How did he always know how to pull this card at the right time?

How did he always know how to pull this card at the right time?

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d e s t i n y
d r a w

What a cute design

He cheated

because thats how you play the fucking game?

>at the right time
Well it comes with the territory, doesn't it?

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>uses it on yugi
>it made dark magician fucking stronger
Plot armor kino

>Time Wizard
>Dark Magician turns into Dark Sage
That's not how you play the fucking game.
Reminds me of the time I played on elementary school without any tributes and use traps instantaneously

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>without any tributes
Wasn't that like, version 1.0 rules?

>2000 life points
First seasons rules were so retarded. The 4000 life points is already stupid but only 2000 is ridiculous.

Heart of the cards.

heart of the cards bitch

>protag gives op card to best friend so he can get to the finals
>turns out protag's strongest monster is a hard counter to that card and he owns his ass in the final
It would have been a kino asshole move in a different show

Go look at the cards from the actual first sets of the OCG, and you'll see why they chose 2000. They're completely fucking shit, LOB cherrypicked the good stuff out of like three different sets of garbage.

Time is a tool you can hang in the wall
Or wear it on your wrist

Atem cheated for him

Heart of the cards my friend.


Is the Japanese version as poorly written as the English dub?

In the first season there was apparently no concept of attacking directly, so the lower life point count fit when points could only be lost from an Attack Position monster taking an attack.

>That's not how you play the fucking game.
It is. That's how the original Time Wizard worked and Konami more or less translated as best they could for their version.

Yes, Kaiba's "Super Expert" rules introduced in Battle City were the first to use sacrifices for normal summons.

>In the first season there was apparently no concept of attacking directly
Magic & Wizards has had a similar concept to "direct attacks" since the Standard ruleset, but it wouldn't be properly codified until later. More notably, even though the rule was present, it would never actually get used until much later. That's why duelists were always concerned about throwing out a defensive/wall monster. The thread of a "direct attack" or similar was there, but the duels were written so they didn't happen.

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Wow, the old cards really sucked.

They never dueled in Duelist Kingdom in the manga. Blame the dumb anime staff.

Battle Ox was Kaiba's original strongest monster.

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh! v2-059.jpg (1099x1650, 725K)

Who the fuck uses percentage changes in a card game for children?

Depends on how you mean. It's more direct about things since it's allowed to have death, blood, and uncensored steak eating. Certain things might be explained better as well, since 4kids always had a habit of confusing or unhelpful rewrites. If you're referring to the card games, they're essentially the same barring a few script goofs on 4kids' part.

>It is. That's how the original Time Wizard worked and Konami more or less translated as best they could for their version.
Going to correct myself here -- "original Time Wizard" isn't exactly accurate since while the general depiction of Time Wizard in the anime is pretty accurate to his bizarre mechanics from the manga, the Dark Sage duel itself is anime-original like said. In the manga version Jonouchi abstained from fighting Yugi. It's crazy how different the DM anime was .