that far.
We all know it's the same old cancerous fanbase proxyfagging.
Not this is a poll I can get behind.
Literature. Escaping from reality and enjoying the moment via fictional stories is why I'm here after all.
Believe it or don't Fuminofags were the only fanbase that could max threads 3 or 4 months ago.
>sex with fumino
People would stop hating Fuminofags if they stoppoed posting altogether.
Is that supposed to be something of an achievement?
>less than 30 votes
>people already cry proxy
But she's going to betray literature in order to do astronomy, which she'll be mediocre at.
You mean like 5toubun neverending parties?
The Fumino proxy is running at full force.
More like, their untouched circlejerk did that.
Glad to see this threads are as shit as ever
>poll doesn't even have a captcha
>Fumino gets a vote every few seconds
Yeah, sure.
Whoa can somebody show me this Fumino Proxy??? Can it hide a hacker like me?
That bulge...
>Can it hide a hacker like me
Yes, it's called, anti-fuminofag's head and it's rent free
Who of you anons is my HANAE brother?
Right here, my man of culture.
That's a tiny fumino
Hazuki called her by that name too.
Just don't reply. You're only making it worse by giving them (You)'s.
Also, make more OC.
>muh Urukafag boogeyman
You Fuminofags have only yourselves to blame that nobody likes you.
>people are voting for Fixed Fumino
I hate you.
>even strawpoll choose the second fumino option as blue
Ok this is epic
Polls with captcha would still have complainers who bitch about proxyfags. Captcha does nothing.
>every few second
If that were true, Fumino would have over 60 votes by now. Maybe you should quit being insecure.
don't tell me that OCfag from last fall is gonna start shitting the threads up with muh OC again
Those are anti-Fuminofags.
You gotta fuel fumino's breast envy, buddy. I'd tease her like that just to see her cute reactions.
Why? It's the only fappable Fumino.
Fixed Fumino was a mistake.
What's not to like?
Keep telling yourself that. I'm sure you will use that poll to boast about how muh Fumino is the most popular girl now.
Fumino (Perfeccion)
Anyone has the Fumino power chart.
Why is fumino so fucking cute?
I have been using Mafuyu and sensei interchangeably for the last 4 months or so, although I've noticed that I use Mafuyu more when it comes to standard harem shenanigans and sensei more when there is more serious discussion
You are a mistake
Damn, the episode was fucking awful. This is the shit you plebs circle jerked over for months?
Agreed. Ironic Fuminofags only use her to bait (You)s.
Sadly, yes
Reminder that this is what peak Fumino would look like.
Fumino is cute! Cute!
So, if what Fuminofags say about Tsutsui being a Fuminofag is true, does that mean that he's just an ironic Fuminofag after all?
>state reasonable facts
>n-no u
At least do a better job at hiding your bias and stupidity. People already expect that the anime will boost Fumino's popularity, so even if Fumino does become most popular, who cares? Again, the problem is your insecurity.
I can also call her Midwinter if you want me to.
>Kid tries to help you out
>Gives you homework
>You do terribly
>Gives you exact same homework several days in a row
>You still do terribly, in fact, you somehow end up doing even worse despite supposedly working hard
>Kid gets understandably upset and recommends you reconsider your choices in life
OK then...
Apparently the director is a fuminofag too
Kinda funny how Mafuyu had more sexual and lewder moments with nariyuki than all of them
>reasonable facts
More like a terrible rationalization to justify a shitty poll that is being proxied to death, where if Fumino wasn't first you wouldn't even bother to acknowledge it, because every other poll made recently has precisely Fumino not being first anything. But sure, keep trying.
That explains why the direction fell so flat.
Add "nariyucock"
This is so fucking hot
>Mafuyu is a few votes behind Fumino even though she did jack in the first episode
>Mafuyufags ignore proxy on their side
Based and sekipilled
Sensei will win desu
I believe
>implying that poll is about the first episode of the anime
Dumb Fuminofags never cease to amuse me
>not a single sleeping Fumino
What's with all the needs tutoring anime? Is this the next isekai? Are average grades in nippon schools dropping?
Yandere fumino!
Shhh. You'll hurt anti-Fuminofags' bait.
relationships should be about breaking down walls, not dating them
Fumino a cute! Also any similar anime like this?
Fucking based Sawakobro. Don't have mercy of Flatmino.
>Only one without a bouquet is sensei
If the absolute madman actually does it and pulls a sensei ending with no hooks attached I'll personally buy every single volume of this series and enshrine them.
Mafuyu is so perfect, lads
>None of them are denying it
We Harem ending nao
Where did anything in the poll imply that this was an animeonly vote?
Why the fuck would animeonlys know the names of every single girl in the series, you fucking tard.
There's like only 2-3 of them
It's just a random strawpoll, but you make a huge deal and throw a tantrum over, enough to be insecure and cry about proxy despite at the time it had less than 30 and Fumino only had two more than Mafuyu. You're just a angry hater and a bigot. The problem is you, not us. Reel in your insecurities already.
>anime never increase the main girls popularity ever!
That's the point retard
Animeonlys only know fumino and rizu
Don't bother. He's retarded.
All of the signs are there, now we just need to believe in the yakuzaman
yo bro it's just a poll don't get so worked up lmao insecure much? hehe
>wsj harem end
Choose one or none.
You're the only one denying the fumino proxy, though. That's the real insecurity here.
>replying to himelf
>He still hasn't put all strawpoll links in his filter
Pathetic, really
Fumino proxy?
If the anime ends up being a huge flop, yeah, it won't mean jackshit.
I guess this poll autism resurfaced, and so soon after the first girl autism
And we're only at the first episode
More like Fumino-hivemind you fags always try to force.
Anime by fuminotard director?
The cutest proxy!!
Fumino brand
any kind of autism can be brought back to life when the supreme Fuminosperg is actively posting in these threads
Casual lurker and animefag here. I voted for Fumino because I like her design and impression I got from episode one.
>muh boogeyman samefag
More reasons why people shouldn't take you seriously.
You can't do that, bro. Haters are going to seethe hard.
That's funny coming from a Fuminofag.
Fumino Heavy Industries
>all this mad for a fucking poll
Now that I have your attention, I want all of you to calm down.
Surely the other would know what the other doesn't know by testing them? This reasoning, combined with "I didn't need to show my working out because I just knew the answer", is like a child's mentality of what it's like to be smart or talented.
When does the brown one turn up?
This series would have been better if they were textbooks that came to life, and as MC found these magical textbooks, each subject would turn into a beautiful girl. By reading more textbooks of the same genre, the girls would gain more powers - and by the same - grow more attracted to MC.
Why do Fuminofags always ruin everything? I hope he doesn't ruin Uruka's scenes too.
Fumino isn't my favorite, but whatever helps you sleep at night, shitposter-kun.
>When does the brown one turn up?
when's garbage day?
Oh I get it, you're an, """"Asumifag""""".
>2 more votes
Max insecurity. All you're doing is making anti-Fuminohaters look bad and obnoxious.
>only Senpaifags can like Fumino
Rent free boogeyman.
Nope. Keep guessing and shitting up this thread.
Fumino haters look good in comparison to Fuminofags tho
So this is the power of the foom..
You didn't need to reply twice, """"Asumifag"""".
Fumino a shit, literally Eriri. Utaha a best.
Not at all.
>Mafuyu is actually going to win
best timeline
Proving me right.
Why is not Reiji in the poll.
Uruka and Utaha a shit*
Based Nariyuki being concerned for his wife
Literally obsessed and rent free. It's almost cute.
Ikeda isn't also in the poll so is shit anyway.
You still haven't answered.
Creepy and obsessed. Typical Foomhater.
Why is every single other line in this show some sort of exposition? I know nips have a real hard time picking up on human emotions and being situationally aware since they are soulless robots, but this is pushing it
I really wonder which visit the title is refering too. Mafuyu's visit or the whole groups, since they seem seperate to me.
See, this is why you're so obvious. You don't need to reply twice every time
>this entire thread
>Yea Forums is causing a lot of salt
I know who I'll be rooting for this season. Bring on the funposting and tears.
Proving me right.
Is it gay if I prefer the tomboy over the other girls ?
This thread proves otherwise.
you're gay regardless
>admitting that he'll like a girl because she's controversial
> True end has been unlocked.
Bokuben VN could solve so many problems.
..are cute.
>didn't reply twice this time
... and funny
Where? Aside from the muh proxyfag shitposter, who else is even mad and being salty?
Let’s not forget the one who made this shot possible.
Hanae is truly the best wingperson.
Not really
Guess it's time to abandon the threads again until everyone drops the shit anime.
Post foom.
Fumniofags are the shitposters, though, and that guy you're replying to is the prime example of that.
I think the most jarring one was when Oomori told the audience that Nariyuki's family is poor
what did they mean with this
The first episode was fine.
If you have low standards maybe.
Yep. There's a reason why nobody likes Fuminofags.
the twins give a meta approach from time to time, as if they know they are in a romcom
Mafuyu is so at ease around Nariyuki it feels like she's simply sharing the bathroom with her boyfriend/husband
>"I am sorry! I just..."
I didn't say that, faggot. I already liked her purely from looks and personality. But it's always fun to see salty tears from shitters.
Yes. Problem?
I see plenty of salty posts, so I call it as it is.
Why do people think Uruka is a tomboy?
Swimming doesn’t make a girl one.
I like Fuminofags.
I miss comfy Yea Forumsposting
Because you are one.
That doesn't count.
Have you seen the PV? that lowered everyones expectations. Brilliant move on studios part
At least Eriri wasn't a complete skeleton like Fumino. Though you're right about Utaha being a best.
I am le epic troll so I will like fumino and dab on everyone else epic style
The first episode was exactly the same as the PV though
I’m a Rizufag though.
Why? They podt the same images, it's like they can't use older chapters pics.
>I didn't say that, faggot. I already liked her purely from looks and personality. But it's always fun to see salty tears from shitters.
Your post implies that, faggot. You mainly like her because you want ebin reactions. That makes you a shitposter.
We truly are the new Nisekoi
They can't study
And I'm the Queen of England.
Prove it.
>thread went shit because polltard
>animeonlytard bring more shit
nice thread guys
I still find it hard to believe that there are many animeonlys ITT. This is the usual business.
Like does Rizu not have people waiting for food.
At least one, probably two actually Fuminofags replied to mock you, but they are samefag in your eyes. Muh Asumifag falseflag samefag to specific. Letting you know who my favorite girl is would only invite you to shitpost and, so why would I tell you at all? Keep shitting this thread, though. You're doing a wonderful job so far.
This. Is the same shit as usual, and the same 3 retarded autists.
She used delivery as a lie and an excuse to go there.
>butthurt Yea Forumsfag
Based Director-san.
He didn't do anything to make Fumino stand out in the first episode though.
Urukafags are cool and Uruka is cute and hot. But yeah, anything that isn't Fuminofags sucking each other's dick is bad.
Nobody likes you, though. Great job at ruining this thread with your tantrum.
actually ep 1 was pretty good. the PV however was horrible. Probably lowered my expectations for the anime to such a level anything above monkey shit on canvas would have impressed me. so brilliant move by the studio.
Yea Forums is for cocksuckers.
I bet Fumino already paid for it.
>Fuminofag projecting
Threads are always good when Fuminofags are not around.
It's just your usual cheap harem adaptation. I don't see what's so good about it.
You're seeing 1-2 autists. Very loud and vocal autists.
I just made a guess, and given that you couldn't answer, it looks like I hit the nail on the head. Keep trying though, you're only making it worse for yourself and your fellow Fuminofags, not me.
It's a manga adaptation. In manga you can just skim that shit but in anime you have to sit there and listen to them drone on and on. A good way to decide if a manga adaptation is worth watching is to watch the first episode and see how much exposition they keep. If it's chock full of it it's not worth watching because it's evident the director doesn't give a shit.
Really 22i? You couldn't think of any better scenario to make a group chapter? It feels like reading something serious as a characters death but then have someone literally make a joke about it in-universe in the next page. Like why?
Yea Forumserally worst girl
Is Mafuyu good? She seems very slovenly and wouldn't make for a very good wife for an upstanding, hardworking young man.
No, retard. This thread was fine until you threw a fit and a tantrum because omg Fumino is first in a dumb poll. I would tell you the fuck off but this thread is already done thanks to you.
Yea Forums*
I thought that was Kanokari.
I wasn't the only one who said the poll was being proxied. Fuminofags trying to justify that shitty poll ruined the thread. They always ruin threads and today's is not the exception.
And you're already still butthurt.
Is cute*
5toub has lots of animefags. Why would Bokuben be difficult?
Nice argument.
A monster.
Because 5toubun is better.
At least she's not a backtabbing hypocrite like Fumino
They will slip up in school at this rate.
He was either to lazy or the editor forced him to shoehorn "funny" shenanigans into the chapter because of underage readers.
None of those were done intentionally like when Fumino stabs his sides and yells at him.
How so? Unlike Ichika, Fumino isn't aware of her feelings and is still in denial. She still helps Nariyuki and other girls.
It's what you'd expect from a haremshit author like him anyway
I can easily see this anime being overlooked in comparison to 5toubun. The sole quintuplet aspect gathered a lot of attention for 5toubun.
praying that this is true.
Lies. Fumino is pure of heart. She even helped Uruka who keeps sabotaging herself.
Her character is a mess and keeps changing every few chapters.
The yandere thing won't stick.
why is fumino so violent
>Fumino isn't aware of her feelings and is still in denial.
And this is why Fumino's arc was fucking shit.
Then again, this season really had nothing to offer, they'll probably flock to Bokuben for their doses of romcom
Only the OP has good animation. The series itself looks cheap as expected.
She's a whore who will take Nariyuki for herself if the situation calls for it, forgetting about Rizu and Uruka.
reminder if the series started in the second year Sawako would’ve been into Nariyuki by the third year
Uruka > Rizu = Mafuyu > Asumi >>> Fumino
>How long should I keeo wearing this, I wonder
Reminder that she's wearing Nariyuki's clothes with no undergarments
Mafuyu > the rest who cares lol
That will happen once Uruka and Rizu aren't in the race anymore. Moot point, really.
I'm an Urukabro but based
and that none of the other girls realized it.
Epic falseflagging.
Good reverse ranking.
Nah, she won't care about them regardless.
Okay, I'll post the non-reversed ranking
>Urukafags are Snakefags, but they hate Fumino and praise Ichika's backstabbing, cunt actions, diabolical jealousy and manipulative schemes
The hypocrisy is astounding.
Considering that she literally feared her dad I expected something serious.
It's opposite day. Good taste.
I'm a Mikubro though.
It's a normal day.
Once love is in the air, it's natural for the main heroine to be driven by it. But at that point, it's highly doubtful the others would be obstacle any longer. After all, this is Tsutsui we are talking about. So really, it would be a moot point.
based and tanpilled
Ichika and Uruka and Utaha a shit.
>nips have a real hard time picking up on human emotions
It's just that most anime adaptions, like this one, are churned out like it's an assembly line, and the fastest/easiest way is just to copy what the manga/ln says. The problem is exposition works in written form but it does not work in anime.
It's a similar issue in VN adaptions, when you have the whole cast that has to introduce itself and it feels terrible. I think the worst one I can think of is "arcana famiglia".
>worst girls
>second best girls
and best girls Uruka = Utaha
Uruka more like Myuka
Legit taste passing through.
Fumino > Rizu > Asumi > Mafuyu > Uruka
Ichika is entertaining, unlike Fumino.
Legit shit taste, yes
Hey wherezs the guy that said that the guy who made pic related is a spic? Ah right he made that pic himself.
if I had a rizu doll the fabric on the chest would get worn out after like a day
This. Ichika is making the manga more exciting and interesting while Fumino's shitty arc made the manga get the worst rankings, so bad that Tsutsui had to avoid writing Fumino chapters for two months.
I like it.
If you think about it, with Mafuyu becoming the skating coach and not a teacher at the high school anymore, that makes her route much more acceptable now since it's not going to be a teacher-student relationship anymore in the traditional sense.
Of course, Yuiga is graduating next year anyway so it's not like he's her student anymore. But still, its definitely a big no-no still. But by her not being affiliated with that school anymore, while it still is frowned upon, the road is easier.
What a way to get around the problem. Sasuga mangaka
More or less. Tsutsui has already begun to desensitize readers with Uruka potentially leaving. It's only a matter of time until she's gone and the rest follow suit.
>fake version
gtfo this isn't your shitty toubun thread
isn't it the school's skating club which we didn't know existed until now
Fuck off
It's a club at school.
She'll still be a teacher.
I have a lot of pics tho. What gets to me is why you have to hate people liking something you don't.
Are you retarded?
Rizu > Mafuyu > Uruka > Asumi > Fumino
The page says "The Woman's Skating Club" so I'm not sure if it's the school's skating club. I always figured it was a non-school affiliated thing. Then again though, "the woman's skating club" might mean it is the school since it's fairly vague if she means something else...
Unaware gorilla-like violence that's unchecked is worse than teasing jabs and disciplinary scolding, you know.
Fumino a shit
Delusional Snakefag.
It's not. Fumino is intentionally a shit.
>Rizu >
stopped reading there and knew you were an okay guy
Only for you, Ichikafag. Most people disliked what she has become, or outright hate the shit she pulled on Miku.
you're just mad as shit that the skeleton is a violent character while uruka is genuinely cute and has been the only one nariyuki has fantasized about romantically so far
"Rizufag" is back.
He only stated facts though. A bad person can still be a good character and Ichika is making the plot infinitely more interesting now.
well the manga leaves me with a smile on my face or a light hearted laugh.
Listen this isn't' Picasso. If you don't like it don't like it, but for me the manga at least is cheap and easy fun. Lots of people like dumb things, aint gonna defend what I like. Nor should you force yourself to like what you don't like.
>Uruka above Asumi and Fumino
You gave yourself away.
This thread sucks. What's worse is that animeonlies are probably not even in this thread. Not that much I mean. This is just the worst branch of mangafags coming in to shitpost with the help of professional shitposting otter haters of the series. First thread was really comfy, I loved it but unless mods take some drastic measures these will be the threads we'll have to stick with. I'm already fearing what the shitposting will be next week when Uruka debutes.
Ichika is the Mami of 5toubun.
Yes, everyone that disagrees with you is the same person.
>anyone who puts my waifu last is falseflagging
Typical Fuminofags.
Are you joking? Ichika has dropped in polls and popularity. Hell, she should be last place now.
yeah there's a lot of samefagging by the usual fuminofags and baiters
every post in this thread is me
>anyone who disagrees with me is falseflagging
Typical ironic anti-Fuminoshitter.
All Rizufag rankings have her above those 2.
You literally just started posting that ranking yesterday, "Rizufag".
She's the least popular character. She should be last or second last in most people's rankings. Of course, except Fuminofags' for convenient reasons.
It's got the whole package of 4 Fuminofags and Urukafags accusing each other of Samefagging, falseflagging and shitposting. I fucking hate it. They ruined this. They ruined the manga and they want to ruin the anime as well. And I love both.
You're taking fictional characters too serious. He's right that this development (although being ooc) create a new dynamic that made the story more interesting, for the the majority of the readers.
>something serious
Personal ranking:
senpai > Yea Forums > Yea Forums > /sci/ > sensei
Should win the yuigabowl:
Yea Forums > sensei > /sci/ > senpai > Yea Forums
No, it doesn't. Just because you got one retarded Fumino-hater replying to you, doesn't mean that it proves anything. And while he might be parinoid about the proxy in this poll, by no means is he wrong about it.
The butthurt Fumino proxy was very fucking evident recently.
>although being ooc
It's not though.
It's was obviously being built up for a long time.
>All are me
Imagine believing this.
That doesn't make any sense.
Yes, keep dictating who's a real fan and who's not based on your asinine metrics.
That's why Ichika is hated and her gone yandere is butt of jokes for channelers, right?
Serious question
What does Fumino have that make her more deserving than Rizu or Sensei?
Go check the archive if you want.
mafuyu = sensei = elder kirisu = miharu's sister
For me it doesn't matter that someone is last in a ranking, since one has to be last. I just hate when people have to shit on othergirlfags and their girl just to fuel shitpost.
I would be so happy if it means she's unironically has a good chance to win
You just admitted the retarded Fuminohater is paranoid and wrong in this tantrum, which is why this thread became shitty. Other threads are irrelevant.
she skated while attending the same high school just a few years back, not far fetched to think she will coach the same academy, school affiliated or not
How about you get your head out of your ass and try to understand his point?
He's not saying she's likable. He's talking about how she's making the series more fun and interesting.
If you say so, "Rizufag".
rizu has no reason to win anything. she already has sawako and literally could find love and friendship with anyone since her autism is being cured
fumino also has no reason to win anything. her arc was horrible, her daddy issues overpromised and underdelivered and there's nothing really there besides nariyuki looking like a young renji
asumi is debatable, uruka would need to win since that's her entire character besides swimming, mafuyu is the most deserving one
I have to agree on the build-up for her being selfish, but having no moral compass at all was clearly done for the drama.
Based. We need more Rizubros in here.
>That doesn't make any sense.
Mafuyu arc was a but a woman who failed at work once and became edgy.
True, I agree that I truly dispise Fuminofags, considering the massive shitposting they did in chapter 100 recently and even before, but you're ruining the thread this time with your proxy bullshit. While buttblasted Fuminofags did proxy recently, this one seems fine.
There was a timeskip.
So? It's been known for a while that Fuminofags use Asumi to falseflag.
When the author makes a character do bad things we as the audience are supposed to be emotionally involved and not like that, right? If nothing happens then there is no story to connect to.
>muh boogeyman
He didn't admit that he was wrong.
Please stop making threads after this shit one dies.
I just like their relationship more. It feels very balanced and they work well together as a team. The two of them have a deep trust and understanding that none of the other girls have except perhaps sensei, but I like them better as peers rather than lovers. There's nothing too deep about it.
>According to Fuminofags liking Rizu makes you an Urukafag
>According to Fuminofags setting Fumino as last makes you an Urukafag
>According to Fuminofags Fuminohaters donxt actually exist
>According to Fuminofags this is all one user's work
If the last was true you could safely bet your ass It'd be a Fuminofag
Most of handful of Asumifags have Fumino in their top 3. Why would Fuminofags even need to falseflag for?
Isn't they like way to fucking close?Other girls are younger so it not so crucial,but for her being older and w teacher having such an intimate relationship with yuiga,i couldn't imagine any other man with her after all this.
you're over simplifying stuff and you know it
And? She only failed to piano-chan.
>It's been known for a while that Urukafags use Mafuyu and now Rizu to falseflag
Unironically this.
It's what you always do when you say that you aren't a Fuminofag to defend Fuminofags. Since Rizufags, Mafuyufags and Urukafags hate Fuminofags, you only have Asumi to falseflag.
Because you say so?
He also did that but you didn't quote him.
Urukafags are a mistake.
>Why would Fuminofags even need to falseflag for?
Because of fans of other girls teaming up against them? Asumi is the only "ally" they have left.
>Everyone this mad Fumino is going to win
You blew your loads early with those kisses Uruka/Rizufags. Just sit on tight and enjoy the ride
Because it's never showed or implied.
Proving me right. Haters truly are the worst and cancer.
the only thing she's winning is a new coat of paint before someone hangs a poster over her
Nobody is more cancerous and worse than Fuminoshitters.
>It's been mine and my mobile data samefag phonepost' headcanon that Senseifags and Rizufags cannot like Uruka and dislike Fumino
They literally act like husband and wife,it's hard for other girls to stand on equal ground.Fumino is closest to his older-sister though
The good old if I'm the one shitposting and falseflagging, it doesn't count. But if other x-fags do it, then it counts.
Wow, that sure wasn't true yesterday when Fuminofags were sperging out at Senseifags and other fans because of that first girl rule bullshit. Face it, nobody likes Fuminofags.
Fuminofags are bros. You are cancer and obsessed.
>It's been mine and my mobile data samefag phonepost' headcanon that Senseifags and Rizufags cannot like Fumino and dislike Uruka
can you please stop, tthis is the 4th thread in a row that degrades into meta posting
t. Fuminofag
Hanae is kinda hot mommy
You guys had better stop shitposting and start loving Senpai right this instant!
Except I didn't deny that but you did. The fact that you cannot accept an event so likely shows how insecure you are.
But at least he is here to see anti Fuminofags going crazy for a fucking poll.
It's just one samefagging autist, as always.
I guess we never learn
I like her but I bet you my ass they will call me a falseflag. Not one of the sperging shitposters by the way.
I like her.
>Rizu anywhere but the bottom
Seems I got a different impression of her arc.
> long for a normal life
> chose own passion over the things society forced upon her
> earnestly pursuing her passion but failed and hurt the ones she wanted to help
> path of regret/self-loathing
> self-sacrificing herself to protect other from making repeating her mistakes
Wasn't too bad of character arc imho.
she had 4 kids with papa Yuiga and the only reason the twins are her last ones is because he died
she is a horny woman
>dragging other fans in a debate between Senseifags and Fuminofags that were a handful at most
nah I hate premeds
Calling obvious and expected proxies out isn't being crazy, though.
Only main girl I don't like.
>Except I didn't deny that
I'm pretty sure a couple fags actually bitten
Ew gross. Fixed
The hint is so obvious.
>obvious and expected proxies
Hello, retarded hater who thew a spaz and tantrum in here.
Except I'm none of those
Take note this chapter Sensei has added the following milestones to their relationship:
>has worn her man's baggier clothes
>has showered at her man's home
>has shared the bathroom with her man
>has the mother's conditional approval
>the siblings are on a first name basis with her
>You just admitted the retarded Fuminohater is paranoid and wrong in this tantrum
No, I didn't learn how to read.
See it's shit like this that makes you sad when you try to peacepost
No, serriously, you like to pick fights against everyone for retarded reasons and then expect them to believe your Urukafag boogeyman. People aren't retarded like you.
See, this is the kind of autism that makes Fuminofags despicable
Yeah, how dare Fumino get 2 more votes than Mafuyu. Curse anime for boosting Fumino's popularity a bit.
Those sound like what a certain fanbasr has claimed about a certain girl during a certain arc. Ain't that curious?
not to mention that she didn't have emotional support when she failed with Piano-chan (probably the first time she experienced big failure) and she didn't consider herself worthy of talking to her parents again
>> self-sacrificing herself to protect other from making repeating her mistakes
>gave up on Fumino and Rizu
>acted like it was you the whole time
>now suddenly denies it
>this is unironically an user who has trouble following a romcom harem
>and then proceeds to post stuff out of centext
Rizu was much cuter in the anime episode than in the first few chapters. While I remember liking Fumino more in the beginning in the manga.
Must be the Seiyuus doing their magic.
Again, you're the one throwing a tantrum to justify your Fuminofag insecurity. Several other anons also called out the proxies but yeah, muh it's all one guy conspiracy.
Last for Fumino a best.
I butted into the discussion but that's because I had something to say, like thinking "that's what user should reply to him. That's how Yea Forums works you have to understand these nuances.
>this user is not going to refute anything
wew indeed.
user, remember that Fuminofags only read Fumino chapters and gain their knowledge about the rest of the manga from what they read in these threads.
>ignores mockery of how ridiculous his tantrum is
>now acts like there were other anons who threw a tantrum and screeched about muh proxy
I only said that the poll was easy to proxy because it didn't even have a captcha. You threw your temper tantrum because your Fuminofaggotry trives on shit like being first on a poll.
You know what would be wonderful. Literally a single party of this shitposting war to stop posting. And let the thread die. And see you Wednesday or Thursday.
would you trust this udon girl with a secret?
Yeah, because she was not able to produce results. Also since she failed by supporting others to pursue their passion her world view change to make them follow their talents for their own good.
I have that pic too. Of course I would.
>there is an obvious time skip after Piano-chan and Fumino and Rizu because Mafuyu grew her hair out
>Principal regards Mafuyu to help Fumino and Rizu in a confident way
>Implies that Mafuyu has been successful in counseling her students towards a career focusing on their talent and not their dreams.
Are you pretending to be retarded? The only reason she failed with Fumino and Rizu is that they are super autists Nariyuki needed to handle. Otherwise, we wouldn't have this story.
they are simply too stubborn, there was nothing she could do to make them change their opinion and they weren't going to change her opinion, it was a dead end for both sides
She still gave up on them.
Rude. Fumino is objectively the worst girl in the manga now. It will be hard for Tsutsui to redeem her after her abortion of an arc.
So that someone more capable can take over.
It's all muh one guy conspiracy is, in fact, literally what you were and still are complaining and forcing about. You seriously went buttmad over nothing, and you know it. That's why you don't dare to rationalize your autism to support blatant proxy claim. How can you when you were already crying about proxies when the poll had less than 30 votes, with the most votes being 7.
Nice try. We all know Uruka is worst girl.
See Plus the Fumino proxyfag was in the previous thread, so all the more reason.
bad news for the rizu camp
Fuck off. Uruka is cool now
Not him, but Fumino's arc was sweet and more than fine. Urukafags have been and are known to try way too hard to make it sound like it's an abortion etc. And they especially do so by comparing it with Sensei's arc
Sawako? nah she lacks some of those
her world view
> not following your talents leads to misery
> have to protect them even if they hate me for it
Now meeting two stubborn girls with no talent for their respective passion.
The outcome was obvious.
Most of the criticisms against her arc have nothing to do with comparing it to Sensei's.
Only Fuminofags do that while trying to defend the arc by saying "t-that happened in Sensei's arc too" instead of actually arguing against the valid criticisms.
>that bullshit lie
>muh proxy to death
>votes spam every few seconds
You're not smart and aren't fooling anybody, retarded hater.
From that chain of posts it's clear who got triggered due to insecurity, and it ain't that guy saying the poll doesn't have a captcha.
Literally done and happened in multiple threads in the past weeks. Refuting the same blatant bait over and over again gets tiresome user.
>Mafuyu arc was a but a woman who failed at work once and became edgy.
Maybe you should factor in her upbringing user, which is explained in her arc and roughly 50 chapters back, surrounding the fact that she wasn't able to form any social connections during her high-school years, make friends or anything of that matter. Coupled with the fact that she already had to deal with her brittle self-confidence in her decision, she was already at the breaking point. Take into account that she even said, that she saw herself in Piano-chan and that she showered her with praise and comfort, to not only boost her morale but also convince herself that she didn't make a mistake.
The reason why she took Paino-chan's failure so hard, is for multiple reasons. She had no emotional support anywhere, she felt like she couldn't return to her parents because she felt like she let them down and thanks to her upbringing she didn't have any social life, as in friends. But this is as far as I am willing to for you. Kindly fuck off now.
That's literally what those posts show. And you're still ignoring the other posts calling it a proxy. Fuminotards sure are a joke.
now that you're grieving
I can not imagine there is any meaning
forgetting you ever could once had the feeling that made you keep on
And pretend you were breathing of all of this world
I would kill myself if Uruka got an arc as horrible as Fumino's. It is that bad.
This. That retard is grasping at straws
Biased opinion. Yet, I remember he didn't want to debate back when somebody gave a serious counterargument.
Except most of the criticisms are concentrated on the laptop. It's not far-fetched and given that the manga is a comedy, taking it super seriously is counterproductive. It stands to reason that those who do and do so for the sake of scrutinizing have an agenda. Urukafags are known to push very hard against Fumino in their agenda. Furthermore, they don't apply the same scrutinizing for Sensei's arc even if there are some things that happened in there too, which is why there are arguments like that in the first place.
Way to go you idiots
Last for Uruka, Mafuyu and Rizu are the holy trinity of best bokubens.
>Maybe you should factor in her upbringing user
Why should I? Do you factor the upbringing of every person who worked for you or gave you a ser
>She had no emotional support
It's her own fault, her parents ay be mad at her but her sister never rejected her.
kys OCfag
>shit writing with deus ex machina
>fan service filler which was circlejerked upon even though skellyfags always shat on other girls getting it
>replies twice
>pats yourself on the back
Still not fooling anybody. .
I want to see you arguing his points instead of acting biased and blaming "Urukafags".
And there is literally no excusing the video being locked with only limited retries. Even if you say
>you shouldn't take it seriously lol
>Biased opinion
He actually makes very good points and the "serious counterargument" ignores most of them.
Tedious bait.
And those other posts are not "throwing a tantrum" but describing your behavior to a tee. The fact you're still obsessed with this poll faggotry only proves them right.
>answers with argument
>calls bait because no counter argument
Forgot to mention muh Urukafag boogieman.
>but Fumino's arc was sweet and more than fine.
No, fuck off. That shit was not fine. I didn't need almost two months of chapters revolving around nothing but "mug misunderstanding"
>Fumino: "Oh I just misunderstood my father was a despicable man I didn't even want to be in the same house with which kinda implies he's a terrible man even though he's a dork who been feeling guilty for 10 years while trying to reconcile
You can fuck off.
Her sister hero worships her and considers her flawless.
He's right. Those 5 weeks were insufferable thanks to Fuminofags acting as if that shit arc was the best thing ever. Good thing people with taste who don't speedread the manga put them in their place when it ended.
If it's my girl and my arc is fine. If it's your girl and your arc tho, oh boy...
there is also the fact that Reiji was hinted as nothing short of a monster instead of the turboautist we got
Let's not forget it's back to status quo after muh twitter trending (unconfirmed) I'M AWAKE. And I still remember the samefag circlejerk on that one Fumino panel in the chapter after her arc. That was literally the top.
Precisely. Fuck that other hater if he replies.
>Why should I? Do you factor the upbringing of every person who worked for you or gave you a ser
Well, considering it's a fatal reason to her character and also why she broke down or even because It's brought up multiple times in the past and during her arc, I think it's somewhat relevant user. Can you spot the sarcasm?
>It's her own fault, her parents ay be mad at her but her sister never rejected her.
Speed reading faster then the speed of light.
>her father didn't talk to her for 10 years but somehow is fault of the 7 year old girl
I would trust her with my life
Guy was grieving. My parents would have slapped me too and you're a shitposting cunt because your nigger parents never did because they weren't there.
And Mafuyu, as she felt like she already let "everyone" down, didn't also want to let her sister down. But that user is retarded. Don't reply to him anymore.
Being a retard and crying about proxy the way you did, plus shitposting and even cry samefag when people mocked you is the definition of throwing a tantrum. Get over it.
Based Reiji slapping the shit out of Fartmino was the only good thing to come out of that shitty arc.
Fumino literally made him out to be a fucking terrible man. He was just a fucking dork.
honestly the guy who keeps posting pollshit should just fuck off
polls are reddit and do nothing but cause more shitposting
The little girl was also grieving and if your parents slapped you for doing your homework I'm sorry.
Again, you can only screech about people crying about a proxy "they way you did" while ignoring that your very own behavior was called out accurately. Thanks to proving Fumino haters right.
Last for Rizu a best.
Based. Fumino a shit
>If I call him speedreader I win
Okay user you win. Mafuyu arc was flawless.
She kinda deserved it for being a retard.
>kid cannot understand the situation
>Hey look I did the math like mommy
Even as a kid, especially too, in grieving you're supposed to shut the fuck up.
literally dumber than quints
>if I ignore their arguments, I win
>My father slapped me once, so I am gonna make him out to be some fucking rapist I don't want to be in the same room with.
>Oh what? He's feeling guilty?
>H-He feels ashamed, cause he hit her during a moment of weakness?
>He's been trying to reconcile with her for 10 years?
At this point, I lowkey hope that Reji just fucking rapes his daughter to make it somehow coherent and that we're somehow fooled otherwise.
Well, see you fellow shitposters tonight in the 5toubun spoiler thread
Please stop making threads.
Shitposting is taking all my time.
>shit writing with deus ex machina
Needless exaggerating and taking it too seriously when you shouldn't' simply because you don't like Fumino.
>fan service filler which was circlejerked upon
Except there wasn't fanservice filler. Every chapter in the arc served a purpose to move towards establabing steps to drama, conflict, and resolution. There was minimum fanservice.
>even though skellyfags always shat on other girls getting it
Where? I enjoy fanservice for all the girls. Although it's not like Urukafags don't shit on girls they don't like themselves in different ways.
See You can always go into that thread and look at the replies to it if you want to see arguments.
>no excusing the video being locked with only limited retries
It's a rant with prejudiced writing. The bias stands point. The serious argument that replied to it tackled the main points and left out the superfluous gripes made to exaggerate the criticisms.
How and where? Fumino only mentioned it a couple of times and it wasn't anything like he's a monster rapist or something.
What's with all the CGI in the opening?
>anti-Fuminofags ruined another thread
See you guys in the next thread.
I love this minx.
Oh look, it's the autistic Fumino whiteknight who quotes half the thread again
>>He's been trying to reconcile with her for 10 years?
And he never tried to talk with her, also he is an adult and Fumino was a kid, it was his fault.