As Koume was the one to set the whole story in motion with her actions, doesn't she deserve at least a little active role in the upcoming episodes?

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Gas the traitor

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>badly edited Pravda-made propaganda pic to spread rumors about the next vice of KMM.

but user she is dead

if I were to drive for a team that falls over in the final match two times in a row I'd just look for a new team honestly. KMM is done, the dynasty is over.

She did everything for the sake of her daughter.

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Is it time?

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That doesn't even make sense when you are drunk..

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You are not drunk enough then.

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I want to steal her hat

only 69 more days until das finale 2!

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can't imagine what slavic rat is behind this post

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+6 months for BD rip and subs

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fluff-based and pill

Koume is a good girl.

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Buying Koume swimming lessons for her birthday!

based, fluffpilled, and panzerpilled

This. It's a classic pravda subversion tactic.

You can't swim inside a sinking tank, silly.

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KMM needs to hire more bouyant girls

Or simply use Tauchpanzer.

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Koume has some nice buoys, Miho was so dumb.

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Miho doesn't even function properly

A sexual psychopath, maybe

Cute spy.

I want a threesome with Miho

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She's pretty capable. Seems like she's gonna be the future vice-commander

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Trying to get those creepily perfect amerifat teeth to impress her crush.


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ugly incel, no wonder takashi wants nothing to do with her

She pretty much acts as Erikas right hand in RW, and Erika seems to very much rely on her and trust her. I see no reason why she won't be the next vice.

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She's volcel. She's saving herself for Takashi (who hasn't rejected her by the way.)

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she wants the cock but can't get it

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Stop the Miho abuse.

then she should stop abusing others

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Is Kay gay, straight, or bi?

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Me (dog) and my wife

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>thirsty french lurking in an alleyway
rape-and-responsibilityanon called it

>Saori still lusting after guys.
Disgusting. She needs to be yuripilled.

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Ew, Guppies were made for cock.

God, I love her.

I preferred Andou to rape me but Oshida works too

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I would to marry Nonna and adopt Katyusha.

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My wife is the cutest.

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How about a big garupan?

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